Brides on a Mission: Week 1



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Wow. Thanks for the tip. I already know that I am going to have to get mine altered just because my boob size as about 2 dress sizes bigger than my waist. Hopefully though, with the weight I am planning on losing my boobs will shrink more. :happy:

    I know what you mean, gal... I remember how embarassed I was one time when I went to Victoria's Secret. A gal measured me on top of my clothes, right in the lobby. A guy was there with his girlfriend and could hear everything that was said. She was like "Wow! A 34 inch waist and a DD bra... it's a wonder you can walk." Let's just say I didn't go back in a while!*blush*

    I think buying online is a great bet if you want to save money on a wedding dress. If you don't have a clue what you want, I'd go and try on dresses, get a dress that you love and find out your size, then go online and find it. It will save you a TON of money. My dress was regular $800, the viel $200. I got both for $250. The girl even had it dry cleaned for me!!

    I was lucky, though. I didn't dress shop at all. The only reason I felt confident in buying it was because when I inquired, the girl had the exact same figure and height as I did.:-D

  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    oops - a little late to the game but here's my responses and my weigh in day will be tomorrow...

    1. Name: Kristen
    2. Age: 23 (but 24 in less than a month!)
    3. City: Centreville, VA
    4. Occupation: Program Planner
    5. Wedding date: 6/19/2011
    6. Fiancés name: Billy
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: a little over 4 and a half years
    8. Heaviest weight: 184ish about two years ago... then I lost 40 lbs... then i gained 20 back on... then I joined MFP :-)
    9. Goal weight and date: 135 lbs by April 1st!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Walking my puggle (pug-beagle) and Jillian Michael's videos
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tillapia!!

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I didn't do an official weigh last Friday because of the holidays
    2. High of the week: 149.1 I think
    3. Low of the week: 147.4
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Got our invites in! Now I'm fighting over the guest list with my mom..
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Outdoor ceremony, indoor reception at Historic Whitehall Manor in Bluemont, VA
    6. How did he pop the big question: At his mom's Easter party, he hid the ring in an Easter egg and freaked out when I couldn't find all of the ones marked for me! He let his younger siblings hide the eggs... probably not the best
    7. Share a food tip: Peanut butter on a piece of bread is a quick and easy breakfast that keeps you going!
    8. Share an exercise tip: Just do something everyday! Whether it's walking or doing 50 crunches... something is better than nothing and nothing is what got us here!
    9. What do you want out of this group: Support!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: Really glad I found this forum.. thanks for starting it and I can't wait to have time to read through all of the other responses!
  • Jenny421
    Hi Ladies, Congrats to all of you and good luck, Glad to know there are Brides out there that can help motivate everyone else...its nice to know I'm not alone :0)

    1. Name: Jenny
    2. Age:29
    3. City: Brooklyn, NY
    4. Occupation: Medical Biller
    5. Wedding date: 6/11/2011
    6. Fiancés name: Kelby
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 185
    9. Goal weight and date: 160lbs by 05/01/2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise:Exercise is not one of my favorite things to do, I dont like sweating, lol I know that sounds nuts but its true, but I enjoy my Wii and I used to do kickboxing which was fun but my schedule didnt allow me to keep going.
    11. Favorite healthy food: Salmon, baked veggies such as beets, sweet potatoes

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I just started Monday, hopefully I will lose something by next Monday...
    2. High of the week: 185
    3. Low of the week: same
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Ready to mail invites next week...and checked my list of rooms booked at the resort and we met the 25 rooms we booked ahead of time!
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Destination wedding, Cancun Mexico!
    6. How did he pop the big question: At my sisters house last December after we went shopping with my mother for Christmas presents, we went back to my sisters house and had dinner, he kept asking if I wanted dessert and I kept refusing it, he finally walked up with a lil dessert plate and asked the big question! lol I was totally suprised and felt bad for saying no everytime he asked me if I wanted I made it hard for him..
    7. Share a food tip: baking some veggies are good and quick things to have prepared for the week. Beets are a good sweet veggie that you can snack on instead of candy.
    8. Share an exercise tip: I am not great at this so don't have much tips....
    9. What do you want out of this group: Motivation!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I am happy I came back to My Fitness Pal, originally signed up a few months ago and then stopped. Will keep going this time and seeing these post really help out!

