The Postcard Challenge is very simple... Post your weight as of 3rd January and I will make a note of it in my handy dandy notebook (if I can work out how to, I might do make a table of them to put on the thread but I'm not that confident). Then, in 2 weeks (17th Jan), post your finishing weight and if you are the biggest loser (i.e. you lose the most weight), I will send you a postcard from sunny (okay, I lie. it's cold and dull, possibility of rain) Lancashire, ENGLAND!!!!

AND... This is the biggie... You get to host the next round!!!!!

I would also love you all to make some pledges, nothing big, something you can reasonably stick to for 2 weeks.

As an example, these are mine:

Drink at least 8 glasses of water EVERYDAY!!!!!!
30 minutes of cardio, at least 3 times a week (I'm currently 'walking at home' with Leslie Sansone)
15 minutes of weights, at least 3 times a week (I combine this with 'walking at home')
30 sit-ups/crunches, at least 3 times a week (I'm using some of the ones from 30 day shred)
15 push-up, at least 3 times a week (Call me a wimp, but I do the easy peasy ones)
30 minutes Wii Fit Plus, targeting specific areas, at least 3 times a week
15-30 minutes of relaxation, at least 3 times a week (my friend gave me 5 books by Maya Angelou, so to read them will be my relaxation time, or a bath!)

And finally the best one of all...
30 minutes of JUST DANCE 1/2, at least 3 times a week (and if possible, to invite my children to compete against me... And then trounce them!!!!!!).

I don't know that I'll achieve all of them but I'm going to give it a darn good try!

So, if you want that postcard (and I know you do!), post your weight tomorrow, pledges too (I won't hold you to them, but make them something you could stick to).

Oh, and please feel free to add me (then you'll know when to post your final weights, 'cos I'll put it on my status!).

Also, if you have Just Dance 1 or 2, I may post my scores and you can ATTEMPT to beat me (honestly, I'm not that good but it could be a good motivator!).



  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    hi looby...congrats on your win thru the holidays! unbelievable motivation and conviction you have! I tried yesterday to get into the groove...started out fine ...even did the 30 day shred but became hungry all day which is not like me...i am not going to get myself down about it is going to be better!

    here are my goals

    8 glasses of water
    treadmill 30 minutes at least 3 times
    30 day shred at least 3 x's (on demand/cable)
    ab work out at least 3x's (on demand/cable)
    at least 30 minutes cleaning non stop each day

    my start weight for this challenge is 140
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    LOOBY! Thanks for doing this again! I just love these!!! :)

    I am going to get my goals ready tonight and weigh in tomorrow! :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Congrats again Louise!!! :flowerforyou:

    I plan on walking outside (weather permitting) at least 3x each week, FINISHING the 5k I'm attending this coming Saturday and making sure my water stays at 12 8oz glasses every day. I've been slacking a lot lately and I know these don't seem klike much to some people, but after not really exercising at all, it's huge for me, I gotta ease myself back into this, if I run full force, I'll just tire myself out.
    Good luck all!!

    :heart: Bru
  • I'm up for it - I need the incentive!!!:smile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight of 211.

    My 2-week goals:
    More water, less soda
    Start exercising again (I took a break over the holidays)
    Stay within my calorie goals on most days
    Oh and have a blast hiking next weekend for my birthday =)
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    5 so far but we need more:heart: ! I've put out another request.

    I'll be posting my starting weight too, tomorrow (though I don't want a postcard from myself:bigsmile: ), but I want to be a part of this even though I'm hosting the challenge, give me motivation!!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!!!!!
  • MrsSeaShell
    Im in =] I will post my weigh-in tomorrow

    My goals are:
    drink at least 8 cups of water a day
    go to the gym 4 days a week and exercise for an hour each time
    walk at least two days with my hubby and son
    Cut down my sugar and sodium
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    bump for tomorrow!
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    hey all! okay I am starting at 210lbs.
    My goals: Get to Zumba at least once this week
    at least 3 days of cardio
    keep up my water intake daily.

    I have another week before my kids go back to school, so getting to the gym will be hard. I would go outside and surprisingly it is snowing...and I live in Southern California!!!!
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    I'm In looby. I have to stay committed and finish loosing my last weight. Below is what I know makes me loose weight...

    Present weight 3rd Dec 128lb goal weight: 120
    Goal for two weeks:
    stay under cal
    eat no wheat and little carbs
    8 glasses of water every day
    morning exercise 1 hour and evening exercise 1hour
    No alchohol
    Hopefully no suger: this is sooo hard for me
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    bump for tomorrow!
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    Im in :) I will post my weigh-in tomorrow
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Okay, I'll start off the weigh-in!

    197lbs (still in ONEderland). I'd love to be a little closer to ONE-EIGHTYland by the end of this challenge!

    Of my pledges: I've done 30mins cardio, 15 mins weights and I'm making a start on my 8 glasses of water (3 so far).

    Good luck everyone!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi; here's my weigh in for the start of the challenge - 175.6lbs; that's only .6 lbs up after all the holiday goodies - woohoo!!!!!

    I am going to be in Oxford for the weekdays this week and next so I can't get back to the Pilates and swimming until after 14th January. In the meantime I want to get back to the WiiFit sessions, my walks and to get back to a proper water intake. Then when I finish the trips to Oxford I will be in a good place to restart the exercise and look to losing the next stone! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!

    Love Pam :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • s_krapf
    s_krapf Posts: 14 Member
    My weight for today is 187. I want to get back into drinking more water since I slacked off while off work for 2.5 weeks. I also plan to pick back up with my exercise.
  • My weight today is 137lb and would like to lose 2lb. :smile:
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    My weigh in is 268.2 lbs. I'd like to lose 5 lbs by the end of the 2 weeks! Some things I would like to commit to are:

    Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
    Drink Green Tea throughout the day and only ONE coke zero
    45 min of cardio at the gym at least 3 days
    3 days of my Power 90 sculpt
    3 days of Ab Ripper 200
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I wanna play!!!!!
    My starting weight is 214.3 (weighed in for a contest yesterday)
    My goals on the round are to eat cleaner, stop snacking on crap, and burn 2800 cals a day acording to my bodybugg. I want to do some just dance to. I have it but, have never played it. I'm gonna get on that!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Good Morning all! I weighed in at 159.5 this morning! That's 2.5 lbs ABOVE my pre holiday weight but it's also, the goal is 155lb by the end of the 2 weeks. I know it's a lofty goal but I'm counting on losing some TOM weight along with "regular" weight.

    My goals for the next 2 weeks:

    Work out at least 30 min each day. This is separate from walking the dogs, which I usually count as exercise
    Drink 8 glasses water per day
    Lay off the SWEETS!!!!

    Good Luck Everyone!