30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    L1 Day 10 complete! :bigsmile: I think I feel ready for L2 tomorrow! (Still doing the modified push-ups, but I'm happy that I can do all of reps.) I have to admit that I'm feeling proud of myself for starting this and getting this far. I also have to say that I don't know if I would have stuck to it if not for the support of my MFP friends. The encouragement has been fantastic and sooo appreciated! :heart:

    Good luck, everyone!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member

    Level 2 Day 1 DONE

    This level is super intense. I was only 3 minutes in to it and had to stop to catch my breath... and I'm still panting!

    Happy shredding everyone!
  • LilSweetie785
    L1D9 finished last night! Anyone else feel heavy? I've been feeling heavy the past couple days but I think it may be from the whey protein shakes I started on Sunday. My friend told me it would do that. It makes it really hard during cardio. I feel like i have weights on me. Jump n jacks are starting to give my shin splits. Bah this whey protein is messing up my workout!! Last day of level 1 today. So not looking forward to moving to level 2!!!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member

    Level 2 Day 1 DONE

    This level is super intense. I was only 3 minutes in to it and had to stop to catch my breath... and I'm still panting!

    Happy shredding everyone!

    I was happy later in the week when I didn't sound like an 80 year old when I was getting out of a chair. :laugh: I am proof that it does get better. I am a complete exercise slug and I just finished day 10. Never thought I would make it after day 1.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    You all are rockin' this out!! Way to go Shredders!
  • amyadell
    amyadell Posts: 46 Member
    L1 Day 10 complete! :bigsmile: I think I feel ready for L2 tomorrow! (Still doing the modified push-ups, but I'm happy that I can do all of reps.) I have to admit that I'm feeling proud of myself for starting this and getting this far. I also have to say that I don't know if I would have stuck to it if not for the support of my MFP friends. The encouragement has been fantastic and sooo appreciated! :heart:

    Good luck, everyone!

    I do mine in the evenings before going in to work the night shift... today is day 10 for me as well. I too am only able to do the modified push-ups but can go way down with the squats and have even upped some of the exercises to 8lb weights!!! It's really kicking my butt!!! I fast-forwarded to level 2 and 3 to see what's in store for tomorrow (I'm determined to follow the 10-10-10)... YIKES... there are alot of push-up "like" exercises... I'm scared!!! We can do it!!! I can see the inches melting already:happy: You are so right: it does help to watch other peope going through the same thing and all to be in support of eachother:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Started level 2 today. Only made it half way. Hopefully will make it all the way tomorrow
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member

    Level 2 Day 1 DONE

    This level is super intense. I was only 3 minutes in to it and had to stop to catch my breath... and I'm still panting!

    Happy shredding everyone!

    I was happy later in the week when I didn't sound like an 80 year old when I was getting out of a chair. :laugh: I am proof that it does get better. I am a complete exercise slug and I just finished day 10. Never thought I would make it after day 1.

    I was layed out on the floor several times throughtout the workout. I know that 80 year old sound all too well :laugh: Going after my 9 month old isn't easy now with a sore body.
  • DinahD144
    DinahD144 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm so jealous!! Most of you are finishing up Level 1 and I can't find Jillian!!! I took it with me to a friend's house and now I can't find it :( I'm still on Day 7, but will get back at it as soon as she turns up. I kind of miss her and her "buddies". Until then, boring treadmill workouts for me..

    Great job ladies! I love reading your posts. And I'm dreading Level 2 based on what I see!
  • nthnswmn
    L1D7 done. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    L1 D10- last day on level one! I was going to skip ahead today but I must've done really grear lunges yesterday- sore, sore quads. I felt great and am still nervous to move on. Wow- looks like more lunges and some plunks in the future. Bring it on! I'm looking forward to others journeys with me on to level 2.

    To everyone still checking in every day- thank you. Even though I don't chat that often, just seeing other people struggling and succeeding with me makes it worth it.
  • luvmy3kidz
    I have been off the computer for a few days but have been keeping up with the workouts. I'm so jazzed today is L1D10. I can't wait to start level 2 tomorrow.

    I feel bad that I've fallen off the forum but hopefully life has settled enough to allow me a few minutes to get on every day. I was thrilled to read the past few days' posts. You guys are awesome!

    I started the Lean P90X ( for real this time) on Monday. 30DS is the perfect end to my day even after an hour workout before. I kinda look forward to all of the "buddy"s and "phoning it in"s.

    Lets level up!
  • LeonKee
    LEVEL 2 done!! I feel just as JM wants.... " I want you to BURN !! " :devil:

    VLC media player... you can download it for free...:smile:

  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    So good ole' Lvl1 D10 is complete! I'm so happy that we've all stuck to this challenge and we are through the first level!! At the same time I'm nervous to move onto level 2 as well! :) Good luck with tomorrow ladies, will be right there with you on day 11 :)
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Whewwww L1D10 done. Didnt do myself any favors by watching L2.It is going to be tough. But we can do it!!! See you gals all tomorrow!!::happy:
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    I started off with Jullian's 30 day Shred last year and she is AMAZING. She transformed my body at the age of 43 never thought that could of happened but it did. I love her workouts. I have all of them now just got the Shred with weights and the 6 week abs. and doing those two the past week. I do have the Metabolism and the Zone toning. Love all of them.. Good luck and keep up with it you will get results just takes awhile.. I went from a size 12 to a 9. in 4 months and toning is awesome. I actually got into a bikini for the first time in Aug of last year and went to a High School Reunion at a Ice House after our formal and was in my suit and everyone says you look amazing .. THANKS JULLIAN... :) Have a wonderful day.. :happy:
  • naturalbeauty47
    Finished L1D10 yesterday and took my measurements this morning and found that I have LOST 21 inches! Now I don't feel to bad about the scale since I gained over night.:smile:
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Finished L1D10 yesterday and took my measurements this morning and found that I have LOST 21 inches! Now I don't feel to bad about the scale since I gained over night.:smile:
    Fantastic job!!!! Yeah, the scale is my enemy too. The measuring tape is my BFF :laugh:
    Keep it up girl!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    L2D1 done. OMG I thought I was going to drown in my sweat! :laugh: What a workout. I know if this had been the beginning of the levels, I would never have gone to day 2. Actually feel a little stronger.
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new to this group but I started the Shred around the same time. I didn't know there was a group like this so I'm glad I found it :smile: I just did D1 of L2 and it kicked my butt. My inner thighs and shoulders are definitely feeling it! The plank exercises I find are really hard on my wrists but I think I just need to work up the strength. I'm excited to see the results after 30 days!