    Excited to keep this Post going....We can do this ladies..
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Ladies, Congrats to all of you and good luck, Glad to know there are Brides out there that can help motivate everyone else...its nice to know I'm not alone :0)

    1. Name: Jenny
    2. Age:29
    3. City: Brooklyn, NY
    4. Occupation: Medical Biller
    5. Wedding date: 6/11/2011
    6. Fiancés name: Kelby
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 185
    9. Goal weight and date: 160lbs by 05/01/2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise:Exercise is not one of my favorite things to do, I dont like sweating, lol I know that sounds nuts but its true, but I enjoy my Wii and I used to do kickboxing which was fun but my schedule didnt allow me to keep going.
    11. Favorite healthy food: Salmon, baked veggies such as beets, sweet potatoes

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I just started Monday, hopefully I will lose something by next Monday...
    2. High of the week: 185
    3. Low of the week: same
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Ready to mail invites next week...and checked my list of rooms booked at the resort and we met the 25 rooms we booked ahead of time!
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Destination wedding, Cancun Mexico!
    6. How did he pop the big question: At my sisters house last December after we went shopping with my mother for Christmas presents, we went back to my sisters house and had dinner, he kept asking if I wanted dessert and I kept refusing it, he finally walked up with a lil dessert plate and asked the big question! lol I was totally suprised and felt bad for saying no everytime he asked me if I wanted I made it hard for him..
    7. Share a food tip: baking some veggies are good and quick things to have prepared for the week. Beets are a good sweet veggie that you can snack on instead of candy.
    8. Share an exercise tip: I am not great at this so don't have much tips....
    9. What do you want out of this group: Motivation!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I am happy I came back to My Fitness Pal, originally signed up a few months ago and then stopped. Will keep going this time and seeing these post really help out!

    Excited to keep this Post going....We can do this ladies..

    lol I did the same thing to my fiance! he wanted me to go inside to open up the easter eggs (he told me that we had to open them up inside because his mom put money in them for us and the younger siblings only got candy) and I kept refusing because I thought it was rude and I really didn't care that much about opening them. He begged and begged and I finally said okay... at least he knew it was a surprise!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I filled in the second set! :) Here you go
    1. Name: Becky
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Metro Detroit (I live in the 'burbs lol :)
    4. Occupation: Advertising (so i'm sitting down MOST of the day :(
    5. Wedding date: TBD (I'm not yet engaged! I feel its coming though so i was still excited to join the group :)
    6. Fiancés name: My boyfriend is Jason :)
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: We've been together about 3 years now, know eachothre for 5+ though
    8. Heaviest weight: 198 (that was back in December '04 maybe?) then before that 182 when i was in my teens before i lost a bunch
    9. Goal weight and date: 140 - I haven't set a date since I'm trying to not focus As much on the weight loss as healthy changes (I know I know that can sound really annoying but I'm trying
    10. Favorite type of exercise: the jury is out right now, used to be running, then ellyptical (probably still is) my latest and greatest is the 30 days shred and excercise tv groove and burn
    11. Favorite healthy food: fruit

    Do we update this at the end of the week?

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Ummm 0 nada zip zero
    2. High of the week: 155.4 (i think)
    3. Low of the week:
    4. Any big wedding news/updates:
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor):
    6. How did he pop the big question:
    7. Share a food tip:
    8. Share an exercise tip:
    9. What do you want out of this group:
    10. Quick week wrap-up:
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    1. Name: Becky
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Metro Detroit (I live in the 'burbs lol :)
    4. Occupation: Advertising (so i'm sitting down MOST of the day :(
    5. Wedding date: TBD (I'm not yet engaged! I feel its coming though so i was still excited to join the group :)
    6. Fiancés name: My boyfriend is Jason :)
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: We've been together about 3 years now, know eachothre for 5+ though
    8. Heaviest weight: 198 (that was back in December '04 maybe?) then before that 182 when i was in my teens before i lost a bunch
    9. Goal weight and date: 140 - I haven't set a date since I'm trying to not focus As much on the weight loss as healthy changes (I know I know that can sound really annoying but I'm trying
    10. Favorite type of exercise: the jury is out right now, used to be running, then ellyptical (probably still is) my latest and greatest is the 30 days shred and excercise tv groove and burn
    11. Favorite healthy food: fruit

