

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Viv, I am so sorry for the diagnosis. I echo what others have said to take care of yourself as best you can. He is going to need you.

    So many people are hurting between medical problems (self and/or family) and family drama. My heart hurts for you.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a good time, but the scale is showing the signs of excess celebration. Sigh!
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2014
    Was at a work conference all day yesterday – ate pretty well, it is always hard to figure out portions from meals out, I used the visuals of a deck of cards, etc… the lunch provided was pretty healthy overall – I ate more than intended as I had not had breakfast. Green salad with some blueberries and mandarin orange slices with Gorgonzola, I left off the radioactive red salad dressing. Grilled salmon with capers, steamed veggies and a rice timbale that I didn’t touch. A chocolate cheesecake – enormous slice, I ate about 1/3 – I usually don’t eat dessert to cut the sugar.

    I read yesterday that we should limit added sugar to no more than 25 g and carbs to no more than 150 g per day to avoid diabetes. Of course, the carbs are net fiber – and I am pretty good with fiber and the amount of exercise matters a lot with the sugar.

    I ran into a woman there that I haven't seen in a while. She had clearly lost of a lot of weight but what was more remarkable was that she was wearing a slim fitting, elegant dress that looked fabulous. Previously, she was always in loose, dumpy clothing. I am inspired to dress in more figure conscious ways even though I am overweight, today I have on a dress I bought not too long ago that is much tighter than what I normally wear. It is knit and very comfortable – I hate clothing that cuts me at the waist. When I tried it on in the size I normally wear, 18 W, it was ok, but clearly too big. The clerk went looking for a 16W but couldn’t find one, so she brought me a 16 regular – that fit like it was made for me. Amazing what a difference fit makes – the first day I wore it to work everyone asked me if I’d lost weight! I feel somewhat self-conscious but am feeling more comfortable.

    I stopped on the way home to pick up a few groceries at a health food store – turned out they were moving the next day, so everything was 50% off. I took advantage and got a lot of frozen, canned and household items, things like good quality olive oil and chocolate that is usually a splurge. I bought Method laundry and dish soap for myself and my older boys’ new apartment – all half off! Oh, and tea – lots of tea – I focused on what wouldn’t go bad quickly. Despite the temptation, I stayed away from anything unhealthy. The chocolate is all dark AND I hid it right away – out of sight, out of mind works for me.
    I was tempted to eat a lot for dinner with all the new goodies in the house but really restrained myself and was fine. I got hungry around bedtime but didn’t eat anything – good for me!
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2014
    Kim in Cali – massages are so worthwhile! Definitely go back if you can! As part of my journey to better self-care, I joined a local spa’s program where I get any service for $65/month plus discounts on other services. I am saving money plus I go on a regular basis – my massage therapist is beyond wonderful – she always spends at least 1.5 hrs and I float out of there. Afterward, I am always inspired to take better care of myself and do better eating, sleeping etc… Exercising in the morning is something I’ve tried but it threw me off the rest of my day – I get up at 6:30am, leave at 7:30am and don’t get home until 6 or later. I was doing a boot camp that started at 6am but couldn’t get ready for work in time – unless I showered at the gym but there were too many people doing the same thing. I usually do about 10 minutes of yoga and qi gong. What I really need to do is walk at lunch more and stop working through lunch every day or running errands. Hope your gourmet group dinner went well.

    Barbie – cute animations! I don’t dance with my cats though – they would leave me in the dust… Not sure who Jake is (son? DH?) but glad to hear he got good news!

    Michele in NC – I can’t imagine making all those goodies and not having any! The weather here also went from warm to cold just like that – they are even talking snow flurries on Saturday, brr….

    Heather Mac – welcome! You need lots of support with all you are going through – good for you taking care of yourself and filling up your well.

    FitAbbey – just be gentle with yourself – loss is hard and your desire to use food for comfort, well, I know a lot about that. Great idea to post reaching out for support instead of eating, but even if you did have a snack, tomorrow is a new day.

    Alison – glad to hear you got a good night’s sleep –what a difference it makes!

    Katla – enjoy those grandbabies – hope you are feeling better today!

