

  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Completed Power 90 3-4 last night. Whoo! Talk about challenging myself! I'm glad I moved up early though because it is a faster workout and more intense. The first video was kind of slow, even if I can't do all of the moves, I'm much better than when I started. Kinda nervous for the Cardio part tonight, Sculpt was hard enough.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Ha ha...I replied to that board too....but I think I was one of the few that understood what the OP was trying to convey. I knew once I saw that title that he was going to get bombarded...and he did!

    I find it extremely sad that is what happens to people who post a different view or opinion as the majority. The discussion boards should be used for the purpose of 'discussion', all too often members are smacked on their butt if they do/say something others don't agree with. Sad.

    I agree with you completely about the different opinions I think everyone to each there own, I just thought the title was a bit much cause it struck me the wrong way... I don't mind people giving there opinions, as long as I can give mine also :smile:
    Don't mean anything against anyone or anything and I am sorry if I struck people wrong with my comments....don't mean to come off the wrong way...

    I completely get what you're saying...and you're quite right, I think that is one of the downfalls of the message boards...it's very hard for people to convey what they want in a way that doesn't offend other people or make themselves 'sound' ignorant. (Not you, the OP, among others)

    I hope you didn't think I thought this of you! I think you're great and I love when people voice their opinions! :)
    I was struck wrong as soon as I saw his title too....that's why I just knew it wasn't going to turn out well for him...lol...poor guy. I can see why so many were put off by his thread, I was just able to get where he was coming from and what he meant. I looked @ the thread again today...holy wow...it is STILL carrying on over there. I thought by now people would have tired of it all....I say, WHO CARESSS!! Do you and let others do them! :drinker:

    Personally, I think I am falling in love with P90X!! (Seeing Mr. Tony each day is a bonus....that lil stud muffin!) :love:
    So nice to have a group of fellow X'ers to chit chat (or vent) to....we've got a great group! **Butt Slaps all around!** :p
    Have a great day peeps......get to sweatin'!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Completed Power 90 3-4 last night. Whoo! Talk about challenging myself! I'm glad I moved up early though because it is a faster workout and more intense. The first video was kind of slow, even if I can't do all of the moves, I'm much better than when I started. Kinda nervous for the Cardio part tonight, Sculpt was hard enough.

    Girlllllllllll look at you go! I do miss the original at times......enjoy the Cardio, don't get too worried....it's pretty much the same as level 1-2, except some parts are a little faster and a couple sections have an additional reps with a few new moves at the end. I'm sure you'll do great! Get it girl! :drinker:
  • sixpackgoal
    Still on board. Too tired to post much. Keeping Calorie Limit at 2030 daily.
    Have to get up at 3:45 am most days to fit P90X due to crazy evening schedule.
    I am not complaining.
    I think "How lucky I am to get to do the P90X workouts as not everyone can for any number of reasons.
    Keep up the hardwork everyone.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    W3D4 complete!

    Waaaaaa Hoooooo! I am hella happy!

    I had planned on replacing the Stretch dvd for the Yoga dvd since I hated it, hurt my wrists to do it (arthritis), it was too long, and it was too boring. Today I thought about what Tony says, "Do your best & forget the rest"....and what I said to MYSELF...."YOU'RE the one who wanted to 'challenge' yourself, dumbass"....SO....

    I made myself put that stupid Yoga disk in....and I just DID IT. Didn't think about how hard some of the moves were...didn't think about how much LONGER I had to go.....................and I finished the whole thing (AND was able to do all but a few moves correctly!) Yeahhh baby! Sorry, had to let it out before I burst! :tongue:
  • chelsiburnett
    ok kids, how are you doing hitting the 1800 calories? I've been doing pretty poor at that and think that I'm gaining. :( Do you find that eating all that food helps a ton?

    My first 2 weeks i was at 1600 calories a day and i was feeling really queezy in my second week. I then got off my butt and went to the store and bought some protein powder and made some shakes and planning on smoothies as well. This week i can definately feel a difference, i have more energy and i can make it through my workouts without feeling sick. Buying protein powder will get your calories up to 1800 for sure. I really do wanna lose weight but i think this program is more about being stronger in all aspects of your life. Right now, i just really wanna make it to the end correctly. If i get weightloss that will be great, but i already know that my clothes are fitting better and i am alot faster at work.

    Yeah I agree about not caring so much about the weight as I do losing these inches!!! I can't believe how great my clothes are fitting also!! I can wear my jeans directly out of the dryer and they are still loose!! I haven't lost anything all week but I can tell I am toning and losing inches so I will take it where I can get it!!!
  • kappy2hot
    Hi everyone! Just finished pure cardio and yogaX today. I noticed that i get really really cold after the workouts, and i am wondering what is causing that. Is anyone else experiencing that?

    Other than that great day, great workout...
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi everyone! Just finished pure cardio and yogaX today. I noticed that i get really really cold after the workouts, and i am wondering what is causing that. Is anyone else experiencing that?

    Other than that great day, great workout...

    I have gotten cold too, but i don't know the reasoning behind that. I would love to hear an answer to that question
  • 321Detonate
    W3D4 complete!

    Waaaaaa Hoooooo! I am hella happy!