    Do we update this at the end of the week?

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: zero zip nada
    2. High of the week: 185.4
    3. Low of the week: 183 (i think?)
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: I won't have this until I get engaged lol
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Not sure about this either, I would kind of like a destination but wouldn't mind being at home either. We will see when the time comes :)
    6. How did he pop the big question: He hasn't yet but when he does I'm sure it will be fabulous
    7. Share a food tip: Focus on HEALTHY options, not just Cals. When i did just cals the loss and change was temporary. I was putting garbage in, it just had less calories. Change for the better! Eat healthier whole foods, that's what I'm now trying to do :)
    8. Share an exercise tip: Think of it as part of your life - not an optional maybe if i have time thing. Do it for your health, not just the temp results (i know this can sound annoying and like blah blah blah especially with a date approaching where you want to lose the weight, but think of the fact that MOST women gain up to 20lb and more following their wedding because they deprived themselves so much before. You dont want to do that!
    9. What do you want out of this group: I want to give and receive support. It's nice to have a family of people with the same goal. We can touch base and keep eachother accountable. **We should all try to friend eachother so we can stay on top of it.
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I just started a new job :) which is exciting but I'm trying to find the best time to get on MFP for the chat portion. Bear with me if I'm not super talkative in the beginning as i get the hang of things and get settled here. this last week has been good as I've taken time out for myself to think about my real motivations for lifestyle changes and weight loss. YES - I want to lose weight and get back to a size 6/8, this is where i was most comfortable and least self conscious. YES - that means losing about 40+lb and being a lot more active. But deep down for me I know I want to break the cycle of unhealthiness in my family, set an example for the my family members who i love dearly and want to be healthy too, AND I want to be in a Fabulous shape when the time comes for me to get engaged/married/ and have children. I don't want to try and fix it all at that time, i'm sure there is enough stress without it. And from what I hear, kids are a lot of work and require alot of energy. so i know i will need to be ready for that someday!!!
  • JayLee127
    :smile: Hey Everyone - CONGRATS! My name is Jaime and I am getting married in about 6 months. I usually indulge in anything I want - I have terrible eating habits. I have a desk job and am a lot less active than I was 10 years ago! So, I am at that point when it's now or never, and I really want to make a healthy channge for life. This will be my jumping off point. I am testing the limits of my "fat clothes" and ready to start ripping tags off those size 8s i never quite got into. Now, for the fomralities:

    Getting to know each other

    1. Name: Jaime G
    2. Age: 30 (soon to be 31)
    3. City: New York
    4. Occupation: Administrative Assistant
    5. Wedding date: 6-11-11
    6. Fiancés name: Joe
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 165
    9. Goal weight and date: 135 for 6-11-11 (I am starting at 162)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Kickboxing - with the bag
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tough One - my palette is still getting introduced to healthy stuff - maybe...sweet potatos!

