The 4-Hour Body / Slow-Carb Diet



  • sbracken
    What's everyone's morning routine? My usual morning involves me running around the house like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get out the door to get to work on time. I swear...if I allowed myself 2 hours to get ready I'd still be running out the door at the last possible minute. So I've been sticking to making a protein shake for breakfast so I can suck it down in the car on the way into work.

    Anyone have any good 4HB on-the-go type breakfasts? When I'm home I do the eggs/veggies thing, but on work days I don't have the time to make it and then sit down and eat it. And I don't think waiting until I get to work it the best option either. I was thinking of boiling up some eggs this weekend and having those that I could stuff down while I'm getting least there's no prep involved. But any suggestions are welcomed.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Anyone have any good 4HB on-the-go type breakfasts? When I'm home I do the eggs/veggies thing, but on work days I don't have the time to make it and then sit down and eat it. And I don't think waiting until I get to work it the best option either. I was thinking of boiling up some eggs this weekend and having those that I could stuff down while I'm getting least there's no prep involved. But any suggestions are welcomed.

    This diet doesn't really lend itself well to eating on the go, particularly if that means eating in the car. I do the hard boiled egg thing, and I also prepare my breakfast the night before in containers so I can heat it and eat it when I get to work. I'm not sure how you could get legumes in while eating in the car. I have taken hardboiled eggs and some lunchmeat in the car, though, but even that's a little messy. I think if you have to eat in the car, probably what you're doing (protein shake) might be best.

    Shifting gears...

    I decided to start measuring my waist. I doubt I'll measure it every week, but I wanted to establish a baseline for when the weight loss slows down or stops. I didn't measure it when I started, but I measured it today and it's 36 3/4". This really highlights what clothing companies are doing w/ vanity sizing. Most of my pants have an alleged 34" waist, and most of them are loose enough right now that I have to wear a belt. I even have 1 pair of 32" jeans that I can wear (though, they're a little snug). It seems a little crazy that my waist is nearly 37", yet 34" pants are loose, but I guess that's how it goes. I've gauged my weight by the size pants I've worn for years, and I don't think this has changed much in the last 20 years or so. I hate to think how big my waist actually was at one point when I was wearing 38" pants and they were getting tight round the waist.

    Anyway - I think my goal for my waist is to actually get down to 34". I'm not sure what this means in terms of what size pants I'll be wearing, but I guess I'd be happy just to see some movement there.

    Shifting gears again...

    Is anyone else taking the PAGG? I was hesitant, but I found a place that's selling it in a single pill and offered what was (I guess) a decent deal. I've really not been much of a supplement guy (other than my daily multivitamin), but I figured I'd give this a go. My biggest fear is smelling like garlic, but we'll see...
  • sbracken
    Options is my first weigh-in. And get this.....I'm down a pound!!!!! Amazing! Not to mention my muffin top was non-existant yesterday in my skinny jeans.

    I am super excited for my cheat day today!!! There are cookies and donuts in my kitchen calling my name.

    mcferg, I'm starting to realize that. I think I'll stick with the protein shake on days I'm rushed to get out the door and not sweat it. I'll also go find one that's low in sugar to grab and go. And if I plateau that will be the first thing I'll experiment with changing. But I figure being perfect for 20 out of 24 meals (I eat 4 times a day) is better than nothing.

    I also started taking measurements this morning for another gauge, since I think my measurements are going to change more than my weight will.

    I've never been ahuge supplements taker. I always foget! But I was thinking of adding in this stack. And see where it takes me. Of course DH and I are also trying to get pregnant, so the supplements will be taken out if that ever happens. I have PCOS so it's more than a little tricky to get pregnant.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Options is my first weigh-in. And get this.....I'm down a pound!!!!! Amazing! Not to mention my muffin top was non-existant yesterday in my skinny jeans.

    I am super excited for my cheat day today!!! There are cookies and donuts in my kitchen calling my name.

    mcferg, I'm starting to realize that. I think I'll stick with the protein shake on days I'm rushed to get out the door and not sweat it. I'll also go find one that's low in sugar to grab and go. And if I plateau that will be the first thing I'll experiment with changing. But I figure being perfect for 20 out of 24 meals (I eat 4 times a day) is better than nothing.

    I also started taking measurements this morning for another gauge, since I think my measurements are going to change more than my weight will.

    I've never been ahuge supplements taker. I always foget! But I was thinking of adding in this stack. And see where it takes me. Of course DH and I are also trying to get pregnant, so the supplements will be taken out if that ever happens. I have PCOS so it's more than a little tricky to get pregnant.

    congrats! that's great!!!!

    i weighed in today to and am happy with my results. I've been measuring for a couple weeks now and am definitely seeing some downward movement, although my weight hasn't really budged....

