

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita from CT: I am so glad to see you! :flowerforyou: Finding the thread is not too horrible if you use the star to mark it. Go to community and my discussions, then click on the star. It should bring up any thread where you've posted. I'm still grumbling about some changes since I am not a person who enjoys learning new systems. :noway:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here. Went shopping and only walking yesterday and FitBit stopped working, so no idea how many steps.
    Making scallope fettucini for lunch and Breaded chicken drumsticks with steamed veg for dinner. Found recipes on 12 tomatoes on FaceBook. They look good
    Food cals today = 1995 and exercise cals = 632.
    Took my Duramine as soon as I got up this morning BUT scales back up to 218.24 lbs.
    Printed Food/exercise plan for today to let dietition see next week. Updated my spreadsheets for doctor tomorrow.
    NO idea what is going on.
    Lesley in Tasmaia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif MIchelle, Jake has to go to the hospital for an angiogram next week...at that time the cardiologist will combine what he sees on that test with the results of yesterday's test and take some action.

    smiley-happy093.gif Katla, when we travel by ferry just going about life's business, we remind ourselves that many of the people we see have saved up to vacation in the beautiful place where we live...we never take our good fortune of living here for granted....we have moved several times during our marriage and moving is a great way to clean out all the unnecessary stuff in the house and garage...it's a great feeling

    smiley-happy002.gifJoyce, we used walkie talkies when we moved up here from California and traveled in two vehicles through a lot of beautiful country with no cell service. We were glad to have them.

    big-smiley-006.gifKim, your soup sounds good.....I love making soup

    smiley-happy002.gifHeather, like you, I love the feeling of doing extra exercise so I can eat more.

    big-smiley-006.gifDonna, keep on with your plank....little by little you'll be able to hold it longer

    smiley-computer004.gifRita, they changed MFP right around the same time that my computer had to be replaced so I've been confused and frustrated, too, but in time, it's gotten better...do not be discouraged

    smiley-happy002.gifSylvia, doesn't it feel good to have a new relationship with food and not use it as a mindless reward or entertainment?

    smiley-computer004.gifLesley, how frustrating that your fitbit stopped working...I know that I am lost without my pedometer.

    smiley-happy110.gif This has been a day for chores. My friend who was supposed to come for a visit, cancelled at the last minute and I used the extra time wisely.

    smiley-happy110.gifJake and I watched our DVR recording of DWTS while I rode the exercise bike

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long (I finished this and sent it off---I am very happy)big-smiley-006.gif



  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2014
    Just dropping by to keep myself out of kitchen - reading and enjoying all of the wisdom and support shared here.

    My son is having the first of two procedures on his eyes tomorrow and the second on Thursday- I am really happy it is finally happening and a bit nervous as it is his eyes. Someone asked about his condition, it is called Keratoconus, he was diagnosed 3 years ago at age 22 as his eyesight deteriorated rapidly. The procedures are intended to halt the progression. The eye surgeon repeatedly reminded us that he will not wake up able to see better. I am grateful for even this. There may be other options in the future to improve his eyesight. One day at a time.

    A little exercise today - too busy at work and too tired now to do more, hopefully tomorrow - though not making plans given everything going on. Did eat well but I am hungry now. Kitchen wins after all...
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good evening, everyone! Feeling better today, but tired. I have been an insomniac for about 5 years now and sleep is very welcome. I am lucky to get 2 hours in a row, and I haven't done that for a couple of days. Just an hour here and there. Keeping my fingers crossed for some sleep tonight. Still have to go on my second walk tonight (youtube walk), but then maybe to bed.

    Also got a new scale today (Eat Smart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Bathroom Scale). I love it. I weighed myself on it to set it up and did a weight adjustment of -2lbs. I hope this scale is the accurate one as it shows 2lbs less. I know it is not an actual loss, because the old scale showed my previous weight, but 2lbs less to lose to reach my ultimate goal is nice.

    Kelley - Welcome and you are right, this is a great place for support and encouragement.

    Katla - I agree that all gift exchanges where names are drawn should come with a couple of suggestions along with the names. It really would help where you don't know the person very well.

    Terri - Days when you feel good are precious! I am so glad you had one.

    Molly - Congratulations on the 185.0 {Fireworks and confetti}! (I don't know how to add the animations, so the words are all I have, LOL). Also congratulations on your epiphany. I always love it when I can see something decadent and just go 'Yep, there it is and it looks yummy but, nah, I'm good' and really be good!

    Barbie - I think I will start the 30 day plank challenge again. Even if I don't get past the 60 seconds, the days before it that I can do always make me feel successful! And who knows, I may one day get through it all. Just keep on the last successful day until I am strong enough to move ahead.

