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  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    LOL OH YEAH CHALLENGES!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Ok B2B our bestie Tamara is super busy so I am going to post a challenge for the week if you don't mind! Hmmmmmm:huh:
    PLANKS!!! During ONE show You watch this week when the commercials come on get down and do a plank (no butts in the air!) Hold in that core and without going too fast recite the alphabet. Do this just once during each commercial interruption! Planks are an awesome way to get in really quick cardio! Fun for the kids to join in too! And AS ALWAYS Drink UP!! :drinker:
    WE GOT THIS!! :glasses:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi everyone, my name is Amy. I am new to this and looking forward to all the challenges!!!! Good Luck everyone!!! We got this!!!
    Hi Amy! Welcome Please send Tamara an email giving her your current weight and goal weight please, we weigh in on fridays then send her an email with your loss for the week, well hopefully a loss! :wink:

    Oh and send each of us a friend request for even more support! Welcome to Back 2 Basics!
    I am Jena :flowerforyou:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Jena thanks for the help.

    Welcome aboard Amy, we are glad you are here..

    Here is a short chart combining the last 2 weeks so bear with me.. Hold on daughters throwing up!!! Ok I may resume my previosly scheduled projects.. I just took her temperature its 102.1 and she just threw up her motrin..Great..Gonna be a long night!!

    Sorry Sorry Sorry...I promise to do better next week. these loses are for 2 weeks total

    Curran.....lost 2.5 loss so far 5 pounds
    Don..........lost 5.0 loss so far 14.5 pounds loss so far 3.4 pounds
    Jeanne...lost 0.6 loss so far 4.2 pounds
    Nicole.....lost 4.0 loss so far 5.0 pounds
    Amber....lost 4.0 loss so far 25 pounds
    Deneen...joining us again...
    Tamara..lost 0.4 loss so far 1.8 pounds
    Jena.......lost 0.9 loss 3.4 pounds
    Jessica..lost 1.0 loss 2.0 pounds

    total loss for total loss for
    two weeks total back to basic

    18.4 pounds 64.3 pounds!!!

    Way to go team..Like I said sorry its taken me so long.. My baby comes first though..I know you all understand!!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. Where oh where is everyone at?? Welcome amy to our group she is gonna weigh in on thursday.. Jade is still not feeling well with 102 temp at 1130 lastnight..I gave her tylenol and just now I gave her motrin.. Gonna attempt 90 minutes at the gym before she wakes up.. She know how to call me if she gets sick.. Plus daddys here, I told her she can wake him up also.. I dont think she will make it to school this week either plus they are out for presidents day monday so she is gonna have an extra long week..But this having to pay daycare and her not going is killing me.. I have to pick up 45 more boxes of cookie tonight I already picked up she has sold over her 100 she will get a patch for it..

    Well tonight is last minute workout..Sweat it out my friends and I hope you have an awesome day!! And dont forget your planks..Thanks Jena
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning everyone!!:yawn:

    Tamara, I hope that your little girl feels better soon.

    this is probably gonna sound crazy but what is planks?

    I am going to lose 2lbs this week any suggestions?

    Have a Healthy day everyone!!:happy:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning everyone!!:yawn:

    Tamara, I hope that your little girl feels better soon.

    this is probably gonna sound crazy but what is planks?

    I am going to lose 2lbs this week any suggestions?

    A plank is where you come lay on the ground on your elbows and tipsy toes. but not up in the air and you are flat from shoulders to heels up in the a push up but you never come down you hold youself in that position and pull your core in.. Good luck..Good challange Jena
    Have a Healthy day everyone!!:happy:
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I am 7 weeks pregnant today. I got up and made some of the best french toast this morning. It hit the spot. Now I am curled up watching tv with the hubby. He is going to cook dinner for me tonight. Then I am going to get a workout in while he is in class. I have logged everything for today and I am not touching my workout calories. I am so hoping that I do not gain again this week. However I can live with half a pound because I splurged a lot over the weekend. So good luck on the last minute workouts and good luck at weigh in tomorrow.

    Tamara - I am glad that Jade is going to get her badge, but I am sorry that she is so sick. Keep taking care of her like you are and she will get better soon.

    Amber - I miss you too my friend. I hope you are doing well and have another great lost this week.

    Jessica - I am sorry to hear about DH's back. I hope the company does him right. At least they are laying him off so he can draw unemployment. Something is always better than nothing. Good luck at the better eating at home too.

    Jena - Thanks for the challenge, but I am sitting the planks out. I have a terrible time doing them as is, but not risking it while I am pregnant.

    Don - Good job on your walks. I hope you have a great loss tomorrow. I know you have been working hard.