    Yay for cheat day! Although I'm not sure I remember how to cheat but i'm going to try. eating slow carb is really starting to become a lifestyle. it's hard when the family is eating rice or pita bread with dinner, but i just give myself an extra serving of veggies to dip in my hummus :)
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Options is my first weigh-in. And get this.....I'm down a pound!!!!! Amazing! Not to mention my muffin top was non-existant yesterday in my skinny jeans.

    I am super excited for my cheat day today!!! There are cookies and donuts in my kitchen calling my name.

    Good for you! Enjoy the day. Mine's tomorrow...can't wait!
    mcferg, I'm starting to realize that. I think I'll stick with the protein shake on days I'm rushed to get out the door and not sweat it. I'll also go find one that's low in sugar to grab and go. And if I plateau that will be the first thing I'll experiment with changing. But I figure being perfect for 20 out of 24 meals (I eat 4 times a day) is better than nothing.

    This may sound gross to some, but if I'm really in a pinch and need to eat in the car at breakfast, my breakfast will consist of 1 hard boiled egg, a handful of almonds and a Slim Jim (or some other such beef stick). I actually buy boxes of the mini-slim-jims from amazon (100 / box) for this type of thing. I love them, but I realize not everyone does.
    I've never been ahuge supplements taker. I always foget! But I was thinking of adding in this stack. And see where it takes me. Of course DH and I are also trying to get pregnant, so the supplements will be taken out if that ever happens. I have PCOS so it's more than a little tricky to get pregnant.

    I ordered the stack. I actually ordered a 3 month supply as they were running an offer 3 months for the price of two. This was probably a mistake, but since 3 months was less than twice the price of 1 month, I went for it. If it makes me smell bad, I'll have to stop. I thought about ordering everything separately...then I could experiment with different garlic tabs if one makes me smell like garlic, but then I'm taking too many pills.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    The longer I'm off sugar the better I feel. And I'm allergic to gluten. So there aren't many good choices for cheating. However, I did eat 1000 calories worth of peanuts!!!! It kinda freaked me out. I burned 500 cals today but was thinking of returning to the gym tonight, at least for a walk. I guess I'm not handling the cheat concept well cause I'm getting nervous everything will be derailed...
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    the thing about the cheat day is i feel like i am STUFFED all day!!! i had some pancakes for breakfast and my stomach filled up so fast and then it cramped...LOL... i'm ready to go back onto my diet tomorrow.... crazy!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    High GI Carbs are good in certain situations: when you first wake up, before working out and after working out. However, with those three situations taken out of the equation, this seems like a solid diet plan.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    High GI Carbs are good in certain situations: when you first wake up, before working out and after working out. However, with those three situations taken out of the equation, this seems like a solid diet plan.

    He says you can have post workout carbs if your body fat is relatively low, so I have taken the liberty to modify the diet just as you said when I feel like it
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Few queries:

    In that blog post he said guys more than 12% BF have no carbs post workout. I haven't been tested with a bodpod or anything but I believe I am about 10% at the moment so not sure on postworkout carbs. (currently have fruit or dextrose and aim for .5g per lb of body weight)

    Also, if carbs are allowed post workout then would skim milk be ok here? I currently mix 1 cup skim milk with 1 cup water as I can't stomach it with just water.

    Postworkout at 10% BF, oats ok?

    I don't have much of a sweet tooth but for a long time I have been having 2/3 cup of low fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsn natural peanut butter as a night time snack. By my understanding, CC is ok and peanuts are ok as long as not turning into a domino food. correct?

    McFerg: can you link to this all in one PAGG?

    Is anyone doing the morning pre breakfast workout he recommends? KB swings and glute activation.

    Oh and I've been loving the cold showers! It is Summer here though, don't know if I could do it in Winter. Might even save some cash on the water bill haha.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Nah I just use MFP. I still do a cheat meal once a week and I still lost. I think it revs up my metabolism to go over on my calories every once in a while.
  • sbracken
    Back to the plan today!!!!! I managed to escape a big gain after yesterdays cheat day. I ended up eating over twice my usual calories...and only had a 0.6lb gain this morning. I didn't do any of the damage control techniques either. DH was worried that I'd have like a 5lb gain and get discouraged that I reversed all the good I've been doing.

