

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I love your soup tureens! We have some shops here in town that I guess they already have things made, you go in and paint them and they fire them and you go back and get them when they are all done. I suppose that one of our universities have classes but that costs to much money for my husband to say yes to. He says we have to keep money available in case our kids need it. I know all of our high schools have ceramics in the art classes, They have several showcases a year. One of our universities has an annual event that the art department make all sorts of shapes, colors, designs, etc of bowls and then they have an event where they sell soup, you get to keep your bowl and the funds go to help fund the art department. It's a popular event for the community

    About drawing names for Christmas, I know I spend a lot less money now that we draw names but I sure do miss giving to my family. When Mom was alive we all gave to her and she gave to everyone which meant that she spent about $5/great grand child, $7 or $8 for th grnd children and $10 for her kids and in laws. Most of what she was able to give some years was pictures of herself or a poem that she found. I was the one who had to design the picture or poem and print them off for her. She insisted on paying for the ink and paper but I never told ehr how expensive her Christmas presents were to make. Now beetween my two nephews who cant seem to keep their pants on when they around their live in girlfriends, we have 6 babies to buy for!

    OK, Wednesday in Panama City Beach! As usual we ate our own meals at the house. I'm sure none of us ate the same thing! Shell Island was our destination for the day. My oldest daughter was usually the one who did the research on the place and made a call before leaving. One of the big things on the trip to Shell Island was the dolphin watching. But it had been so windy with the tropical storms that ahd gone through the chance of dolphins was pretty slim to nothing. But if we rented a pontoon boat from the company that did the shuttle boats we could get on in the water and snorkle. He provided all the equipment for us free. I guess he was hurting for business. It was quite an adventure following his maritime map to get to the island since there is only one structure on the island. You jsut had to look for an island with a big dock and it has a building with a green roof! We finally found it. The waters were so clear. With my MS it was quite an adventure for me to step off the boat and get on the deck gracefully. I'm kind of glad it was only us. My son in law is used to me not being able to do things gracefully and he and my youngest daughter did most of the hand grabbing to help drag me onto the pier. So we immediately got in the water and started looking for shells. He dropped anchor instead of trying to tie the ropes around the provided posts. So Ellie, YDGD, starting walking to explose and getting to the ocean side of the island. We disn't notice that no one was following! I am in my brand new sandals that felt comfortable when I bought them. But in the store I was not walking on sand that fluctuates under your feet plus I hated the thingy between your toes. so we walked all the way back only to find that the waves had taken the boat out and it was sitting on a sand bar. So Paul had to walk out to it, literally push it out into the water and drop anchor. So we all walked over to the ocean side. It as breath taking! Since we were the only ones there, I took my new Vera Wang cover up off and they all saw my thunder thighs. I thing I was the only one bothered though. You were supposed to be able to find numerous intact sand dollars. My SIL did a lot of walking and found pieces but no complete ones. But we found a lot of beautiful shells. We spent most of the time just sitting on the beach in the surf and letting the surf take us out and then wash us back in, letting the surf lap us in the back. Didn't realize how mush energy it takes out of you just to do that. On our way back he dropped anchor again and we all put our snorkeling gear on. I found out real quick that I didn't have it in my mouth the right way and drank way to much salt water. YUCK! I wasn't enjoying myself so I tried to get back on the boat. I could get one foot on the bottom rung of the ladder but the boat was swaying to much for me to get the other foot on much less climb up the other 3 steps. Charlie wasn't about to get in the water so he tried to help me. But I knew I would more than likely just pull him overboard. HMMM, what a nice thought. So he helped me get my other foot on the ladder and then jsut let me fall onto the floor of the boat and land on my tummy. I had to roll over and have to crawl to find something to get hold of to help pull myself up. I was glad it was only my husband and I there to see it. Oh, he wore his shoes, socks, base ball hat, long pants, long sleeve shirt and heavy insulated denim jacket the whole time we were in Florida!!! He would have been furious if I pulled him into the water.
    Went back to the house, took showers and SIL fixed Mexican pizza and soft tacos for supper. Tomorrow will talk about Thursday in Florida

    Joyce, in chilly Indiana. Will get in the 30's tonight
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Barbie...I also like the fact that the date and time are under each post. I typically remember the last time I've read posts so find that feature helpful finding my place.

