What is your favorite brand and flavor of tea?



  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    We get Yorkshire, PG Tips, Typhoo, Builder and Barry's here is the US. There is a store called World Market that carries them. I like the British teas because they have a much heartier flavor than the US brands. I supposed that's because ours is blended for iced tea and you're is blended to be drunk hot. I love tea both ways just so it's not brewed weak.
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    I love me some tea! There is an entire cupboard in my kitchen devoted to the various types I keep on hand. I tend to prefer loose leaf over bagged (or "floor sweepings" as my grandmother called them), and am particular about pre-warming the pot, the brewing temperature and time in order to get the best cuppa possible.

    I could go on all day about this but here are my top choices for tea time (brand, temperature and time):
    black tea - Yorkshire Gold, 200oC for 4-5 minutes
    green tea - Dragonwell or Genmaicha (green tea with toasted rice), 180oC for 2-3 minutes
    flavored - Yogi Tea Kombucha, 180oC for 3-4 minutes
    herbal - fresh ginger root with lemon, 212oC for 4-5 minutes
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Did anyone say Jasmine, yet? No Thai tea lovers?

    Or did I miss it.
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    Celestial Seasonings Herb Tea, Bengal Spice. It's cinnamon based and it's strong. I let it steep a long time. It's my favorite winter drink.

    It seems sweet on it's own.

    I can only find it at WalMart. Since I don't shop the mart anymore.... Will have to figure something out now that fall is upon us.