

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, quick post----I am between Gwen's cataract surg. and high school cross country finals......barely 60, rainy, windy........going to be another miserable 2 1/2hrs. out on the course. Will bundle up!!!

    Just a couple comments.

    Beth..........I can't imagine dealing with all the insurance you do......my hat is off to you.

    drkatiebug.......Your best bet would be to speak with the staff at Walmart. I think you can keep your same phone with Tracfone and just switch to their service. I've had them for years with few issues.......occ. have no service where others do but that is rare where I live. My DD has an iPhone and I pay $45.00 a month for Straighttalk service for her---had to buy the phone outright then buy whatever service plan she needs monthly---$60.00 gets you international if you should need that. We are happy Tracfone and Straighttalk users. Both are Walmart, T/F and S/T, either one may work for you and cost less.

    Kataniki and Donna (?).......You both might want to check out an organization called FFB...Foundation Fighting Blindness, I was at a fundraiser for them last night because a good friend is co-chair for our area. They might be a source of support/information for you as they fund the very latest research in many eye conditions and diseases. They are the group that has the Vision Walk each year to raise most of their funds......we are always in competition with the northern part of our state to beat them in this!!!!

    My heart is with our Canadian friends, shocked at the news. Will be calling my cousin next, her son works in Ottawa in a government office.

    Must run. Best to all,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! What a great day so far. I didn't have to take the kids to school this morning and thought I could sleep late, but that didn't happen. Bruno seems to know the routine and wakes me up every morning.

    After hubby got home last night we loaded the dogs in the van and drove out to State Park Corner to walk. There is a system of parks in southeast Kansas that were once strip mine pits, back in the 20's and 30's. They have filled with water over the years, and nature has filled in around them, so they are like little lakes. This is one of those parks. It's nice this time of year because they block off the vehicle traffic so it's a big wide road with no cars. If our dogs were better behaved we could let them walk off leash, but knowing them, they would take off after a squirrel and we would never find them again. The weather was really nice and it was a great walk. The sumac was beautiful shades of red and the trees are turning, and the sun was setting. It's about 2 1/2 miles total. We used to walk there a lot, but for some reason we have not been out there in a long time. I had forgotten how nice it is.

    Today I finished some drafting. Had to get that done and sent off before I can start in the studio.

    Beth, I don't really have a web site. I tried to set one up once and gave up. So, I don't sell online. Besides, I don't want to use MFP to sell my stuff. It would feel like selling to family! I truly appreciate all your encouragement though. Truthfully, I'm not a very dedicated business person and selling it is way down the list of things I want to do. It's like selling your children. I love to make it though. Yesterday I finished trimming a group of lidded soup bowls with handles that I put a chatter pattern on. I was pretty happy with those, so far. Of course they aren't glazed or fired yet. I'm trying to attach a picture, just to see if it works.

    Well, I have to get lunch ready. Hubby will be here soon. Have a fantastic day everyone!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am so upset with myself. Yesterday I was out of control with my eating, mostly ice cream. no reason just did. I am trying to be back on track today and since this is my short day I will be walking home after work and plan to take the long way. I do not know what is wrong with me. But not giving up and doing alot of praying.
    I am upset again with our insurance company. I called them on Monday to find out where some papers they were to have sent almost 3 weeks ago were. They looked it up and said they were to have been sent on Oct 3rd. Requested they be sent again. She asked me if I wanted them sent to our Post Office box. I said we do not have an post office box and have been at our address for over 11 years. It seems lately they have been getting more wrong then right. DH said the only reason we got that check is because I had asked it they ever got it settled and it had been almost 2 years. Think I will be checking out some other insurance places here in town.

    Donna--Glad you are having a good first week. Keep up the good work.

    Jane--glad you went to the doctor. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Joyce--enjoy reading about your trip. Looking forward to tomorrows post for the next one. Acouple of our DD's do that geo caching and they love it. I just don't get the clues and no fun for me.

    Kelley--Welcome and come back often, This is a great group and I have learned alot and gotten alot of support without judgements.

    Beth--Sorry to hear DS#2 is having trouble again.

    Sylvia--Congrates on being able not to get in to the call of the crullers. Glad to hear you are back at work and enjoying it.

    Katla--I have a WalMart straight talk and I can buy time by minutes or month at a time. I love it and gets service almost everywhere. Sometimes better then DH and he has Cellur One. Also I got to keep my number.

    Looked up the Biggest loser power walk and looks like something I can do. So after I get off work going to try and do one. Thanks.

    Just read about the news from Ottawa, saying a prayer for all those there. Seems more and more this is happening.