    The weather was miserable yesterday and I did not get out at all.

    Our news stations have been full of the Ottawa shooting yesterday and the Quebec hit and run on Monday. Both times soldiers were targeted. The Quebec assailant was caught, and the Ottawa assailant killed.

    Last Saturday I bought 3 pair of skinny pants, size 9. I've been wearing them this week and they fit well. I am grateful for the stretchiness in them though.

    Renny (who should be sleeping)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    sending my condolences to our friends to the the north, so sad that there are people that have issues and take it out on innocent people. this world is going to he** in a hand basket.
    im on my second cup of tea and got up at 4 a.m.,going to see what I can find for exercise on the computer here.. would love to find a elliptical or bike to have here at the house.
    I have today off from work and it is rainy and windy today, we will see what goes on..
    I am going up to Cape Cod this weekend ,we shall how that goes,
    I did call and speak with the hospice volunteer courdinator(sp) she is sending me out an application, and I will have an interview next month.I think this is something I was meant to do.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: love the soup tureens. Yes, please post a pic when they’re glazed. I have a large one I got as a wedding present (NC pottery), but it’s really only useful for a group meal. I should look for one that’s good for 2-3 servings.

    Jane: how are you feeling?

    Meg: {{{hug}}}

    Allison: I have thought of hospice work as well. Please make sure you don’t overextend yourself. You do so much for everyone.

    Monday we went to the orthopedic vet. The symptoms are limping and wiping out. And I mean not just on slippery floors, and not just "oops, I slipped”. I mean, suddenly doing a split with the front legs, all the way down to chest-on-the-floor. :s
    He couldn’t find anything except that my dog’s shoulder is unstable. Going to a guy next week who fits braces, to see whether that might be an option.
    I had a a motivational conversation with my trainer today. (Not a personal trainer, but just the owner of the gym, who gives everyone a lot of personal attention.) Several useful suggestions.

    I balked at making documents on all three computers I use, just so I could have the ticker at the bottom. But then I remembered Dropbox, so I've just put the document in there.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Allison-You would be a great hospice volunteer. You are so compassionate and giving.

    To all in Canada- My thoughts and prayers are with you and with the families of those who were killed. Very sad that there are so many shootings lately.

    Sylvia- Your work is beautiful! So much talent!

    Meg- Sorry you are sick. Feel better fast. Hope all goes well for your DD. As a teacher, I would always end up with bronchitis by the end of October. Now that I have retired I am enjoying great health!

    Today I am going to revamp my meal planning. I have not been doing well lately. It hasn't helped that DH decided to bake bread. I also have a lot of chores to do around the house. I have been trying hard to get organized and to set up a routine, but have not done too well. I guess I am still celebrating my new-found freedom from the bell and the alarm clock. I also find it too easy to be distracted by a "better offer" of something more enjoyable to do. I have enjoyed a great summer and fall with friends kayaking and hiking.Unfortunately the kayaking season has come to an end, but will be replaced with hiking, cross-country skiing, and snow-shoeing with the same group of friends. It promises to be an enjoyable winter as well!! I love being outside.

    Better get started with my day. Hope everyone has a great one!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well, i might have what Faith(my SIL mom) calls a pajama day.. dont know if I feel like getting dressed, might lolly gag and just hang out.. watch tv and veg out.. will make a list of what needs to be done here, ie... refacing cabinets, floors replacing appliances etc...
    sylvia~ your soup tureens, beautiful!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning all!

    I was completely unaware of the Canadian news until one of you mentioned it this morning. We had been out all day. So sad and scary.

