

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did an hour of Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to do some of the Butt Life DVD, hold my plank, then go to the extremepump class.

    Katla - when you do a yoga DVD, do you do Yoga Burn? That guy (RY) has one GOOODDDD body. He goes a lot slower with the moves, but to me that DVD is one of his better ones.

    Sylvia - have you ever heard of Seagrove Pottery? We're supposed to go there next month, what should I be on the lookout for? Yea, those mats came out good. I KNEW you could do it!!

    Heather - I so enjoy reading all about your trip. Thanks for letting me live vicariously thru you

    Today I'm actually breaking down and wearing a sweatshirt. The high is only supposed to be in the 60's. Booooooooo.........

    Joyce - how wonderful for your daughter. Tell her congrats from me

    Cynthia - I'm the same way, the older I get the less I want the big city. Sometimes I feel safer in a smaller town. You're right, the down side is that there aren't the museums, etc. I remember when I first took a spinning class. How I hated to even get up to go to the bathroom! Now I can take a class (or do one of my downloadable workouts) and not have a problem. But it certainly helps to take a break.

    Ava and anorien1 and Mary - welcome to a very supportive group

    Alison - so glad the auction made so much. How terrible for Jill's bro

    Jan - you take such wonderful care of Gwen, I'm in awe.

    char3116 - welcome. What kind of job were you in and what are you considering changing to?

    Melinda - welcome back! Come in whenever you can.

    Went to WalMart earlier today. Vince was low on milk and he left the container on the island. It was so low that I thought it was empty so I put the container in recycling. Why he just doesn't finish up the last little bit of something, I don't know. Anyway, I had to get him milk so I picked up a few of the things that we needed from WM

    rutbatavs - welcome!

    I think I must have gotten the cold from Vince that he had. I've been sneezing and coughing. But not nearly as bad as he was. I certainly don't feel the need for any antibiotics. I'm just drinking my tea!

    Renny - aren't jb's blogs just wonderful reading? I have an app on my phone called "our Grocer" where I list all the things I need to buy then as I go thru the store, I just delete the item off the list

    jane - happy birthday to your son. I'm so sorry about your friend, I can feel your pain wanting to help but not being able to

    Looks like I forgot to post last night.

    Today (Mon) I did one segment of "10 Minute Butt Lift" then held my plank for 2 min 35 sec and took the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a downloadable workout for the spinning bike

    I felt so bummed this morning....I had to wear pants and a sweatshirt over my workout clothes. Waaaaa......

    Vince just said that he thinks that tomorrow and Wed. we'll start closing the pool. Big waaaa.....

    Since taking that online course in nutrition, I've thought that perhaps I would like to be an RD. Only I looked at the prerequisites for it and you need a bachelors degree, I only have an associates. That would mean that I'd have to go back to college for the bachelors and then study for my RD. I don't know if I want to go thru THAT much.

    Carol - I do hope you don't have to walk away from the house

    Sylvia - fantastic steps! Pretty soon you'll be in league with barbie!

    dedflowrs - welcome. What kind of resistance training are you thinking of, free weights, a weighted bar, exercise bands?

    judyxshoes - welcome to a great group

    nancyblum - welcome. I can assure you, you won't find any bashing here. I've been here a number of years and I can't recall one instance of it happening. I have a suspicion that some of it has to do with maturity. We're all more mature and are more open to other's points of view even if they don't match ours. We respect that. It's good to log everything, even the bad. That helps so much

    Beth - what kills me when I leave something (like brownies that I really don't need) for Vince to eat, he seems to take FOREVER to finish them. And guess who winds up nibbling?

    Heather - if ever I take a trip, I want you as my tourist guide. Glad you're home safe and sound

    katla and nana - Isn't it just a real shame how when you go out to eat you get so much sodium and fat? To me, it takes away from the taste of the food

    katla - so glad to hear about dh doing so well

    margaret - what book are you reading?

    Off to senior bowling right now. Afterwards I want to stop at one grocery store near there, they have butternut and spaghetti squash on sale. I do want to get some squash. The squash at Aldi's didn't look all that good when I went earlier in the week.

    Going to have mahjongg at my house tonight and next Monday since the gal whose house we usually have it at is away.

    Welcom georgiaTRIs

    Cat - welcome! The first time I did HIIT, I swear after 15 minutes I thought for sure I would die. Now I can go about an hour. I think HIIT burns the most calories plus you will continue to burn them. I've noticed none of the machines (elliptical, treadmill) adjust calorie burn for when you are sprinting versus when you are recovering.

    Rori - what a wonderful trip you have planned!

