So my family bought take out...RANT



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I have suspicions about the seriousness of this thread ...

    Ummm, yeah..... seen this poster before.... you got that right!
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member

    First of all, I'm really happy that the US economy has picked up to such a degree that all these commenters think that it's so simple to move out of your childhood home while not working because you're studying. Clearly the best solution to being annoyed with your family is to move out of the home, even though you're living at home rather than living on your own because it's presumably cheaper. Complaining instead of taking on tons of debt and compromising your education must mean you're an immature whiny baby.

    Also glad that so many people would have thought nothing of your situation if they were in it. Preparing your food responsibly and having it thrown away, paying for food which you didn't get and getting something inadequate that you didn't want would not have pissed me off at all either. Go and drive to the store and spend money on a third consecutive meal for yourself, and shut up about it. Being upset about this state of affairs, and about other people disrespecting you, makes you a child. You should go out and get 2 more jobs and go to school part-time and shut up. You are not allowed to be upset with your family members if you live with them.

    OP, the only thing you mishandled is coming onto MFP looking for affirmation, and thinking that you'd get a response other than the knee-jerk, tough love, I'm so blunt and everyone who has a problem with my bad-assery has big sticks up their *kitten* and thinks the straightforwards are meaaan reaction.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I guess i bumped a dead board..?

    I dunno, it just makes me sad, a lot of people have seem to forgot what its like to be young, not everyone goes through the same steps as everyone else, sometimes it takes people longer

    I had to struggle from homeless to where i am now
    while my cousin, the same age, got to stay at home until she got married and could buy her own house, everything was paid for by her parents.
    things arent as black and white as one post on a message board.
    there could be a lot of things in the grey area.

    saying get off your *kitten* and get a loan, move out or go buy your own food is just very nasty. This thread is support and motivation, if you don't have any, don't post. Don't make someone into a monster because you dont think its something to complain about.

    Edit: Also before i start a war here, im not saying those solutions arent meant to be said, i think the slap in the face attitude while saying them is the part that should be left out.

    I like you.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    In for white knights being knightly. Otters gonna ott :bigsmile:
  • Congrats to you for having a family that supports your weight loss journey!
    This, they were thinking of you for getting the salad. Look at it as a good thing in the end. You probably didn't need the ribs

    But im a glass halve full kind of person.
  • My husband still brings me home icecream cakes and dunkin donuts to be " nice" I eat it so I don't insult him. but I get upset that he forgot I have a plan
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I know this is the crappiest time ever to ask, but would any of the actual supportive people like to FR me? I don't have friends on here. (well I had but I deleted them because they judged my food choices)

    My diary is closed, but it would help if I could post things like this on my wall and not have to deal with the wonderous support of the forums.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You guys are mean. I'm totally on OP's side. I would be pissed too!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Is your dog alright? I hope the food wasn't bad for him/her...
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm 21. I'm a student who studies from home, because I need to use all the money from the work I do to pay my books and study fees. My parents refuse to pay for it. So unless I go live on the street I can't move out.

    They didn't pay for my food. I did.

    They used the rest of my money to buy coke.

    They comment on EVERYTHING I eat.

    "You can't eat meat! It will make you bulky..."
    "You can't eat that, it will make you fat!"

    As I said she took MY food and fed it to the dog. There is dogfood in the house. Do you expect me to eat that? :-/

    Yes I could go buy my own food. But it's a little despicable to take my money for your own use. And to decide FOR ME what I should and shouldn't eat.
    I say kudos to you for paying for your schooling and living at home while you do that. At 21, this is EXACTLY what you should be doing. Not taking some crap job and giving up schooling to grow up and get your own place. Best I can suggest is a fridge locked in your room.
  • MystifiedFluff
    MystifiedFluff Posts: 50 Member
    I feel your pain, but at least you got something healthy, albeit too tiny and not what you asked for. Growing up the only green food in the fridge was green because of mold, I can sympathize with your limited options. Try stashing non-perishable food under your bed or in your closet? Consider it an emergency stash for times like these and keep it well stocked - bags of jerky or cans of vienna sausages may not be the healthiest, but it would help your protein and hunger levels.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Are you an adult?

    If so buy your own food.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but that's it. If you're over 18 get a job and your own place and start taking care of yourself.