    Well ladies time to get somethings done and get ready to walk home. Sounds like we could get some rain and that would be nice long as not real hard as I am walking. So far today I am doing well food wise and feeling postive. Take care and remember the important thing is not to give up.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Mollywhippet (Sylvia) your soup bowls are lovely. I can’t wait to see them glazed.
    I send healing thoughts to all the Canadian on the list. My heart is so sad for what is happening in your country. I hope all the loved ones of those on the list are safe. The fear that just a few people can cause … smiley-scared010.gif

    I have had a hectic several days. I got to major projects re-released at work. I needed to work most of the weekend to get them out the door, but they are off my plate until the net software turn. Now I need to play catch up on the project that I was supposed to be working on!! smiley-laughing001.gif

    I managed to work the dogs on Monday night. Talga, the younger sable collie, has rebuilt most of his confidence. We did a Utility run through (signals, scent articles, directed retrieve, moving stand and directed jumping.). He was very sure of himself and a very happy worker. He has one Utility leg, then just melted down last summer. I am so proud of the way we have come back together. Zedd, my older blue merle, had only been putting a minimum amount of effort into showing. He was on fire. Nobody could distract him from his job. It make my heart sing that he is back to trying so hard for me. smiley-happy023.gif

    After work on Tuesday, I vacuum the training building in exchange for free training time. It was great because it way ups my steps, but I am often too tired to really work the dogs after. This week I invited a friend to share the time with me. It was great. She helped me stay on track and her dogs where enough distraction for my dogs to help them focus. Everyone worked hard and happy.

    I have had trouble with the boys really holding heel position since I lost weight. Not sure what they were using as their focal point, but it definitely moved! The last two training sessions, we all seem to have settled on a new focal point and everything is clicking back into gear. We are dancing together again! (Don’t tell them that I sent in entries for the first two weekends in November – that will cause the whole thing to fall apart again.)
    Put on skinny jeans for work this morning and the relaxed fit – really is relaxed fit!! YEAH!! smiley-excited001.gif

    Going to hit Target at lunch. They have sweaters on sale and everything I currently own looks like I stole it from my big brother!!

    Looking for the joy in everyday, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Dickefrau1105 – welcome, join us
    Deb in Melbourne – could you get a used piece from craigslist or other discount place?

    Joyce – Geo caching sounds like fun! I have wanted to try but have to have a smart phone or something with GPS in it first…

    Beth – glad the appointment went well….

    Cynthia – right back at ya! Have a great day 

    Katla – I am not much of a milk drinker and tolerate cows milk fine, but my housemate chooses to not do cows milk and has had soy, almond and rice milk here… we did a taste test and I thought the almond was the most neutral… not sure about the stuff in it..
    You know who else I don’t think we have seen since the change of format is the gal who bikes a lot from the Mojave desert…. Senior moment on her first name!

    Rose – welcome

    Yanniejannie - I went and looked up the news... I never have anything playing in the background when I have the embroidery machines going... WOW - scary time in Canada...

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just a quick post,still feel lousy.the medicine is giving me no appetite.
    The breathing treatments make me so jiggery,hand shaking,but does help my lungs
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday morning here and logged my food and exercise.
    i got in 11432 steps yesterday as well as laundry, ironing and cleaning house.
    Going to doctor's this afternoon. She wants me to have an ECG before I see her.
    I lost 1 pound overnight. BUT hardly any loss in 4 weeks. Not sure if she wants me to do another month on Duramine, have funds for it.
    I used to have almond milk but switched back to cows' milk this week.
    Will let you know how doctor goes.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    What did they do to our recipe collections? smiley-happy009.gif

    Lesley ... good luck with the doctor's appointment ... hoping they can find you answers
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited October 2014
    Lesley,good luck to you & everyone with Dr appts,up coming surgery etc.Drs office hasn't called with my mammogram appt.I can wait ;)
    Made baked beans in slo oven today.Sure smelled good & we ate our fill. I had cottage cheese & we split a baked potato.Everything tastes good when I am hungry.
    DD & SIL leaving on a cruise this wk end. Guess who is elected to get them to airpirt before the crack of dawn :\

    DH asked if I am EVER going to make a pumpkin pie? LOL.....it's been chilly this wk,good pumpkin weather.

    New mattress set was delivered this morn.Took 2 guys less than 20 mins to set it up & load the old one.Been having some problems with my hip,not bad,but hoping this will help.Crossed fingers!

    Time to get a shower & robe on. So glad we are home for the eve. Have a good day
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Sorry girls I am not more helpful here! Know that I am cheering you on in my heart.

    When it rains it pours! My right knee is now red, hot, and swollen. I am sick with the plague I think DD#2 brought home from her day care job; she has been sick for 2 weeks now. I have a fever and body aches....only one case of flu here so far so I don't think it's that. Flu shot week at work is next week LOL. Now DD#1 has problems....really high blood pressure, a kidney infection, and what ever this means "My placenta is wearing out." She says they will decide tomorrow whether or not to induce her early.