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sylvia - I have to be careful of my posture when I walk. Once you begin to pick up speed and endurance, it gets easy to forget form. Also, walking on inclines is harder on your back and hard surfaces like concrete is hard on all of your joints. I try hard to keep my abs engaged and my shoulders back and down. I read somewhere that you should also try to lead with your pelvis, but that takes a bit more concentration and coordination than I seem to be capable of.

    Today has not been a great food day due to not managing my stress well. I'll be mad at myself tomorrow but I'm too tired tonight to prep breakfast and lunch for tomorrow's meals. I'll plan in my head while I am in the sdhower on the morning and pull everything together on my way out the door.

    Off to bed!!

    Carol in NC
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    It's finally about bed time, thank goodness. This decision about what type of medical treatment to get is too difficult. Ever since I told the doctor's office last week that I was getting a 2nd opinion, they've been hounding me for a decision. Well I had my second opinion this afternoon and it was different. That darn 1st doctors office called me while I was in the middle of talking to the second opinion doctor, so I just cancelled the surgery. Maybe I'll think about it next month. I will, for sure, go to a completely different doctor. This is what happens when you move across the country and then get sick without having had the time to establish yourself with a doctor.

    More Halloween decorations went up today; I've never put outdoor decorations inside before and I kinda like the glow.

    Margaretturk - Thanks for the book info; it's on my wish list now.

    Cat - I'm impressed you can do the HIIT; it seems very high impact to me. Egad! you might have to cut down on the barbacoa!

    Sylvia - love the mouse joke. Sorry to hear about the back pain. I agree that you may have to concentrate on sucking in the stomach. It might also just be a stretching issue, if you're not already taking care of that. I'm thinking hip flexors.

    jmkmomm - the ornaments sound very special. Are you coming way down to south florida where I am? We're having tremendously nice weather right now.

    georgiaTRIs - I'm in awe of the marathon

    Exermom - great job on the plank. I hear that's an excellent core exercise, although I cant do them myself because they hurt my knees.

    Rori - Panama? Wow, you are an ambitious retirement planner! Very exotic.

    Good night everyone, Mary
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Thanks for your good wishes. I hope you get some rest and will be back in “the groove” soon. Your world may be upside down at the moment, but will right itself soon.:flowerforyou:

    FeistyCat: I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy this group. MFP never puts anyone blow 1200 calories with some good reasons. You need to be able to sustain new habits long term and too much deprivation at the beginning can sabotage your end results. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I only eat KFC when I want a salt festival in my life, or when I’m on a road trip and it is the best option. I LOVE today’s jokes. When I have back pain after walking I look at buying new shoes. They wear down quickly and then your balance and gait are all wrong. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: Beef–veggie soup in an Amish restaurant sounds tasty. I wonder about sodium. I’ve no notion of Amish cooking practices.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: Your DH must be a very good sport. I’ve gone through a lot of trials and tribulations with my DH over the years, but I’ve never had to handle the business related separations that the two of you deal with regularly. You have my respect.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Michele in NC: I haven’t done yoga DVD’s after trying one I bought at Costco. I didn’t get much out of it. I do have a yoga app that I used when in CO with DD and her family. It wasn’t as good as class, but it was better than no yoga at all. It was called Simply Yoga, and was free.:flowerforyou:

    DS and DDIL have gone home after several days being here. It was wonderful to have them with us. DH is really making gains now. He was so much more active today after having been very quiet since surgery and I think their company helped. I hope there aren’t any unpleasant repercussions from all his activity tomorrow. I have yoga tomorrow morning and Thursday, and my first riding lesson with my new instructor on Friday. I’m looking forward to the yoga and the riding.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I got back yesterday from my long weekend in Tahoe. Will catch up (or just jump in) as I can. I did just read the last day's posts.

    Michele, I can pick up almost all the news in yours! :heart:

    Jane, my prayers for your friend. :brokenheart:

    Beth, prayers for your sons too. :heart:

    Thank you to everyone who shared their vacation experiences - and their plans. Traveling vicariously is the next best thing to the real deal. :happy:

    Tahoe was beautiful. Absolutely perfect weather, with clear skies and a slight breeze.

    My sister, brother-in-law and I walked down to the lake with the dogs (maybe 2 miles round trip). The walk through the state park was wonderful. I've never seen the water so low though. Tahoe is usually crystal clear and freezing cold. There was moss growing on the rocks near the shore. That's just plain crazy.

    I'm hoping for some real winter weather this year. A good snowpack in the mountains would go a long way toward fixing the problems from the drought.

    The King fire, which started about 10 miles up the mountain from us, is almost out. There are still 2000 people on the fire, doing the last bit of containment, moving dirt, etc. The smoke is all but gone. We were helped by a few days of light rain a few days ago. What a blessing.

