

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    I feel so clever this morning that I thought I would quickly pop in and share. I was so grumpy about not getting a good breakfast yesterday that I knew I needed to come up with a plan to make sure that didn’t happen again.

    Before I went to bed last night, I put a small sweet potato in the oven and set the oven to start at 4:30 and end at 5:30. Woke up to a yummy warm breakfast, no matter how long the morning chores took. smiley-chores016.gif

    Tossed the sweet potato, the last of the chopped fresh spinach, a piece of bacon (I pre-cook the bacon when I have time so it is on hand for a flavor boost), and quickly fried an egg while the dogs ate their breakfast and I was totally set. A warm filling breakfast that took no time and was under 300 calories! The bonus is that it will stick with me until lunch!

    Yeah happy dance! smiley-dance005.gif

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Forgot to answer Katla's question... I live on Chehalem Mt. Not too far from Bald Peak State Park at the top of the Willamette Valley. (*)

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    barbie - glad you like the new doc. Yea for new glasses

    Deb - I monitor my BF. I've been between 24 and 25% for quite some time now.

    Joyce - loved reading all about your vacation

    Alison - lovely pic

    Looks like I forgot to post again last night.

    Went to the deep water today. I think I'm having a reaction to my flu shot. I feel so "yuk", achey, for the past few nights I've been hot except for my feet. Today when I got out of the pool I was, literally, shaking I was so cold. I didn't exercise real intensely, took it down a few notches. It's amazing how many people noticed! Usually I work so much that I finish off my 34oz water mug, today I took one sip and that was IT.

    Then went to Bi-Lo to get things on sale, not much else.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do Tammy Lee Webbs' DVD "I Want That Body"

    Yesterday I stopped at Kohl's to see about Halloween earrings. They had already put them away! I was suprised that they were only about 40% off but I did have a coupon for an additional 30% off.

    Put more stakes in the ground for the "fence" for the Halloween decorations. Vince hit himself hard with the hammer so we're going to take a break, go to WalMart, PetSmart, the bank for Newcomers, and then Target.

    Linda - welcome

    Going to post this before I forget (again!)

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~not starting off well.Van got stalled on the street,thank God it wasn`t on highway .Timing belt ,won`t be done til mon.Expensive too.YIKES
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! It's my lunch break. I've been throwing pots today and not having great success. Some days are like that. I sit at the wheel and nothing really works. Other days it's like I've become magically possessed and every lump of clay does just what I want it to do. I have managed to make a couple more soup pots and lids. Someone asked how much they will hold - about 1 1/2 cups. Enough for my lunch! I loaded the bisque kiln and started a really long pre-heat. So the day won't be a total loss like yesterday.

    Tonight my granddaughter sings with her youth choir at the high school football game. I promised I would go, even though I HATE football. They sing at the beginning of the game though (national anthem and one other patriotic song) so hopefully I won't have to stay for the whole game. Hubby hasn't decided if he will go or not. I want to see her sing, of course. She wore her little uniform - including the skirt I had so much trouble finding - to school this morning and she looked so cute!

    Linda - welcome! This really is a great group. I wish I could be as tall as you! I used to be 5'-6" but lately it's a struggle to hit 5'-3". I think the fat on the bottoms of my feet shrunk!

    Here is today's Joke of the Day:


    There was this little guy sitting in a bar, drinking his beer, minding his own business when all of a sudden this great big dude comes in and -- WHACK!! -- knocks him off the bar stool and onto the floor. The big dude says, "That was a karate chop from Korea." The little guy thinks "GEEZ," but he gets back up on the stool and starts drinking again when all of a sudden -- WHACK!! -- the big dude knocks him down AGAIN and says, "That was a judo chop from Japan."

    So the little guy has had enough of this... He gets up, brushes himself off and quietly leaves. The little guy is gone for an hour or so when he returned. Without saying a word, he walks up behind the big dude and -- WHAM!!!" -- knocks the big dude off his stool, knocking him out cold!!! The little guy looks at the bartender and says, "When he gets up, tell him that's a crowbar from Sears.


    Have a great Friday!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Forgot to answer Katla's question... I live on Chehalem Mt. Not too far from Bald Peak State Park at the top of the Willamette Valley. (*)

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.