    Joyce – my insurance covered my water problem because I have indoor flood insurance – it adds about $10/year and well worth it. I hope you get the basement sorted out soon. What a mess you have to deal with! Choir sounds heavenly… o:)

    I have an Asus laptop at home that cost about $350 a year ago that I love. When I was researching options, several experts I know said that Apple products aren’t really better at keep viruses at bay – they just have better customer service. Every time my kids had a problem with their ipods, the Apple store would just give them new ones. My oldest swears by his Macbook Air but he is in creative fields and uses apps that shine on that platform. I decided I did not need to spend the money since I use it mainly to go online and some word processing and for saving photos. The best way to avoid viruses is to practice “safe” computing and not download iffy apps. Best wishes on finding something that works for you.

    YannieJannie – thinking of you today as you attend Gin’s funeral.

    Sylvia – glad you got to enjoy a peaceful evening, sounds like your son is taking all the actions to a healthier life!

    Robin – you rock! Going through a junk room is such a daunting task! Best wishes on going back to work, one day at a time.

    Mimi – happy Thursday! No perfection around here…

    Vicki – what a great way to turn around a day – a walk in the Autumn splendor!

    Terrimom – yes, you can do it – whatever “it” is right for you. Just showing up matters.
    Lesley – what a difference this new diet is making. I love salad for breakfast but don’t pack it for work, you are inspiring me!

    Viv – my heart goes out to you. Please take good care of yourself. Listening here, no advice.

    Mary – how awful for your DIL, her family’s behavior only reflects on them and not her, she is blessed to have you in her life! What are you learning in Nature class?
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi Kataniki - I'm learning about the upland habitats in south Florida. You are so right about the loose fitting v close fitting clothing. I have a tendency to wear 1 size too big because it is more comfortable, but, people are always encouraging me to go smaller. I think I would have to enjoy shopping more in order to spend the time to find a line of clothing that fits just right and is comfortable.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Viv - I am so sorry about the diagnosis. My father was diagnosed with lung cancer about 6 1/2 years ago and it is so frightening to deal with everything. If it helps any, my father is still going strong (as strong as aged 80 is).

    Sylvia - What a nightmare for you and your family. I hope they can get this woman out of their lives immediately. My niece's ex was arrested for burglary and placed in jail this week so we are breathing easy for while with that.

    Meg - Hope you're feeling better.

    Others who are struggling are in my thoughts and prayers.

    My daughter is still waiting on the results of her MRI. She called yesterday to see how long it would take and they told her that, since her doctor was a resident, it might be a full week before he even saw the report. I have encouraged her to call back and tell them that that is simply unacceptable. She sounds so pitiful on the phone.

    Things are still up in the air about my second job. When I showed the pastor the list of things the accountant would need, he was quite startled but actually offered help with some of it and pretty much said part of it would just not be necessary. It may be that, if he will get some folks to help out, the project can get done without me having to quit because I refuse to give 25 hours per week (even temporarily) to a job that I was hired to work 15 hours for. The members need to get off their high horses and into the fray if they want something done.

    In good news, I've been "clean" for a week now with no going over calories. I stress ate a bit Tuesday, but I stayed within calorie limits (even had some left over) so I'm not beating myself up about it. I haven't been able to exercise like I've wanted simply due to time constraints, but I did lift last night. I want to be able to do that three times per week and walk or bike for three, but between work, kids, and other commitments, it just hasn't happened this week. I had cleaned my house of all sweets except graham crackers and my no sugar added ice cream to remove temptation. This week, I added back some low calorie ice cream sandwiches and Nutella and have been able to practice moderation, which is my goal.

    Newcomers - Welcome to our group! I'm usually a bit more welcoming, but I've been kind of dwelling in my own misery for the past couple of weeks.

    Off to get some more work done! Have a great day!

