The 4-Hour Body / Slow-Carb Diet



  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    It's very hard to tell if I'm down any lbs at all because I switched to a new scale and could not compare the old scale because it was broken. My new scale had me down 3 lbs from pre-cheat weight when I stepped on it Tuesday after my Saturday cheat day. I am down .2lbs from that today, which is Saturday. So not much to report this week, My inches are the same :( I have been drinking all my water and following the 4HB completely. I, however, did no exercise this week. and it's within the dreaded 10 days. So, I'm gonna keep on keeping on. I definitely plan to enjoy my Cheat superbowl Sunday though!! I think I'm going to hold off on PAGG this week, so I don't add in a new variable. I'd like to really see if my weight goes down after the 10 day window.

    Everyone, Enjoy your cheat days!
  • sbracken
    Looks like the mid-week huge weight loss was some kinda strange fluke. As of today I'm down 1lb from last week and 2.5 inches. I'm more inpressed with the inches lost than the change in the scale! I'm doing my cheat day tomorrow, but figure I'll still weight in today to keep a regular weekly check-in day. I didn't do any workout except the squats/presses/pulls this week either. So, had I kept with my EA Sports or hit the gym a few times I'm sure these numbers would be higher.

    FYI on the PAGG....take it right before eating or within the first few bites. I took it this morning when I was going to start cooking my eggs. Then remembered DH wanted bacon this morning, so I started that in the oven and held off on making my eggs until the bacon was done so I could have a piece with my eggs. Well, about 10 mins later I felt very queasy and 5 mins after that it all came right back up. After I felt fine and ate breakfast like normal. So, from now on I'll be taking it with my first bite of food.

    cutmd, get the book! There is alot more information in it than you'll be able to gather from the blog or forums. Post workout carbs are only ok if you're below a certain bodyfat %. I'd have to look up what those numbers are. Otherwise non-slow carbs aren't allowed, except on your free day. I'm only tracking calories to ensure I get enough everyday, and to make sure I don't go too high. And just out of curosity on my cheat days.

    devuchka, how many times a day are you eating? If you spaced your meals closer together, ate less at each meal, and ate more times in a day would that help? What about adding in more filling veggies? Enjoy your cheat day! I need to read the chapter on minimizing damage before tomorrow to get a better idea of what I should be doing.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Looks like the mid-week huge weight loss was some kinda strange fluke. As of today I'm down 1lb from last week and 2.5 inches. I'm more inpressed with the inches lost than the change in the scale! I'm doing my cheat day tomorrow, but figure I'll still weight in today to keep a regular weekly check-in day. I didn't do any workout except the squats/presses/pulls this week either. So, had I kept with my EA Sports or hit the gym a few times I'm sure these numbers would be higher.

    1 lb is still good progress! Here's the thing about water weight: everyone talks about it like it's only something be tied to temporary weight gain, as in - "That's just water weight, it'll fall off in a few days", but the same is true of water weight loss - you can wake up one morning carrying less water than what is normal for you, and, will come back in a few days.

    In fact, I think that might have had a hand in my 2.5 lb weight loss last week, because it's now Saturday, and I'm still up 1 lb from that weight. I'm holding out hope that I'll at least get back to that weight again tomorrow. I'm going for a long run today, and I hope that will help move things along.

    About the PAGG, I've been very careful to take it right when I start eating - I've heard a number of people make the same claims. The only time I don't do that is the before-bed dose. Yesterday was my first day, and I had no issue. Took it, went to bed, then went to sleep.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Think I failed at cheat day. Had my old regular foods for breaky and lunch and then majority of cal intake from alcohol (mates engagement party). Down about 1/2-1lb from water weight and that is with drinking a lot of water during the night also.

    Not sure if strict SCD is for me or if I will just use some of the principles and modify as I don't have much fat to lose.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Think I failed at cheat day. Had my old regular foods for breaky and lunch and then majority of cal intake from alcohol (mates engagement party). Down about 1/2-1lb from water weight and that is with drinking a lot of water during the night also.

    Not sure if strict SCD is for me or if I will just use some of the principles and modify as I don't have much fat to lose.

    LOL - you cheated and lost weight and are calling it a failure?!

