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  • brashear_2420
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Happy anniversary Jena! I hope everyone is doing great today. Enjoy this day and remember to show love and kindness to everyone today. Love is a precious gift and needs to be shown everyday. I enjoyed my pampering this weekend. The hubby even got up and made breakfast for me this morning. I am a lucky lady for sure.

    I am going to lunch with my hubby today and then I am getting a workout in tonight. I had a good time enjoying my weekend, but now it is time to work it off. I really have to control myself.

    Have a great day everyone. Oh and Amber I am so glad your husband wined and dined you. It sounds like you had a very romantic night.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Thank You! :flowerforyou: I love my new water heater it's just what I always wanted! :ohwell:
    That is ok little does he know he isbuying me an HRM very soon! :devil:
    Just stopping by to say Hello! My computer was down most of the weekend we switched it out last night and it seems to be working now must of had a virus....
    Have a great week ladies and gentlemen! :flowerforyou:
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Hey ladies just checking in I walked this morning 30 minutes 25 walking 4 mph and running 5 minutes 6 mph after work third straight day of EA Spots Active 2 man my legs are. Screaming for mercy tomorrow is one if my rest days I will rest from the active 2 but might walk or ride the bike. Tomorrow is my long day at work 5 am to 5 pm every Tuesday is always
    This way. I hope each of you had a great day today or this weekend. Thanks for all your support.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Sorry people..Promise chart today..slept in 45 minutes past m time now scrambling to get coffee in and oatmeal in..will check backlater..Hope everyone had a great valentines day!!
  • addiograsso
    Hello all -
    Well I can certainly appreciate where Marcie is coming from. I am soooooooooooooooo not happy. I look in the mirror and just want to cry. I am truly beyond depressed. AND I CAN'T STOP EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am HUNGRY all the time and just can't get it into gear.
    Today, my company had a wellness luncheon. We embarked on a wellness program and it was our kickoff luncheon (healthy). The speaker told me all the things I already knew for the most part and I just walked away from it depressed. Depressed because everything in my life is broken.... I am fat, i have no time, i am depressed and i'm broke. I seemed to answer (quietly to myself) in the negative on every question. My only redeeming quality is that I do not and have never smoked and that I don't drink alcohol to speak of....
    I get started on MFP everyday and never complete it. I sooooo don't want to let anyone down. I know now what Marcie meant about being in a bad place and not wanting to bring people down. I have always been a glass half full kind of girl and am anything but that now. I NEEEEEED to turn things around and right this ship and you guys are absolutely the best support system and one of the only "support" systems I could list on my wellness sheet... sad, eh?
    I have got to teach the right things to my daughter and be around for her when she gets older. I don't wish on her my habits/lifestyle.
    I know - baby steps, but it just seems soooooooo daunting.... I am so afraid of failure that I just don't start - I'm a mess...
    I'll get it back together - I have to. I just can't seem to find my mojo... :(
    I just needed to post some of my troubles - no need for responses - really. I'm just in a funk...I truly apologize for bearing my soul to you good people - i just needed an outlet and I do know that in many cases some of you have "been there" and "get it"...
  • brashear_2420
    Hey guys. Where is everyone at? I am doing okay today. I didn't sleep well last night and have felt exhausted all day. The husband and I had an appointment to get our taxes done first thing this morning. We are getting a pretty good return. We also went and priced some baby furniture and then went to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I had the salad bar and the salmon cake mini burgers. It was yummy and I ate way too much. The good news is that I did not eat the fries and I did not finish the buns on the mini burgers and I ate lots off yummy salad full of fruit and veggies and sunflower seeds for protein. However I came home and took a 2 hour nap. We had lunch almost 6 hours ago and I am not even hungry yet. I just feel blah. I was planning on working out tonight, but I feel like my lunch has still not gone all the way down. I am just afraid that I will get sick with all the jiggling around while working out. I am also really afraid that I am going to drop the ball on being healthy during my pregnancy. We splurged so bad over the weekend and on Monday. Lunch was not the best thing for me today either. I have got to get this under control. I know this is something that I can do and I will get control. Right now I am just staying super tired and my meals are not settling all the time. I really do not want to gain more weight than I need to for this pregnancy. I need to keep my calories under control and get 3 to 5 workouts in a week. I know this is something I can do, but with the way that I am feeling it is just hard. I did order a pregnancy workout dvd and a pregnancy book. I am hoping they will help me find my stride. Okay I am done with my rant for now.

    Don - Good job on the workouts. I hope that today is a good day even if it is a long day.

    Tamara - We know you have a lot going on so we will cut you some slack. I hope you have had a good day.