    Carol in beautiful NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon ladies~ well at least in Connecticut it is.. just got back in from mowing the lawn... we have almost 1/2 acre and I did half of it with a push mower as the DH put grass seed down and didnt want it taken up by the riding mower with bagger, I did the dog pen and around edges with riding mower to pick up leaves and dump them into big contracting bags and we take it to the dump.. all in all I did 7000 steps just with that.. and took the boys for a walk around the block...
    now to putz for a little while and then make dinner for the DH and maybe do laundry and sweep and wash the floors..
    I havent gotten over to she DFIL yet, maybe will do that in a bit..
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Viv - I wish I had the right words to bring you peace and comfort during this time. You and your husband are in my thoughts. Take care of yourself and get all the support you can so you can help your husband.

    Mary - Families can be so complicated. The wedding thing seems an odd thing to cut someone off for, but I hope it will resolve in the future.

    Cynthia - Beautiful quote. :)

    The weather here was good yesterday, no rain. I went for a lovely walk. I then bought some rain boots so I can walk outside even when it raining (which for Western Washington will be from now until April). I prefer to walk at night, because I don't like people seeing me (esteem issues), but am trying to overcome that so yesterday's walk was in the daylight.

    I also bought the Halloween candy. I bought 2 medium bags. The funny thing about my house is that I either get a lot of kids, or next to none. Part depends on the weather and the forecast is for rain. Well, I am prepared. I also made sure to get stuff the rest of the family likes, so that they will eat all that is left over. So far, not tempted, but the bags are still unopened and tied in a plastic shopping bag. Will see tomorrow if the temptation stays away.

    Wishing for peace and serenity to visit all those facing medical or family issues. Words seem so inadequate to express my cares for you all.

    Donna in Western Washington
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Viv - DH and I are sending healing energies to your husband. my DH is a cancer survivor and is truly moved when anyone is diagnosed.

    So the doc cleared me for work. We are both a little apprehensive but we are going to give it a go. I am clearly better but still not great. I have to just keep it all in little pieces as I go. We upped my BP medication and he gave me an emergency anti anxiety med for just in case I start to lose it.

    More paperwork sorting today and tomorrow will be my last day off work. I have my second counseling appoint tomorrow evening.

    the good news is that I have lost about 7 pounds on the docs scale. :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    the blustery PNW
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Viv, thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and family.

    Robin, good luck with back to work. I go back Nov.3rd. Congrats on your 7 lbs, that's awesome.

    Carol, thanks for the welcome.

    Just got a call from my mom. Surgeon wants to remove her kidney. The tumour is quite large and he said the whole thing needs to come out. He also suggested a family meeting before the surgery.

    I thought things were supposed to get easier the older we got?? Sheesh!

    Anyway, have a great day everyone and do your best to stay on track for YOU!

    Heather Mac
    Rainy, soggy Vancouver Island.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Viv - (and all others suffering) Prayers ! ! !

    Robin - (and all others succeeding) Congrats :smile:

    Today everyone at the Clinic is at a Health Fair, and my software is all down, so I've been struggling to find things to do to keep busy and avoid munching. At lunch I ate my salad, then my supervisor stopped with a turkey wrap, apple, cookie, and cole slaw. I look forward to that being my lunch tomorrow.

    No news yet if DS made the Varsity Bowling team, but he picked up most of his spares, all but 1 split, and kept all his games over 170; I didn't see any scores over 200, so it looked pretty good to me. Fingers crossed for him.

    I think tomorrow I will take the easy way out and dress as a zombie. That way if I'm the only one who dresses for Halloween, it will be easy to remove the make-up and not be dressed-up.

    The cold front is officially in Milwaukee. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the temperature is around 35, and they are predicting snow for tonight. Yuck! It never got hot this summer - I am NOT ready for winter.

    Cheers ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello all! It's a little cooler today but supposed to be downright cold tomorrow. In the Y parking lot, waiting for hubby, I looked at the weather forecast and it said clear and dry, while the rain was actually falling! Funny.

    Beth and Donna, I bought two big bags of chocolate candy for trick or treaters and hid it in the kitchen, but apparently hubby found it because the coffee table was covered with tiny little wrappers this morning. Hopefully I'll still have enough for the kids tomorrow night. We never used to get any kids, but in the last few years homes have filled with kids and last year we got lots. We also live in a very safe little "contained" neighborhood, on a dead end street, so people come because it's a little safer. This year though there are several safe options in town. That's great.