    Heading out to breakfast in a bit. Gonna be interesting to look at the menu in a new way.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Strange things are happening. Today (Sunday) is my cheat day. This is my fourth cheat day, and check out my progress so far:

    Weight Lost:
    Week 1 - 1 lb
    Week 2 - 1 lb
    Week 3 - 1.5 lbs
    Week 4 - 2.5 lbs!!

    I'm shocked. I actually thought I was on a nice, slow, steady 1lb / week ride here. When I hit 1.5 last week, I figured it was due to some water fluctuation and that I'd probably lose 0.5 lb this week putting me back on course. However, seems like that's not the case. For me to lose 2.5 lbs on the fourth week of any diet is very good. I have been on diets where my weight was a fair bit higher, and would have been thrilled with 2.5 lbs in the fourth week.

    I don't expect the upward trend to continue, and I'd be totally fine going back to 1 lb / week...would be thrilled just to "keep" the 4 lbs lost over the last two weeks, but who knows. I have NEVER been on a diet where I lost more weight in week 4 than week 1. It's like Christmas morning up in here!

    And it's cheat day! The good scale results has inspired me to try to consolidate my cheating to meals so I can do the prescribed exercises before and after. I'm also going for a run today (as I always do on Sundays). Good stuff.
  • sbracken
    Strange things are happening. Today (Sunday) is my cheat day. This is my fourth cheat day, and check out my progress so far:

    Weight Lost:
    Week 1 - 1 lb
    Week 2 - 1 lb
    Week 3 - 1.5 lbs
    Week 4 - 2.5 lbs!!

    And it's cheat day! The good scale results has inspired me to try to consolidate my cheating to meals so I can do the prescribed exercises before and after. I'm also going for a run today (as I always do on Sundays). Good stuff.

    Great job!!!!! That's amazing to see the increase like that. Any tricks you'd like to share? Did you do anything different this week vs. last?

    Enjoy your cheat day!
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Great job!!!!! That's amazing to see the increase like that. Any tricks you'd like to share? Did you do anything different this week vs. last?

    There are only a couple of differences throughout in my eating, etc:

    - Week 3 I didn't exercise due to illness
    - Week 1 I ate significantly more (~6,000 calories vs ~4,000 calories) on my cheat days

    Of course, I'm not tracking my food intake, but almost every non-cheat day looks like this:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs + 3-4 oz of some other protein, 1 cup steamed veggies, 1/2 cup beans
    Lunch: Salad w/ small amount of oil + vinegar, 6-8 oz of some protein, 2 cups steamed veggies, 1/2 cup beans
    Snack: Pure Protein Bar
    Dinner: Pretty much same as lunch
    Other: 2-3 glasses of red wine

    I also consume a fair bit of diet soda. I know artificial sweeteners are a no-no, so I kind of cheat there (the pure protein bar is also a cheat in that regard, but it's low in sugar at least). The occasional 3rd glass of wine is also a cheat. I believe I'm following the plan pretty closely otherwise.

    I should point out that I exercise 7 days per week most weeks. I run 4 days (minimum of 20 miles total), and I do strength training the other 3. My strength training conists of a Power 90 video that lasts 35 minutes. On my cheat day, I usually run at least 7 miles, and on the following Monday, I add extra sets to the strength training. This extra exercise on Sunday (cheat day) and Monday are to a) burn a few more calories and b) take advantage of the extra energy from the extra carbs.

    I guess Ferris would label my running as "recreation" and not exercise, and that may be true to an extent, but I know that I'm burning a bunch of extra calories doing it.

    Today, I'm going to dial back my run a bit (~5 miles) and do the prescribed muscle work before and after my cheat meals.
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    That's awesome Mcferg! I do know what you mean by that Christmas morning feeling! Yesterday was my cheat day, and it was fun! Unfortunately, I stepped on the dreaded scale today after cheat day, and low and behold---it was broken!! It's pretty old, I even tried changing out the lithium battery, but no go. I'm actually not disappointed about that one. I am about to order or buy another. Anyways, It's nice to hear everyone's progress. It gives me continued inspiration. Hopefully, this week will continue with lower scale readings. I am officially starting week 4. I had mentioned I was down .5 lbs overall. Yesterday, I took my measurements and I have lost 2.5 inches all together. Here is to another week. My goal again this week is increased water intake.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Unfortunately, I stepped on the dreaded scale today after cheat day, and low and behold---it was broken!! It's pretty old, I even tried changing out the lithium battery, but no go. I'm actually not disappointed about that one. I am about to order or buy another. Anyways, It's nice to hear everyone's progress. It gives me continued inspiration. Hopefully, this week will continue with lower scale readings. I am officially starting week 4. I had mentioned I was down .5 lbs overall. Yesterday, I took my measurements and I have lost 2.5 inches all together. Here is to another week. My goal again this week is increased water intake.