    She did. She bought it, cooked it and froze it for herself. Then someone in her family decided to feed it to the dog. Obviously if someone else takes your food without permission...your last meal available before being able to go shopping again... it shouldn't be unreasonable to expect that person to replace that meal for the day. If one of my roommates decided to take the last of my chili from the freezer and feed it to their cats when they know full well it's not theirs, nor is it cat food and I had nothing to replace that dinner that I had bought and prepared for myself, i would absolutely expect that they replace what they used. Reading the whole post would be helpful before passing unfair judgement.

    Thank you for being reasonable. Quite a few unnecessarily snarky posts here, but yours was very kind. I agree with you.
    Same here
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    all these people saying feed yourself need to get over themselves. the issue is not that she cant go get her own food.

    the issue is that her family gave her food to someone else, then went out to get food and the OP asked them to get them something, but they came back with the complete opposite.

    maybe by the time they got back the shops were closed. maybe they dont drive.

    pay attention to the issue of the post before making judgement.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    My husband still brings me home icecream cakes and dunkin donuts to be " nice" I eat it so I don't insult him. but I get upset that he forgot I have a plan didn't ask for those things. the ribs WERE part of her plan. just because a specific food might not fit with your ideals of what count as "diet" food doesn't mean they don't totally fit the OP's chosen lifestyle. I can easily eat (and often do) a liter of ice cream a day ....or buttloads of cake.....burgers....whatever. it's food. it fits my day (and in fact i STILL lose weight even though i'm not wanting to anymore) and there's no reason to demonize it as a bad choice that her kind family "saved" her from when it's nobody's business but her own what she chooses to ingest as part of HER meal plan.
  • Its not easy to have a certain dietary lifestyle while living with people who have a different one.......with obvious callousness towards your goals etc.

    I don't eat dinners any more. just a light snack. and i am on a strict diet lately. but i made burgers with fried eggs and cheese for my family. also steamed broccoli with garlic. looking at all that food while i prepared and cooked it sure hard.
    but i did it.

    it took me a long time to have resolve like that. it doesn't come over night.
    but every battle you matter how small gives you more constitution to win the next one.
    Dont rely on anyone to help you with your plan. it took my wife several months to get that ..'i don't want potato chips brought home as a 'i thought of you' snack. if you are thinking of me buy a damn apple! hahaha.. now no one buys me a single thing. which i guess is good.
    i hope you can find a better balance in your home with your diet. hang in there! good luck.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member

    First of all, I'm really happy that the US economy has picked up to such a degree that all these commenters think that it's so simple to move out of your childhood home while not working because you're studying. Clearly the best solution to being annoyed with your family is to move out of the home, even though you're living at home rather than living on your own because it's presumably cheaper. Complaining instead of taking on tons of debt and compromising your education must mean you're an immature whiny baby.

    Also glad that so many people would have thought nothing of your situation if they were in it. Preparing your food responsibly and having it thrown away, paying for food which you didn't get and getting something inadequate that you didn't want would not have pissed me off at all either. Go and drive to the store and spend money on a third consecutive meal for yourself, and shut up about it. Being upset about this state of affairs, and about other people disrespecting you, makes you a child. You should go out and get 2 more jobs and go to school part-time and shut up. You are not allowed to be upset with your family members if you live with them.

    OP, the only thing you mishandled is coming onto MFP looking for affirmation, and thinking that you'd get a response other than the knee-jerk, tough love, I'm so blunt and everyone who has a problem with my bad-assery has big sticks up their *kitten* and thinks the straightforwards are meaaan reaction.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1. If you don't like what's in the fridge, buy your own damn groceries.

    2. Your family is not obligated to feed you.

    3. Your response to your sister's mistake is just sad. Seriously.

    Go to the grocery store. Buy some ingredients to make yourself a meal that fits your goals for the day, and move on with your life.


    How about you bother to read the thread properly, dear, then you might know that she does buy her own food and that her family spent her money on stuff for themselves.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    First world problem: Your parents bring you the wrong food.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I feel bad for the dog. They feed the poor thing food they think is too old for human consumption.

    Otherwise, I agree that the OP should move out and live on her own. My daughter went to a very expensive graphic design school in San Francisco, paid her own tuition and living expenses with student loans and a bartending job. She budgeted her money well and managed just fine. . . in one of the most expensive US cities. It is possible.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I feel bad for the dog. They feed the poor thing food they think is too old for human consumption.

    Otherwise, I agree that the OP should move out and live on her own. My daughter went to a very expensive graphic design school in San Francisco, paid her own tuition and living expenses with student loans and a bartending job. She budgeted her money well and managed just fine. . . in one of the most expensive US cities. It is possible.

    Living at home and paying for school without having student loans is actually the smart way to go through school.