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: So I am only 3 days in officially, but I've already seen and felt a difference. I have been hard core on changing my diet and working out so I've actually lost 2lbs already, but we will see what that actually looks like at the end of the week.
    2. High of the week: Hitting the gym everyday so far this week. I am very proud of myself. (Weight - 162)
    3. Low of the week: Tuesday - have nixed sugar and I felt as dumb as a rock. This morning I was crawling out of my skin. My body is in shock, but this should only last until next week. (currently 159.8)
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Just went through the contract for the photogrpaher and am ready to sign. Really excited - I negotiated him down $1000 and got the package I wanted. Brides Beware: The new thing photogrpahers are doing is hosting a web gallery which sounds great until you find out that you or your friend and relatives will have to pay for every single picture. Make sure to get a disc in your package of high resolution photos and copyrights.
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Day wedding. Married outdoors on the Long Island Sound, cocktails on veranda overlooknig the water and recption inside with a huge dance floor!
    6. How did he pop the big question: In our home and then whisked me away to the city in the snow for a wonderful dinner at a trendy new restaurant followed by a horse and buggy through central park and stopping to see the tree (Dec 20th)
    7. Share a food tip: Protein, protein, protein. Don't under estimate the importance of it. Cut out the sugar, as it will send your body into ketosis, which is good for dropping weight fast as long as you make sure to drink A LOT of Water.
    8. Share an exercise tip: Don't burn out right away, but push yourself a little more each time. You should always feel like you are doing a little more than you thought you could. Otherwise, you are staying stagnant.
    9. What do you want out of this group: I would like support, to hear how others are doing and how they are getting it done. Being able to talk wedding as well as something that goes hand-in-hand with it, weight-loss, is a perfect forum!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: So, my mom and aunt joined this site too as well as a girl I work with, so I am super excited to have that support, but it's nice to get the bride thing going on too! Spin class tonight followed by a Friday boot camp - the snow will not bring down my weight-loss party! I will check in on Monday to weigh-in.

    Thanks so much for this post! Really looking forward typ staying on track with you guys and hearing all your details!

    PS - Jenny - we have the same wedding date!:smile:
  • Jenny421
    :smile: Hey Everyone - CONGRATS! My name is Jaime and I am getting married in about 6 months. I usually indulge in anything I want - I have terrible eating habits. I have a desk job and am a lot less active than I was 10 years ago! So, I am at that point when it's now or never, and I really want to make a healthy channge for life. This will be my jumping off point. I am testing the limits of my "fat clothes" and ready to start ripping tags off those size 8s i never quite got into. Now, for the fomralities:

    Getting to know each other

    1. Name: Jaime G
    2. Age: 30 (soon to be 31)
    3. City: New York
    4. Occupation: Administrative Assistant
    5. Wedding date: 6-11-11
    6. Fiancés name: Joe
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 165
    9. Goal weight and date: 135 for 6-11-11 (I am starting at 162)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Kickboxing - with the bag
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tough One - my palette is still getting introduced to healthy stuff - maybe...sweet potatos!

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: So I am only 3 days in officially, but I've already seen and felt a difference. I have been hard core on changing my diet and working out so I've actually lost 2lbs already, but we will see what that actually looks like at the end of the week.
    2. High of the week: Hitting the gym everyday so far this week. I am very proud of myself. (Weight - 162)
    3. Low of the week: Tuesday - have nixed sugar and I felt as dumb as a rock. This morning I was crawling out of my skin. My body is in shock, but this should only last until next week. (currently 159.8)
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Just went through the contract for the photogrpaher and am ready to sign. Really excited - I negotiated him down $1000 and got the package I wanted. Brides Beware: The new thing photogrpahers are doing is hosting a web gallery which sounds great until you find out that you or your friend and relatives will have to pay for every single picture. Make sure to get a disc in your package of high resolution photos and copyrights.
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Day wedding. Married outdoors on the Long Island Sound, cocktails on veranda overlooknig the water and recption inside with a huge dance floor!
    6. How did he pop the big question: In our home and then whisked me away to the city in the snow for a wonderful dinner at a trendy new restaurant followed by a horse and buggy through central park and stopping to see the tree (Dec 20th)
    7. Share a food tip: Protein, protein, protein. Don't under estimate the importance of it. Cut out the sugar, as it will send your body into ketosis, which is good for dropping weight fast as long as you make sure to drink A LOT of Water.
    8. Share an exercise tip: Don't burn out right away, but push yourself a little more each time. You should always feel like you are doing a little more than you thought you could. Otherwise, you are staying stagnant.
    9. What do you want out of this group: I would like support, to hear how others are doing and how they are getting it done. Being able to talk wedding as well as something that goes hand-in-hand with it, weight-loss, is a perfect forum!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: So, my mom and aunt joined this site too as well as a girl I work with, so I am super excited to have that support, but it's nice to get the bride thing going on too! Spin class tonight followed by a Friday boot camp - the snow will not bring down my weight-loss party! I will check in on Monday to weigh-in.

