FAT 2 FAB Challenge!!!!



  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey my FAT 2 FAB friends!!! Just checkin in to see how everyone is doing??? Are you keeping up with your food journal? I read an article that said 100% of ppl that use a food journal lost more weight than ppl who didn't! It helps to see what exactly you are eating! Also how is your 30 min of cardio and water intake goin? I was surprised at how bad I am at drinking water!!! I had to force that last 8oz down my throat! haha.

    I also wanted to let you guys know that we will NOT be weighing in tomorrow (monday) due to the fact that it will only be our 3rd day of the challenge! So you have an extra 3 days this week to burn some extra calories!!! Hope all is well and hope everyone is having fun! Talk to you soon!!!!

  • Stephanie191991
    I am doing good and keeping up with my food journal. I did 45 mins of Turbo Jam today not doing to good with the water :embarassed: so what day are we gonna weigh on
  • FineJC2007
    FineJC2007 Posts: 11 Member
    Been doing good with my journal and also with the cardio. I am with you on the water intake ..... OMG its a lot of water .... I have had 34 oz of water today and I think I will have to force down the last 30 oz :sick: LOL but I know I can do it!!! So are we weighing not this Monday but next Monday??
  • mmelaragno
    I just shoveled 4+ inches of snow yesterday and was so sore today, so today was a rest day. I too had to force my last bit of water- but made it! I've also been tracking my food diary, I agree that it helps out so much.

    I look forward to the weigh in next week!!
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I thought we were startiing tomorrow (monday) so that is when I'm clocking in for sure. I already know water is going to be an issue for me. I am seriously part camel. I can drink 3glasses of water a day and be good. :indifferent:
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    There has been some questions on when we are weighing in.... We are weighing in every Monday. The reason I'm not counting tomorrow as our first weigh in is because we have only been doing the challenge for 3 days and I wasn't sure if anyone would have any weight loss BUT if you weigh in tomorrow and have lost something tell us about it and let us celebrate with you!!! If you do tell us I will go ahead and start doing the spreadsheet. So it is up to you if you want to weigh in tomorrow but we will DEFF do weigh ins next Monday Jan 10 :) Proud of you guys! Thanks for being such great motivation! Taylor
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    I already know the water will be an issue with me. I don't drink much of anything during the day. I know, I know, not good. I can't find a way to get my water in. I've literally tried every drink mix out there to put into it and I don't like any of them. This is gonna be tough. Also, my workouts are non existent at the moment. With my kids out of school, I can't go to my usual church gym to work out and I don't have a way to workout at home. They start back to school on Thursday so hopefully I can't get going back to class. I know I should go and need to go, but I honestly hate it soooo much. At on top of that, my friend that was going to class with me, is moving back to Michigan soon (I'm in Tennessee). That's gonna make it harder too. I can list a million reasons every day to not go to class. This is the hardest part for me.
  • 77Lola
    77Lola Posts: 37
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    The good news is I weighed in this morning (I forgot that we weren't starting but oh well!) and I lost 0.8lbs! Not a ton yet I was happy because last week I was not very consistent with anything. Still inching out of holiday mode :P Bad news is I made no where near my water goal. Ah!
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Awesome job Sam!!!! Don't stress about you water! It will get easier the more you do it! Keep it up!
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello everybody! I hope ya'll have a great day!
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Howdy Hidey Ho Neighbors!!! I hope that your first 6 days of our FAT 2 FAB challenge is going well for you!!! We are down to 84 more days until our final weigh in!!!!! First of all I would like you all to reply and let me know what you thought of our first weeks challenges (30 min of cardio 5 out of 7 days and 64 oz of water everyday) How did you do? Did you like them? Did you hate them? What was your strength or weakness? Just give me some feedback so I can get our next set of challenges going! Thanks and hope everyone is having an awesomely healthy day!!! :)

    My feedback:

