SWa Walking group - January Walk



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Teresa, Marie & Kathy
    I just signed up on the Walk across America too. I thought I'd give it a try along with you. I got all of you added. My user ID is 63808 :bigsmile:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Another 2 miles today... for a total of 4/31 this month. I need to be doing more walking and less other stuff if I want to reach my goal by the end of the month!
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Another 5 miles today, with some extra Wii step again. 22/100 miles done.. I missed too many times to walk last week, I will really have to step it up if I am going to make that goal!

    Cindy, congratulations on the 2 lbs! Can't wait to lose some pounds soon, I've been stuck at the same weight for more than 3 weeks now :(

    Have a nice evening!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just finished Walk away the Pounds. = 2 miles Leslie says.

    Well that is the borrowed DVD and I like it a lot. I started off with very small weights but moved up to a little bigger because I could.

    Anyway if her other DVD's are like this one I'm sure I'll be buying a few.

    Have a great evening<

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've really enjoyed my snow day and I did get in the 4 mile Fast & Firm 4 really big miles. I might even get another day tomorrow. No power outtages yet other than a flicker this morning. Now if we can just make it through tonight without the ice.

    We made snow ice cream this afternoon, a low-calorie version of course, but it was pretty good. My kitty loved it, she wouldn't stop until I gave her some. The birds have just about emptied both of my feeders today. There was even a flock of crows chasing away the little birds so I threw them out some bread and they ran off with all of it.

    Cindy, I"m glad you enjoyed the WATP workout. I don't know if I'd have made it this far without them.
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Great job on the 2lb loss Cindy! Oh and I checked out Half.com like Sandy mentioned. There is a ton of Leslie Sansone DVDs on there. Cheap!!

    Looks like we are all doing great so far. I got 4 miles in today with my Fast & Firm DVD. Been doing some weight training too. I think I may have overdone it alittle yesterday with the weights on my ankles the whole time. Kinda sore today. Then I did that one butt scrunchy exercise where your laying down and you raise your hips and squeeze your butt tight. Ouch! Now that the weight is gone my butt looks like it fell...lol. (Too much info.?) :tongue:

    I think I have everyone that is doing the Walk Across the US thing added. Is it my computer or is that site kinda slow? Oh and Kathy looks like you have to do double walking your name got added twice...lol. We are almost to the Chickahominy River guys! I just thought that was a funny name.

    K, well see you all tomorrow! Have a good night everyone!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Sandy, I hope you still have power. I hadn't thought about drawing up water. We have a generator but as the gas prices are so high my husband isn't really wanting to run it if we lose power. I guess I'll go fill up the bathtub for flushing just in case. We actually haven't gotten much precipitation. It was snowing all around us today. Greensboro just wasn't getting any to speak of.

    I took the dogs out and the husky mix just loves it. He was licking what little snow we have up off the ground.

    Hubby went back to work today after being off for 10. It is so nice to have quiet and no one wanting me for something.

    Hope you all have a good evening.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    To any of you looking for WATP workouts . . .

    I have a list that came of the WATP website with a pretty long list of workouts, the year it came out and a brief description. It's kind of helpful to look at when your trying to pick one or not order one you already have. I can send it to anyone that is interested. It's 6 pages long so I hate to post it here.
  • constancemwj
    Hi everyone.....
    For everyone on the east coast,,,,,don't fill l too left out...... We had snow here all yesterday and I wokeup this morning to about a foot of it. we got a snow day here too.... It was very nice. but I spent my morning workout shoveling it so I can get the car out of the grage to go to work tomorrow...
    I did 2 miles with LS 5 day DVD this afternoon, too. I also have the 5 mile
    Sat. I got the BL Power walk. Haven't tried it yet though. I'll go for it tomorrow...
    I also check out the walk across America sight. and joined... Looks like it's going to be fun walking somewhere, and not just infront of the tv..:laugh: thanks melody My # is 63776....
    Stay warm and have a good evening :flowerforyou: Connie
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Marking my spot and checking with 2 miles