    Thanks! Now I can picture where you are. :flowerforyou:
  • lisanp63
    lisanp63 Posts: 5 Member
    Katpet3 wrote: »
    Hello! My name is Kathy, and I live in La Palma, CA. (It's a small city about 7 miles Northwest of Disneyland). I am 54 currently, but will be having my 55 th before the end of the year. I have been a yo yo my entire adult life, and an emotional eater. Had lost a bunch of weight after my son was born, but got into a car accident when he was about 18 mo. old, and ate my way up to the highest wt ever for me. Then spent the next 17 years with the yoyo game. I've decided its time to get stronger and end that cycle of behavior. I've just recently lost 30 pounds. Although MFP gives me credit for slightly less, because I'd had a little gain in there. Still have more to go to reach my goal, but I'm on this. I love reading all your stories of inspiration and motivation! :happy:

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Pat--Hope the new bed is working out. I am thinking of getting a King size bed as the last couple nights the dogs have taken most the bed.

    Meg--Hugs and prayers. Take care of yourself. When is DD#1 due, I guess I was thinking not until after first of the year?

    Katiebug--My fitbit has been acting up and not charging right. Seems to do that and next time works fine. I love it for tracking steps and watch my sleep pattern.

    Joyce--Thank you for sharing your vacation. I feel like I was there. I know I would of had a hard time getting back in the boat also. I hope DH is doing well on the change in meds.

    Renny--Congrates on size 9 pants.

    Beth--Hugs and prayers for you. I know how a day can start out well and end up going to he** fast. I have had alot of them lately. More then I want to admit.

    Sharon--I agree. These people who come from other places need to respect us, instead of thinking we owe them. I also think by putting these events all over the news it gives the next person ideas and then they want to do it bigger so they get their name out there. I think they should report what happens and leave the name of the person out so they get no attention. Just the way I feel.

    Heather--I love the idea of the santa hat and ear rings. I love doing things like that and Christmas is my most favorite time of year. Party DH is starting to plan sounds like so much fun.

    Robin--I am glad you are feeling better. I have started taking my two pills one on even days and the other on odd days. I want to stop them all together. I just don't feel they are helping and making me feel worse. I go back to the doctor in Feb, may have to go sooner.

    Kim--I know what you mean about the tree. I am so tried of them calling my home phone and leaving messages telling me why I should vote for them. Seems I have been getting the same ones everyday for the past week. Enough is enough.

    Barbie--glad you like the new doctor. That sure makes a postive difference.

    Rori--Sounds like you are having a speical weekend. Enjoy. I know I try and send to my sister's kids and her grandkids. Since she passed I feel it is important to keep in touch.

    Allison--Great jpicture!
    Well ladies time to go and get things done. Yesterday was one of my worst days food wise. So just not going there. Today I am doing alot better. I am working today and get off at 3 so going to the mall and meet acouple co-workers and we are going to the early movie. The Best of Me. I expect there will be tears. I work all weekend so that will keep me out of trouble. DH called to let me know his ex is bring our grand daughters to his sister's Halloween party next Saturday the first. DH's sister was born on Halloween and they have a party every year that is a big deal. Anyway our son that passed away has two girls that live in Iowa and DH's ex is bringing them to the party. Glad to be able to spend time with the girls. Could do without the ex, but thats life.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday and 2nd day on doctor's plan.
    Breakfast = salad + poached egg
    Lunch = salad + red salmon
    Dinner = Beef Bourguignon.
    Meals = 1387 cals
    Had my 1 hour walk before breakfast and plan to do Jillian's kettle-bells soon, 20 minute dog walk after lunch = 573 cals
    Glad it is Sunday and can have Stan's Sunday Brunch and roast dinner. Back to plan Monday. Oh my! Hope this doctor knows what she is doing to me!!!!
    Lesley In Tasmania
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Deb - sorry, I don't monitor my body fat but I do think it is a worthwhile goal and at some point I will do it, too. It must shrink rather slowly, I would imagine?

    Sally W - I agree, that was a scathingly brilliant idea for breakfast and I'm going to steal it.

