

  • murphysacres
    Good Morning everyone! I weighed in at 174lbs this morning. My goals are to drink my water which I am really bad about not getting done, and doing cardio 4 times a week. OH, and the hardest thing for me to do, get some "Just Me Quiet Time"
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Weight:273 I would like to be back at 267 (where I was before Christmas--hoping some of this is still my period holding on), Actually I would like to get below that, which I know seems like a lot but I am convinced at least 3 lbs of this is still my TOM weight.

    things i will do to get here:

    Stay within my calories--only eat 200 extra on the days I work out (which is around a 1/4th to a 1/5th of what I tend to burn)
    Work on weight lifting!
    Make healthier eating decisions
    Drink more water.
    Starbucks no more than once a day (I am terribly addicted)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Starting off at 202.6 :grumble: darn New Years... time to kick it into high gear! :drinker:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm in!!!!

    Today I am at 178 so I would like to be at 175 in 2 weeks

    My extra goals are to....
    drink more water (8 glasses)
    Exercise at least 2 times a week.

    Good luck to all of us!!
  • momof26
    momof26 Posts: 83
    I am totally in!! My starting weight was 180.2. My goals are to drink less beer (empty calories and I just have like one or two with my dinner), drink 8 glasses of water, put more healthy items in my system, exercise at least 3 x's a week, and have a better attitude with myself. Gotta be healthy for the kiddos!
  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member
    I am in!

    My SW is: 270

    My goals are:

    1. Drink 8 glasses (or more) of water a day.
    2. Meet my calorie goals for the day (or be slightly under).
    3. Cardio training x3 per week
    4. Strength training x2 per week
    5. Lose at least 3 pounds in the next 2 weeks!!
  • lulu_beans
    lulu_beans Posts: 100 Member
    This sounds AWESOME :) Thanks for hosting! My starting weight is 210.

    My goals are to drink at least my 8 glasses of water, and to walk with the kids or dog at least 3x per week, for 30 minutes or more.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    184 is my SW
    My goal is to work out 5 days a week
  • matari2010
    I'm in! Starting weight of 235.

    My 2-week goal is:

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    45min-1hr of walking daily
    stick to my calorie goal!!
    will try 15 minutes of weights, at least 3 times a week (I combine this with 'walking at home')
    will try 30 sit-ups/crunches, at least 3 times a week (I'm using some of the ones from 30 day shred)
    will try 15 push-up, at least 3 times a week (Call me a wimp, but I do the easy peasy ones)
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    I want a postcard from Lancashire, ENGLAND….. so here are my goals

    1. Drink 4 glasses (or more) of water a day.
    2. Meet my calorie goals for the day.
    3. Work out 4 days a week
    4. Lose at least 3 pounds in the next 2 weeks!!

    My starting weight for this challenge is 164
  • emilysue
    My weight is 195.

    My goals are:
    exercise 30 minutes a day
    avoid fast food!!!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I'm joining!!! I need to stay motivated to lose 2 lbs. before my annual doctor appointment on January 11. If I can lose those two pounds I will hit a total of 50 lbs lost. Here goes nothing....

    CW: 173.8

    Run 3 days a week
    Strength Train 3 days a week
    No fast food for two weeks
    Eat at least 4 servings of fruit/veggies a day
  • KKaidy
    KKaidy Posts: 6 Member
    OK! I've never done something like this, but here goes!!!

    SW: 159

    1. Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day
    2. Walk dog (briskly), 5-6 days/week
    3. Some more intense cardio 3days/week
    4. Strength training, 2-3 days/week
    5. 139 by March 14th - is this even possible????
    6. 135 by April 15th
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hey looby! Glad to see you! I am in!

    SW 204

    I plan on getting back on the treadmill...learning the Playstation Move Zumba I received for Christmas...and eating way better.
    Started logging my food again so that will help me stay honest!

    I need hold me accountable!

    Good luck to all!
  • Blueeyes1117
    Blueeyes1117 Posts: 51 Member
    I'd love to join as of today a whopping 166 ughhh.

    Goals :
    Go to the gym atleast twice a week on my lunch break for atleast 20 mins
    Go to the gym atleast twice a week in the afternoon with the hubby for atleast 30 mins
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    AVOID CHOCOLATE at all cost
    Try to stay within my calorie budget :)
  • CharlotteRose90
    I'm in! Starting weight is 225 lbs.

    I pledge to: walk 20 minutes 3 days a week
    drink only water
    be under or at calorie budget
    play on the wii fit against my 8 year old sister at least 2 times a week (she is a beast on the wii) =)

    I am new to the site and have also never done something like this before! Sounds fun!

  • Tammy6591
    Tammy6591 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. Starting weight is 166. My goals are as followed:

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water Mon-Fri.
    -Cardio 30 min. twice a day 4 days per week
    -Strength train15 min. twice a day 4 days per week
    -Stick to my caloric intake
    -Watch my snacking
    -No alcohol Sun - Thurs - meaning no wine :-(
    -put the chocolate AWAY where I can't see it.

    My GW:163
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fantastic is this??????? Whoohooooooooooooo!:bigsmile:

    I love you all for joining!

    Please post whenever you like, I love reading the posts. If you'd like to weigh-in next Monday, feel free. And let us all know how you are keeping up with your 'pledges'.

    I've managed with my water intake, cardio and weights. Tomorrow, I'm going to do a bit of Just Dance 1/2 and Wii Fit and get some reading done!

    My loverly girlies are due back from their dad's, in Switzerland, very soon, so I'm a very happy bunny!
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    ok i'm going to have a go!!!!!! i've never joined in one of these before, so can someone remind me if i need to post anything :blushing:

    my starting weight is 220lbs.......yuk!!

    I challenge myself to

    drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    exercise on one of my machines every day
    get on just dance one day a week
    find time to relax and think of me, just 60mins a week

    Good luck everyone x
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well I busted my knee falling on concrete while playing with my dog last night, so I'm out of commission on the exercise for a couple days while the swelling and pain goes down. But I do plan on staying in my calorie range and drinking more water! I might go for a short wobble (it's a walk with a limp haha) tonight depending on how I'm feeling.

    Welcome to the bunch of new people that joined in! Looks like we've got some good competition in here now :wink: