FAT 2 FAB Challenge!!!!



  • mmelaragno
    Oi, I forgot weigh in was today until after I exercised and drank 3 glasses of water. So I'm going to use my weight from Friday, and next week I will weigh in on Monday's too.

    So I lost 1.4 pounds, current weight 236.6

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • ozofeliz
    ozofeliz Posts: 20 Member
    1. Juan Antonio.
    2. Actually 275 lbs ( i lost 44 lb last year)
    3. 250 lbs 90 days . 200 lbs this year.
    4. Hiking 4 times at week minimum 10k max 20k. this is my "basic" :) route http://runkeeper.com/user/evoratec/activity/22949627

    more than 40k of hiking at week

    Aug-Dec 2010 500k of hiking.

    i must begin with workout to tonify the skin
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 148.8
    Current weight: 146.0
    Lost: 2.8lbs
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    My starting weight was 244.
    Today I'm 239.
    So, I'm down 5 lbs! WooHoo!
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Weigh in day everyone!!!! We are going to start doing both challenges and weigh in's on Monday! So of course for this week we are doing CARDIO: 5 out of 7 days and WATER: 64 oz a day! Don't forget if you want a little challenge add strength training for an extra metabolism boost!!!

    Starting weight for challenge: 235
    Current weight: 230!!!

    Lost 5 lbs!

    Good job to everyone that has already weighed in!!! You guys rock!!!

    I will post a spreadsheet as soon as everyone weighs in! :) Have a super day!
  • Stephanie191991
    Lost 3 :D
  • FineJC2007
    FineJC2007 Posts: 11 Member
    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I hate the scale today ............... SW 228 CW 228 Weight Lost 0 :( Maybe next week I guess.
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't sweat Eddie! Some weeks are good and some weeks are not so good...Look at it this week you DIDN'T gain!!! That is wonderful! You are gonna have a great week!!!!
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member

    NAME: SW: CW: Loss for the week: TOTAL LOSS:

    Taylor 235 230 -5 -5
    Mary 238 236.6 -1.4 -1.4
    Tanya 244 239 -5 -5
    Eddie 228 228 -0 -0
    Sam 148.8 146.0 -2.8 -2.8
    Stephanie 179 177 -2 -2
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Okay the spreadsheet DID NOT copy well so give me a some time and I'll figure out how to do it right! BUT here are the numbers for week 1, hope it makes sence with the format being screwed up! Our ROCKSTAR AWARD goes to Tanya for the highest loss for the week at 5 lbs!!!! You are a ROCKSTAR Tanya!!! Congrats to EVERYONE! What a great week! I'm proud of you!!!!!
  • mmelaragno
    Taylor, you did great with your 5 pounds lost too! Congratulations everyone on not gaining weight!!! We're doing wonderful!
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    We are all off to a great start!

    Thanks for making me a ROCKSTAR. :)
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Good job Tanya :) Today I woke up with a whole lot of motivation and tendonitis in my left ankle. Needless to say that is not a good combination...but I am going to do some cardio, just at the pace of a lame snail :P
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Sorry to hear about the tendonitis Sam! That sucks! Hope everyone is doing well! Let me know if anyone has any questions or concerns with this weeks chanllenges!!!!

    Much Love-Tay
  • Stephanie191991
    Last weeks weight:176
    lost 1 pound :ohwell:
  • thenson40
    thenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 230 -0lbs!


    Okay guys I have officially hit a PLATEAU!!! After alot of cursing out the scale and researching the internet I've come up with a solution! Websites say to get over a plateau you need to mix it up from you regular routine and push a little harder for a week to jump start your body again! Soooo this weeks challenge is going to be...........................

    BOOT CAMP!!!!!!

    You need to give me ONE week of you personal BEST!!! Push yourself! You can do it! You can set your own guidelines or you can do mine with me! Good luck!

    1) 70 oz of water (yep you read that right it says 70!)
    2) 60 minutes of cardio 6 days out of 7
    3) At least 30 minutes of strength 5 days out of 7
    4) NO eating after dinner ( this will be a challenge for me!)
    5) A fruit and veggie at every meal
    6) subtract 100 calories off of your normal calorie intake (mine will now be 1400)

    Now if this doesn't kick start my body into losing, I may need one of you to take over the challenges!:laugh: good luck on your weigh ins and as soon as everyone posts I will put up our numbers for this week!!! Have a fabulous day!!!
  • mmelaragno
    Happy Monday!

    SW: 238
    1/10/10 Weight: 236.6
    Today's Weight: 232

    4.6 lbs lost

    I think the new challenge is great! I need to change my routine up a bit too!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • mmelaragno
    Oh yeah, Taylor, I read just yesterday that if you hit a plateau to also change your food. Have an 800-1,000 calorie meal of something that you don't normally eat. It like jump starts your metabolism again. May be worth a try
  • TanyaH321
    TanyaH321 Posts: 53 Member
    Well, I didn't do well this week at all.

    Weight this week. 242 lbs.

    I have no idea why I gained. I ate better this week than I did all thru Christmas and I didn't gain any then. I have a feeling it's about that TOM. I hope that's the reason for the weight gain.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Starting weight - 148.0
    First weigh-in - 146.0
    Current - 145.6 (lose of 0.4lbs)

    now that's an eye opener..I only lost 0.4lbs! Definitely time to kick it up a notch! This week I'm doubling my cardio, making sure i drink all my water, and not eating after 8pm. Hopefully that will destroy whatever is holding me back :P i think the enemy is chocolate. Sigh.