    Michele in NC - ew, I've had that reaction to a flu shot before, too. But it is short, and the shot is worth it. Poor Vince; I hope he has recovered.

    I had a great workout at the gym today, and it was a slow and low-stress day. Yay!

    Tomorrow I'll be weeding at the garden club with some nice ladies.

    I'm thinking I may need a different type of recliner chair because I'm having trouble getting comfortable; if I recline enough to relieve the pain in the hips, then it stretches the knees too much and those start to hurt. Anyone out there have experience finding a "just right" recliner?

    Mary in south Florida
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    jane - so sorry that happened to you

    kathy - welcome

    Still feeling badly. Right before dinner I was so hot, then during dinner I got freezing cold. I'll probably go lay in bed for a while. I may even wind up going to sleep

    Vicki - have fun at the movies!

    Went to Target, got candy for Halloween, then PetSmart, then the bank, then bought gas, then home. Right now I think I'm just going to lay down for a bit

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers.

    Alison great picture.
    Deb good to see you back.
    Kim 70 poms yum!
    Brenda :flowerforyou:
    Katanki hope son came through surgery well. Scary for him. Prayers.
    Heather 70 is a big one.
    Sally yum!
    Michele hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    Sylvia rofl.gif
    Molly on weight loss. smiley-gen014.gif
    Renny smiley-gen014.gif

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.
    2014 word:contentment



    I helped my friend today because she had a big observation in her classroom. It went very well. Last night we went on a gangster ghost tour at the old court house called the Landmark Center. Some of the rooms themselves were works of art. They had actors acting out some of the well- known gangsters of the 30’s like Ma and Doc Parker, Dillinger, and the police chief of that era. St. Paul was a haven for gangsters because of the corrupt police.
    Still working on getting better sleep. Daylights saving time is coming and I know I do better if I start going to bed earlier.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif Katla, thank you for your kind words----I can hear the enthusiasm in your posts about riding--a lot like how I feel about dancing.

    smiley-happy002.gifSally W., congrats on your great breakfast....it helps me to eat the same breakfast every day so I don't have to expend any energy or time thinking about it.

    smiley-happy023.gifHeather, that is amazing that your DH would take the lead for a big event for his birthday....it sounds like it will be a fun time.

    smiley-happy002.gifMichele, my reaction to the flu shot was that my shoulder ached for days...after I did my strength training I couldn't tell whether the ache was from muscles or the shot

    smiley-happy023.gif]Vicki, we bought a king size bed three years ago when we moved into the house we're in now....we needed it so the dogs and cat could sleep with us and leave us enough room.

    smiley-happy002.gifLesley, I admire your discipline and record keeping and never give up attitude

    smiley-sleep018.gifMNMargaret, sleep is always a challenge for me...I go to bed very early and get up very early

    smiley-happy110.gif I found an app for my phone that allows me to enter my weight (I've been keeping track on paper for over five years) and then it will make a graph....I am very excited.

    smiley-happy110.gif It was great fun teaching the beginning line dance class today. We danced a lot of very easy dances so everyone will be familiar with them so next week we can dance them to Halloween music.

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long (I finished this and sent it off---I am very happy)

  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi, ladies! I haven't posted on here much but I intend to remedy that. Had a close friend pass away this week which made keeping my eating under control a challenge because I am absolutely an emotional eater. By some miracle I have stayed under my calorie goal so I'd say I did pretty well. On the flip side, I had 3 job interviews this week after a month without a single call. I am happy to say that it turns out all 3 companies want me. I have the weekend to decide. It's nice to feel wanted!

    mabug01 I feel you on the recliner. Mine is shot and I really need a new one but they are so d*** expensive that it's just not in the cards right now. Lately I have been stretching out on the couch to rest but it just isn't the same.

    exermom I think I am going to wait until the day before Halloween to get candy. Too much temptation for you know who!

    margaretturk I used to live down the street from Hotel Congress in Tucson where they busted Dillinger the first time and he escaped from jail. It is also supposedly haunted but then I think every place IS this time of year! Interesting art deco building.

    Barbiecat It's so cool that you teach line dancing! I wish I could take lessons from you. It always looks like so much fun!

