How do you deal with critics?



  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I *DARE* someone to critique my eating. I have Resting B*tchface so hardly ever get comments, except that strangers used to tell me to smile.

    Have you tried practicing your b*tchface?
  • ArvinSloane
    ArvinSloane Posts: 80 Member
    My favorite thing to say when people give unsolicited advice: "Thank you. I'll definitely give that the consideration it deserves." Bonus points for a super-classy smile while you say it, followed by going back to whatever you were doing anyway.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Options about while she's saying it, you can say "You know what? Thanks but I got this. It's working for me."
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Bore her mute! Next time she offers a 'helpful' comment really turn into her and start to talk earnestly and non stop about how much you've lost/how you did it/what your aspirations are/how good it feels now/how bad it felt before/what you have just bought clothes wise/macros/statistics/etc/etc -you get the idea. Don't let her walk away. Pin her down and lecture her. Every. Freakin. Time. She. Does. It.

    I was going to say, do something sensible, but the above post got me laughing:)
    It's very clever in a sort of evil way...muhahaha!
  • RunerRita
    When someone changes their life for the better many people are jealous and are thinking more about themselves than you. They know they should be changing certain things and would rather not so instead make comments to try and belittle your achievements. It is hard and you want to feed into it but don't. Less is more when it comes to them. Congratulations on your success!!!!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks all! You are awesome!

    I do wish there was a real life "block" function.

    Bonus is that with my weight loss I will meet all 4 fitness goals; BP, Cholesterol, Non-smoking, and BMI, that our company has set to qualify for a discount on our health insurance premiums and I will have $0 deductible. She, on the other hand, will have a $1500 deductible.

    Well, that right there is fantastic! Good for you. I hope you do mention your ZERO dollars deductible to her. ;)
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I know how I'd deal with that. Other people may decide to not use this method.

    When she says something negative, take out a piece of paper and write it down, together with the date and time. Use the same piece of paper each time, so anyone can see what she's said and you've written.

    She'll stop saying those things by about the third or fourth time.

    If she asks why you're writing it, say "it's for your Wikipedia webpage on the quotes section".

    I second this suggestion, I'm betting this would shut her up pretty quickly :laugh:
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I very rarely have critics among people who know me because, I think, they're afraid of me. And I love it.

    If someone decides to tell me what I can/cannot eat? They know they are in for a verbal brawl. "Who the hell are you to tell anyone what they need to eat, what with blood pressure like yours?" I'm also perfectly fine going into darker territory. "I'll actually be having fajitas, thanks. Hey, how did things go with the marital shrink?"

    It's not about being defensive about my weight - rather, it's about hating rudeness with the fire of a thousand suns. If someone decides to cross into the territory of the crass, I will play their game. Most times they don't do it again.

    Stand up for yourself!