    I had planned on replacing the Stretch dvd for the Yoga dvd since I hated it, hurt my wrists to do it (arthritis), it was too long, and it was too boring. Today I thought about what Tony says, "Do your best & forget the rest"....and what I said to MYSELF...."YOU'RE the one who wanted to 'challenge' yourself, dumbass"....SO....

    I made myself put that stupid Yoga disk in....and I just DID IT. Didn't think about how hard some of the moves were...didn't think about how much LONGER I had to go.....................and I finished the whole thing (AND was able to do all but a few moves correctly!) Yeahhh baby! Sorry, had to let it out before I burst! :tongue:
    AWESOME :drinker: :drinker: You rock!!!
    Personally, I think I am falling in love with P90X!! (Seeing Mr. Tony each day is a bonus....that lil stud muffin!) :love:
    So nice to have a group of fellow X'ers to chit chat (or vent) to....we've got a great group! **Butt Slaps all around!** :p
    Have a great day peeps......get to sweatin'!
    LMAO at the butt slap! :laugh: :laugh: That totally made my day!!!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    W3D4 complete!

    Waaaaaa Hoooooo! I am hella happy!

    I had planned on replacing the Stretch dvd for the Yoga dvd since I hated it, hurt my wrists to do it (arthritis), it was too long, and it was too boring. Today I thought about what Tony says, "Do your best & forget the rest"....and what I said to MYSELF...."YOU'RE the one who wanted to 'challenge' yourself, dumbass"....SO....

    I made myself put that stupid Yoga disk in....and I just DID IT. Didn't think about how hard some of the moves were...didn't think about how much LONGER I had to go.....................and I finished the whole thing (AND was able to do all but a few moves correctly!) Yeahhh baby! Sorry, had to let it out before I burst! :tongue:

    That was great, thats what i think when i am getting ready to do yoga too. But the reality is that the sooner you put in the dvd and get started, the sooner it will be over.
  • chelsiburnett
    Hi everyone! Just finished pure cardio and yogaX today. I noticed that i get really really cold after the workouts, and i am wondering what is causing that. Is anyone else experiencing that?

    Other than that great day, great workout...

    I have gotten cold too, but i don't know the reasoning behind that. I would love to hear an answer to that question

    Me Too!!!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    I did really good in legs and got in alot of reps on the pull up bar but in Ab ripper x, i was tired and my belly hurt. Today wasn't a good day in that department.
  • chelsiburnett
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    Wow!!! I am always surprised at new things that I can accomplish! I love this program just for the fact that if you really try hard you can always surprise yourself!! Oh and my brother in law just said he could tell that I have lost inches..I didn't tell him I had until after he told me that wonderful compliment!!! What a great evening!!! LOL!:wink:
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    W3D4 Completed. I was in a bit of a funk today, but I got off my but to work them calories!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    Wow!!! I am always surprised at new things that I can accomplish! I love this program just for the fact that if you really try hard you can always surprise yourself!! Oh and my brother in law just said he could tell that I have lost inches..I didn't tell him I had until after he told me that wonderful compliment!!! What a great evening!!! LOL!:wink:

    I am on my second round and still surprising myself!! It is such a great motivator and keeps me going all the time!! I'm always pushing myself to do better than the last workout... and I LOVE the idea of writing everything down... it makes it really easy to see the progress in my fitness every day! Congrads with your success and keep it up!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    I did really good in legs and got in alot of reps on the pull up bar but in Ab ripper x, i was tired and my belly hurt. Today wasn't a good day in that department.

    Ab ripper x is still REALLY hard for me.... that is the one workout where I just can't keep up at all!!! But just do your best and forget the rest right???
  • chelsiburnett
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    I did really good in legs and got in alot of reps on the pull up bar but in Ab ripper x, i was tired and my belly hurt. Today wasn't a good day in that department.

    Ab ripper x is still REALLY hard for me.... that is the one workout where I just can't keep up at all!!! But just do your best and forget the rest right???

    Only of the few problems I have with the ab ripper x is keeping my legs straight throughout all those exercises...It seems that all they want to do is bend. I fight to keep them half way straigh, but it is really hard!! I am going to keep working on it and hopefully this improves with time!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    W2D4 - DONE! I love Yoga, but hate ab ripper...must make myself do it...:sad:
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Just Finished Legs and back + ab ripper x

    I did really good in legs and got in alot of reps on the pull up bar but in Ab ripper x, i was tired and my belly hurt. Today wasn't a good day in that department.

    Ab ripper x is still REALLY hard for me.... that is the one workout where I just can't keep up at all!!! But just do your best and forget the rest right???

    I hear that! It's still weird to me that we're only 3 weeks (+) in to the program, yet many of us can already see/feel ourselves progress! I am already able to keep up/do the moves properly better than I was the first time....and it's only week 3! (???) Seems unreal.

    I did want to say though, what helps me learn the moves and be able to DO them, is pausing the disk. A few of the moves take me longer to reach 25 reps than it does for them. I figure, I'd rather be a little slower but reach 25, than try to keep up, without proper form, and only reach 15-20 reps. It takes longer to finish the dvd, but I'm hoping to work my way up to their pace.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Didn't workout yesterday and am really sore today, how does that work?

    I'm doubling up on Saturday to make up for my missed day though! :o)

    Have a great weekend everyone!