    Last night at the mall I ran into a lady I used to do pottery with and had not seen in several years. She didn't recognize me because I had lost weight, and I barley recognized her because she had gained it, and her hair had gone almost all gray. She always kept it colored before.

    Mary, I want pictures of you and the cabana boys! I need an anti-virus and will check out the AVAST. Thanks for the info on that.

    Kat, congrats on getting such a good fit on those clothes. I used to like my clothes baggy but lately have grown to like them tighter. When they are baggy I feel frumpy and fat. When they are tighter I feel thin and healthy. It's amazing what a difference clothes can make in your whole attitude. I'm just now getting into a size 14, down from a 30.

    Carol, I too have been wallowing in my own misery. I know what you mean. I hope yours is getting better.

    Heather Mac, Sorry to hear about your mom's kidney trouble. Keep us posted.

    Well, I need to get some lunch. Have a great afternoon everyone!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Two judges from a small county happened to be stopped for speeding on the same day. They agree that there's no point in calling the state Supreme Court to get a visiting judge; they'll just go ahead and hear each other's cases.

    The next morning, one judge takes the bench, the other sits at counsel table. The first judge admits he's guilty, and the second judge suspends the fine and court costs for him.

    They then switch places, the second judge pleads guilty as well, but the other judge fines him $200 plus all court costs.

    The second judge is exceedingly upset: "I suspended your fine and costs and you go and give me the maximum!"

    The first judge responds: "Well, look at the increase we've just had for this crime. SOMEBODY has to do something about it!"

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello everyone!

    Went to the wallpaper and paint shop today and it looks as if we've chosen the paper for the wall behind the bed. Just hope it isn't too dark, but the rest of the walls are lighter paint and we are replacing the window blind with a lighter coloured one. We will be able to choose duvet covours with a bit of bright colour in. Gets to be expensive when you've got to replace the blind, the carpet and all the bedding as we are separating the bed into two halves. I think poor DH thought it was just a quick redec job! ! ! ! :laugh:
    I am waiting to hear back from my brother about a planned lunch out. Pinning him down to a date and time is hard. I have booked a table and hope it's ok. They are treating us as he managed to forget both our birthdays! :noway:
    Keeping to my reduced calorie allowance ok, but I am starving mid afternoon. :tongue: Resorted to a Diet Coke today. Tonight is sea bass, roasted cauliflower and mushy peas. The scales have rewarded me with a pound loss so only have one to go. We are going to stay with DSIL on Saturday so I know I will be eating and drinking a lot then. :cry: Fortunately it's only one night.
    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Forgot to tell you about my NSV today. I called in at the pharmacy to collect my new arm sleeve for my lymphodema. The lady serving asked me if I wanted a flu jab. I said I had already had a free one as I am over 65. She said, "Oh my goodness, that really does surprise me! I would never have known! You must look after yourself."
    I said, "Oh, you've really made my day! Thank you!"
    Heather in Hampshire UK

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    I am going to read everything and make just some selected comments; doesn't mean I am not thinking of you! :smile: Just on a time frame this morning and needed to share a couple of me things… so first NSV – last night was gourmet and it was very warm (80’s) so all my fall wear was on the warm side, tried on a pair of nice tan colored pants and they fit!!! Yeah!!! They actually fit better now then they did when I bought them oh so many years ago. :blush:

    Well last night was gourmet group and until I got home I did not fully accept/realize how much I was not looking forward to it. :astonished: The last meeting in August was when the gal stomped out of my house…this time was at her house; nothing has been said about the stomping out and anger… no apologies, no explanations, just sweep it under the rug and move on…Not comfortable for me; as I feel like who knows what would set it off again. Anyway so I was there; and being friendly, yet wary, and sort of not fully engaged, so was a bit quiet and watching… It was so interesting to see that the Louise (the volatile one) was really needing to be “right”; the center of attention, and I just did not like what I saw… so it will be interesting to attend a few more of these and see if she was also on edge and this was her way of letting that out; or if she is always like this - I have tried to think back and I think this is just her. :grimacing:

    With my eyes opened I don’t like her. :disappointed_relieved: And while I will stick it out a while, I am not sure I want to stay in gourmet…. Another learning experience! And who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!?