    My nephew's out of the hospital. Hurray!

    My family and I were in Reno but didn't go by to see him as he was tired and so were my folks. (My dad has early alzheimers and had already had a big day.) We met the newest baby in the family (my folks' 17th great grandchild!) and celebrated one of the great grandchildren's 2nd birthday.

    My nephew (the wildland firefighter with pneumonia) came home with a boatload of pills, plans for breathing treatments, etc., but he's home. :happy: :happy: He lost 40 lbs in just over 3 weeks. It's hard to even imagine.

    I sorted through bins and bins of clothes and books that I'd bought in a pipe dream of starting an eBay business. The thrift shops will be happy. And I'm happy too to clear the bins off my porch.

    My place is tiny (700 sq ft) so I really wasn't in a position to start a buy/sell business. Besides the space, I didn't like the idea of sitting down at the computer to list the items :grumble: or actually mail them out:angry: . (I did like searching thrift shops and buying them though!:laugh: )

    It would be nice to make a little extra money, without going back to work full time. Those days are over. My son-in-law needs a little marketing/website work done and I can (hopefully) pick up a little writing (business and technical) here and there. Motivation is the hardest part. (Isn't it always.)

    Good night all.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mimi, so glad the fires out there are almost gone now. What a relief to the community

    Sylvia, how long has it been since you changed walking shoes. I would think the concrete surface of the mall would have something to do with the back pain also. This reminds me of what my Dad would always sing to us when we had an ailment. (I so wish the internet would allow us to sing it) Anyway here goes. The toe bone's connected to the foot bone, the foot bone's connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the hip bone, the hip bone's connected to the back bone, the back bone's connected to the neck bone, the neck bone's connected to the head bone. He could go on and on, each time adding some other bone.

    Mary, sorry, we are going to Panama City Beach Florida. I sure hope the weather holds up. That's my main worry. We rented a house for us and our two daughters and family. We drive down Sunday and come back Friday. I wish these rental agencies would move their time to be out a little later than 8 AM. Even 9 would be so much better. You know you want to get one last dip in the ocean, but you have to be totally packed the evening before, get up early, quick breakfast and load the cars and then get to the agency office to turn in the key. I don't know if we can just leave our key in the house or not. Last house the lock was a key pad and we could just up and leave and not stop by an office by 8

    I called my sister tonight to see if she could come over and make these ornaments but she is real busy this week, I am gone the next week, so it;'s the week after. But we don't have a lot of jewelry to use and have 4 ornaments to make.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello? Is anybody out there? :'( It's been a long day without my pals.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Just trying to figure out how to post on this "new and improved" site. I'll get there.

    Did an hour of a downloadable workout for the jspinning bike today. Tomorrow we have a general meeting for the Newcomers so the plan is to do Kelly Coffee Meyer's 30 Minutes to fitness. As I recall, there were two 30 minute workouts, I'll probably do both of them.

    Mary - I don't like high impact, so when I do HIIT, it's usually on the ellitical.

    katla - have fun riding!

    mimi - so glad your nephew is out of the hosp. Wow! 17 great grandchildren! I'm sure each and every one is so very special

    Michele in NC
    who will see how this goes
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    I am keeping an open mind about this new format. I found all of you but had a hard time finding the step challenge I post on. It has been a weird day not hearing from all of you.

    Barbie from NW Washington where the weather is beautiful

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    I went to search to find you. I had to go back to add 2014 to Women ages 50 +. Missed all of you today . The circle figure in upper right hand corner is if you want to edit. It gives you an hour to make changes. Miss the figure drinking his coffee. Still need a clapping figure. <3 MN Margaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    I discovered if you click on the star by the title Woman ages 50+October 2014. It bookmarks your place. It should turn yellow. Then when you hit bookmarks, it is the star icon, in the upper right hand corner the forums you wish to visit pop up. I guess this replaces My topics. I wish they would explain this.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    sorry I have been MIA - life got in my way, I have logged, and kept my weight the same, but been dealing with a busy business, some friend relationship issues, and family dramatics...it is not all solved, but I think I am finding my way. I only read this page, and made very few notes! I have missed you all.... I wish crying was an exercise, for all that are into it sending thoughts of peace to my little spot in California would be very appreciated.

    my computer has been having a mind of it's own but things on this thread are VERY different looking and how they are working; was there a change? or is it my computer???

    I am hoping to be back in the groove!

    JaneMartin – sorry to hear about your friend!

    Carol – my nephew goes to college in Seattle and did the outside hammock thing too, after the 2nd or 3 rd night of pouring rain, being inside his dorm became more interesting. He slept in his hammock in the dorm room the first 2 years, he’s a junior now and has a bed!