    Have a terrific night, Ladies! Be well!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I always enjoy going to the haunted houses but they cost so much now. And you know we have to use our excess money to take our family on vacation every year. I 'started' my Christmas shopping today. Bu that I mean that I made a list of all the kids, went on face book and asked for ideas. As I have said before, there are now 6 babies under 3 to buy for. Two nephews both have 3 apiece. I hope the live in girlfriends gt the idea about birth control. One of the girls has a Grandma, my sister in law, that absolutely spoils those kids with about anything. The other nephews kids don't have that. My brother and his wife, although they spoiled their son, don't have the money to spoil the kids. So the first Mom gave me exhorbitant ideas, and the other Mom pretty much said that she was sure the kids would love anything we bought them. And that fits the personalities of these Moms. So I called my sister in law and asked her for ideas. she gave me ideas of a tricycle from yard sale, clothes from a consignment shop. etc. It just makes me want to go all out with those 3 kids rather then the Mom who has an expensive wish list.

    Katla, One of the units I worked on in nursing was a medical oncology unit. Our patients were to sick to go through surgical treatment for their cancer. So I had plenty of experience with the death and dying process. It's just another step in our existence and a fact of life. Of course I know there is a lot of grieving. Lord knows I have gone through enough of that myself. With MS you go through grieving all the time, now with Charlie having Parkinson's there is more grieving. You just learn how to cope and make the most of what it left.

    OK, time for the rest of my vacation, Friday. We already knew that Friday was supposed to be the best as far as temperature, winds, surf, everything. We were supposed to check out by 10 and knew we had a lot of packing of the cars which also meant moving everything down 3 long flights of steps. While we were on vacation my sunglasses broke so I knew we had to stop somewhere to buy new ones. And Michelle and Paul needed a strong coffee. So we get up around 8. First ting I did was to step out on the deck. So beautiful, serene, not a cloud in the sky and hardly no movement in the water. It was hard to leave. So we finally got on the road at 9:10. It didn't take long to get out of Florida to Alabama, the long state with hardly any cell service for any of our phones. Do not travel through Alabama if you use any kind of Sprint, which is what an iPad uses and Virgin mobile. We didn't get terribly lost going home since we used Michelle's directions that we wrote down the day before. But there were two accidents, road work, numerous potty breaks than what Charlie and I usually take. I guess major coffee drinkers and children have to take more. Michelle and Paul, in the lead car, wanted to get past Nashville to eat supper. That would make it past 8 PM at least. No way!!!! A grouchy husband and two kids in the car just don't go for that. We won out and ended up at a Subway. I had never tried the Flatizza so I got a cheese and it was pretty good. So we finally got home at 12:10 AM Saturday!!!! 15 hours! We were exhausted. ON the way donw my daughter had the car well packed with fruits and veggies for everyone to eat in the car. They didn't do that for the way back so everyone was a little on edge. The kids immediately crawled into bed. When I kissed the good night they were laying in the bed, Trinity, the oldest DGD was laying with her arms around Ellie, youngest DGD, like they were spooning. They are 13 and almost 8 and they truly love and adore each other. Then my poor body went to sleep and I woke up 2PM on Sunday. I was awake a few hours Saturday eve but when I am that tired I may have my eyes open but my body is not awake yet. Knowing I would be that tired, I did all my laundry in the rental house. I think I finally unpacked on Tuesday!!!
    Now you know all about my vacation. I am trying to convince Charlie we don't need to do this every year. We spent over 3 grand and it isn't needed every year. The kids love it but I don't want them to think that their grand parents are going to give them this every year.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Popping in to say hello. I'm still here - have just been visiting family. I'm heading home for 3 days with a friend who wants to see Apple Hill then will be back here in the bay area for a doctor's appointment. After that, back home again for a couple of weeks. That will be pure luxury.

    I've been way off the healthy-eating track while I've been away from home. Getting back home will mean getting back on track. It will be wonderful to be in control of the food that's in my house. Some day, maybe, I'll stay on track when I'm away from home. I haven't done it yet but keeping the damage to a minimum is a success for me.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: I haven’t been to a trainer for my dog. We went to the orthopedic vet and he has sent me to a man who makes orthopedic braces etc. (we’ll go there on Wednesday). Thanks for saying I take good care of him. I do my best.