    I'm going to recline here and watch the baseball game (go KC) then go to bed. I have arranged my day tomorrow so I don't have to go in, but Friday is clinical, so I have to go.

    Take care all, pitiful Meg from Omaha I'd add the smiley face with it's tongue sticking out if I could!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just checking in. I Was super busy last week, had two straight nights of 3 hrs sleep each, so I've been catching up on rest this week. I'll check into the trac phones for DH.

    Lesley, my fitbit decided not to work on Sunday. It said I had zero steps! I hate that. I put it back on the charger for a while and it worked fine after that. Other than its quirkiness, I love it for tracking.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about what's going on in Ottawa! To those of you from Canada, our thoughts are with you.

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    It was overcast today, so it was perfect for an outdoor walk among the mangroves this morning. Also got to the gym and did my strength training workout.

    Lately my grocery shopping has been done just following whatever my mouth thought would taste good, so I haven't been losing weight; thankfully, I have been maintaining. Today, I finally broke that bad habit and have a well-thought-out eating plan for the next week. I found sugar free jello on sale today and I realized I could eat that instead of dipping into the Halloween candy.

    Has anyone experienced the following? It feels like gravity has increased because I just feel like my legs are carrying a heavier load. I hope this isn't just me!!!

    I'm thankful for everything that has been going right in my life and for my ability to change the things that need to be better.

    Mary in south Florida
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Kim from Northern California - yes, that's a good idea, getting a used piece of exercise equipment for home so I can do something while I watch the news.

    Terrible news from Canada. My best wishes go out to you all. Fundamentalists from any religion bring so much grief to this world.

    Still not shaking my last few kilos, but my waist measurement is down (?). It's now 75cm, and 2 years ago it was well into the 90s. My favourite summer skirt fell off me yesterday.

    Cheers from Deb in Melbourne.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of Kelley Coffee Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio Fix DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the LaLoFit DVD

    kataniki - what I meant was that after waking up your son won't be able to see but THAT won't be permanent. I believe you told us before that the operation is really to further any more deterioration. I sure hope it helps.

    dickefrau - welcome! Where are you from?

    Joyce - in bowling you sound a lot like me "Miss Consistently Inconsistent". I think I would buy anything just to use up that $20! Even if I don't need it. Or I'd maybe buy something for someone else. But you're right, I would NEVER let it expire

    Beth - no, I don't think Vince drags his feet with the decorations for Halloween because he is the one who is really into decorating, not me so much. Not sure what's up this year. We just got back from the Newcomer board meeting. I would have thought that he'd have put Bonnie's pill in the shot glass with a bit of water to give it time to dissolve. But he didn't. Not sure what's up. Why not start letting it get liquidized while you do something else?

    lesley - while I was working out today I thought of you. I remember when I was taking classes in fitness, one of the acronym for fitness was FITT -- frequency, intensity, time, and type. These are things that you should change up. Maybe you could change up the time of the DVD's that you do, maybe only do one for 45 minutes rather than the full hour?

    katla - "crochet in the round" is where you make a chain then join it at the ends so it makes a circle. The next row is added on top of where you connected it. You many times see it at the tops of hats or in the middle of a granny square. I never thought about it but you're right, will we forever be Women 50+ for October? Hope not. I would THINK that a new thread could be started.

    Rose - welcome!

    sylva - what lovely bowls, you must post a pic when they are finished.

    Kim - wasn't that Anne who biked a lot?

    Pat - now that you remind me, the doctor's office hasn't called about my bone density scan or my colonoscopy. For the colonoscopy, I don't mind one bit waiting

    Meg - you take care of yourself and best for your daughter. Have a good rest!

    Deb - how neat that your skirt fell off you. Guess a shopping trip is in order.

    Tomorrow I volunteer at the green room and then some of the ladies and myself are going out to lunch. I'm just going to get a grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli. I'll ask if I can substitute another order of broccoli for the mashed potatoes. Then, since I'm out, I'll run to Aldi, and then to PetSmart. Tomorrow night we have Newcomer bowling.

    Michele from NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    smiley-happy093.gif I knew that in time MFP would continue with their updates and make the improvements I've been hoping for. I was so excited to see our pictures big enough to see and the time and date marked for each posts.....yes, it doesn't take much to make me happy.

    smiley-happy093.gifNone of these changes on MFP will have any impact on our starting a new thread for November. Yes, we could continue this thread through all eternity, but I've noticed that every month when I start a new thread, we get some new members and I love having new friends.

    smiley-happy002.gifOne of the friends I walk with changed our plans today to going out to lunch instead. I agreed but would have preferred to walk. She was treating and we had a great conversation and it was probably a good idea because it rained a bit in the afternoon.

    big-smiley-006.gifJake went to the movies this evening so I had three hours at home to watch my TV shows and ride the exercise bike (and walk the dogs twice in the rain)

