Anyone doing the Low carb/ High fat & protien "diet"?



  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    That is great that you dont have to rely on blood pressure meds anymore!! I think the fact that the people stated that they lost with minimal exercise and eating this way had me intrigued.

    i don't know how anyone could lose without working-out or doing some type of exercise. my husband goes to the gym 5 times a week and he is VERY fit. he has been working-out for 3 years, and didn't start losing the bulk of his weight until he started eating this way.
    keep up the good work! :happy:

    I'm a keto guy.
    I never work out. I'm loosing about 1.8 pounds a week. I hate the gym. It sucks.

    do you never do any exercise at all??? you don't have to go to the gym to work-out or get exercise. my point is, i think exercise of some type is a requirement for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.
    I walk at work. And I backpack a couple times a year. I'm not inactive, but I don't set time aside to ruin my day at the gym, or even "exercise" at home. Yet. It is in the plan tho. As soon as I convince myself to start, I'll be all good. But honestly, aside from people's normal everyday activities, extra exercise generally isn't REQUIRED to lose weight.

    Also, I hate that I typed the word "loosing" above. :smile:

    i didn't even notice loosing LOL :wink:

    the problem is this: when i said that i think exercise of some type is required, i really believe that. your normal daily routine sounds like it includes some physical activity. not everyone's does. if my husband didn't go to the gym, he wouldn't get one ounce of exercise. he literally walks to the shower, walks to the car, walks to his desk and that's his day! LOL i think in general, most people do not get enough activity in their days to lose weight without actively seeking out forms of exercise. it's sad really, when you think of our ancestors who would forage for their food, etc. and never needed a gym. but they were killed by wildebeasts, so i guess i would rather join the gym. :laugh:
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    Would you consider doing something for a year straight is a fad? September 29 will be one year that I have been low carb. It is very sustainable for me and I have lost 110 pounds and have gotten all my health issues under control! At 35 I am healthier than ever!

    Also, I have been working out since July.. I lift heavy (for me) and I run.. I don't up my carbs for either. .

    This works for ME.. Not saying it does or would for everyone..
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Congrats on your LCversary.
    Would you consider doing something for a year straight is a fad? September 29 will be one year that I have been low carb. It is very sustainable for me and I have lost 110 pounds and have gotten all my health issues under control! At 35 I am healthier than ever!

    Also, I have been working out since July.. I lift heavy (for me) and I run.. I don't up my carbs for either. .

    This works for ME.. Not saying it does or would for everyone..
  • craigmichaelw
    craigmichaelw Posts: 1 Member
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    it's sad really, when you think of our ancestors who would forage for their food, etc. and never needed a gym. but they were killed by wildebeasts, so i guess i would rather join the gym.

    Yup. Nothing gets one off the couch like a charging wildebeast.

  • the thing is avoid carbs in regular meals for eg no carbs in breakfast no carbs in lunch or pre workouts only fats and high protein 30/70 ratios you may add carbs during workouts on leg day this way your insulin sensitivity would decrease making you leaner and meaner get your carbs and amino after your workouts no fat after workouts keep it mod carb and high protein for eg two scoops whey and 4 egg whites 1 digestive 1 cup of cooked brown rice you need carbs after workouts to shuttle those well earned gains to the muscles this way your muscle mass would increase also your fat would burn
    for dinner its 20/80 ratio of fats and proteins and unlimited greens and coconut water
    do this for 40 days reload carbs every Sunday take them as high as 200g to avoid metabolic meltdown this would keep leptin levels at moderate levels and gherlin levels low you will oxidize more fat to energy.take carbs to 40g and proteins to 150-250g and fats to 50 -90g
    sunday keep the fat low for eg 20g protein 100g and carbs 200-300g
    i follow this routine before my triathlon season.
  • mogambo206
    mogambo206 Posts: 5 Member
    I had recently tried this diet, I lost 3 Kgs in a first week (As per the, most of that weight was water retention). Next week, I couldn't kept the patience and ate the carbs, that broke the ketosis. It is very strict diet, no matter how determined you are, you will cheat in carbs. And then you will have to wait for a few days to get back in ketosis state.