    Kataniki - My eldest daughter was diagnosed with keratoconus earlier this year. They caught it at boot camp (Navy) and she was discharged because of it. The doctor I took her to said it was a mild case (just at the stage of hard contacts) but it was enough to keep her from her dream of Naval service. Good luck with your son's treatment.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of stepping on the AMT this morning. Then I had to go for my routine physical. I overslept this morning but I got to the MD on time. Just cut my stretching a bit short (didn't do arms so much since I mainly used legs). Tomorrow's plan is to do Kelley Coffee Meyer's 30 Minutes To Fitness Cardio Quick Fix DVD. I'll probably do it twice. Then we have a Newcomer board meeting.

    Got my flu shot at the MD plus a tetanus shot. I know that I got a tetanus shot, but it might have been more than ten years ago. Anyway, it can't hurt to have another one. He set up for my colonoscopy (oh joy!), just don't know the exact date yet, and for my bone density scan, again don't know the date. We did discuss my low HDL and, this I didn't know, he said that niacin helps. I asked about oats and flax, he said it really doesn't help the HDL. Have to look up which foods are high in niacin. I remember a while ago Vince was taking Niaspan and he had a terrible reaction to it. I really don't want to go to meds or supplements unless I have to, I'd rather try getting my HDL up from foods. He also said red wine (just not too much). After the MD I did do two game of practice bowling. When I go by myself, it goes so much faster. Update: seems that chicken, pork, liver, nuts, fish are high. I'm not a big liver eater, but I have chicken and fish at least once/week

    Vince finally got around to putting up the fence for the Halloween decorations. I have no idea why he's waiting so long.

    Kim - LBD = Little Black Dress. The time I made the zucchini tots, I too thought it needed a bit of spice, just not sure which spice

    Kelley in TX - put up your feet and pour yourself a tall glass of (decaf) tea!

    Beth - I know this is just a stab in the dark, but has your son ever tried having ice cream? Supposedly, the "brain freeze" constricts the blood vessels and so you don't have as bad a migraine. Have no idea at all if this works. Also, Dr. Oz (what a source....lol) recommended raw ginger. Raw ginger can be somewhat bitter but I would think that sweetened ginger slices might be palitable.

    katla - I would want to go with providing a gift list. At least you know that what you get the person is something they'll like. What if you made something that they couldn't use?

    Terri - right now I'm TRYING (operative word) to learn to crochet in the round. Not going real well, I must say.

    Sylvia - yea yea yea for you not getting that cruller! Loved the joke!

    dreamwriter - feel better soon

    kataniki - good luck to your son tomorrow. Now he won't be able to wake up and see, but how much do they anticipate it to improve over time?

    Michele in NC
    who is a little sore from her shots today.
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Donna - thanks for your kind thoughts - your daughter should consider the crosslinking, the sooner it is done, the less likely her condition will worsen. Everyone has a unique experience, some never progress much - hopefully this will be her situation.

    Michele - good for you taking all these preventive measures! I am with you about not taking meds if I can help it. Only thing I take now is Vitamin D after I came up low after my last check up. Thanks for your good wishes, unfortunately, there is no expectation of improvement - rather that his eyesight won't continue to deteriorate. They are going to try and flatten his corneas tomorrow (first procedure - conductive keratoplasty) which may help some. This is a relatively new procedure as is the crosslinking (procedure 2), so long term outcomes are not really known. It is still in clinical trials in the US. He is still fairly functional - he no longer drives and has to enlarge things to read, uses dictation for his writing, etc... but lives a full life. He has not entirely made his peace with this - he hasn't sold his car but finally took it off the road to save on the insurance, most of the people he works with don't know he is visually impaired, he didn't even want to tell anyone why he has to take off work for the rest of the week. He may have to as it is expected he will be more impaired for 3-6 months until he heals completely and his eyesight stabilizes.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Things here are good, I served my leftover tots with a few drops of Hoisin sauce, just perfect! Tomorrow evening I am taking my nephew to a college reception, he will go to college in fall of 2016 so now is the time to start to figure out where he wants to go and what he wants to study. His bio-parents don't get it; and my mom (his grandmom) will join us but it is 7-10pm and I don't like her driving at that hour, so they live about a one hour drive away, that will be a long evening for me. Just about the same as I do for football on Fridays....

    Joyce and Heather - OH!!! Silly me! I have always wanted one… ;)
    Alison – burned out on all you do is reasonable!!!
    Kelly – welcome, pop in and tell us about you!

    Beth – sending good thoughts for you and the DS

    Katla – staff!! That is what I need!! B) We drew names for a while, we drew names at Christmas for the next year; so you had a year to get to know the person and come up with a gift idea… I miss those days…
    Rita – try book marking it…

    Sylvia – wish I could come do my Christmas shopping in your gallery!

    Dreamwriter – do you have an appointment with the dr, soon? I hope so… take care

    Barbie – sending good thoughts for Jake!

    Kataniki – eye surgery seems scary but it sounds like the best option!