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long (I finished this and sent it off---I am very happy)

  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    edited October 2014
    Well, today was just a day for me. Not good, not bad. Ran some errands to get them off my 'to do' list. Feels good to check things off as done, instead of just stressing over it needing to be done. Actually slept long enough in a row to dream a bit, that was good. I think it was an hour and a half of real sleep. I have a Fitbit flex tracker and it is supposed to track sleep, but it counts time in bed that you are not moving as actual sleep, so not what I had hoped. It does tell me how many times I 'wake (move)' so I am tracking that and using it as a guideline to how much sleep I am getting.
    Right now I am trying to convince myself that it would be okay to skip my second power walk workout. That means that I should get up and get it done so I can stop playing mind games with myself. Wishing all a really great night tonight and a better day tomorrow! :)

    Michele - More information on the niacin foods. I read that spirulina (dried seaweed) has 14 mg of niacin per cup. Also potatoes (2.4mg per serving) and peas (3mg per serving) are high in niacin as well. Good luck with the results of your physical!

    Kataniki - The doctor isn't recommending anything further than hard contacts at this stage. She did caution my daughter about rubbing her eyes, (which she does habitually), as the doctor said that it can worsen the condition. Has your son looked in to corneal transplants yet? Or does the dr say that it is too soon? Please keep us posted as to his condition and send my thoughts his way.

    Kim - Kudos to you for taking your nephew to colleges. It is great that he has someone in his life to help guide him, as getting into college can be very difficult if he tries on his own.

    Lesley - You are so welcome. I browsed a lot of different videos until I found one I could do in my present fitness level.

    Katla - Have you tried the almond milks? I really like them. I would caution you to read the label and get the unsweetened though. I accidentally got a carton of sweetened milk, and although it was really good, it was far too sweet to add to anything like cereal or recipes.

    Rose - Welcome! This group is wonderful. The starvation mode thing is really a myth (I just found this out and looked it up myself). I have found that logging everything you eat is very helpful and eye-opening. I don't eat regular meals either, so I changed all the meal names on my diary settings to times (12am-6am; 6am-10am; 10am-2pm; 2pm-6pm; 6pm-9pm; and 9pm-12am) so I can accurately log what I eat and when. The traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner settings didn't work for me with my irregular habits.

    Yanniejannie - Thank you for the tip. I will do some research on FFB. Hope you kept warm and dry!

    Sylvia - Your stuff looks amazing. It's wonderful to have such a talent.

    Vicki - I too get those stubborn, defiant eating feelings. When I put it in my mouth; know it's wrong; get mad at yourself; then get rebellious with "I can do what I want" and eat away. If you can find out the psychology behind that, I would love to know. Good luck with the Power Walk 1.

    Sally W - Good luck and thoughts sent your way to get you through the week with your added work crunch.

    General good wishes to all those with health issues going on. I truly hope you all get better soon.


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    It is very difficult to understand the radicalization of young people. And that Canada can be the recipient of extremism. Flags at half mast. And just a sense of sadness. Thanks to those who have expressed sympathy and understanding. We are in a global village after all.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saw doctor and she says my body chemistry does NOT react to Duramine. ECG was fine, BP 111/81. Doctor sdays I am very healthy.
    wake and 1 hour walking intervals
    Weights (BFFM 2 day splits)
    New meal plan for 2 weeks:
    Breakfast = egg and large mixed salad
    Lunch = tinned fish and large mixed salad and yogurt
    Dinner = meat and mixed veg.

    See dietitian and doctor on 5 November.
    Oh my I will hate salad by then
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    To our Canadian friends, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe. My heart aches for your countrymen in Ottawa who have been harmed and for their families. Everyone’s sense of safety has been taken away. :brokenheart: :cry:

    Sylvia: I love the lidded soup bowls. What a great idea! I’m anxious to see what color glazes you choose for them. I’m also curious how much soup they’ll hold. :flowerforyou:

    Sally W: What part of Oregon are you from? I live west of Portland near the Columbia River. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I know who you’re taking about, but I’m having a senior moment, too. :grumble: :frown:

    Meg: I’m so sorry you have the daycare plague. As a retired teacher I caught plenty of plagues as they went around. I hope that all goes well with your DD1. My daughter had blood pressure problems during her pregnancy and was induced early. She and the baby are both doing well, now. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your plans for volunteering at the green room and having lunch with friends sound wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m so glad you mentioned the bigger pictures. I hadn’t even noticed them until I read your post. When they were smaller I didn’t really bother to look at them. I like the time and date, too. :bigsmile:

    Donna: Thanks for suggesting almond milk. I have to be careful how many nuts I eat so I have put almonds into the special treat category. I do love them, but only have a few and not frequently. :heart:

    I am looking forward to yoga tomorrow and to lunch with our DS. Have a good rest tonight and a good day tomorrow.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