    Deneen - I am sorry that you are in a bad place and cannot get your mojo back. Stop beating yourself up. You know how to do this and you can do this. We are still here for you and we will listen anytime that you need to vent, We are all here for a reason and we all need each other for support. I am glad that you had at least one support to put down on your list. We are better than nothing. We love ya and are here for you. If you are unhappy and do not liek what you see in the mirror, then you have to take the steps to fix it. You are the only one who has the power to change things in your life and in yourself that you do not like. Change your habits and teach your daughter the right ones. Do this for you first off and then do this to help your daughter. If losing weight will make you happier, then this is what you need to do. Come on lady...get your mojo back! You got this.

    To everyone else - I hope you all are doing well. Come back to us soon. We all need each other.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Well it was a long day the onlly time I sat down other then now was during lunch. I was sooo ticked off this morning I know I probably shouldn't but I weigh everyday yesterday when I stepped on the scale it read 214down 1pm from the day before and at work I weighed 220 with all clothes and junk in pockets (keys,phone Walet, ECT.) this morning when I weighed I was certain I lost but it read 218 4dang lbs you gotta be kidding me, at work it still read 220 whew but I guess being on my feet running around the plant all day when I got on the scale after work after emptying my pockets as I always do it read 218 woooooo hooooo today is my rest day my legs are still screaming. I dread dropping something and having to squat to pick it up. I hope that y'all had a better day than I. Feel like I have been run over. Think I need to soak in hot water and salts toinght.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    same ol same ol here. I made a cake for vday and ate a bunch hahah but the scale still says 150!!!!!!! Im excited about that. Gonna get to it today. yesterday I didnt get on the bike cuz of vday and I didnt want DH to feel like I was neglecting him lol. Speaking of he still has that stupid herniated disk in his back and will prolly go for surgery soon. His job decided that they didnt have any light duty work for him anymore and he doesnt qualify for FMLA for some stupid reason and the union made a big fuss that he was let to work with a herniated disk because he coulda injured himself more!! Gr what are we paying union dues for. So the only option since he doesnt get FMLA is to lay him off so he can get unemployment. Supposedly they are not taking him off the employee list so he can come rihgt back to work when he gets his back fixed which should take 4 months tops if all goes well. Im leary about them giving him his job back in 4 months BUT aleast they seem sincere and both bosses are saying they want him back so unfortunately he will home from now one lol makes it hard to eat right. Though I can probably get work outs in during the day since I wont feel bad baout leaving the kids to fend for themselves. they will have daddy to occupy them. Im gonna try and get him to do our daughters schooling too. Not all of course but some of it atleast to give me a bit of a break from it. This new first grade math shes on now is kicking MY butt! I seriously dont remember doing the greater then and less then symbols in first grade and I was even in honors class! I think we may work through spring break too since winter break kinda set her back alittle. I wanna move on to first grade phonics soon since she totally is getting phonics , they jsut require her to finish up the work before sending the next grade level of work.

    Tomorow im stocking up on nice healthy groceries!!!! Gonna be eating at home ALOT more since money will be tight, good for me though.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    hi hi hi Still busy busy here at work. TOM is well on his way but still showing under 180 YAY!! So I have accepted that is for real and I FINALLY broke my plateu! :drinker: :drinker: it took a loooong time but its ok on to the 60's!!

    Are any of you watching this season's Biggest Loser???
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Jena I watch biggest loser. I do an hour usually on the bike those days. I can keep going watching that show but others I struggle to get to 30 minutes
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I had a long day once again and am glad to be sitting in the recliner. I did make it to the gym though and then played in the pool at the gym with Tamara and Jade. Did 50min all together on the machines and boy did it whoop me. The last few days in the gym have been rough days. I think it is cause I worked 7 days straight and I am on my feet all day while at work. I have also had alot of things outside going on which it pretty normal for me. It seems I always have something to do and the sad part is that the things that need to be done everyday are not usually for me. I tend to let life, friends, family, and the world run me ragged. You would think for all the running around I do that I could be skinny LOL, Thinking that I will lay around and sleep alot since I usually only get like 4-5 a night. Also thinking that I may not even go to the gym!! Which scares me but I really nned some rest.

    Tamara- Thanks for going to the gym with me.

    Jena- I want a HRM as well and I have my husband looking into them.

    Bobbie- I miss you way to much my friend.

    everyone- No matter how hard it is just stay on track and we will take this one day at a time.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    hi hi hi Still busy busy here at work. TOM is well on his way but still showing under 180 YAY!! So I have accepted that is for real and I FINALLY broke my plateu! :drinker: :drinker: it took a loooong time but its ok on to the 60's!!