    Barbie: good glasses are fantastic. I have contacts and glasses, and would rather wear the contacts, but I see far better with the glasses.

    Horses/dogs with arthritis: another one here who’s had experience with it. You have to watch them closely to see what they can and can’t do, and keep doing what they can.

    Gloria in Detroit! Yes! Where’s Gloria?

    Apparently lots of us are backsliding at the moment.

    Going to try to get the 3D picture of my dog again today. We tried a couple of months ago, but that turned out to be two days before the abscess behind his eye became visible, so no wonder he didn’t look right on the photo.

    Otherwise we’ll probably have quiet day. That’s good, because I need a break from freaking out about everything.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited October 2014
    Joyce - love your holiday stories. :flowerforyou:

    Mimi - welcome back! You can do it! I think autumn (fall) has thrown a lot of us off track. For most of our human history nature would have been telling us to stock up on body fat to survive the winter. I managed to drop a few ounces yesterday, but still have a bit to lose. It will not defeat me! :drinker:

    Haven't heard back from the birthday weekend people yet. I woke up at 3.40 this morning working out the logistics of the weekend in my head! ! ! ! :ohwell: It's not even booked and it's a year away! ! ! ! ! ! :tongue:

    Our clocks go back tonight. When I was a teenager I used to love my route home from school in the winter, all through the lighted shops with the Christmas decorations. I still quite like that "drawing in" feeling when the lights go on and I draw the front door curtain early. I'm an indoor person.

    Got to use up some very out of date eggs for dinner. I'm going to break them into a bowl first to check they are edible! Then make a well cooked Spanish Tortilla, with minimal olive oil. Green beans to go with it.

    Did my tax return yesterday afternoon. :drinker: It's waiting on the side table ready to post. I don't want to leave it in a damp post box all weekend. Such a relief to get it done snd I should get a tax rebate on my savings interest as my income is so low. That will be handy for Christmas. :smile:

    Hugs for all the strugglers. <3 A bit of forward planning could be the key? :love:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Everyone! Any room for an oldey.. 80yo last August 22nd.. :#
    I've only just come across this thread and very good it is too!
    Been dieting since 2010 when I was 16st 2lb (226lbs) and got down to 13st 8lb (190lbs) by December 2013 but can't get things to move no matter what I try... and I've tried a whole host of things too.. :\ Being as I'm only 4'11" tall that's still a lot of weight to go... and I have got very disheartened and off track just recently... but then this is a rather down time of year anyway, hey?
    I've been concentrating on getting a lot of my "hoarded" stuff out of my bedroom as I'm contemplating moving into sheltered housing being on the first floor at the mo' and finding it difficult to cope with the stairs with my bad back... Ho hum!! The joys of it all! :D

    Amyllu in a sunny but chilly Norwich, Norfolk, UK.

    (and where's my weight ticker gone I wonder?!!)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Wmcmurray61 … Congratulations on getting through such an emotional week. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Hope you choose the job offer that is just right for you!

    Joyce … thanks for sharing your vacation with us. You’ve given your grandchildren priceless memories.

    Mimi … keeping the damage to a minimum is a HUGE success when you’re away from your normal routine. Yay for you!

    Cynthia … have a peaceful day!

    Heather … I use up old eggs in a similar way … frittatas or some baked good that uses a lot. I think you’re right … planning is always the key to success.

    I made myself get on the scale today … made myself because I was sure I was right back up to my fattest. Now that’s not realistic, but that’s what I was thinking. And when I start thinking I’m failing, I give up and make sure I fail. The scale said I’m stable. Not at my lowest where I was in April. But stable. So back at it I am today. We have a dinner tonight with friends. I’ll keep the calories low until then and I can pick and choose and no one will notice tonight.

    Amyllu … Welcome! You’ve found a wonderfully supportive group of ladies.

    Today will be pretty low-key. Want to get some things done around the house and preplan a few breakfasts for the week ahead. Have a great day ladies!

    Beth in Western New York