    Thanks so much for this post! Really looking forward typ staying on track with you guys and hearing all your details!

    PS - Jenny - we have the same wedding date!:smile:

    Lol, we only have 6 months! Arent you nervous? I hope you get to your goal by that time, you sounds like youre doing great..I just need to start exercising..but I am gonna try and push myself!
  • lezerlies
    lezerlies Posts: 39 Member
    1. Name: Lezlie
    2. Age: 33
    3. City: Northern California
    4. Occupation: lawyer
    5. Wedding date: 4/3/11
    6. Fiancés name: J
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: A little under a year and a half
    8. Heaviest weight: 175
    9. Goal weight and date: 130 by 2/15/11 (dress fitting!) 125 by 4/3/11
    10. Favorite type of exercise: I love insanity although my back isn't a fan. I also love running, did my first (and only thus far) half marathon back in May. I'd love to train for another but all my running buddies aren't into it anymore :(
    11. Favorite healthy food: I'm loving the designer whey protein powder. Had a banana "milkshake" with it the other day! Yum!

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Lost a pound. I think. I say "I think" because I made the mistake of weighing myself again the following day. That same pound came right back. I HATE that.
    2. High of the week: Losing that pound.
    3. Low of the week: Seeing it come back.
    4. Any big wedding news/updates:
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): candlelight, indoor wedding. Going to be so purty!
    6. How did he pop the big question: He proposed when we got SUPER lost going to Yosemite. What's normally a 5 hour drive ended up being 10. He proposed on the top of world (we were at a roadside stop at 10,000 feet.) Good thing he proposed, because I was pretty much ready to kill him. :)
    7. Share a food tip: Always start your day with protein, helps fill you up. And eat every 2 to 3 hours to keep your metabolism running.
    8. Share an exercise tip: I always exercise first thing in the morning. I'm usually halfway through my routine before I even realize what I'm doing! It's the only way I won't come up with some reason NOT to do it.
    9. What do you want out of this group: Support and friends!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I'm really excited to join this community and get off these 10 pounds I've put on over the last year.
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Glad to see so many new faces joining our group! Welcome to everyone!

    I am having a rough week....passed 2 kidney stones (first time having them), have a very bad kidney/bladder infection due to the stones, and severe flank and groin pain! I haven't been able to work out at all this week plus I have to drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice a day! I think tomorrow I am going to only drink 1 glass and then be done with all those extra calories! I am going to take it easy for a few more days and hope to get back in the workout game on Monday. I really like the idea of the C25K programs....another MFP friend started a few weeks ago so we are going to be working on it together! I have really been working on the H2O challange. I find that sometimes I am just to damn lazy to get up and get something to drink. lol

    I went to the library after class today to get a book for school. I was looking at the "new arrivals" and saw a new book from The Knot!!! It's called The Knot Ultimate Wedding Look Book. There are a to of pictures and some great articles. I have a huge library in my area and have found a lot of other wedding books. Check out your local library and see what you can find!
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Glad to see so many new faces joining our group! Welcome to everyone!

    I am having a rough week....passed 2 kidney stones (first time having them), have a very bad kidney/bladder infection due to the stones, and severe flank and groin pain! I haven't been able to work out at all this week plus I have to drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice a day! I think tomorrow I am going to only drink 1 glass and then be done with all those extra calories! I am going to take it easy for a few more days and hope to get back in the workout game on Monday. I really like the idea of the C25K programs....another MFP friend started a few weeks ago so we are going to be working on it together! I have really been working on the H2O challange. I find that sometimes I am just to damn lazy to get up and get something to drink. lol

    I went to the library after class today to get a book for school. I was looking at the "new arrivals" and saw a new book from The Knot!!! It's called The Knot Ultimate Wedding Look Book. There are a to of pictures and some great articles. I have a huge library in my area and have found a lot of other wedding books. Check out your local library and see what you can find!

