30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    L1D9- I felt awesome today! I finished the whole thing- no breaks. (still modified pushups though) I'm a little nervous to move up to level 2. Have a great day everyone!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I will do my L1D9 when I get home from work. I still have a horrible pain in my lower tummy when I am doing the bicycle crunches. Not sure what that is all about, but I will get through that. I am very unsure about moving on to L2.
  • Not feeling very well today....but still stuck to the plan, and did my Level 1 for today!

    FEEL LIKE A WINNER... let's keep at it!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Awesome work, everybody!! L1 Day 9 complete! :smile: Tomorrow is my last day of Level 1. Very excited and scared at the same time for Level 2 on Thursday. Feeling really good right now, but I know JM is going to kill my muscles again starting Thursday.

    Have a great night, "Shredheads!" :laugh:
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    L1D9 completed. The only reason I am looking forward to L2 is to get away from listening to Jillian and her stupid sayings. If I have to hear, "Don't phone it in", I am going to punch her. What the heck does that even mean? Hopefully she has a different irritating phrase in the next level. :laugh:
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    L1Day9 finished :smile: I had a bad cramp in my left calf today, which I noticed after the first warm up of jumping jacks. I had to stop and massage it out and then all was bit better..tender but better :) Wow, level 1 is almost over and I was just getting used to it! lol :) BeckyJill, I'm in the same boat as you, still only doing modified pushups, but everything else I'm able to do. I've really improved in the cardio and I'm super happy about this :)
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    L1D9 completed. The only reason I am looking forward to L2 is to get away from listening to Jillian and her stupid sayings. If I have to hear, "Don't phone it in", I am going to punch her. What the heck does that even mean? Hopefully she has a different irritating phrase in the next level. :laugh:

    I know!! I saw on another thread that it's possible to mute her and just listen to the music. I haven't tried that yet. The music actually annoys me a bit more than her. Am I the only one who hears what sounds like a groaning woman in the music? My husband thought I was making weird noises during the workout when he passed by.... It was the odd moaning sound in the music. :laugh:

    My DVD player was acting up today so I found Level 1 On Demand for free. It goes right into the workout so no listening to previews and all the talk before the workout. I don't think Level 2 is on there, though....
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    L1D9 completed. The only reason I am looking forward to L2 is to get away from listening to Jillian and her stupid sayings. If I have to hear, "Don't phone it in", I am going to punch her. What the heck does that even mean? Hopefully she has a different irritating phrase in the next level. :laugh:

    lol I tried counting how many time she say's it and I think I lost count after 4 times lol :laugh: As for what it means..I think Jillian is the only one that knows lol! I sorta took it as don't fake it, don't make it easier on yourself, don't be a phoney? lol That's my best guess! :laugh:
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Wahoooooo L1D9 is done. After feeling so horrible yesterday and then having carb cravings all day today, I came home and knocked it out. Me and my diet buddy Tracy were really stuggling at work today, I hope she came home and was able to get it done too:happy:
    O and I am right there with you girls, I cannot wait to hear something new on level 2, something tells me we are going to regret this those words though. Get ready to get our butts kicked!:sick:
    Btw, wondering if anyone is measuring themselves before the end? Since I haven't lost too much, I was thinking I might take measurements. At least if I see that headed in the right direction it would make me feel like something positive was happening:bigsmile:
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    You guys are freaking amazing! Way to go!

    I'm holding at Level 1, Day 8... Didn't workout today. Was up all night with Baby and today we've both got nasty chest colds. Will jump back in to Level 2 when I'm feeling ready.
  • I use VLC player on my computer for my work-out, it lets you skip the intro, and jump right into the work out....

    I know!! I saw on another thread that it's possible to mute her and just listen to the music. I haven't tried that yet. The music actually annoys me a bit more than her. Am I the only one who hears what sounds like a groaning woman in the music? My husband thought I was making weird noises during the workout when he passed by.... It was the odd moaning sound in the music. :laugh:

    My DVD player was acting up today so I found Level 1 On Demand for free. It goes right into the workout so no listening to previews and all the talk before the workout. I don't think Level 2 is on there, though....
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    L1D9 completed without whining!!!!! I'm still doing the modified push ups, it may take quite awhile to get enough arm strength to do military style.
  • praymond17
    praymond17 Posts: 20 Member
    I work out at the gym in the morning, so this will be a great way to unwind when baby is asleep. I did it for a few days before but quit cause I had no motivation and the holidays were here..now I'm totally in again especially with a great support group. Good luck ladies..we can do it!:smile:
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I...need...motivation...today... Blah!! Off to take McK to the bus & hopefully come in & knock this out. Wish me luck!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Yay, I finished. My HRM only said 145 calories, normally it is around 170-195...hmm? Anyway, I'll take it. Ry has KidFit @ 11:15 so I'll get another workout in then, too.

    Hope you shredders are having a good day.
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    What is VLC and where do I find it??? I can't stand having to listen to her for 10 minutes before I can actually get to working out. :grumble:
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    Wahoooooo L1D9 is done. After feeling so horrible yesterday and then having carb cravings all day today, I came home and knocked it out. Me and my diet buddy Tracy were really stuggling at work today, I hope she came home and was able to get it done too:happy:
    O and I am right there with you girls, I cannot wait to hear something new on level 2, something tells me we are going to regret this those words though. Get ready to get our butts kicked!:sick:
    Btw, wondering if anyone is measuring themselves before the end? Since I haven't lost too much, I was thinking I might take measurements. At least if I see that headed in the right direction it would make me feel like something positive was happening:bigsmile:

    I really should measure because the scale depressed me.
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    how is the shred workout going.. any good results! I did day one yesterday.. and Im hurting today.. lol. no pain, no gain!!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    We skipped day 10 yesterday (we were working on tiling the kitchen which was *not* a fun trade off!) but we'll get it done tonight and be on schedule since we were a day ahead of this group.
    I'm looking forward to Level 2 - I have a feeling she's going to keep up the "don't phone it in" business, though! :P

    Oh, and VLC is a free open source media player..
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    how is the shred workout going.. any good results! I did day one yesterday.. and Im hurting today.. lol. no pain, no gain!!

    Hi! I finished Level 1 today, so I'm going to look at my measurements tomorrow morning. I can say, though, that i peeked a few days ago at my hip measurement and it had gone down. Plus, I just feel a little more toned. As for the scale, ... oh, don't get me started. I posted in this thread about my experiences there. Let me just say don't get discouraged if you see weight gain or a stall for the first week. I had a gain even though nothing else had changed in terms of my eating. Then , a couple of days ago, I dropped to below my 30 DS starting weight over the course of a day. I think muscle soreness leads to water retention. Once my muscles were feeling better, the scale went down. All in all, I love the shred and am glad that I made myself do it! I've had the DVD since it came out but never had the courage to try it until this month!

    Good luck to you!!:smile:
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