

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I've been so busy running the roads (with my car NOT my feet :noway: ) the last couple days that I haven't been on here much. I've skimmed the posts and will make do with just a couple comments. We are a growing group here! It's great but makes it tricky to keep up with everyone.

    Darlis – Your and your DH are in my prayers. Worrying about a loved one is so stressful.

    Jeannie – You do have a full plate. I admire how you balance it all.

    Mimi – I too want to see Izzy. She sounds so cute. I like the description of where you live. I am out in the countryside as well and loving it.

    Good job on the colonoscopy. :drinker: I guess it's my turn... I have never had one and am way past due, as I'm almost 61.

    I so want the gym to reopen soon. I think I am down a couple pounds but want to weigh myself on the same scale to be sure. I would hate to put down a loss and have to take it back later. Soooo, I'll wait until I can get back in the gym under new management before I commit to the loss. I really really miss the elliptical. A year ago I would have never made that statement! :noway:

    I have been knitting in the evening to keep the munch monster in check. It's working pretty well. Also a trip to the library for a couple good night time books is helping.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Loulou- Congratulations on the 40lb loss. I am also 61 years old, have lost about 59lbs and have 16 more to go! It seems that the weight is coming off ever so slowly, but we need to keep working at it and I'm sure we can get to our goal.

    Emmom- congratulations on your 20 lb loss.

    To all of the rest of the lovely ladies-- Keep up the healthy eating choices and the exercise!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    There is no way I can reply to everyone, but still want to get a few messages in:

    Barbie, Glad your procedure is over and you are not going to have to do another for 10 years. Good for you!

    Mimi, I join the chorus of requests for a picture of the newest member of your family. "Izzy" sounds like a cutie. Those barks you hear in the background are the "Three Little Pigs" sending the warmest and "woofiest" of greetings to your new "furbaby."

    Chiclet, It sounds like things are getting a little easier as far as caring for your mom is concerned. I hope your excursion goes well, and I am glad you found a solution to your newly protruding bones.

    Darlis, I am thinking of you and sending thoughts for a positive outcome for your spouses medical tests.

    Frogmama, Croaking frogs in the laundry room is better than "bats in the belfry," right? LOL BTW, if I worked where you do, I would just have to sign my paycheck over to them every week. They have great clothes!!

    Well, I need to think about dinner. Actually, I have been thinking about it for the last hour, but it is hard to cook with a computer in your lap, so BFN

  • vikkij12
    bump I will get back and catch up later.
  • mimi7grands
    Here's a pic of Isabella (Izzy most of the time).


    LOL, I gave this (putting a picture up) a try and, to my amazement, it worked! Now I'm editing my post to tell you a little more about Isabella. This pic was taken at the shelter about 3-4 weeks ago. Since then, Izzy has had a clip. I can't find the connecting cord to download the pics I've taken but will do it when I find it. I'm amazed the photographer got this pic of her. It's hard to get her to hold still for more than a second at a time. Unless she's flat-out sleeping of course!

    She looks short and squatty in this pic (which is what I expected her to be), but she's actually built more like a dainty miniature poodle. Although she weighs only 10 pounds, she's fairly tall. Under all the fur, she's a skinny little thing. I know it's not good for a dog to be overweight, but I'd like to see a little more meat on those bones.

    Izz took me for a walk this morning. We explored the road going west of our house - lots of downhill and then, of course, on the way back, lots of uphill. It's the first time I've walked down that road. My 4-year-old granddaughter went with me. I gave her a piggy-back ride for a short distance on the way back. Will the firsts never cease? (And may they never cease.)

    I kept Izzy on a leash because our local hawk (who lives about 200' away in a tall pine) was circling, and screeching, and generally looking way too interested. Izzy probably looks like a nice afternoon snack to him. My grandson tells me a pair of hawks are nesting in the tree, where they are raising their family. At night, there are the owls. So, unless there are a bunch of people around her, Izzy will be on a leash.

    She's full of energy in the morning. I play with her for awhile then, when I move on to other things, she amuses herself by throwing her toy bone up into the air, pouncing on it, jumping around, then doing it again. She's fun to watch when she's off-leash. She's amazingly fast and beats both the youngest grandkids handily. She looks like a speeding dust mop.

    My DD, SIL, grandkids, and I took a trip to PetSmart this afternoon. $70 later, I left with a new harness, a bag of food, a yellow raincoat, and a blue sweater for Izzy! I can see she's going to eat into the budget. BTW, she loves her new food. It's called "Blue" and is the primo of primo dog foods. She wasn't liking the Rachel Ray Nutrish I'd bought for her. (I couldn't give her the same food that she'd eaten at the shelter...it was something special someone had donated.) Fortunately, her digestive system seems to handle the changes easily. (I mixed the old and new dog foods 50/50 to help with the transition.)