    I am just re-starting the C25K program. I tried it back in June and really liked it. I got to week 5 and then moved here to FL, where of course I stopped doing everything. Yesterday was my second day of week 1 and boy am I glad I started back at week one. I can feel the months of not exercising. :embarassed:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I will weigh and measure tomorrow...against my will lol
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    1. Name: Katherine
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Little Rock
    4. Occupation: RN, BSN
    5. Wedding date: 3/10/12
    6. Fiancés name: Saletheo
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 213
    9. Goal weight and date: 160 by 2012
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Circuit training
    11. Favorite healthy food: eh?

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: None
    2. High of the week: Joining the gym
    3. Low of the week: When I took before pictures
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Venue is Booked, Bridal appointment this Sat to look at dresses
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Traditional
    6. How did he pop the big question: Didn't really, been together so long we just set a date.
    7. Share a food tip: Eat small meals several times a day
    8. Share an exercise tip: Cardio and strength training produces great results
    9. What do you want out of this group: support
    10. Quick week wrap-up: Joined this site a few days ago and anxious for the first weigh-in!
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Lost 4 lbs this week!

    I think it was all water weight and shock to my body for exercising for the first time in a long time. :laugh:
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Lost 4 lbs this week!

    I think it was all water weight and shock to my body for exercising for the first time in a long time. :laugh:

    Great work! I bet is is starting up the workouts again, keep at it!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I posted the getting to know each other section earlier, but couldn't do the second half because I just got weighed in yesterday. Here's the remainder of my information:

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1/4 inch lost from my waist, but everything else stayed the same. I actually gained a 1.5 pounds since December 3rd.
    2. High of the week: My fitness assessment revealed that I'm in the best shape that I've ever been.
    3. Low of the week: That I found out that I gained weight during the holidays. I know I didn't work out as much during that month and I did splurge here and there, but I didn't expect THAT much damage!:-(
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Searching for someone to do my hair, makeup, and nails in Central PA. I'm really struggling to find anyone, let alone someone that can do all three.
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Traditional church wedding.
    6. How did he pop the big question: At a gas station pump halfway from our house to his parents house. We were going to drop the dog off and head off to Ocean City, MD for vacation. He wanted me to have the ring to enjoy when we got there and he didn't want to ask at home or in front of his parents. Weird, but sweet and entirely unexpected.
    7. Share a food tip: Start every meal off with soup or a salad to help fill you up for less calories.
    8. Share an exercise tip: Interval training really works. I'm always hopping on and off cardio and weight machines at the gym. I'm sure people thing I'm crazy, but I've lost inches by doing it!
    9. What do you want out of this group: Wedding ideas (and sympathies!*LOL*) and help staying motivated to lose the weight for the big day.
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I drank eight glasses of water four days out of the seven. I'm getting better, but I've never been really big at drinking water. Plus, I'm a teacher, so I can't leave a class to go to the bathroom....


    PS Is Week 2 going to be a different thread or will we continue here until it's full?
  • dreamwellali
    1. Name: Ali
    2. Age: 34
    3. City: Indianapolis
    4. Occupation: Web geek
    5. Wedding date: 4/18/2011
    6. Fiancés name: Ed
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 9 months
    8. Heaviest weight: 199
    9. Goal weight and date: 20 lbs by April
    10. Favorite type of exercise: water aerobics
    11. Favorite healthy food: asparagus/fresh fruit/a really good salad

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: no idea, don't own a scale
    2. High of the week: getting engaged!
    3. Low of the week: that piece of chocolate cake I just wasn't very good
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: started wearing my engagement ring this week - we bought it last week
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): eloping in Vegas
    6. How did he pop the big question: he didn't - we just decided to go to a jewelry store and do it.
    7. Share a food tip: bake chicken wrapped in aluminum foil and doused in low-cal italian dressing - gives awesome flavor and keeps it yummy and moist!
    8. Share an exercise tip: water exercise is great for unhappy joints
    9. What do you want out of this group: support
    10. Quick week wrap-up: officially engaged this week and starting to plan our Vegas wedding; back on the website and really committed to losing - he's here too!
  • brownsugar84
    brownsugar84 Posts: 40 Member
    OOH! This sounds fun!

    1. Name: Monica
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Toronto, Canada
    4. Occupation: Accounting
    5. Wedding date: Oct 22nd, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Sean
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 165
    9. Goal weight and date: 135, May 1st, 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running to the fridge?
    11. Favorite healthy food: Avocado

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:
    2. High of the week: 151
    3. Low of the week: 148
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Not at the moment, but will be going to a wedding show at the end of the month to book a few vendors
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Traditional (Church and Convention Ctr)
    6. How did he pop the big question: I LOVE food, so he had a recipe book made for me with our favourite recipes, and with pictures of us. We sat and read through the sections together... Appetizers... Mains.. Desserts... Extras? I opened the Extra section, and there at the top of the page read "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"and the recipe for a happy marriage. I was stunned and looked up, and there he was infront of me on his knee holding the most beautiful ring!
    7. Share a food tip: Tempura is NOT a vegetable.
    8. Share an exercise tip: Playing a motivating song on your ipod during an exhausting part of the workout can really help!!
    9. What do you want out of this group: Motivation to reach my weight goal before the big day!!!
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I've been better about food choices and more water (and less wine).
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I posted the getting to know each other section earlier, but couldn't do the second half because I just got weighed in yesterday. Here's the remainder of my information:

    Brides on a Mission: week 1
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1/4 inch lost from my waist, but everything else stayed the same. I actually gained a 1.5 pounds since December 3rd.
    2. High of the week: My fitness assessment revealed that I'm in the best shape that I've ever been.
    3. Low of the week: That I found out that I gained weight during the holidays. I know I didn't work out as much during that month and I did splurge here and there, but I didn't expect THAT much damage!:-(
    4. Any big wedding news/updates: Searching for someone to do my hair, makeup, and nails in Central PA. I'm really struggling to find anyone, let alone someone that can do all three.
    5. Type of wedding (i.e. destination, traditional, outdoor): Traditional church wedding.
    6. How did he pop the big question: At a gas station pump halfway from our house to his parents house. We were going to drop the dog off and head off to Ocean City, MD for vacation. He wanted me to have the ring to enjoy when we got there and he didn't want to ask at home or in front of his parents. Weird, but sweet and entirely unexpected.
    7. Share a food tip: Start every meal off with soup or a salad to help fill you up for less calories.
    8. Share an exercise tip: Interval training really works. I'm always hopping on and off cardio and weight machines at the gym. I'm sure people thing I'm crazy, but I've lost inches by doing it!
    9. What do you want out of this group: Wedding ideas (and sympathies!*LOL*) and help staying motivated to lose the weight for the big day.
    10. Quick week wrap-up: I drank eight glasses of water four days out of the seven. I'm getting better, but I've never been really big at drinking water. Plus, I'm a teacher, so I can't leave a class to go to the bathroom....


    PS Is Week 2 going to be a different thread or will we continue here until it's full?

    Week 2 will be a new post: Brides on a mission: week 2. Thanks for asking! It will be around the same formart, but with some differnt questions/updates!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Okay so I don't know about the rest of you brides but I am obsessed with the show Say Yes to the Dress and I llooovvee looking at wedding dresses! How about we all post pictures of our wedding gowns or if you haven't gotten yours yet, one that you see yourself getting! I'm still waiting for my dress to come in (the first time it came in the V in the front dipped about an inch lower than the sample - aka SCANDALOUS! so we had to send it back!) Anyway here's the internet picture of mine - I hope I can rock it as well as the model by the time my wedding hits!