    Fit Abbey – thinking of you; I fight the lonelys too… where are you located?

    YannieJannie – DNP!? LOLOLOL

    Terri – we all can do it together! I can not believe how much support you all have been in the 7 ½ months I have been here!

    Lesley – Wow what a difference in calculators… no wonder it is so hard to do it “right” when there is so much conflicting info…

    Viv – OH no…. so sorry, my eyes teared up reading your post…. Sending big {{{hugs}}}}} and caring thoughts your way!

    Mary – sending caring thoughts to DDIL – you can fill in as her family it sounds like you all like her very much…

    Robin – so proud of all you have accomplished – in a short time; take care!

    HeatherMac – sorry to hear about Mom’s upcoming surgery…

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Cooler temps,in the 40`s burrr
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hey Kim - great NSV and Yes we don't need energy drainers in our lives. <3 (*) <3 (*)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi, all,

    Definitely cooler here! Gin's memorial service was lovely......we had close to 15 members past and present of the exercise group come and three brought husbands......considering that we are lucky to have 6 at a regular session these days, that was amazing!!!! I tried to make healthy choices at the buffet. Tomorrow is the burial and graveside service for just her family. After I checked out some options, we have decided that our little amount of funds collected will go to a local cancer care charity that is heavily involved with her oncologist's office to help other cancer patients he is currently treating. She thought the world of that man and he has treated other group members and their husbands over the years. I will send the check off in the next few days as soon as we are sure everyone has donated. Her family seemed very pleased with this idea.

    Mary........Wow, your poor DDl; that seems rather a rather draconian measure!!! Hopefully they will re-evaluate!

    Kataniki.........I'm wearing more fitted clothing these days too.........love my skinny jeans with boots! Great food choices at your conference.

    terri_mom.........good luck to DS for hopefully making varsity!!! My fingers are crossed!!

    Heather Mac.......Oh, your poor mom! How awful; plese keep us posted. (Hugs))

    Kim......We touched on toxic friends on here a little while ago.......you'll decide when you are ready.........and, it sounds like you are getting closer. For the record, I'm still feeling only relief to have made the choice and walked away from my problem. I still get a rare email which I delete w/o reading........there is simply nothing more to say on my part and I refuse to get sucked back in no matter what the drama of the moment is.

    Sylvia.......Adored the joke about the CIA woman proving herself worthy!!! Liked today's too!! Poor Bruno, missing his playmates!

    Heather.......Super NSV on the age thing!!!

    Must buy my candy yet for tomorrow night!

    Stay strong!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    praise the lord and pass the ammunition ! I am untethered....
    we got rid of our home phone service and just have internet now, and holy cow is there a difference... I can watch video now, and the WIFI is working whooo hooo.. no stuck in the office with the DH...
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    edited October 2014
    I need a drink! AAAaaarrrrghhhh! I love my eldest daughter to death, but she is a drama junkie and loves to pull people into it. She is 19 and really doesn't have a clue. She 'embellishes' (it would not be wrong to read 'lies about') every little thing in her life so it seems 1,000x worse than it really is and has everyone around her feeling sorry for her. I thought when she moved out that I would be away from that drama, but she pulls me in and the stress levels rise. Outside of the drama and 'embellishments'; she is really a warm, fun-loving, compassionate person. I don't understand why she craves attention so much that she creates scenarios. It is nothing really, just a fight between her and her boyfriend, but she wants me to drive out 45 minutes to pick her up because she said he won't give her a ride home; however, he said he would and told her so. She said he threw all her stuff outside the house where they are staying; but a third party at the house said that wasn't true. She does this a lot. She tells people I won't let her stay here; all the while I am telling her to stay with me if she doesn't like the drama at the places she does stay. This has been going on for years, so it is nothing new, just frustrating.

    Well, I am not going to drink and not going to stress eat. Going to put on my rain gear (it's pouring right now) and walk and breathe. Sorry for the rant, ladies. I know this is nothing compared to what others are going through. Just needed to vent.

    Donna from wet Western Washington