    Sandy, hope you still have power!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Yes Cindy, I still have power but I get another snow day! YaY! So I'll be able to get in another good workout today. Most of Atlanta is still shut down and I'm about 50 miles north of there. I'm running out of bird seed though, I've never seen so many birds on my feeders at one time. It's driving my kitties crazy watching them out the window.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Just got done signing up for the walk across America. My id# 63824


    this is who I have so far

    I hope I have everyone that has signed up. this looks like it will be fun
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I didn't do anything yesterday but stay in the bed. But today I did 2 mile bousted walk. So I'm almost half way there. I think I'm going to take my measurements today and start tracking them. One good thing I fitted in measuring suit on Sunday. I alway know that I'm losing weight when I can fit into it.:wink: Everybody have a good day!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning walkers. Over slept because I was up to late. Really blows my workout time. I did 3 miles with Leslie
    Power Walk and Walk Strong with 1.5 lbs. on my ankles and 3 lbs. handweights.

  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    well I guess I was a bit froggy this morning. got 5 miles in. have to get as much as possible this week because sat i am going to blow it big time. We are going to go to Remington Steak House for our anniversary
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I took my grandson for a walk yesterday in the light snowfall we were having. He loved it! More snow predicted for tonight but it is warming up to around 50 tomorrow so it won't last. Strange weather! Today it is in the 20s and tomorrow supposed to be in the 50s!

    That site is REALLY slow! I've been opening it in a new tab and letting it do its thing while I get other stuff done online!

    I will try to check but so far it is so slow that I'm not sure it will be worth the time. I wonder if a lot of new people are using it because of resolutions or something or if it is ALWAYS that slow!

    I've been having a problem with MFP this morning, too but right now it appears to be working okay.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Yes! agree the web site tracking your miles across America is slow, It's extremely slow when adding someone. But then it seems to be okay, Or when registering it was Crazy slow too. I'll try it for the month and see if I can deal with it :indifferent: LOL.
    I will Add Leslie & Constance once I get off here.

    I just finished walking to the beach again, but this time I took a longer path, WHEW!! WOW i must think I'm back 20 yrs ago when I used to walk (LOL). I don't think I'lll be doing that walk for another month :noway:

    I'm actually Jealous about hearing all the snow stories .... Snow Ice CREAM ...... Walking the grandchild while its lightly snowing...... and so on and so on... It really does sound nice, BUT only for awhile. I'm happy here with the 70 degree weather & sunshine.

    Have a Super Day Everyone!!!!!!!!! And don't forget That WALK!!!!!!!
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Didn't get home until ten tonight, but needed to do some exercise! Walked 5 miles again - 27 down, 73 to go... How will I ever be able to make this hahaha ;)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Didn't get home until ten tonight, but needed to do some exercise! Walked 5 miles again - 27 down, 73 to go... How will I ever be able to make this hahaha ;)

    Don't get discouraged Undercover. It's not just the last mile that counts but all the steps you take towards that final mile. You've walked 27 miles in 11 days and that is great!

    I got in the 5 Fat burning miles today. This snow is really helping me with my miles. I don't know if I'll be going to work tomorrow so maybe I'll get in another long one.

    To all the new walkers:
    I'm really glad you have all decided to walk with us and I would hate to see anyone get left behind with the way this message board is designed. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I love seeing everybone's posts on my profile. It keeps me more motivated and it might help you too.
  • constancemwj
    Hi everyone, its another great day :bigsmile:
    I came home from work. and couldn't get into my driveway the snowplows had plowed the road and barried the end so I had to shovel again. :laugh: then fixed a quick dinner. turned on the tv to biggest looser. and got on the treadmill and did 4.5 miles.... not quite the 5 that everyone ales is doing.... but I'm getting there..... you all inspire me. with all your miles walked so far. after a week I'm only at 11, but I'll get there too......
    have another great day tomorrow :drinker: