Six min mile



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Become Usain Bolt's best buddy.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    30+ miles a week that's great! I usually do 15-20 a week I prob would do more if I wasn't right in town.

    Your best way to get a faster mile time is to increase your weekly mileage, gradually, till you get to 35+ and do most of them slowly.


    To run a fast timed mile, you don't need to run all your workouts fast. You are on the right track by running those easy miles. Keep doing that and incorporate some speedy stuff a couple times a week. I suggest one tempo run and one day of adding strides at the end of the run. You can look them up for full definitions. I run all my easy runs around the same pace as you, some days even slower and my mile time is well below 6:00.
  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    Become Usain Bolt's best buddy.

    Usain Bolt doesn't race the mile.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    You can run a 9-minute mile now. My suggestion is to set your sights on an 8-minute mile. The best way to get there is just to build up your weekly mileage. Once you are up to 20-30 miles per week and can run an 8-minute mile, then you can start thinking about speed work.

    I agree with this! you'd be safer to take baby steps first. I'd try for an 8min 30 sec mile though since 9 to 8 is still a significant jump. But that's just me since I'm one of those slacker runners...
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Become Usain Bolt's best buddy.

    Usain Bolt doesn't race the mile.

    If he did, it would probably be much faster than 6 mins.

    Now Dennis Kimetto runs a 4:41 pace for a marathon - that guy is awesome. Be his buddy.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I never trained specifically for a mile before, but I do agree with the benefits behind just running more, and consistently, over time.

    Running a mile full out scares the bejeezus out of me, but the last time I tried running a mile as fast as I could, I was pushing a pace I never thought was possible for me. It just came over time for me.

    It can be done. You may be able to reach that goal faster than you think.

    Good luck!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Hmm. I got down to 5:40ish with just 35 miles per week for about 9 months.. Lots of speedwork.. Easy/recovery runs inbetween speed work sessions.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the reply everyone. tonight I ran my personal best at 8:52 you should of seen me I ran around people on the sidewalk and even ran between a woman and her puppy lol, I also went from jogging 6 miles to 7.05 miles :-) , I'm going to have to get a new phone before I can go any farther the gps on my phone eats up the battery..
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Thanks for the reply everyone. tonight I ran my personal best at 8:52 you should of seen me I ran around people on the sidewalk and even ran between a woman and her puppy lol, I also went from jogging 6 miles to 7.05 miles :-) , I'm going to have to get a new phone before I can go any farther the gps on my phone eats up the battery..

    Umm... Good job and all, but the sidewalk isn't the place for that. Kinda dangerous and rude to folks who are walking. Keep it on the road homey
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    it was 1 in the morning, only people standing on the side walk doing something they wasn't supposed to be doing, and when I cam up to people I did run in the road only for a split second, not cops roam my town at night so everyone speeds, not exactly safe for me to run in the road when there is a side walk with hardly any people on it
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    But why would you run between a woman and her puppy though... that's mean :-(
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I know stopping sucks, but sometimes it's just best... The dog could have bitten you because it was startled.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    she was going in her car and the dog was in the yard almost on the side walk. wtf let me run and do me and you all continue to do races where they have them, I live in a small town no one really runs, and the only races you have to pay and it's for charity. I'm not worried about a dog bitting me not a puppy. If it's in town and not on a leash it's well trained. Maybe I sound mean but I have someone telling me to run in the road where it's not safe and someone else telling me I'm mean. and both of you look like marathon runners from your display pictures. I feel like I'm getting gained up on for one post update .I'm not killing anyone or breaking any laws. So think before you jump on me and not know the whole story. People like you two make me feel guilty for doing what I like to do. Your just as worse as cops stopping me for no reason wanting to know why I am running. I will continue to run and do me and please do not act like you never do anything wrong. At least I'm out getting exercise and having a good time before it gets to cold and I have to run on the treadmill for the remainder of the year.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    Everyone has given you great advice on extending mileage, adding track work outs as well as tempo runs on longer runs. But you also need to do cross training. Runners often neglect this part but you need to develop your other muscles as well to support a faster run. Swimming and biking are both great alternates.

    This is everything I was going to say. I've only been running since July as well, but I've read everything I can get my hands on running wise. I'm anxiously awaiting my next copy of Runner's World. Extend your milage, add track work outs for speed work, tempo runs on long runs, AND cross training.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    she was going in her car and the dog was in the yard almost on the side walk. wtf let me run and do me and you all continue to do races where they have them, I live in a small town no one really runs, and the only races you have to pay and it's for charity. I'm not worried about a dog bitting me not a puppy. If it's in town and not on a leash it's well trained. Maybe I sound mean but I have someone telling me to run in the road where it's not safe and someone else telling me I'm mean. and both of you look like marathon runners from your display pictures. I feel like I'm getting gained up on for one post update .I'm not killing anyone or breaking any laws. So think before you jump on me and not know the whole story. People like you two make me feel guilty for doing what I like to do. Your just as worse as cops stopping me for no reason wanting to know why I am running. I will continue to run and do me and please do not act like you never do anything wrong. At least I'm out getting exercise and having a good time before it gets to cold and I have to run on the treadmill for the remainder of the year.

    Dude, nobody is ganging up on you. Sidewalk etiquette is something a lot of people don't know and I was just trying to inform you of how others might perceive you, and maybe even the law depending on where you live. I've told cyclists the same thing - they don't belong on the sidewalk, period. Besides, sidewalks are sorta dangerous for runners - they are often cracked, raised, and have big fat weeds growing in the cracks. I'm sorry you took this as a guilt trip or beating session.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Man, people can get fired up about anything and everything...
  • BobbiPartridge
    thanks for advice for the track, that would be awesome to get to run and not have to worry about stopping until I tire myself out. The farthest I have ran is 6 miles none stop but I have ran more then that in a night just not all at once. I did a mile in 9 mins and 28 seconds tonight and started running faster after I hit my first mile but I stopped when I got to my house because it was late but gps said I was averaging 7 mins and 11 seconds a mile but I only kept that up for .40 of a mile. Why is it that when I run it always takes me over a mile to get my breathing steady, like the first mile is the hardest?

    It regularly takes me 10min to get going this is down to warming up the muscles and getting into a breathing pattern. After a 10min warm up try run a mile as hard as you can... After that mile take around 5min jogging make sure you recover then try another mile, the research behind this method is that you adjust what you got wrong in the first mile... Such as when to speed up or not to... I suggest starting gentle then trying to pick it up every quarter of a mile... Don't make yourself in the uncomfortable stage until after half way through...

    This will normally help to improve your time

    (I'm a middle distance runner... Or was)
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think sidewalk running is largely a judgment call that should be driven by common sense. If you are in a busy area where a lot of people are walking dogs and pushing strollers, don’t run on the sidewalk, run in the street or find another route. If there is nobody around, and the sidewalk is in decent condition, use it. Most of my routes are a combination of sidewalk and street running, understand your surroundings and run accordingly.

    I pass a lady on the way home from the gym occasionally at 6am that runs out on a street with a narrow shoulder with a speed limit that is 45mph, disrupting traffic (she scared the crap out of me the 1st time I came across her as I was coming over a hill) and endangering herself - meanwhile there is a completely unused sidewalk 10 feet over that is probably 5 years old and in excellent condition. I see an ambulance ride in her future.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Your just as worse as cops stopping me for no reason wanting to know why I am running.

    Cops harass you. Why do cops harass you?

    YEAH! Don't get bothered with that user Zekela. She was rude to me too when I had an elliptical question.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    People like you two make me feel guilty for doing what I like to do. Your just as worse as cops stopping me for no reason wanting to know why I am running.

    What are you, and angsty 12 year old?

    QQ noob.

    Tell you what, anyone runs between me and my dog or my kin when I'm on the sidewalk and they get the critical mass-hole treatment. It's called a clothesline. Get some.