    I know what you mean, though...I'm having a party tomorrow, but most of the stuff that I'll likely eat is high protein (albeit high fat), and the carb options aren't really all that great, so, I may just stay away from them...except the beer. Sometimes when I do that, it works to my advantage on the scale - at least in the short term.
  • devuchka
    hi @sbracken et. al! nice to meet you! :)

    so on my first cheat day i did more of a cheat meal. but i sure had enuf (1/2 pizza & 2 martinis). ended up with a migraine ugh, so i didn't eat dinner except for a slimfast peanut butter crunch bar (taste just like heath bars!)

    this morning so happy to be back to 4HB food! had 2 boiled eggs for the first time, 1/2 avacado, cashews, some protein drink, etc.

    i noticed yesterday when i ate a whole bowl of cheerios that my energy jumped up to uncomfortable levels. it stayed way too high all day, leaving me with general anxiety. i hadn't noticed in the past that my too-high energy levels were related to food. i thought they were fibromyalgia side effects (which i have). today we will see how my energy is with the slow-carb food.

    i also purchased a kettle bell. saw a 10 lb one at marshalls for $10 so i am using that every so often. it makes me feel really good. something about the swinging that other weight motions don't have. it's nice to at least have the #1 tool that tim recommends in-house so i can use it when i want a little kick.

    @ sbracken, i am not sure i could eat more frequently. it's a little hard to change schedule b/c i work in an office, and people tend to eat lunch at noon etc. but i will consider it. i also boo hoo hoo, really don't like veggies. i am a fruit girl. so i am trying to get used to it.

    i just came off a year of eating a lot of raw/organic food, where i gained 10lbs. i sure miss the kick that fresh fruit gives, it makes you feel great. but seems to be some correlation, for me anyway, between weight gain & eating lots of raw food. maybe the "lots" was the problem, because i was getting a lot of protein from nuts.

    i may buy macadamia nut oil soon, i was looking at that. also want to try some ghee. so will try to slowly introduce new stuff into my diet to help stave off the boredom...
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Well..cheat day is took the entire week, but last week's cheat weight is finally all gone PLUS another half a pound. I'm pretty happy with this, and, once again considering going to only weighing in on cheat day. I know this is what I should do, but I can't seem to stay off the scale.

    I think I'm going to try to keep things at least somewhat under control today. I should have a chance to get a decent run in as well.
  • sbracken
    Today's cheat day!!! Sat down to a nice helping of french toast for breakfast.....yum-o!! But I did get a protein shake in first along with 2 glasses of water and AGG first thing this morning. Along with the squats/presses/pulls. DH caught me in the kitchen doing the squats and thought I was nuts! Not sure what the rest of the day will be like, but I'm thinking there will be chocolate chip cookies, nachos, and Sailor Jerry involved at one point.

    mcferg, congrats on getting the last of that weight off! I've been weighting daily, but only inputting it on cheat day for an "official" weight in. But I can't help but being curious about the "gain" from cheat days and how long it takes to come off.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Forgot to mention before cheat night I had grapefruit juice, CQ and some jacked also (which has caffiene in it).

    Back to same weight. No gain or loss this week. I think I'll just utilise some of the principles but not stick to SCD exactly. I personally think the SCD will work VERY well for overweight people but if you are already fairly lean then might just have to skip to "the last mile" stuff.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I plan on using slow carb principles of eating combined with leangains/intermittent fasting. My only issue is I fall short on protein, and I can't just use powders for the difference!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    why not? Sorry if I missed it earlier.

    lean meats, eggs, cottage cheese are my regulars and I aim for 1g per lb bodyweight and usually make it.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    why not? Sorry if I missed it earlier.

    lean meats, eggs, cottage cheese are my regulars and I aim for 1g per lb bodyweight and usually make it.

    I dunno, I guess I'd rather get it from real food, plus I'm gluten intolerant, which cross reacts with dairy intolerance, so I'd need a casein free powder. I just noticed that jay robb's powder is casein and gluten free, maybe I'll try it
    My typical day is like this with slow carb (the beans help)
    I eat two eggs and beans for breakfast - 18g
    Lunch at best some tuna on salad, beans 26g
    Dinner 6 oz of meat and beans 36g

    That gives me 90g on my best day, I'm usually closer to 60 or so. How do you do it? I eat meat till I'm sick and still end up behind.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    last week I did
    breaky: 4 eggs, beans, bit of skim milk 34g
    lunch: 150g chicken, beans. can of tuna later in the arvo 79g
    dinner: 200g chicken, vegies 67g
    snacks: 2oz almonds. 2/3 cup cottage cheese with 1tbsn natural peanut butter. 39g

    That was 2175 cals, 219g P, 107g C, 88g F. That was 31/1/11 if you want to take a look at my dairy :)

    Just scale it back a bit for your calorie goal. Probably 2/3's of the amount I ate would work well for you.
  • sbracken
    Well, I'm up 1.5 lbs, but I'm sure it's all water weight! I had Red Robin for dinner and those fries and seasoning are pure sodium! And I didn't get all my water in either......just a bad day all around at my house.