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • dickefrau1105
    dickefrau1105 Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great forum and just reading the goals of others is motivation enough!
    I'd like to fit into all my skirts/pants/dresses from yesteryear.I'm about 50 lbs away.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Gah! Haven't posted for ages. Still struggling to maintain an average 500 calorie per day burn from exercise (so not including cleaning the house, laundry, etc). It is very time-consuming!

    Sometimes I wish I had an exercise machine of some sorts so I can do something while watching the news.

    Hi from Deb in Melbourne.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Drkatie, we have used tracfones in our family for years. I wanted more of a smart phone so I thinkit was about 2 years ago that I bought one. My husband still uses one, he uses it so very little. But with his angina I wanted him to be able to call me. We love it for the cost. If it is renewed before your alloted time period is up you get to keep your number
    Barbie I thing you are having a lot of fun with the graphics!!
    Katanic I wish your daughter all the luck with her surgery and treatment
    Syvia, I wish we all lived closer and could go shopping at your studio. But not living closer makes us so much more of a cultural melting spot and enriches us.
    I used to be a bowler. The first year I was on a league I got a last place trophy. I pretty much kept that up but we sure had fun. My husband was the opposite. He had an average of around 170 and pretty much expected that out of anyone on his team, they hated to have to give up handicap. Well one year I didn't have a team at all and they were down a female on the team. So guess who he had to get on his team. my first game was a 57 and my best game was a 157. So that year not only did we take first place but I got woman's most improved.
    I hate when adults draw names for Christmas. I understand why it may be necesary in some families, especially as they get bigger. But my brother and I were the only ones who voted to keep it the old way so we draw names now. I have a sister in law who handles all the drawing and I have figured out her system so I always pick on of my siblings. My sister's son always wants a gift card to go out and eat, Both of my brothers kids either have a live in situation or broke up but still together so I don't want their names. We all give to the kids. So I give to my siblings!

    OK, time for the next days of vacation. I think I discussed going to Wonder Works on Monday. Tuesday there was 100% chance of rain but it all happened in the morning so we went out in the afternoon. We went to somewhere I think was called PierPark. At least it had the word Pier in it.It was a combination of outlet and botique stores. If I had known it was so much walking I would have used my wheel chair. So we walk up both sides of all the shops with about 1/2 hour actually on the beach at the end of the peir. I didn't buy anything, I would have if I thought I really wanted it. They had a 'As seen on TV' store and a Crocs outlet. I really searched that store but didn't find what I wanted. It was there that I took my bad fall. Charlie and I were pretty tired so we went back to the house and the rest of the family went what is called 'geo caching'. It's an app and has coordinates for something like a scavenger hunt. You get the coordinates but it's up to you to crawl around and actually find the treasure. It's not an actual treasure but the fun, I guess, is the hunt for it When you finally find it, it is some kind of water tight container filled with stuff. And some of the things are just stuff, a button, small jacks set, peel off tatoo, etc. If you take 3 things out of the box you must put three back. We ahd agreed before we went that both the girls would buy and fix one meal a piece. Well it was Michelle's night to fix her meal, all frozen and she clled me and said to put it all in the oven. I wasn't sure how to use the oven yet in the house. We had two kitchens and they both worked differently and it was to take 45 minutes to cook. So much for Michelle fixing the meal.

    I'll tell you about Wednesday on tomorrow

    I introduced my sister to CJ Banks today. I think she is hooked. Everything in the store was 40% off including clearance. So I knew my $30 gift card could buy her something nice. She added some money and bought two outfits. Well I had $20 in Friendship rewards and if you don't use them they expire. A woman does not want $20 to expire!!! So I bought a nice sweater and blouse and then on a whim bought a necklace to go with it. She wants to try to knit. Now she ha no idea how to but wants to try so we went to Jo-Annes and spent a lot of time there. By the time she was done we had no time to spend on making my jewelry ornaments out of Mom's old jewelry. I guess that means we get to have another sister day!!!

    Jouce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    Rita~ hope your surgery went well was thinking of you..xoxo
    i didnt check in last night because the DH was on his computer up until,bedtime, and mine is plugged in where his is, so no computer for me.
    we are finally getting rid of the land line,they turn it off tomorrow, and I told the DH that we really need a new modem, we have wifi that I cant use...,im tired of being tethered to a line..
    going to look online for some type of exercise I can do here.. would love to get a tread-climber to have here,will look on craigslist..
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Just trying to see if this posts.
    36_27_3.gif Pat
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Morning!

    Kataniki ... hope your son's procedures are successful...

    Michele ... never heard of ice cream FOR migraines ... son would love that! Ginger is thought to block excess glutamate ... a suspected cause of migraines ...which is one reason you see it with sushi/soy sauce. Soy sauce is high in glutamate ... ginger counteracts its negative effects. Do you think Vince drags his feet with the Halloween decorations because he doesn't really care for the holiday? I get more family help since I've gone to mostly autumn displays... can keep them up through Thanksgiving too!

