What's the biggest food mistake you used to make?



  • slickmickey
    slickmickey Posts: 113 Member
    eat the whole pizza. and i worked at a pizzeria so i would do that 2-3 times a week. granted it was a 12 inch pie, but no one needs to eat the whole thing...
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    thinking I needed to deprive myself of all foods that were "bad" and ending up binging on them after a few weeks, instead of having small portions that fit into my calorie goals in order to satisfy my cravings

    This was definitely the dowfall of every "diet" I ever tried. Everything in moderation is much more realistic for me!

    Mostly though, just being in complete denial about portion sizes and thinking I had to keep up with Hubby at the dinner table.

    I would like to categorize these as "used to make" but sometimes out of pure jealousy, I feel like I can still keep up with the hubby when he eats (because he can eat whatever he wants and however much he wants and he has been the EXACT same weight the past 13 years we have been together)... Those are the nights I go to bed with an angry tummy!
  • grantwashere
    grantwashere Posts: 171 Member
    thinking I needed to deprive myself of all foods that were "bad" and ending up binging on them after a few weeks, instead of having small portions that fit into my calorie goals in order to satisfy my cravings

    Yup! ^^^THIS^^^ Now, life is gooooooooood.........
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Thinking that age had nothing to do with it. I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted at 35 and over (35 is when I first realized I couldn't keep doing that). My body doesn't go through things like it did at 20. No brainer, right? I held tight though...figured it wouldn't happen to me. Yeah, sure. I used to love eating whole pizzas and sodas with no real effects that I could see. If I did that now....oy.....there is no whole pizza and 2 liters of Coke or Pepsi anymore - not even on a cheat meal. (:sad: )
  • SpikeTailTurtle
    Milk and alcohol.
    I could literally drink a gallon and a half of milk a week by myself without trying. I just love the stuff. So instead of eating food I was drinking obscene amounts of milk not realizing the calories in it.
  • W8G0
    W8G0 Posts: 30 Member
    Eating for reasons other than the fact I was hungry:

    Eating because I was bored.
    Eating while watching TV.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't make food mistakes. I eat what I want in moderation. If I want to eat more, I burn more calories. Feel like drinking my calories? No guilt. I'll make up for it when I work out. I eat healthy foods most of the time, and sometimes I eat unhealthy foods. I'm okay with that.
  • genki90
    genki90 Posts: 94 Member
    Using "low fat" products and not realizing that the slowly digested fat was simply being replaced with quickly digested sugar.

    Oh, and eating lots of these:

    :love: :love: :love:
    I can eat that if it's too much for you!
  • ambitiousclaire
    ambitiousclaire Posts: 72 Member
    Went all day without eating and when I did the first meal I would eat was "Wing Stop" or junk food.

    And never would drink water.
  • beccaboo46
    beccaboo46 Posts: 8 Member

    Too much food overall--
    now I control my portions, eat way more veggies, cut sugary drinks and processed food, and go outside to get active!! That **** works!
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    thinking I needed to deprive myself of all foods that were "bad" and ending up binging on them after a few weeks, instead of having small portions that fit into my calorie goals in order to satisfy my cravings

    But also general lack of activity, lack of education of what portion sizes really look like, and a long time of eating too many carbs and sugars (I have PCOS and IR)
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    Portion sizes. I'd eat an entire sleeve of crackers as a snack when the serving size is 5 crackers!

    Thinking I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I was going to the gym-- not realizing that one trip to the brewpub contained the calories I'd burn in four or five workouts.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Light margarine in baked goods.

    Don't judge me, that's how I was raised. I only learned the joys of butter in the past year or so.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Eating nothing but packaged foods - Thinsations, Michelina's microwave meals, etc. Yes, they may have kept me under my calorie goal, but it's not healthy to eat only that. I had little to no fruit & veggies in my diet.
  • denise31992
    denise31992 Posts: 51 Member
    Never eating any type of breakfast. Having some type of junk food as a snack. Not drinking enough water if any at all. Sometimes even forgetting to eat because I was too busy, then eating super high calorie meals at the end of the day. Also, living off empty calories all my way through college like Ramen :p
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Portion sizes... and pretending if nobody else saw me eat it.. it didn't count!
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    eating dairy. never again.
    having WAY too many chips & salsa (salsa was healthy right? not so much the whole bag of chips...)
    a lot of crackers with peanut butter
    not eating for long periods of time, then binging.
    oh. and frappes and taco bell and mcdonalds almost every day....
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    Binge eating sweet foods - biscuits, cake, chocolate, ice cream. I'd comfort eat after a bad day, and reward myself after a good day - I basically used anything as an excuse to eat. I could eat an entire packet of oreos in one sitting. It makes me feel sick to think how I treated my body. Even though I still *have* to have something sweet every evening ;)

    Also: fast food. We were having three takeouts a week!
  • brandonrf
    brandonrf Posts: 37 Member
    At times I will buy a pack of wal-mart no bake cookies and eat the entire package. Or a few thanksgivings ago I ate two entire pumpkin pies on a visit to my inlaws. I went bought two more pies to replace what i had ate so they had pie while we there. Very embarrassing. Just didn't know when to stop when it came to certain deserts.