    Heather – sounds like fun!

    Katla – glad to hear that DH ‘s surgery was a success and pt is in his future

    October goals:
    Walk the dog
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday afternoon here and finally able to post.
    All going well here, mostly following Livinglite diet for brakfast and snacks = 1893.
    Got up at 6.30am and did 44 minutes Jeannette Jenkins' Crunch kick-box party (really sweated and loved it); BFFM lower body an hour after breakfast; this afternoon walked the dog 40 minutes in rain, Yes we got wet
    Steps at 3pm = 10,658
    Slept really well and no headache.
    Keeping well away from a toxic neighbour, she will get the message soon.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    A whole day without my Vitamin F!!!! I got by though. I need some one to expain to me in straight up English where everything is. My sticker isn't here, the announcement said we could post pictures easily so I need to know that. My picture is all squeshed up????? And where do I find this new app so that I can easily find the forms on my tablet and android phone. Hope you all have done well today. beautiful weather here in southern Indiana. I don't think it is going to follow us to Florida though. The first couple of days are predicted to be a little cooler and 80% chance of thunderstorms. That also means a thunderstorm in Charlies brain.

    Joyce, Indiana. 4 more days!!!!
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Aha! Here you all are. Of course I've now forgotten what I was going to post over the past couple of days.

    It's so hard trying to stick to my goal of over 500 calories a day burned (it ends up being 600 per day for 6 days as I don't exercise on Mondays). I wear a chest HRM so I'm pretty accurate with expenditure. It's just the time it takes, especially when one works. Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the cycle, 30 minutes weights and 45 minutes walking/jogging with the dog. Today will be 2 Pilates classes, one slow and the other quite cardio.

    I am going out for dinner the next three nights - wahhhh! And there will be wine. I love wine. And cheese. I love cheese. Oh well.....

    I hope everyone is aiming for at least 5 servings of fruit/vegies every day. More and more research puts this as the healthiest level of intake.

    Cheers from Deb in Melbourne

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Gosh, momentary panic when I couldn't find you! Yes, Barbie, it did feel weird with you all vanished into the ether for a day!
    Joyce - I hope your holiday goes well. The important thing is that you are all together. The rest, like the weather, is just a bonus. You will have such fun. I always get stressed before hand, and then I love it. <3
    - Kim - sending peaceful thoughts your way! I have missed you. :D

    Don't like these icons. :|

    Must eat breakfast - will be back
    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • judyxshoes
    judyxshoes Posts: 4 Member
    Morning everyone. It has been lovely to read your updates. I am impressed and inspired by the amount and type of exercise most of you do. Well done. I was at hospital yesterday getting my annual pacemaker check. All is well so I am very relieved. We had people around last night for bridge and supper. Cheeses, biscuits and a HM cake. I am delighted, and a bit surprised, that I managed to stay away from temptation. There is cake left so I will take that to my MIL who isn't well later today. Off to Zumba this morning and then afternoon tea with friends. I am going to enjoy that and just eat light for the rest of the day. Have a lovely Wednesday everyone.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited October 2014
    Margaret - could you give me another explanation of how to edit my post. Can't find the circle you were talking about. :'(
    - Oh, just found it! You touch on the top right of your post and a cog wheel appears which you can click!
    - They are saying that posting photos will be easier so I'm looking forward to that. :)
    - Deb in Melbourne - most days I do get five or more into me. Today we had mixed berries and fruit on our breakfast muesli, lunch is homemade watercress soup ans corn on the cob, and dinner is left over roast chicken in a cheese sauce with cauliflower, asparagus and chard from the garden, with a few cherry tomatoes. I find it more difficult when eating out a lot. My DH loves his veg, especially green veg. :D

    Went to WI last night and it was "Sing Your Heart Out", an intro to choral singing. We did "California Dreaming" in three parts. Wonderful, energetic teacher and we had a great time!
    Bit of a tight throat this morning, probably a bug I brought home from NYC.
    Feeling a bit anticlimactical, but have things to get on with so I'm sure I will get over it. Want to organise to see the grandchildren, think of something for DH'S birthday, get photos done for a new passport, do my tax, etc, etc, etc. I have also got to book a hotel for my jaunt with my old school friends in November. Urgent! :o

    Did 564 cals of exercise this morning, so I am very pleased to be back to it.
    Love to all and good wishes to anyone struggling. <3

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi to everyone. Already way too frustrated by the new system to make a longer post.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well gee i dont like this new format :'( cant figure it out at all... i have gained 7 lbs in the last couple of weeks, I have just been stress eating I guess have to get myself back in gear.. hopefully I can keep up with this new format