    In the grand scheme of things, I think that inches are a better indicator of fat loss than the scale, or at least can be (there are cases where you may gain inches in some places due to muscle of the reasons the only thing I currently measure is my waist). That being said, it's really hard to not focus on what the scale says. It's so burnt into my brain. I've spent my entire adult life going up and down on the scale, BUT, I have been successful in narrowing the range in which I yo-yo over the years.

    I was thin (but doughy) in high school without explicitly dieting or watching my weight (following my 10th grade growth spurt, prior to which I was pretty pudgy). However, first semester freshman year of college, I gained 40 lbs. I lost about 35 lbs the second semester, by simply eliminating eating at night. Oh, those were the days...where a small, easy change like that netted the desired results. But the yo-yo was on. After that, I gradually gained weight throughout college, and hit my all time high point (around 260lb) a couple of years after college. It was at that point that I took up running, and started truly dieting for the first time. I got down to 185 lb, and I felt great.

    From there on out, I never really got close to 260 again, but I went up to around 240 once or twice. For about the next 12 years, the magic number was about 230 - the point at which I would diet. I never got under 190 during that time, so I basically went back and forth from around 230 to 190.

    About 3 years ago I really got into running. I had run before for weight control, but always found it drudgery. Now, more than a dozen years after I started running, I finally hit a groove with it. It was after the birth of my 3rd son. My house turned into an insane asylum. Rather than dreading the monotony of running, I cherished it and started doing it every day, building endurance. At some point, I was talking to a friend of mine about my running (she was an avid runner), and she says, "with that kind of mileage, you should run a're almost there now". I had never even considered it. I started looking at training plans for marathons and realized she was right - I was already doing that kind of work (for the most part). I'm not saying this to boast...I'll get to my whole point of this shortly....

    So, over the last 3 years, I've run 3 marathons and 2 half-marathons, and enjoyed every minute of it. Finally finding regular exercise I enjoy HAS helped me narrow down the "window of my yo-yo" considerably, and it's also lowered the point at which that window starts and ends. Over the last 3 years (prior to this diet), though, I've still had a window of about 20 lbs (185-205). In fact, I think I was actually 206 when I ran the San Francisco Marathon in July 2009. My MAIN goal for this program is to put an end to the fluctuation. My goal weight is 175 lb. If I can settle in there and stay there - wonderful. If that number is 178 or 180, that's okay, too (though I know I'll still be doughy at that weight).

    I'm going on and on about myself here, but I have 2 points....

    1) I don't think I'll ever be able to "let go" of the scale. It has been the barometer of my self esteem for at least 15 years. Sad but true. It has led me to some very healthy physical habits, but also created some unhealthy emotional ones.

    2) I KNOW that I am one of the lucky ones in loving running so much. I used to look at friends of mine that seem to have uber-high metabolisms...could eat whatever they want and be rail thin and wish to be like that. In a sense, by developing a love for running, I've become one of those people. I know I'm not rail thin, but having that I know is a gift. I remember what it was like hating exercise and having to struggle to do it every day, and how near-impossible that is to sustain. I'm not gloating here. I've been both the person who hates to exercise and the person who loves to exercise.

    In fact, my doctor still keeps telling me that I need to do more strength training. My genetics dictate a body with pretty low muscle mass...hence I've a family of skinny-fat people (my immediate family, that is...they're all pretty health conscious)...but most of them are female, and I think thin with a little softness works on a woman...on a man...not so much. So, I agree with him. That is why I've started forgoing running 3 times per week for strength training, and let me tell you - I despise it. I hate lifting weights more than I EVER hated running or any kind of cardio. It's complete drudgery. I'm just hoping that at some point, there's a similar lightbulb with that, and I can finally develop the superhuman body for which we all pine.
  • sasha_dirkson
    I am on day two of this diet and love love love it! Can’t wait to see my results in 30 days. I have a few Questions just to help me along:

    1) I am slightly confused on weather we can mix and match foods within each category. EXAMPLE: my favorite meal would be pork with a couple eggs, pinto beans mixed with black beans, and spinach. BUT, this would be mixing two types of food within a category…Is this OK??


    Do I have to stick with only ONE food in EACH category?

    2) I will definitely keep drinking my two glasses of Red Vino. Thank God! Any suggestions on the ounces alloted per glass?

    3) I have been cooking with Ghee Butter and Olive Oil on a heating level of 7 out of 10. Is this OK or should I be cooking with grapeseed/macadamia oil since it is a higher level of heat?