    Ate and drank far too much yesterday, but it was lovely to have dinner with my step daughter. I had oysters and then succumbed to the fish and chips. :ohwell: Lots of lovely white wine. I feel a bit tired this morning, but it's my own fault. :tongue: The Ming exhibition was interesting, but not stunning.
    I cut short my weight training this morning because I had to get to the doctor for my flu jab. I was very impressed at the system they had going for the mass injections. Took no time. :smile:

    Got a food delivery arriving between 2pm and 4pm. We will have duck legs with broccoli and bbq plum sauce (home made) tonight. DH has just gone out to get stuff I forgot to put on the list. :laugh:
    Also loads of Amazon parcels arrived this morning with all my Christmas table and a few kitchen decs. Because the kids and grandchildren are coming to us before Christmas I have decided to go for a silver and white theme, not my usual red and green. Got some lovely stringed heart lights for the shelf. The grandchildren will be in bed for the silver evening meal so I won't do crackers, but I will get bright kiddy crackers with a race game for one of the lunches. I'm quite relieved not to be doing a big Christmas lunch. Haven't asked DH'S sister yet what she's planning for Christmas.

    Last year we had no Halloween callers, but I will make sure there are some sweets in just in case. I shan't be doing anything special. It's not as big a thing over here, but the kids used to dress up. We don't have Thanksgiving obviously, but we do have November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Day, when there are fireworks. We shan't be doing any of that this year though there are always neighbours' displays to watch.

    Very weary now. :tongue: Serves me right.

    Jane - look after yourself. Sounds horrible.

    The lady whose son is having the eye op - GOOD LUCK ! I googled the condition. At least there are things they can do, but it must be very worrying. :flowerforyou:

    Bye for now from gloomy Hampshire UK. - Heather.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Joyce: Your adventure out to the island sounds great. I have had several “undignified” experiences getting onto boats, and it sounds to me like you did quite well. I bet you won’t forget it any time soon! :flowerforyou:

    Renny: Congratulations on the size 9 pants! Smaller clothes are proof of excellent progress! :flowerforyou: I’m glad the Ottawa assailant was killed outright. Too bad the Quebec assailant was only captured. Now he gets to wallow in his ”glory.” My heart breaks for the families of the fallen soldiers. :brokenheart:

    Cynthia: Dropbox is an excellent idea. I only use one computer so it makes my life easy. I’ve always had a laptop. It started with me having a teaching assignment that took me to several schools. The school district supplied me with a laptop. When I got my first computer, I chose a laptop happily. I still have it, but I rarely use it. I have a newer laptop than the original. My current laptop was new in 2009 and is still going strong. I’m not the sort of person who needs the latest technology. Good equipment hangs in there a good long while. I’m so sorry your dog is having a hard time. :flowerforyou:

    DebA in CNY: I’m also enjoying better health since I retired from teaching. :bigsmile: I miss my friends and the kids, but not the commute, chronic exhaustion, and catching the latest virus. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Alison: A pajama day once in a while is a good thing. I hope you feel better soon. I agree with DebA that you’d make a great hospice volunteer. You are a natural caregiver, and I sometimes worry that you don’t take good enough care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: The past few years we’ve gotten our shots at the pharmacy. The pharmacist gives all the injections. My husband buys the serum and gives his own injection. He’s had to have multiple shots daily since he was diagnosed with diabetes at age 18, and doesn’t like to get them from anyone else. I bought some Halloween candy just in case, and I’ve been snacking on it. I’m a bad girl. :embarassed:

    We got a call from DS last night asking us to meet him at a Washington restaurant that is about half way between his house and ours. He wants us to bring some packages that were shipped here. I’ll enjoy having a meal with him. I think he’ll be very pleased with how well his dad is doing.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Hugs to everyone who is sick, or going through tough times.

    Pat - DH and I bought an iSeries bed last year, and sleep better than ever. I hope yours is successful also.

    Yesterday I wanted a bagel, and noticed that I had enough calories and carbs left, so I toasted 1/2 bagel. The leftover cinnamon butter from Texas Roadhouse would have been delicious, except DH didn't want it, so he threw it in the garbage. After I'm done being mad, I guess I should thank him for keeping the extra fat out of my belly.

    I crochet in the round often, but don't use a pattern. I just keep adding what looks good for the desired finished project. I have flower, heart, and clover shaped washcloths, bottle cozies, etc. Hats I make "backwards". First I make the headband, then when it is the right length, I minimize to close at the top.