    Amy - Welcome to the group.

    Deneen - Where oh where are you my friend? Come back to us. We are still here for you.

    I hope everyone else si doing well and that you all have great losses.

    I am feeling kind of pudgy these days. I htink it is because I have not been doing any abdominal workouts. I am just afraid to put any extra stress on the tummy area. Does anyone have any exercise suggestions to work the abdominal area and not hurt the baby.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good morning all! Well day 4 of the cardio jump start on the EA sports active 2 I really like this program. I know I stated that my legs and glutes were screaming but Tuesday was my rest day and my limbs felt soooo much better yesterday. I could actually drop something and squat to pick it up with minamal pain. Completed day 4 of 7 last night it is cool the work outs are ever changing and can't wait to see what new excercise I get to do next. If you or your kids have a PS3 I recomend this system It can be called a game but it's not it's what the box says a personal trainer in a box.

    Tamara I hope your little girl feels better soon. You take the time you need for you and your family.

    Jena thanks for the challenge it's a good one

    Amy welcome to the group we are all here to help. I am on vacation today my son Is being accepted into the National jr honor society he is so excited

    To ya'll everyone else have a great day. I am
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone
    It feels good to be posting. I took a bit of a break, got a little discourgaged and then realized MFP and this group helps with encouragement and motivation, so I am back. I have a heck of a time with discipline and sticking to things. I will start off strong for like 3 days and then quit. In the beginning of January I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I am currently on day 7. I also have started a running plan and have been on week 1 for 3 weeks. I shake my head at myself sometimes.

    But last night I did my Day 6Level 1 of the 30 day Shred and am going to do it again today. My husband and I are going to Ireland in July and the trip is 21 weeks and 6 days away. I fI can lose 2 pounds a week I will be at my goal weight before we leave, so that is a new motivator!

    Good luck everyone with staying on track!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    goodmorning everyone- I am going to go and spend time with my hubby today before he has to go to sleep for the day since he works 3rd shift. Once he goes to bed I am planning on hitting the gym for a good last minuet workout. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone,
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey team..I hope you are all getting your planks in.. I have to be honest and say I have not done them as much as I should have been doing them.. I weighed this morning and I am where I need to be dow 0.2 oz.. I will take it... Its not a gain so I am happy pappy. I hate to see a gain even if in the slighest bit,, But hey 2 oz is 2 oz..

    My baby girl is still feeling bady, I think I might take her back to the dr to make sure she isnt dehydrated.. I hope you all have an awesome night..I dont know what I am doing for lunch today really just depends on daughter..

    Have an awesome day becasue you choose to and make sure to get your water in!!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Just weighed in and I lost 2 lbs this week. I am happy about that and will continue to work at this. My mom is so proud of me that she is buying me a HRM. She says that it is important to me to have the tools I need to help me along the way so it is worth the money to her if it is going to help me save my own life. Please do not misunderstand this cause I am happy abou the loss I am just wondering why someone my size can't lose like 3 or 4 everyweek for a while anyways; My food is always on track and I work out almost everyday. I know the whole thing about only losing 2 lbs a week is healthy and what not. I am just thinking that since I have so much to lose that it would not hurt to lose a bit more every week at least for the first couple of months. Anyways just wondering. When I lose 23 more lbs whenver that may be I am treating myself to a hair color. The one where the use the foil on your head you know? I hae never had that done so that is a mini goal that I have set for myself. I also want to be sown 35lbs by time of my anniversary which is on 4/8. I think I can totally lose 8 more lbs by then. I am staying focused and I will do this. I just want the world to sit back and watch cause it is coming. Take care everyone and have a wonderful day. I am sending positive thoughts your way. You guys are an awesome team and I am greatful and proud to be apart of it.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    well all the walking and EA Sports Active 2 workouts have paid off. I am down another 2 lbs this week. did i mention how much Ilike it? the only draw back is the waer breaks hardly give you time to get the bottle or cup to your mouth before on to the next module.

    I hope everyone has a loos this week WE GOT THIS we are unstoppable!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello guys,

    I'm feeling much better now! I have been working hard and it is starting to pay off again. I was down 2lbs on the scale this morning. Of course I had to strip down to have it read that, but it's okay I know I have been working hard at it and I do feel alot better.

    I want to thank all of my beautiful cyber friends , Bobbie, Jena, Deneen, Tamara for thinking of me while I was going through a difficult time!! I love you guys!

    I'll turn on all of my MFP setting now...I'm ready to go!!

    Amber...congrats you are doing an amazing job!! Keep it up girl you are on fire!! Slow and steady wins the race! Can't wait to hear your success story!

    Nicole...I know the feeling about being discouraged and then realizing that this group does help so much on the journey we are on. Stay focused.