    So, I would recommend if you can live on exactly 20-22 carbs a day till you reach your goal, you are good to try atkins. Otherwise follow a simple calories in and calories out formula which is recommended by everyone.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Would you consider doing something for a year straight is a fad?

    Even pet rocks lasted about a year.

  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    Ok.. valid point!! However, when I set my mind to something I do it! Like I said, definitely not for everyone but my results speak for themselves!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Would you consider doing something for a year straight is a fad?

    Even pet rocks lasted about a year.

    Did you PLAY with the pet rock for a year?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Would you consider doing something for a year straight is a fad? September 29 will be one year that I have been low carb. It is very sustainable for me and I have lost 110 pounds and have gotten all my health issues under control! At 35 I am healthier than ever!

    Also, I have been working out since July.. I lift heavy (for me) and I run.. I don't up my carbs for either. .

    This works for ME.. Not saying it does or would for everyone..
    Congrats! I see you're at goal! Great job finding what works for you!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I had recently tried this diet, I lost 3 Kgs in a first week (As per the, most of that weight was water retention). Next week, I couldn't kept the patience and ate the carbs, that broke the ketosis. It is very strict diet, no matter how determined you are, you will cheat in carbs. And then you will have to wait for a few days to get back in ketosis state.

    So, I would recommend if you can live on exactly 20-22 carbs a day till you reach your goal, you are good to try atkins. Otherwise follow a simple calories in and calories out formula which is recommended by everyone.

    Hope you're having better luck with whatever diet you're doing now.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you! My first goal was to lose 80 pounds.. got there and upped it to 100.. I have now lost 110 and am upping it 10 more! This is definitely for me!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thank you! My first goal was to lose 80 pounds.. got there and upped it to 100.. I have now lost 110 and am upping it 10 more! This is definitely for me!
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    No thanks, doesn't work and isn't healthy. If your diet has a name, it's a fad and it sucks. If it restricts certain food groups or tells you not to exercise, no thanks.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I mean if you know how to eat right or well balanced or maybe you've plateau then yeah....I am starting it tomorrow but im going to keep my carbs 50-100
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I'm eating LCHF right now and it has helped me lose 17llbs. I stay under 40g of carbs and I don't really care about my calories as long as I'm under 2,500. Yes, you can eat heavy cream, cream cheese, salami, butter, coconut oil/butter and still lose weight. I felt weird when I first started shopping and eating this way, but now I don't even blink an eye. It's delish! :drinker:
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    No thanks, doesn't work and isn't healthy. If your diet has a name, it's a fad and it sucks. If it restricts certain food groups or tells you not to exercise, no thanks.

    It is healthy. Please do a little more research before you post. You have two energy sources, mainly, to burn. One, is glycogen, and the other is ketones. If I eat HCLF then I will burn glycogen, but if I eat LCHF then I will burn ketones. Ketones is what is used in LCHF and you will have no problems. The ONLY reason why it restricts foods is because they are high carb content. Otherwise, eat as much as you want (within or not within your calorie range) and you'll lose weight.

    Fat contains about twice as much of potential energy as carbs or proteins leading you to eat less, feel fuller, and burn fat more adequately. And you can most definitely exercise. I know a lot of people that do LCHF that work out and feel amazing including myself!!! :wink:
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Nope because it doesn't pay off in the long run-- it will eventually trash your heart and arteries.

    Give me the science to back that up. Otherwise, I completely disagree with you. Eating LCHF will not "trash your heart and arteries". If you can give me science, I'll give it right back at you. On a more personal note, my mother has done LCHF since the 1980's and is in way better health than my father who is HCLF and he works out a lot more than her (not because she can't but because she doesn't like to sweat). She looks to be in her 30's not late 50's.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    Agree! ^^ especially if you have alot of fat stored.