    I did well with eating this morning and afternoon. However (!), after our trip to PetSmart, the crew and I went to Costco, where we ate after finishing shopping. The chicken caesar salad wasn't too bad for calories but a few other things, that shall remain unnamed, were not so good. :embarassed: Deviating from my routine is not a good thing for me these days. :noway: Back to the S&N in the morning.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning,
    Eaarrrrly morning for me. I've been awake since 4:am...Recovering from a 2 day Migraine. Looks like all of you are doing well these days.

    Chiclet-hoping your day out with your Mom goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Rhonda-you are off to a good start.:flowerforyou:

    Frogmama..your posts are interesting- Frogs huh? I have a cousin who screams no matter if it's a real frog or fake frog. :laugh:
    She scared us, badly, one time when we were out for a walk. We didn't know what was trying to "get " us...it was a little, bitty, frog.:laugh:

    Mookie-you are at the right place. :flowerforyou:

    Viki-bump back in.

    Mimi- Your pup is cute:flowerforyou:

    Birdie your posts are always inspirational:flowerforyou:

    Kackie, Laura, Michelle--:flowerforyou: Miss you and hope things are okay with you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie -Relief for 10 years. Glad things went well for you!:flowerforyou:

    Karlene-It's probably still very cold in your neighborhood. We had somewhat of a break but the weather is coming back in.

    Amanda-I may have missed it but what kind of therapy are you doing?

    Wizzy-your pic is very nice and you are running around all the time these days :happy: :tongue:

    Okay, I've probably missed someone or several someones...it's the Migraine Meds...not my age:noway: :noway:

    Have a good one~~:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a quick fly by. I have a ton of stuff to do before I begin my job tomorrow.

    The way things work out I will ease into working again.
    Week 1 only 1 day (friday)
    Week 2 only 2 days (mon and tues) then off to the wedding
    Week 3 only 3 days (wed thur and fri) after we get back.
    Nice way to get accustomed to the grind again.:bigsmile:

    mimi - love the pup!!!! so cute. :love: :love: :love:

    I will try to check in later. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning all, I am still living the lifestyle, and enjoying myself.

    Very cold here this a. m. now I remember why I fill the wood rack every three days. It is great exercise and serves another purpose. The woodstove in my home office is toasty war this morning and so am I.
    Stoking the stove is the first thing I do after, I grab a cup of half caff coffee, drink a glass of H20, eat a peanut butter Wasa. Then I throw on a dvd and burn some calories, or jump an the elliptical, and so my day begins.

    Last night I looked out and the local theives (deer) were raiding my bird feeders.:grumble: I would happily feed them but it is quite illegal, and they have become very overbearing as it is. They are standing on their rear legs and punching the feeders.
    Hard on the feeders and wasteful. They challenge you to come out and chase them off. Last night opening the window and speaking to them sufficed. Some times they just stand and stare at you til you haul yourself out into the cold and chase them off. It was too cold for that last night.

    Darlis prayers for you husband and you.

    Mimi she's a beautiful little dog!

    Barbie, that wasn't so bad eh?

    RJ good news on the job. Will you be working all over or in a specific department?

    Nyll54 hoping the migraine leaves today.

    To everyone I do remember but do not have time to post about, Thank you for your help and inspiration. Alice
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I ordered a BodyMedia FIT on Jan. 3rd. Last night they FINALLY sent an email saying my order was being fulfilled. Not mailed, mind you, just fulfilled. And I had to send a complaining email to get that. I am not happy about this!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    EMMOM--Congrats on the loss!

    Karlene--I hope you are having a good day today.

    Mimi--Your new baby is adorable! Almost (not quite) makes me want to get one!

    Robin--Good way to get back to it! I start at 20 hours a week when I go back and I can pretty much spread them out however I want to. I check with the store, though, and try to be there for the deliveries.

    I will finish later. The baby wants the lights on the computer so I need to turn it off!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I wish everyone a great day today! We have been dealing with ice here, and I hate slick roads and sidewalks. At least the sun is shining today, even though it is only 15 degrees out, so life is looking up. I have just been feeling cold and incredibly lazy, but need to get going.
    Amanda - My mother sold my dress right after my wedding. It was okay with me; what would I do with it?
    Emmom - 20 pounds? Totally awesome!
    Mimi- Cute little girl!
    Everyone - Happy Thursday, all!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Izzy is totally adorable!!!!

    "Blue" is excellent food. I just discovered they have a senior food, so as soon as Mai Li is close to finished with the current supply of her food, I plan to try some. The other two are on prescription diets--Pepper, to avoid kidney stones; and Bradley, to keep the kidney function maximized.

    BTW, I see wheyour mention of the yellow raincoat reminded me that I wanted to tell you about Foster and Smith, a mail order place for all things doggie and other pets. My late MIL got a raincoat with Dreyfus's name embroidered on it for the first Christmas we had him. He looked so cute. It fits Pepper now, and since he can't read, he is happy to wear it!!! I just checked the website and they don't seem to have the personalized ones any longer, but they do have a yellow raincoat available, if anyone else is interested.