    I completed the 5 out of 7 days of 30 min of cardio (my two days off were Sun and Mon) I really enjoyed it! I enjoy working out and love how I feel after. I can already tell that my body is getting stronger and I feel tired and sluggish when I don't exercise. NOW FOR THE WATER.... this was extremely challenging for me! I filled a pitcher with 64oz of water in the morning and found myself having to chug it all at the end of the day. FINALLY by Tues I started getting smart about it....I would drink a full glass at each meal (this also helped me to get full faster!) I also drank more during my workout. After doing those two things I was noticing by the end of the day I didn't have to chug b/c the water was gone!!!! All in all I enjoyed the challenges and deffinately felt that they DID challenge me to do things I don't always do!!! :)
  • Stephanie191991
    Hey I did the 30 mins of cardio 5 out of 7 days and not good at all with the water I drank about 1 to 2 glasses I am trying to drink the water :( I love doing the turbo jam and I have been drink dr.pepper but I have stopped drink it last night
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    I must admit, I didn't do well at all. I didn't exercise at all (Ya'll can slap me on the hand if you want.). I only reached my water goal on 2 days so far. I've got to buckle down and do better. My eating is good but my exercise is not.

    I thought the challenge was a good one. I just have trouble doing alot of it. LOL I'll get better, I promise. :)
  • mmelaragno
    Hi hi hi! I've hit my cardio goal. I too have noticed if I don't exercise I feel so sluggish and tired - and super hungry! My water has been pretty good, I think one, maybe two days I only got to only 6 or 7 glasses, but I just mesured my drinking glass today and it's equal to 2 glasses so I think I actually hit my goal. I will still only count it as one - it can't hurt drinking too much water!

    I loved the goals and think the goals are great! I feel more committed to waking up in the morning to work out knowing that other people are going to see it.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    The last 3days I've done great on water so yay :) I've noticed that drinking it makes me less hungry. On the cardio side I just started tuesday so I've only gotten 3 workouts in. So...confusion here...do we start each challenge on the Friday? Somehow I thought we were starting on Monday so I didn't even track that sort of thing til the third :P
  • ltfitz
    ltfitz Posts: 48
    :frown: This week has been a challenge in its self... so I wasnt up for this weeks challege but I did exercise 3 times this week & drank most of my water, but next week I will be ready!!

    Thank you Thenson40 for putting this together!!! : smile:
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Thankyou to those of you that gave me your input! Just to clear up some confusion the new challenges are posted on Fridays and weigh in's are on Monday. If you all want we can do both new challenge and weigh in on Monday or we can keep it the same. PLEASE vote and tell me which you would prefer and we'll do whichever majority wants :) Moving on...


    1) Water Challenge: since alot of us had trouble with this we will try again! Drink 64oz of water 7 days out of 7! YOU CAN DO IT!

    2) Cardio Challenge: we will also be repeating last weeks challenge. 5 days of cardio out of 7 for at least 30 min.

    EXTRA CREDIT: for those of you that completed last weeks cardio challenge OR want to push yourself a little more you can also do 2 days of strength training on top of your 5 days of cardio! Strength training raises your metabolism which allows you to burn more calories even when your not working out! Adding strength will also transform and slim your body quicker than just cardio alone!

    You can do this! We are all in this boat together and some days are good and some days suck BUT you came to this website for a reason. YOU joined this challenge for a reason....to change! Whether to lose the weight, feel more confident, or just be happy; there was some reason you did this and the only way for it to happen is to do it! If you hate water you can add some crystal light to flavor it or if you hate working out find something fun like dancing or playing with your kids! But you CAN do this I know you can and everyone on this challenge knows you can. So..............LET'S DO THIS! I can't wait for the weigh in on Monday! I'm PROUD of all of you!!! Have a wonderful night!!!
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm for doing both on Monday :)
  • FineJC2007
    FineJC2007 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everybody!!! Sorry i have not wrote anything lately ... been really busy and justed used my phone to log my calories and workouts. Hope to log on next week everyday. I did 100% on the cardio ... I didnt go Monday and Friday so those were my 2 days out of 7 I didnt do cardio. The water is deff a challenge .... OMG before I could drink 90oz a day but now its like I dont want it and I am not thirsty for anything. I have only drank like 4 glasses a day. I am going to try really hard to meet the 8 glasses everyday next week. I think we should start Challenge on Mondays with weigh in because I check Sunday nites to see if there are any posts before Mondays weigh in and now I am 2 days behind since we started on Friday :( I ate bad 2 days this week ... when I say bad I mean REAL REAL bad and I am affraid tomorrow I will weigh in the same as when we started. I am going to do better this week and not go over my calories any days at all. This week was hard because of the holiday and stuff. I hope everyone has a great nite and a fantastic Monday morning!!!