Why the hate on "toning?"



  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    It doesn't bother me at all if people use incorrect words to describe their fitness goals. I'm just happy that people HAVE fitness goals...too many people don't.

    ^^^ This (the same with people who call their running jogging.....as long as they're getting their butts out the door that's all that really matters)

    I'll bite. What is wrong with jogging?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    From what I can understand, when a woman says she wants to be "toned," what she means is this:

    -She wants enough muscle mass to be able to add shape to the areas that she feels needs it (which is entirely subjective and based on personal preference), but no more.

    -She wants a low enough body fat to be able to see just a hint of muscle definition, but not enough to be able to really call herself "defined."

    Getting someone to this goal is a much more complicated process than people think, mainly because different people have different ideas of how much muscle mass is "just enough." Additionally, some people, depending on their starting point, may need to focus MUCH more on strength training than others might.

    So when a person asks how to get "toned" without first understanding what has to happen to get "toned," as well as doesn't quantify THEIR idea of how much muscle is "just enough," and then expects some sort of catch-all answer that would apply to everyone regardless of these variables, it means that we have a long and painfully difficult road of educating this person about everything they're wrong about, which includes shattering a lot of fitness myths, before we can help them reach their goal.

    i think this is where the exasperation comes in because people will sometimes say, i know you can't spot reduce but how can i ton (ie spot reduce)

    not to mention the fact that the word is so subjective that it means absolutely nothing because what it means depends on the user.

    but really the main people we should be shaking or fists at are the ones who create the typical women's magazines since they do a really good job of keeping this ridiculous term in circulation
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Most know what the word tone means when someone uses it on the boards... as the above poster shared... it's just another way to knock someone else down while you're trying to act like you know more than them.

    Toning = building muscles in real life...

    online life? Many like to crush ppl because they like others to think they are somehow more knowledgeable

    wow- you couldn't be further from the truth.

    At what point does educating someone on how to reach their goals and the best way to do it "knocking someone down" it has nothing to do with how smart- or educated someone is.

    It has nothing to do with knocking people down. I am so confused as to how you can even put the two of those things together.

    It has to do with educating people so they can make educated decision for themselves and figure out which path leads them properly to their goals.

    toning also- is NOT building muscle.

    "toning"- is having muscle that's sort of semi defined. so i.e. lower body fat. building muscle is building muscle- that's why "toning" is such a mis-nomer- it's actually TWO things.

    guess what- no matter how much weight you push around- you'll never get that look if you're stuffing an entire full family size pack of oreos after your full southern fried dinner with a pint of beer.

    So- being educated that a proper lifting program and a balanced diet to fit your macros with a calorie deficit will get you that look is important.

    Being knowledgeable is how you make good decisions- and that's why many of us are here- to help share our information to help others make educated decisions.