    The website is:

    They also have prescription meds available and many times for less than you can get them through your vet. When Dreyfus was still with me and having daily doses of "Optimmune" ointment for canine dry eye, from the website it cost me 1/2 of what it did through the vet's office.

    NewsFlash!! We are supposed to go all day without any rain!!! But it will return this evening. I am going to try and get the piggies out for a walk while we have the chance.


  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: SNow, Snow, Snow ...been coming down since 10 and still coming ....we'll see how much accumulates. It was a little too warm when it started. There is about 3 inches out there now...it would have been more but it was just above freezin when it started and was slow to "stick."
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    This is looking out my bedroom window. Warmed right up to 10 today. I am off to fill the wood rack!
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, All, I haven't been around for quite some time and don't recognize most names, except Callie, who has already been kind enough to write a note. And good to see you're still here Barbie. Sounds like you are doing very well in spite of nasty medical tests. But good news for you. Do you struggle at all with eating properly these days or is all that passe for you. I would love to be at that point. Need to get with it, relose a few lbs, tho' I'm glad to say it's not too many in spite being AWOL for many months. All the best to everyone in this NEW YEAR.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello Ellen, nice to see you again.

    This is the view from my bedroom window. I am glad I am inside!

    This is the wood rack I fill. 40 minutes and 354 calories tonight hauling wood and hauling into the house.

    My gloves were damp from the snow and were freezing to the door handle. Believe it's going to be right brisk tonight.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :laugh: Hey Alice-those are awesome icicles...um..that could be a risky tongue twister:laugh:
    Wow! 10 degrees and where is that?

    Hi Ellen- I'm probably a newbie to you. I've been on here since September. :flowerforyou:

    Be careful-Mary-...we don't want you falling.:flowerforyou:

    I drove back home on slick, icy roads today. Made it okay. Was glad I wasn't out any longer.

    Have a good night!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Oh and Alce, you should have some "cut" biceps hauling that wood!!:wink::tongue:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi, All, I haven't been around for quite some time and don't recognize most names, except Callie, who has already been kind enough to write a note. And good to see you're still here Barbie. Sounds like you are doing very well in spite of nasty medical tests. But good news for you. Do you struggle at all with eating properly these days or is all that passe for you. I would love to be at that point. Need to get with it, relose a few lbs, tho' I'm glad to say it's not too many in spite being AWOL for many months. All the best to everyone in this NEW YEAR.

    Hi Ellen,

    I didn't realize how long it had been until I saw your last post before today was in Dec of 2009!!!! Thanks for the personal message you sent me earlier today. I hope you will bring us up to date, when you have a chance, on what has been going on with you this last year. Welcome back! All those hands you see reaching out to you are offering to help you climb "back in the wagon."

    Robin, I hope everything goes well your first day back in the (work) saddle. If I read it right, tomorrow is your first day.

    I have been too busy lately to say much about what has been keeping me busy. I recently changed company affiliations, choosing to go with a group of experienced agents who are establishing a new agency in my town. We are still in "start up" mode, so I thanked the Lord for what happened at the beginning of this week.

    Someone from my past, who has been in the financial services business for almost 40 years, called me out of the blue last week, and what timing he has!!! I met with him today, along with another associate. He has a BUNCH of existing clients that he doesn't have time to follow up with, many of whom are likely prospects for the insurance-related product that I am now marketing. There are so many people in his files, it should take me and my associate at least a month to contact them all.

    We are VERY pleased with this turn of events, as having a warm introduction to prospects makes establishing ourselves a little easier and should certainly speed up the process. We will be working out the details this weekend and starting to make contacts next week.

    Well, I have to do grocery shopping for my mom yet tonight--thank goodness for stores that stay open until 11p and another that is 24 hours.


  • mimi7grands
    Hello from (I *almost* hate to say it) sunny California. We're in the 60's here. Sweater weather, but no slipping or sliding.

    It's odd to have dry weather for such a long stretch (a couple of weeks). I'll enjoy it while it lasts. The last few months have been pretty wet, which is not doing our road (the gravel's wearing thin) much good. We have to make it through the winter at least then we can do some work on it.

    Barb, thanks for the website info. I'll take a look. The yellow raincoat I bought for Izzy is too short so will need to exchange for a bigger size or see what I can find on the website you mentioned. Congratulations on the happenings at work. Sounds promising.

    Robin, good luck with your first day on the new job. You must be excited!

    I'm annoyed with myself for not doing better with what I've eaten today. Unfortunately, there are no magic shortcuts, just one day at a time. I did get out for a walk with Izzy, so that's good!

    Good night everyone. Thanks for being here.