    PS…I really miss cooking with coconut oil :(
    Only downfall thus far.

    4)Lastly, I will be adding in exercise soon. Any suggestions on how often or how many times a week to do kettle bell exercises or other types of exercise? You can also send me to the part in the book where it states this info.

    5)Ok, I promise this is the last one. On cheat day, should I start adding in the exercises Tim Recommends right off the bat?? And Should my first meal be a protein or can I have whatever I want?

    Alright, I am Done!! I hope this posts. Thank you for any suggestions you can make for me. Cheers!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Few queries:

    In that blog post he said guys more than 12% BF have no carbs post workout. I haven't been tested with a bodpod or anything but I believe I am about 10% at the moment so not sure on postworkout carbs. (currently have fruit or dextrose and aim for .5g per lb of body weight)

    Also, if carbs are allowed post workout then would skim milk be ok here? I currently mix 1 cup skim milk with 1 cup water as I can't stomach it with just water.

    Postworkout at 10% BF, oats ok?

    I don't have much of a sweet tooth but for a long time I have been having 2/3 cup of low fat cottage cheese and 1 tbsn natural peanut butter as a night time snack. By my understanding, CC is ok and peanuts are ok as long as not turning into a domino food. correct?

    McFerg: can you link to this all in one PAGG?

    Is anyone doing the morning pre breakfast workout he recommends? KB swings and glute activation.

    Oh and I've been loving the cold showers! It is Summer here though, don't know if I could do it in Winter. Might even save some cash on the water bill haha.

    I think oats and nuts are fine, you are possibly less than 10% bf if that's your picture. I think cottage cheese and milk are only allowed on cheat days since they are dairy.

    I do a lot of squat swings and glute activation on my own but would be interested in his routine. I haven't read the book...

    Mcferg, i agree with you. Strength training is freakin' hard, I'd rather be jamming out on the elliptical or spinning, etc. But 30 day shred got me into really working out because it mixes strength training with cardio. And the wonderful muscle tone you get keeps me coming. Now I drudge through strength training and am ok because most of the time I'm looking in the mirror and seeing my muscles develop :happy:
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    I am on day two of this diet and love love love it! Can’t wait to see my results in 30 days. I have a few Questions just to help me along:

    1) I am slightly confused on weather we can mix and match foods within each category. EXAMPLE: my favorite meal would be pork with a couple eggs, pinto beans mixed with black beans, and spinach. BUT, this would be mixing two types of food within a category…Is this OK??


    Do I have to stick with only ONE food in EACH category?

    2) I will definitely keep drinking my two glasses of Red Vino. Thank God! Any suggestions on the ounces alloted per glass?

    3) I have been cooking with Ghee Butter and Olive Oil on a heating level of 7 out of 10. Is this OK or should I be cooking with grapeseed/macadamia oil since it is a higher level of heat?

    PS…I really miss cooking with coconut oil :(
    Only downfall thus far.

    4)Lastly, I will be adding in exercise soon. Any suggestions on how often or how many times a week to do kettle bell exercises or other types of exercise? You can also send me to the part in the book where it states this info.

    5)Ok, I promise this is the last one. On cheat day, should I start adding in the exercises Tim Recommends right off the bat?? And Should my first meal be a protein or can I have whatever I want?

    Alright, I am Done!! I hope this posts. Thank you for any suggestions you can make for me. Cheers!!

    1) That's fine. Actually, that's a very good meal. There are times I skip veggies at breakfast. I try not to...but sometimes it just seems gross. When I do, I make up for it later in the day. I usually have 2 cups of veggies w/ lunch & dinner.

    2) I don't measure my wine. I know I drink more than 2 glasses. The standard glass is 5 oz. I use a very small glass (like the kind you get from a tasting room) and usually have 3-4 glasses 2/3 full. 4 glasses of this size are about 3/4 of a bottle. Of course, some days I skip it altogether. I would say, though, until you figure out what works for you and this diet to keep it 1/2 bottle or less.

    3) The only reason those other oils are listed for higher heat is because they have a higher smoking point (point at which they "burn"). It's not for nutritional reasons. If you're using Ghee and Olive oil with no issues, you're fine.

    4) I'll have to defer on this one. I do follow Ferris' advice for minimizing damage on cheat day, but the rest of the week, I do my own thing.

    5) I would say that your first meal should be a decent-sized meal similar in composition to what you eat the rest of the week (protein + legume + veggie). It fills you up, and gets you through the first part of the morning before you start doing damage. As for the exercises....this is my fourth cheat day and the first day I'm doing the recommended exercises. We'll see how that affects things this week....