C25K Starting Tomorrow (Dec- 27- 2010 Monday)



  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    successfully completed W3D3. I did 3 min run and 2 min walk continuously.15 min run and 15 min walk. I am so pumped up about it. :)

    I just completed W3, D1 and am super pumped... Except for me having to make a mad dash to the locker room to go to the bathroom (Damn eggs and peppers for breakfast).

    But, I am beginning to think that my C25K is different if yours has you doing a 15 min run... I do not think I have the stamina for that and am a little scared. I was perfectly fine today (finally broke a sweat) but am terrified if the week 3 has me doing a 15 min run.

    You are doing great. Try to stick what works best for you. I cannot imagine running without a treadmill coz the machine makes me run. I have varied the program a little. In the Week 3, I started with 1.30 run and then walk and then 3 run and walk again. However, the second day I modified to 3 min run, 2 min walk and 2 min run and 3 min walk. In the third day, I tried to do 3 min walk and 2 min run continuosuly after the forst 5 min warm up.
    0-5 min - walk
    5-8 - run
    8-10 - walk
    10-13- run
    20-23 -run

    I am dreadful of Week4 but I am trying to prepare myself mentally and I want to do it the first thing in the morning when I have lot of energy.I tend to get scared on getting the treadmill if its late in the afternoon. Just try to see what works for you and try to push a little at a time. Also get good motivational songs, it helps me a lot.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Oh my Gosh!!! I cant belive it. I did survive C25K Week4Day1. I am starting to believe that may be i could run only even if it at 4.5mph
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    Oh my Gosh!!! I cant belive it. I did survive C25K Week4Day1. I am starting to believe that may be i could run only even if it at 4.5mph

    Holla at cha, Dhathri! Congrats on beginning week 4! I just finished W3D2 and feel really good. My running is similar to yours now that I see it laid out. When I did W3D1 I was shocked that it only had 2 intervals of 3 min runs (there were 90 sec runs throughout). So, for my final day, I may try to modify it... However, I downloaded a podcast that tells me when to start/stop, so it will be difficult drifting away from those prompts.

    I do however, each day, push a bit more than what the program calls for. Like today, after it was over, I did three more intervals of 90 sec walk/90 sec run @ 4.6 MPH. Then, for the rest of the hour on the treadmill, I maintained a pace of 3.5 with a .5 incline.

    I have the next two days off (teaching tomorrow night and recovery from teaching on Wednesday) so here's hoping Thursday will be as successful as every other day thus far.

    Keep on keepin' on!!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member

    I do however, each day, push a bit more than what the program calls for. Like today, after it was over, I did three more intervals of 90 sec walk/90 sec run @ 4.6 MPH. Then, for the rest of the hour on the treadmill, I maintained a pace of 3.5 with a .5 incline.

    wow thats amazing. I might try something like that. Usually I hear my music when I am C25K, which I need the most. And then I follow the treadmill version of C25K

  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member

    I do however, each day, push a bit more than what the program calls for. Like today, after it was over, I did three more intervals of 90 sec walk/90 sec run @ 4.6 MPH. Then, for the rest of the hour on the treadmill, I maintained a pace of 3.5 with a .5 incline.

    wow thats amazing. I might try something like that. Usually I hear my music when I am C25K, which I need the most. And then I follow the treadmill version of C25K


    I just checked out the website and WOW... Once you hit week 5 you are pretty much off and running! My podcast is set to music, with voice prompts that tell me when to walk and when to run. The music is dance/electronic/techno/ which is nice because it doesn't get old and with it being a fast pace, it keeps me going. What is really nice, the cool down... the music slows down and allows me time to mentally and physically unwind.

    So, do you just watch your time on the mill and self-adjust when it is time to speed up/slow down? I suppose that is the same thing I do, but the voice prompts help me because I don't want to focus so much on the clock. I try my best not to ever look at it because it makes me feel like I am waiting for each interval to end. Instead, I focus on other things like (and this may sound a little vain) my reflection in the tv monitor attached to the treadmill. It is nice because I can SEE ME, RUNNING! It helps reinforce that I made the choice to do this program and I am the only one who can complete it for me.

    I hope everyone's doing well and I'd love to hear about everyone else's successes too!

    Let's all keep on keepin' on!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I finished my C25K Week 5, Day1. I initially started to modify it and then thought would run as much as I can. I ran 10 min straight @ 4.5mph. I couldnt belive it. I felt amazing. Later I took breaks and did 5 min, walk and 5 min walk. Today was great.
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    Week 4 Day 2 is coming at me tomorrow and I'm a little worried. I was able to complete D1 without any modifications but it was HARD for me. I'm really hoping that hydrating well and getting a good nights sleep will help. Anybody else have a hard time with this week?
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Week 4 Day 2 is coming at me tomorrow and I'm a little worried. I was able to complete D1 without any modifications but it was HARD for me. I'm really hoping that hydrating well and getting a good nights sleep will help. Anybody else have a hard time with this week?

    Yes I had a tough time. I repeated week 4. Also I modified the timings a little so that my body could adapt. You can do it.
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, I did make and finished out week 4 strong. My legs are a little sore and I may take a few days off of the program by walking at an incline and restarting C25K, week 5 on Monday ;)
  • sunshine7966
    Week 7 Day 2 this afternoon :) Day one wasn't so bad...hoping for a good day today. Only two more weeks after this!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Well done Sunshine7966.

    I finished my Week 5. I modified it, first day I ran 10 min and walk 3 min and later run 5 min interval. By the end of week I successfully made 8 run run and 3 min walk.I feel great about it. I am not sure if I am ready to run all the way 25 min. Hence I am going to modify Week 6 to run for 10 min and 2/3 min walk intervals.

    Sometimes I lean against my treadmill when I am tired. I know it is cheating. Do you guys have any suggestions to overcome this?
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am in my Week6 and I modified it.First time since I started my C25K, I finished 3.1 miles in 44 min in a interval of 10 min run and 2 min walk.
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    I am in my Week6 and I modified it.First time since I started my C25K, I finished 3.1 miles in 44 min in a interval of 10 min run and 2 min walk.

    WOW! WTG, Dhathri!!! I am trudging through the end of my week 4. I still am having a hard time with W4 (can't quite finish the final 5 minute run) so I am going to hang out at this week until I feel comfortable with moving on.

    I am working about 45-55 hours a week right now, busy with March Madness, and am doing my best to stay on track. I know this all is greatly affecting my progress, but I am determined to be ready for my 5K on April 9th. I just need to finish it in an hour... I know I will be ready and will finish under 60 minutes.
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    And, the final results for my 1st ever 5K.... 44:54!!!! Kept an average pace of 14:58 even though my first mile was probably at 11-13.

    YAY me and YAY for anyone else who is still making it through their C25K program!!!