    Bobbie...I kinda get nervous with you excercising while pregnant...guess I'm just old school! :happy: You take care of yourself little momma! Thank you for being there for me sunshine!

    Tamara...I'm so sorry your baby is sick. It is the worst to have a sick child...I know if you could you would take it from her in a New York minute! I hope she gets better soon. Whatever this strain of flu it is, it is going around hard....there are so many people at my company out sick with it right now. I keep spraying Lysol around my cubicle. I can't afford to get sick!! Thank you for all of your encouragement.

    Jena....this group would not be the same without are just a burst of always seem to say what we are thinking and you are right....this is our time!!! We can do this....oh and girl scout cookies....I can't stay away from them!! They are all over my house....I have a girl scout!! Can't wait to have them gone....I'm shipping some to my son in Afghanistan! He can't wait! Have a good 4 day weekend!

    Deneen....thank you my friend for not forgetting about me.....I know exactly what you are going through...but speaking from experience....he have to use some tough love on one is going to lose weight for us....WE have to get our butt in gear and put in the hard work and put the right things in our mouths.....for me I had to get it straight in my brain first...then I had to work on my will power and then JUST DO IT!! Here at work we are allowed to take 2 breaks one at 10 am and one at 3pm, then of course we have our lunch break. Well since I am the resident buddies want me to take break with them, however one of the things I started doing since I had been gone...was putting on my tennis shoes and walking and climbing stairs during my breaks and lunch too....since the weather has been nice...I have been going outside. Well my buddies keep trying to get me to go and sit with them during break, but I told them that I sit all day and I am going to do something different during break and go walk. I just wish they would be more supportive....they said you don't love us anymore....I said I love myself too and I am doing this for ME!! They haven't asked me to come to break with them anymore! :tongue: I've even asked our facility manager to consider putting in a walking trail outside! Will they do it? I have no idea, but at least they have a suggestion in their mind and who knows they may surprise just never know until you ask!

    Don...You are doing a wonderful job....I laughed about you explaining how hard it was to drop something and pick it up because your legs were hurting so much....I was exactly like that when I was doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. ONly made it to day 3...but now that I have all this new determination I may just put that darn DVD in again! :laugh:

    Let's see I didn't see alot fro Rupi, Kerri or Karen...hope they are not in a rut like I was. I will drop them a line.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend and just keep being who you never know when you will positively impact someones life....I know you all have mine!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I am happy to report that I was down 0.5 pounds this morning. I know that it is not much and I shouldn't worry aobut losing, but I just really want a healthy pregnancy. This is the first week since I found out I was pregnant that I did not gain. So I am super excited about it.

    Tamara - Great job on the 2 oz. It is definitely better than nothing. Keep up the great work. I really hope Jade gets to feeling better soon. I know that it is killing you.

    Amber - Great job on another loss this week. 2 pounds is a good and healthy loss. You will have weeks that you loss more than others. You have already lost 27 pounds since the begining of the year and that my friend is amazing. Keep it up. I am glad your mom is buying your HRM. It helps whne you have supportive people in your life. I am so proud of you. You will meet your goal before your anniversary.

    Don - Good job on your loss. The walking is really paying off for you. Keep it up.

    I think I am actually going to go for a run/jog outside today. It is actually going to be between 50 - 60 today. We haven't seen that temperature since November. I think it will do me some good to get some exercise outside. I love running outside. Plus I want to see how my stamina is at this point. I am not going to push myself too hard, but I am going to get a good workout in. It is going to be a good day. Have a great day everyone.
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I maintained this week. Which is ok, because I wasn't great with eating or working out :mad: I am super excited for my snowboarding trip tomorrow, it will great to get out and burn a ton of calories and still have a great time!!

    Marcie-its great to have you back!! Congrats on the loss

    Don-that is awesome you are down another 2! i know what you mean about the water breaks, I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and there is about 3 seconds to get your water in!

    Bobbie-Sounds like you are taking care of that baby!! I have no childredn to I have no advice, I just hope you feel good and healthy!!

    Tamara- I hope your daughter feels better soon!!

    Everyone else have a great weekend
  • brashear_2420
    Okay I got my exercise in. I found out that I have lost a lot of my stamina. I haven't ran outside since November and I haven't been running on the treadmill at the gym like I should. Before when it would hurt, I could just push through the pain. Usually when you push through it, the pain goes away for the rest of the time. Since I am pregnant, I am afraid to feel any pain and especially to push through it. I got about 2 miles in. I jogged the first half mile and then walked/jogged the rest of it. I did not want to push it hard at all. The hubby and I are going to start going on longer walks when it warms up. I will keep in shape. If all I can do is walk and do a few workout videos at home, then that is what I will do. It did feel good to exercise outside, but the air is still a bit too chilly for me.