    The RA is still bad in both knees and left hip, so my goal is 10 minutes on the bike in fitness today. I will definitely do all my arm/hand weights. I plan on getting cortisone in both knees in February, right before we leave for the national bowling tournament in El Paso, to make my "vacation" more enjoyable.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited October 2014
    Woke to 38* this morn,but it's a bright sunny day. Nice after days of gray drizzle.There are a few busy squirrels in the neighborhood,busy running back & forth storing food for winter.
    Dh went to get a hair cut,then will look for a new day book. Not sure what it's called. He keeps our appts etc in there & is never far from it. Has to be 2015/2016........with certain area for his notes. That's why he is shopping for it. :D
    Very sad what happened in Canada yesterday.As someone said,it's a global situation.What a strange world it is.
    Not cooking today.Going for late lunch of spaghetti.Take my own salad dressing & eat about 1/2 of the pasta.DH is back & says we need to look for his book.Oh,fun! :'(

    Alison,looks like your area is getting more rain.DD will be in Boston this wk end.They like to get out & go,but hoping for dry weather.
    Was restless last nt.Think my body just needs to get used to the mattress.Gonna get a nice long walk later.Exercise helps me sleep better.
    Need to move,laundry is nearly done,have a stack of magazines to sort thru,some to toss......

    Everyone have a nice Thursday. Pat
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Joyce ... no wonder you needed two days of sleep after your vacation! I was exhausted just reading about all your effort. :)

    Sylvia ... the soup tureens are lovely ... you don't use molds but "throw" these (is that the right term)? How's your college student working out in the studio?

    Terri in Milwaukee ... I have arthritis in both my knees ... I couldn't even do one revolution on a stationary bike when I started. Trainer had me do weighted leg lifts ... and I thought he was crazy ... he was not ... after several weeks my knees or rather the muscles around my knees strengthened and now I can use the bikes.

    Heather ... "crackers?" I'm assuming a decoration/toy that pops?

    Beautiful day here. But I'm waiting for the appliance repairman. Two year old dishwasher is probably going to be condemned this afternoon as DH refuses to allow too much money for the repair. Horrible machine. Won't clean and rack parts have been falling apart since shortly after we purchased it. Arghh.

    Migraine son ended up back at the doctors yesterday. Strange day. Woke up ok, was sick at school, came home violently sick, doctor then ordered an IV after school, was ok and went to a high school sporting event?? Today no headache. Back in school. I give up!

    Trying very hard to stay on track today. Yesterday started out well and then the stress derailed me. I'm not sleeping, have dark circles under my eyes and basically feel like crud. My husband and I have an invitation to meet with friends for dinner on Saturday ... children are optional ... I think mine shall stay home!! ;)


  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    It's been a sad week in Canada. First the soldier in Quebec, then the soldier guarding the war monument, then the attack on Parliament. It is so sad to think that these are people that were accepted into Canada. They are attacking the very rights and freedoms that they came here for. My heart hurts for the families of the fallen soldiers. My Dad and Uncles fought valiantly in World War II so that we could live free. My parents taught me that if people wanted to enjoy everything Canada has to offer then they needed to be Canadian all the way. Thank you so much to all our friends in other countries who have expressed their condolences.
    This month;
    I am taking care of health issues
    I am giving myself permission to relax
    I am getting back on track
    I am scheduling some fun activities
    Proud To be Canadian
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    meg,feel better
    Feeling a little better,breathing treatments help,getting my appetite back.
    Gotta pace myself,made a batch of cookies for hubby and am exhausted.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Beth - I forgot that non Commonwealth countries generally don't go in for crackers. They are an essential part of the Christmas table.
    - They pull apart with a bang, which sometimes doesn't work, :laugh: , and there is always a joke, paper hat, and tacky present inside. Normally you pull them at the start of the meal and are obliged to wear the hat (crown) throughout the meal. :laugh: I have just bought ones for the kids' lunch which have clockwork penguins inside which you can race on a paper track. What fun!
    - I also bought some Santa hats to wear at some point and for myself I have bought a headband with a bouncy Santa spring pompom and some flashing Santa earrings to wear for the yoga lunch. Go me!
    - Heather UK :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I have been tackling the biggest project I have by myself. the office/put it in there if you don't know what else to do with it room. I am trying to take in small junks. today is day three and I am making progress. I doubled my anti depressant per doc's instructions and I feel much better. I still have a ways to go but at least I am a bit happier and getting a better handle on what I a can and cannot do.

