Apple Pie Breakfast



  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I made it, but only got 4 cups out of the recipe...but at 212 cals per cup, it's still not bad for a dessert!

    ETA: For 6 servings, I got 141 cals/ea, not 115...I wonder why?

    Apples and apple juices will all have different calories than each other.

    I used 3 gala apples as suggested in the recipe, and the oasis apple juice she uses has 117 cals per cup where the Mott's that I used has 120 cals per cup. So not a huge difference. And while 36 cals isn't a huge difference per cup, it is more and could mean something if someone does eat more than a cup. Just want to make sure I calculated correctly...

    I find that some recipes cook differently in different climates. I'm in Alberta, Canada, deep in the rocky mountains. When I make recipes at my Gramma's (she lives near the ocean), I always get a bit of variation. If you like the taste and consistency when you only get 4 cups, I would leave it. If not, try adding an extra cup or so of liquid and see how it goes. That would help bump up the amount slightly. :) Thanks for trying my recipe!

    I'm sorry...what does where you live have to do with calorie calculation?

    Where you live depends on how moist the air is (i.e. if you are near the ocean it is more humid, if you live near the dessert it is more dry) so liquids sometimes cook differently. I was explaining why she may have only gotten 4 cups instead of 6 when she followed the recipe exactly. Someone just commented the other day that she got way more than 6 cups, so there you go. :)
  • Shannafo
    Shannafo Posts: 121 Member
    YUM!!! I can't wait to try this.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    bumping sounds good!
  • yum! will have to try sometime soon
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
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