    Nicole - Good job on maintaining. Have fun snowboarding. Tell us all about it when you get back.

    Marcie - Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad that you are back and that you had a 2 pound loss. I am so proud of you! Good for you for standing up for yourself about the walking on breaks. You should ask your friends if they want to join you. Exercise is good for everyone. Plus I think once they start seeing your results they will want to join you or encourage you. At my old job, I worked in an office too. The lady in the office with me was 5'2 and 115 pounds. She was tiny and she ate all day long. We even kept a candy basket in the office and I could stay out of it. She would have mcdonald's for lunch and I would have a lean cuisine. It was hard sometimes, but it is so worth it. She was as supportive as she could be. She gave me money to help get groceries every week so that we could keep healthy snacks in the office. Sometimes it takes a while for people to understand why this is so important to you, but once they do they are usually supportive. Keep up the good work.

    The hubby has duty tonight and has to stay on base all night. Security on the base is super tight this weekend because of President's Day Monday. They have festivities going on all weekend for it.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good Morning and Happy Friday! Well as I thought water weight is hiding my weeks results, so better to weigh in next week.

    Marci!!:flowerforyou: So nice to see you! I hope your soilder gets those cookies real fast my advice send them ALL:tongue: I am sure he and all his buddies will enjoy! Glad your back and with a 2 lb loss! woo hoo! :drinker:

    Don! Great weigh in, You Go Boy!! lol

    Bobbie yeah NO planks for you!! just so you know my last pregnancy I gained 20 lbs in the matter of weeks! Yikes! Your doing just fine!

    Amber you doing AWESOME, I don't want you to set yourself for disappointment. What I mean is right now your losing BIG #'s even if it doesn't feel like it. What IS going to happen eventually your going to see a loss of something like .8 lbs when that happens I am afraid your going to be really hard on yourseelf! A loss is a loss. A loss no matter how big or small, shows hard work and commitment. It ALL ADDS UP. I know you know this, just don't want you to expect to see a big number each and every time it just really doesn't work that way and when a slow week happens, I don't want you to get discouraged or beat yourself up! Your doing really well and the scale IS showing you that, be proud of yourself, period. We ARE! :bigsmile:

    NIcole - HAve fun tomorrow!
    ok baby is screaming her head off have a great weekend everyone!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Yes!!! Got home and put in that dreaded JM 30 day shred!! I made it through! I feel really good today....I got lots of excercise in and stayed under my calories! I think I'm getting it again....getting back to realizing this is for me and it is for a lifetime, not just to look good at the next party or family function....I need to be beautiful inside and I am doing it!!

    Jessica....I hope all is well with you and I hope your husband's surgery goes well.

    TTFN!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok team update 45 minutes of spin this morning what a great great workout.. My hubby and i shared a red robin cheeseburger and fries and cheese dip and then I had a double scooop of ice cream dont think I ate over my calories but not gonna log it.. Probably not tomorrow either going to cicics pizza with all of my family for my sons first middle school ball game...I will also be doing 2 hours of cardio in the morning then running 4 miles with son to help condtion his for baseball.. He asked me to run with him.

    Update on Jade: I fixed her breakfast this morning and she couldnt swallow it she told me that her throat kept hurting so I took the light and shined it down her throat and low and behold I see like 8 bllisters or more.. I called the dr and they told me to bring her in again..I took her in they did a strep test it came back negitave but the dr truely believes she has strep so gave a antiobotic on top of the tamifu that she is on for the flu that she was dignosed with on wed.. I took her to wendys to buy her a frosty..she cried.. so she went to red robin with us and ordered fries and mac and cheese..she cried....I toook her to baskin and robing for ice cream..she cried..Low and behold she has not eaten anything today..

    On the job front they called me today.. I start training mar 14.. So I am pretty excited I have lots of benefits with this job..including 7 minutes of pto (personal time off) per hour I work.. and a bonus check every 3 months.. This is a company I can grow with and they hire from within for higher up jobs!!

    We are starting to go back to church on sunday, sunday is my new rest day.. I am gonna rest and go to church and enjoy the day with my family..and also i am bumping my calories up to 2000..right now I am teetering on between 1700-1750..So I am gonna enjoy it.

    So lots going on.. Hope you all are doing well..

    My hubby went to go watch a movies with the guys and I am watching date night with the kiddos at home..

    Tomorrow going to do arc trainer for 45 minutes then h20 cardio for an hour.. This will be a new class for me then I will enjoy pizza..

    Ok going to spend the time with my kiddos!!