    Have a great day.
    Robin Bodi and Ritter in the currently sunny PNW
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    To all those in Canada my heart just breaks for you all, such senseless violence! Will keep you all in my thoughts :heart: !

    Jane Martin :) Hope you get to feeling better :flowerforyou:

    Meg :) Hope you`re feeling better :flowerforyou:

    Robin :) Glad you`re feeling a little happier, hopefully you`ll soon be feeling fantastic soon :happy:!

    Beth :) Glad son was feeling better today! I vote you enjoy the dinner without children in tow!

    Hope everyone has enjoyed a lovely day! It has been busy for me and I`m tired :yawn:. Think dinner tonight will be either a bowl of cereal or a bowl of soup, something easy to do :p .

    DeeDee in windy and chilly NC

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello all and welcome to all who are new. It is absolutely gorgeous out today, sunny and 75*. Of course yesterday was nice until I had to go out to the stable to get my horse's fall shots and worming at 5:00 pm. It began sprinkling as I left home and the closer to the stable I got the harder it rained. Got there, put on muck shoes and jacket to go out and get my horse who of course was down in the trees. She has been occasionally dragging her right back hoof. The vet diagnosed arthritis so now she will be on glucosamine, MSM and HA. Poor girl she is getting old just like her owner.

    On another note, we went to the symphony last weekend. It was a pops concert, the music of Billy Joel. Most of the concert was his rock and roll songs but there were two pieces from his two albums of classical music that he wrote. I had no idea he had written classical music. The saxophonist was amazing and Michael Cavanaugh who played Billy Joel on Broadway played piano and sang. What a fun concert!

    The last three days have been good for food and exercise. Of course it helps when my DH is not here for dinner because he is eating at the Masonic Center. Somehow I seem to do better on my own.

    Sally W - I love the thought of "looking for joy in every day". Thank you for that.

    Allison - I am with the others. You will make an awesome hospice volunteer.

    Sympathy to all the Canadians with us.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday and first day of doctor's meals and training.
    Walked an hour in drizzly rain for 7125 steps, will do 20 minutes Tabata shortly.
    The salad and boiled egg were OK for breakfast. John West red salmon and salad for lunch
    Honey mustard chicken breast and steamed veg for dinner.
    Food = 1334 cals and exercise = 522 cals
    Weight at 215.6 lbs this morning

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Started a post and my iPad stopped. Charlie had his follow up appoimtment at the neurologist. It was his first follow up softer being diagnosed with Parkinson's last March. He was put on the very basic medicine at the lowest dose. So now he has added one more pill of the same medicine. Hope it works. We have noticed tremor in his other hand and I think he is slower in his walking

    I was a hospice volunteer once. I was one not long after I had to go on disability. I needed a replacement for nursing and I thought that would fit the bill. I really loved the 40 hours of training before we could work. It really didn't do for me what I was looking for. My clients died shortly after I began working for them. I had one patient that they put two volunteers on the case, be who worked with the wife, taking her to the store, take a drive, just giving her time away from her caregiver role. I stayed with him and he was pretty much non communicative. The volunteer is still very close to the wife. That was the kind of experience I wanted. Because of my MS I had a problem with not filling out my paper work which is very important in order to have the funds so I quit

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! It's been a dreary, depressing day here. Rainy most of the day. Didn't get anything done at the studio except unload the kiln from last night. Results were disappointing, to say the least. I'm feeling stressed because I have to have ten "nice" pieces done and ready for a show next Wednesday. One piece I was counting on is two inches too big to fit in the kiln. Poor planning.

    Oh well. Maybe things will look better tomorrow.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    One of the courses I taught when I was a college professor was Freshman English. To my first class of students I described the basic parts of an essay: "Remember, the three parts of an essay are the Introduction, the Body, and the Confusion".


    Good night ladies.