    Are any of you watching this season's Biggest Loser???

    I watch but not on Tuesdays on Wednesdays off of on demand. tuesdays tv time is at a preimum with my girl and Glee and raising hope.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. just checking in real quick. I am feeling much better today. my head is in a better place. i have logged all my calories and I will get a workout in tonight. I got this and can do this. I slept in this morning and now I need to get ready. I have a lunch date with a friend. Have a great day everyone and I will check in later if I can.
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning all -

    Jena - Thanks again for the text... :)

    Bobbie - Thanks for the kind words and glad you are better. the first tri-mester is very hard - think of what your body is going through - no wonder you are tired... ;) Don't panic just yet - you still have good habits and you will get back in the groove once you know what your body and baby bobbie want... :wink:

    Tamara - You are still quite the mighty mo - we will wait for you - take the time for you - no worries about us...

    Amber - and everyone else - I was just reading that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. I too am guilty of not enough sleep. Our body NEEDS that time to readjust. Life's demands seem to run us all ragged. As Jena's post said this morning, we have got to put ourselves first sometimes because if we don't make time for a better "us", we won't be there at all, right?

    I think a goal we should all set is to try and get some exercise before bed (if it works for you) and try to have at least one day this week where you get a solid 8 hours sleep... What do you all think?

    Marcie - thinking about you girl...

    Karen - where are you?

    Rupi - how's it going?

    Jessica - Hang in there girl - I'll pray they do right by your DH and for a speedy recovery...

    BTW - What is an HRM??? (A heart rate monitor)???
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone as if I didn't have enough going as I sit in dr office with my baby girl who won't eat and won't drink and runrunning a fever of 101. I will send her a hug from y'all

    Here comes dr gotta go!!
  • addiograsso
    Tamara -
    Poor baby - hope she is ok. It's that "creeping crud" going around all over the place... Give her a nice squeeze from Illinois.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- hope your little one gets better soon. Its always scarey when kids are sick :(
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Well everyone I know I have promise you charts for like 2 or 3 days now and I am so sorry I think my head is spinning trying to get it all together baby girl is sleeping she has the flu. waiting for her medicine to get done, then at 2 gotta drop off girl scout cookies take my son to baseball practice, go get daughter medicine, hopefully she will fall back a sleep then at 5 go get my son from baseball practice.. Good Golly miss molly.. I feel like a failure trying to get these stinkin charts up..I promise it will get done sometime before friday if I have to do it tomorrow morning.. Sorry about would it just be easier for everyone to post on here when they lose and not send it to me?? Just asking since I should be starting work the week after next its just gonna get more hectic anyways..

    Lets me know everyones input please.. I just feel like with all thats on my plate now, I dont want to fail ya'll anymore!! Sorry again..
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    BTW - What is an HRM??? (A heart rate monitor)???
    Yup! :bigsmile:
    and your welcome! :wink:

    Tamara keep us posted on the baby:frown: hope she feels better really quickly!

    Biggest Loser Talk..........I thought it was really smart how they introduced the new trainers this season so that we would fall in love with them and it wouldn't sting so much when jillian leaves (although she hasn't been on the show a whole lot the last 2 seasons) only problem is Jillian And Bob are killing them in the weigh ins! Their methods work for these people while in thier clutches the other team IS losing and I am sure building a ton of muscle and all that but with $250,000 on the line I would be a little worried!
    I would love to work out with Brett though!:bigsmile:
    So I know Toni Tone Tony said it never rains in Southern California well HE LIED!! :tongue: Pretty ugly out today and probably over the next few days. I have a 4 day weekend so I leave (early) tomorrow for my annual eye appointment then OFF till tuesday! :drinker: With the weather messing up my hiking trails I figure its a good time to get back together with Jillian and do some strength training and definately the Wii! My now 3 yr old is usually the one that gets us all started on the Wii when she requests to do her Daily Fitness Test :huh: She says Mom I need to do my fitness test! (hand on hip) :laugh:
    Ok back to work :grumble:
    Take care of yourself TODAY! Make the best choices available and just say no especailly to the Girl Scouts who are around every corner right now!! :sick: They are not worth it right now, don't worry they will be back next year. So many time we get this now or never attitude about foods that are in our presence. We are REFRAMING our minds, use those cookies as a tool to do just that! You say..... "Self, I know you think if I don't eat that Do-Si Do or Peanut Butter Sandwhich I won't get another chance. Well that is just simply NOT TRUE! I will have a couple next year, THIS year we have work to do!" :glasses:
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Amy. I am new to this and looking forward to all the challenges!!!! Good Luck everyone!!! We got this!!!