Help me not fall into the Coke Zero trap!!



  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    Why are you opposed to diet soda? When consumed in moderation there is ZERO research showing it will have negative impact on weight loss. It is zero calories.

    Caffeine is actually a good weight loss supplement. Again moderation is key but caffeine can be quite beneficial when losing weight. It can help performance in workouts and give energy when you are feeling sluggish.

    Thank you........
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm going to use that word we all hate again. Moderation.

    I've seriously cut back on diet soda. I used to drink 3-4 a day. Now I drink 1 or 2 a month (Mostly coke zero, and mostly mixed with rum)

    The only reason I cut back was I was pregnant with my 2nd child and my ob suggested I limit artificial sweeteners (limit, not give up completely). His thought is that the book is still out on how they affect a developing baby so why mess with it?

    I will say, that now if I drink a whole 20 oz bottle of diet soda, it gives me tummy trouble and headaches. I had the same thing when I gave it up (but that could have been from being pregnant).

    Do what you want. No one is getting out of here alive.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I drink at least 3 Diet Pepsi's, Coke Zero's, or Diet DP's (heh) daily.

    I sometimes even add liberal amounts of spiced rum.

    Has not hindered my progress in the slightest.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    This stuff will mess you up bad, it is worse than poison and it's USDA approved.

    Oh come on! You can't be serious!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just drink one once in awhile. Don't guzzle it, drink in moderation, and you'll be fine.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    How does a product that doesn't contain fat or make fat deposit fat?

    Dietary fat does not make you fat.

    I know dietary fat doesn't make a person fat. Nonetheless, how does any ingredient in diet drinks deposit fat of any kind?
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    I'd avoid Coke products based alone on the commercial they broadcast over the Super Bowl.

    Diet Pepsi
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Not only is it a carcinogen, but it also has shown, like diet drinks, to deposit fat around the mid section.

    It gives you NOTHING other than bad things.

    so it's up to you. is it worth it? all the negatives? for .. what? is it really that tasty ?

    Uh, no... Just no.

    seriously eh, where do people come up with this stuff lol.

    If you dont want to drink it or consume it thats fine but why make up things or believe made up things? find one actual REAL study done showing any of the claims... not some hocus pokus uber health site preaching their own dreams but a real, scientific study

    Here are some "real scientific studies" in peer reviewed journals about sodas and/or artificial sweeteners:

    This is a general article from the NIH website discussing scientific studies on soda:

    As an aside, I gave up sodas (both diet and regular) at the first of the year. For me, it has been harder to give up soda than give up cigarettes. I feel much better for having done so, and I found when *I* drink soda, it makes me thirstier, and I also seem to retain fluid around my ankles when I drink it. That is just my personal experience.
    I'm most of those studies, you'd have to drink a minimum of 10+ cans of diet coke a day to get similar effects. In for moderation.
  • Fitnessbeckii
    My friend who I used to work with actually found that diet drinks because of the chemicals inside them actually promote weight gain, and they are even worse for your teeth, and apparently they can cause cancer because of the chemicals. I'm not sure if any if this is true, but I'm not convince that a chemical which is tampered with to make 10 times sweeter is healthier than a super intense sugared drink. If you love cola so much, take the full sugar one and just remember in every can is 10 teaspoons of sugar. If that isn't enough motivation to give up I really don't know what is, I understand your addiction mine is chocolate first thing In the morning! I'm fine throughout the day but mornings oh my gosh!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    My friend who I used to work with actually found that diet drinks because of the chemicals inside them actually promote weight gain, and they are even worse for your teeth, and apparently they can cause cancer because of the chemicals. I'm not sure if any if this is true, but I'm not convince that a chemical which is tampered with to make 10 times sweeter is healthier than a super intense sugared drink. If you love cola so much, take the full sugar one and just remember in every can is 10 teaspoons of sugar. If that isn't enough motivation to give up I really don't know what is, I understand your addiction mine is chocolate first thing In the morning! I'm fine throughout the day but mornings oh my gosh!
    My results seem to conflict with your friend's "findings." How would your friend explain that, I wonder.
  • Fitnessbeckii
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals

    Cancer has been around for a long time, we just didn't have the technology or know how until modern times about how to find it or know how to treat it. Before a lot of people just got sick & died without knowing why, and some of those people had cancer, they just didn't know it. People live longer now days because of modern medicine, not dying sooner because of "chemicals" that modern science has deemed safe.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals
    Water is a chemical. You know that, right?

    You, and your friend, and your boyfriend could stand to do some reading at more reputable sites.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    DeguelloTex, word travels by mouth, her friend sent her a picture saying about the effects if diet. It's probably Not true perhaps, it's all about what you believe and I believe that chemicals should not be pumped into our bodies, they cause cancer. Did your great great grandma die by cancer? Likelihood, no. Because back in those days there was no such thing as processed food and nothing came easy. Dinner took hours to prepare and Everyone was happier. I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins. My family suffer with depression, non of them eat well and I would say I eat moderately well. However, until the other day I always felt tired, and I thought it's just because I worked too hard, but it's because I don't get enough iron. It makes sense in my case. I don't believe in chemicals. My boyfriend found on the internet that beef burgers are red because of a gas pumped into them called amiona which causes cancer. You don't know what your eating or drinking. Our bodies weren't designs for to substain chemicals
    annnnd this why "Internet research" leads to derp
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    If a drink has ingredients I can't pronounce, I don't drink it.


  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I believe depression is caused by not eating well, and not getting enough vitamins.

    OK, Tom Cruise, you can back away from the computer and stop offending people now. :angry:
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I drink Diet Sunkist. Has caffeine and tastes great. Can't stand any diet colas. Then of course Diet Mountain Dew also. Never had a problem with it, but the I use a big mug, fill it with ice first, then diet soda.

    I didn't think Diet Sunkist had caffeine...I tried to stop drinking caffeine in January but still drank Diet Sunkist...duh on my part. the OP who wants to give up caffeine for individual reasons I am not advocating what anyone else should do. I have in the past had a significant Diet Pepsi addiction and recently had started drinking (IMO) too much Coke Zero. I still have the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper or apparetnly Diet Sunkist.


    No caffeine :glasses: :drinker: :heart:
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    In order of deliciousness:
    1. Coke Zero
    2. Pepsi Max
    3. Diet Pepsi
    4. Diet Coke
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    In order of deliciousness:
    1. Coke Zero
    2. Pepsi Max
    3. Diet Pepsi
    4. Diet Coke

    Pepsi doesn't even register on the delicious scale.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    In order of deliciousness:
    1. Coke Zero
    2. Pepsi Max
    3. Diet Pepsi
    4. Diet Coke

    Pepsi doesn't even register on the delicious scale.