    Sylvia.... do you have a website for your studio? Do you ship? We could all shop then!

    DS#2 is in school today. A medication change helped. Appointment with neurologist was very productive. He also confirmed that eliminating processed food ... within reason ... was important in our situation.

    I'm trying to get back to normal routine and eating. So today is another new day. Have a good day ladies.


  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Hello again! Thank you for all your support and welcoming words.
    Just finished my first week using MFP and had a 6.4lb loss. Very happy with that!
    I am doing the Biggest Loser Power Walk 1 twice a day (it's on Youtube) and it seems to be helpful. Can't believe how out of shape I am and this video makes me work.
    Now on to week 2!
    Getting a new scale soon, one that measures body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, etc. Not sure how that works, but it is something else to help me track.
    Smiles and good wishes to all!


    Just looked up this workout and will be adding it to my routine. Thanks for the link x
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just wishing everyone a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Kataniki: I’m keeping your son and his surgeon in my prayers. I hope all goes well & they are able to halt or slow deterioration of his vision. :heart: I have a dear friend who went blind over time because of retinosa pigmentosa. I am not sure I’ve spelled this correctly. When we met she had already been using guide dogs for many years, but still had some useful vision. She is one of the most capable and adventurous people I have ever known. On another subject, I’ve been taking calcium and vitamin d3 as a supplement for years at the suggestion of my gynecologist. He said it would help keep my bones strong and to provide protection from osteoporosis. Evidently the D3 needs calcium to metabolize. You might want to check into it. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I crochet but I don’t know what the term “crochet in the round” means. I’ve made afghans, scarves and hats. I also gave myself trigger finger crocheting an afghan for DD. I fixed the trigger finger problems by exercising my hands with the aid of a heavy weight rubber band and I now use square knitting needles and a roundish crochet hook holder that allows the hand to do the work without gripping too hard. DH got the square needles for me at a knitting shop here in town, and we found the crochet hook holder at Walmart. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We’ve only used the “draw a name” strategy for Christmas gifts once so far, and it was the one year we were able to have Christmas together. We seem to be expected to buy for everybody every year. :grumble: I don’t prefer to get “stuff.” Last year DD got us tickets to a comedy dinner theater as our Christmas gift. It was an entertaining evening. My son took me out to lunch for my birthday this year, and went horseback riding at the beach with me. I’ll treasure the memories forever. :love:

    Pat: The teddy bear is soooo cute! :flowerforyou:

    I’ve been wondering about our thread for November. In this new system will we always be Women 50+ for October, or will Barbie start a new thread for November? :huh: There seems to be another women 50+ group out there. I’ve also wondered about some of our friends that I haven’t seen here. Lin C comes to mind and so does Tere Williams. Has anyone heard from either of them? :flowerforyou:

    We are still experimenting with milk. I can’t digest lactose and neither can DS. We won’t use the lactose-free cows milk that comes from dairies that feed cows hormones to increase milk production, but we found another brand that is from cows that aren’t fed hormones. I didn’t buy one of the cartons that were available at the store yesterday because they were only a few days away from expiration. I’ll go back and buy a fresh carton in a few days. I like soymilk just fine, but it has a noticeable flavor in cooking and soy does contain plant estrogens so DS won’t drink it. I’m working on this right now because both kids will be here in a few days, and neither wants any milk with traces of estrogen. DD doesn’t want it for her children, and DS won’t use it either. Their viewpoints are not a simple lark or whim. Young girls are starting their periods earlier and earlier. Having menstruating fourth grade girls in a classroom is not all that uncommon. :noway: Some people believe it is because of hormones used in food production, especially milk. I’d rather err on the side of caution so I support DD’s position. I don’t want my DGC fed hormone-laced milk, either. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I went way over my calorie limit. :noway: Today I'll do better. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • Pebbles5280
    Pebbles5280 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Everyone :smile:

    I'm Rose, 51 years old and trying to stay on track with my health & fitness during menopause. In the past two years, I've put on 30 lbs and one way or another, I'm getting this weight off and getting healthy again.

    I walk and exercise daily. That doesn't appear to be enough so I need to totally overhaul my lifestyle. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat and my doctor tells me that my body has gone into self preservation mode and is storing everything I put in my mouth.

    I'd love to be part of a group of 50+ women who can relate the struggles of aging and health/weight.

    Oct/Nov goals:
    ~ lose 1 lb per week
    ~ consistently exceed 10,000 per day
    ~ drink more water (8-10 glasses per day)
    ~ eat 5 times daily (3 meals/2 snacks)
    ~ cut gluten from my diet
    ~ log in daily

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla, Lin C has been here a couple of times recently.