    Back to plan today. Need to hit the grocery store and maybe the gym tonight after work.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Hey guys! You all are doing so great! I am looking into starting this diet tomorrow but I haven't read the entire book (I know your not suppose to just the chapters you need, but I haven't read all of them yet either) do i need to read everything before i start? I have read up thru the Slow-Carb diet I and plan on finishing some more tonight. Do you guys have any tips for a beginner? I am still trying to figure out what exactly I am going to eat! Are protein shakes ok? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    Cheat day...yesterday...

    Morning weight: 183.5 lbs
    Bedtime weight: 202 lbs

    Whoa. I ate bad yesterday, but I probably had about 10 beers throughout the day, and I'm guessing about 2 gallons of water, not to mention maybe 2 diet sodas. Crazy.

    This morning I was 188.5...semi-typical cheat day weight gain of 5 lbs. Suffice it to say I was up quite a bit throughout the night!

    Christin09, Welcome!

    I think you can definitely start the diet just by reading the "Slo Carb Diet" section, which is pretty small. There's some other good information here and there, particularly regarding exercise and such, but all you really need to know for the "diet" is in a few pages. In fact, part of me thinks it's a good way to go - just focus on the basic diet first, and introduce other things as you go....
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    Cheat day yesterday, and I'm up 3lbs today. I was expecting more. I ate horribly without the guilt, but felt incredibly stuffed by the end of the day, and it wasn't very fun anymore! I have this thing about getting all that forbidden food in on the one day. I hope that soon it changes so, mentally, I can relax and know that the next cheat day will come around soon enough. Anyways, I'm up 3 lbs and I know it's water and the actual food sitting in my stomach. I can't wait to get on with the week. This morning, I had to force myself to eat my breakfast within a half hour of waking. I'm off today, so I can't wait to sweat it out with a workout.

    I did eat a high protein breakfast yesterday and had orange juice before the first cheat meal which may have helped.
  • devuchka
    mcferg, sounds like you had a great superbowl partayyy! :)

    re: this diet, i gotta say, i am so surprised that beans/legumes make me feel so good. i grew up vegetarian so you'd think i woulda known this, but there is something about them that is so satisfying, but not heavy!

    anyone here have a good snack idea? i am having a hard time getting home to get dinner after work. but i hate to snack. i also grew up with a no food between meals rule, so it's mentally hard. also i gained so much weight last year snacking on nuts that i'm not sure what is a good tide-me-over snack. i used to use glucose tabs to tide me over, then switched to dried cherries. now with the SCD, i am wondering what is a good idea. sbracken, you have any wisdom?

    i also found that eating out can be fun. i cheat a little when out, but we'll see how that goes. (get the broccoli & cheese sauce side with the cheese sauce.) i know myself though, i won't stick to something tooo restrictive for long. but if i don't get results, then i will go strict on the plan. anyhow, i went to legal sea foods & got a side of cole slaw & broccoli & a glass of red wine. cheap meal & super satisfying!

    happy eats everyone! :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Mcferg: that's an insane cheat day man! WOW :) See hot it goes for you this week hey.

    Re snacks: cans of tuna, hard boiled eggs, smaller portion of beans? I just eat 2/3 of my lunch at lunch time and the other 1/3 at about 4ish usually.
  • circadianswing
    circadianswing Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've been reading the posts on this topic for a while, as I've been trying to get as much community information as I can to help me along with this diet. I bought the book on a whim in late December, and decided to give it a few months right after New years. I've been pretty good, but I've "stretched" the cheat day a couple weeks (started Friday night). Other than that, it's been no dairy, no white carbs, and avoidance of processed/hcfs/fruit, etc. I saw Ferris (the author) on Dr. Oz a couple weeks ago, and it was great to see some validation of his methods. I don't think i'm doing the "ice" thing anytime soon, nor am I ready to step up to PAGG just yet. I have willed myself out of bed and actually made egg omelette w/ chicken and beans within a 1/2 hour... no easy task... my hat is off to anyone who does that daily.

    I'm a huge eater on most days, and it's been really interesting to see the scale go in the right direction, even after scarfing down 8 pieces of El Pollo Loco chicken the other day (no skin of course).

    I got down 12lbs pretty quick, but I feel I've plateau'd a bit. I do compliment the diet with 30 min daily of easy/moderate exercise bike, and weekly 2 hour basketball game.

    Good luck to everyone, and appreciate all the insightful knowledge and updates on everyone's progress. If I can be of any help or anyone has any questions about my regiment, feel free to ask.