Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Reporting in at 230.2lbs - where I was last week. Yesterday morning, I was 228.2, so not sure what to think of that! Oh well!

    Congratulations pgp_protector for dropping a 6 pounder this week! Overall, I'd say it was a good week with only a few of us losing nothing or very little. And those of us who lost nothing or very little this week have had victories before, so no big deal, right? :)


    I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for Spring! In Washington State, we are barely into the 40 degree (F) weather. It's hard to go on walks and work out outside when it is this rainy and cold! The warmer weather is the environment I really do well with for losing weight, so I'm hoping it warms up soon...which brings me to this weeks topic:

    Which do you prefer - working out in the gym with available equipment and weights? OR outside, where can enjoy the fresh air and sun?

    Keep up the good work Men! Let's bust a move this week!

  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I gotta say I really enjoy seeing the percentage of weight lost stats. Sometimes I feel like the amount of weight I lose weekly is minimal, but seeing the percentage add up really puts it into perspective!

    As for the topic I'm a bit mixed between the two. I prefer cardio outdoors but strength training indoors.
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Well, I combine the two. I've started working out the way I did when, as my profile says, I felt like a machine. Treadmill cardio is no match for road work. It's hard to duplicate outside cardio indoors. This is my schedule started today:

    4am = Wake Up
    4:15 - 5:00am = 3-5 mile run
    5:00am - 5:30am = Elliptical
    5:30 - 6:00am = Weights

    I feel a lot better these days, but I'm getting out of last place if it kills me. It's my new motivation.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    As to apolloag's question

    So far I managed to stay out of the gym, in the past I've had a subscription but after a while I used it less and less. I'm more a racketsport guy, badminton and squash, so that is all inside. It's more fun when there is direct competition, winning or losing. Tried spinning once, but that's not my cup of tea, can't win from anybody ;-) About a year ago I picked up salsa dancing, which I thought would be completely out of my league. He, I'm a guy, pfff dancing yeah right. I watch football, like cars, drink beer, invest heavily in audio en tv equipment and am a gadget guy. But surprisingly, I liked it. So that is also inside. Leaves one thing for the spring/summer and that is skeeleren, kind of inline speed skating. That's is very nice with good weather and not too much wind. However, rain and wind is something we have abundantly over here ;-)
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    My knees are shot from sports abuse and my 'other life' in the Army. If I run or have impact by knees tend to swell and then I have restricted movement for a while. So for me it's all gym work. For my CV I use the Elliptical machine, tread mill - walking and the concept rower. I no longer need to run. With the weights I don't do squats anymore. Over the past few years I've got used to going to the gym and no longer miss being outside when working out.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Today's weigh-in: 225.0
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Decent week over here, not very spectacular but I'm happy sofar. Today's weight 114,3 (LW 115.1). That will put me in the yellow zone again I guess, with this competition it will be hard to become greenish again. Well done to you jaskelley, you've put a lot of effort in it this week I saw. Good luck to the others
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Didn't think it would happen this week. Down one more pound to 263lb.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Hey there all! I'd like to join this motivational board.

    SW: 256.4
    CW: 256.0
    GW: 220

    Mini Goal: 240 by 5/12/11
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    SW: 275
    LWW: 258
    CW: 260
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member

    I had to check this one twice. I weighed in this morning and again this afternoon and both times the scales showed 136.1kg. By my calculations that's just under 300Lbs on conversion. I've reached my first goal. After a few weeks of no move, finally a drop. I've been getting a bit despondent. Before last weeks weigh in I'd rowed (Concept rower) a half marathon and that didn't seem to make any effect to my weight. This week I've started to increase my time on the Elliptical. Hopefully this is the key to getting things going again.

    Good luck to all - keep up the fight!
  • mackoy809
    mackoy809 Posts: 36
    This weeks weight 248.5 lbs
    Last weeks weight 250 lbs

    I prefer outdoors for a long jog specially going to hiking trails early in the morning. Gotta love that nature and early morning sun

    But have to go to the gym for strength training and different cardio machine. And when the weather does not cooperate specially this past week its seems like it rain 4 days out of 7. I know i should not be complaining about the waether here in sunny southern california.

    Hopefully you guys have a good week and keep those healthy lifestyle going
  • joeclanton
    I love seeing this on here! Wish I would've found it when I started off. I started at 245 and now I'm down to 213 (GW 200). Keep up the great work guys!
  • pgp_protector
    I think I'll skip reporting this week :laugh:
    down only 1 lb this week @ 261 now.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Last week 266
    Today 265

    4 pound loss last week, 1 pound this week. Still happy about 5 pounds in 2 weeks though. I am going to try and up my daily calories. Friends have noticed I am way low in my daily net cals (Negative net cals yesterday). I'm going to give this a go for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Hard to suddenly change things up like this when I've had such good success already. However, I want to make sure I am doing this in a healthy manner and not just some quick weight loss that will be back on this time next year.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    CW: 395.2

    Only down .4 lbs, those family weddings are a killer, it was a great week up until this weekend, gotta work hard this week to get back into it.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Men! 229.2, only down a pound this week. I am having some technical difficulties with my computer so will try to have the stats up in the next day. My apologies for that!

    However, it looks like PaulC is ou winner with at least 4.2 lbs with jaskelley right behind with 3.6 lbs!!

    Good work Men!! I will post the results soon...
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Hey guys. So sorry I missed this past Saturdays weigh-in. Been so busy with my renovation. I lost .4 lbs since my last weigh-in. Will definitely log in this upcoming Saturday. Good job to all you guys!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Awesome job guys. I was almost in the same situation. I hit 240 and decided to go back to bootcamp ready 200. I started 4 weeks ago and am down around 221 now. Keep it up gents.