What Book Are You Reading?



  • i just finished twilight and got new moon (Vampire books) but first im going to read the looking glass wars (take off from alice in wonderland)

    :love: I LOVE READING!!!!!!:love:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I have several books in the works that I am reading.... I have a book in each room, one in my truck for when I'm stuck in traffic... and one at work that I read on breaks :laugh: I'm a total bookworm character0187.gif

    Anywho.... here is the list of what I am currently reading...

    Women Who Love Too Much- Robin Norwood
    Terry Brooks- Sword of Shannara
    Stephen King- Lisey's Story

    Books that I have lined up to read after those are....

    The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
    Duma Key- Stephen King
    Richard Bachman's- Blaze
    Terry Brooks- The Heritage of Shannara
    Genesis of Shannara
    Armageddon's Children

    And there are a couple of other's that I have written down in my notebook at work that people have recommended to me but I don't recall what they are.

    I read the Shannara books years ago, but found them to be so similar to the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, I wondered if they were plagerized. I enjoyed them, but enjoyed Lord of the Rings more.

    I know what you mean about books all over, I usually read three or four at a time, but am down to reading the Secret Garden to my daughter right now.

    Oh I have to disagree about them being plagerized, I have read the Shanara series and think it was a wonderful read. LOTR was based around a god with a plan (read the Silmarillion), where as the Shanara series (after you go through the whole thing) was more about man's failures as a race. The character's have very similar aspects in that there are elves and humans and what passes for orcs, but the concepts are different. It becomes much clearer after reading the genesis series (just came out) which describes life before and durning the holocaust that brought about the shanara world.
    I have read many many fantasy series.
    My favorite to this day is the 10 book series by David Eddings (split into 2 five book series) called the Belgariad (1st five) and the Malloriad (2nd five). This series was great. If you want to read a good fantasy series that basically completely splits from the whole elves, orcs, trolls thing, read this series.
    The first book is called Pawn of Prophecy (great name by the way). And if you like Sci-Fi, I just finished the Honor Harrington space opera, it wasn't particularly great writing, but the concepts were fun, and the protagonist is a VERY strong woman. It's kind of filler until I find my next good series but it's cool.

    For anyone interested by the way, I have the first 2 or 3 chapters done (including the back story) of a Fantasy novel that departs from the "same ole thing" mold. Let me know if your interested, I'll send you a copy and you can criteque it, I haven't worked on it in a while but I plan to get back to it and finish it eventually.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    heart of darkness by Josef(Joseph) Conrad
  • Laynee
    Laynee Posts: 45
    I just finished The Shack by William P. Young. VERY highly recommended for anyone who wants to gain deeper insight into the relationship/workings of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's fiction but the author has deep spiritual insight and very well written. Not sure what I'll be reading next but I don't know if it will top this one!
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    Now I'm reading Left Behind the first book of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. I haven't read those books before so I recently bought the whole set on E-bay.

    They are SOOOO good!!

    I"ve been thinking of reading these books. Are they really good as they say?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Now I'm reading Left Behind the first book of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. I haven't read those books before so I recently bought the whole set on E-bay.

    They are SOOOO good!!

    I"ve been thinking of reading these books. Are they really good as they say?

    Well, I can only speak for myself but it's really hard to put them down. Now I'm reading Desecration.
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    I am currently reading Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind. This is the fourth book in a decology he wrote. I am normally not a fantasy reader but my husband really wanted me to try and read the first one. I have only stopped long enough between books to read Nora Roberts Sign of Seven Trilogy (or at least the first two, the third isn't out until November). Blood of the Fold is 627 pages long and all the books in the series are this long. Never thought I had the patience for them but they are great.
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    I have several books in the works that I am reading.... I have a book in each room, one in my truck for when I'm stuck in traffic... and one at work that I read on breaks :laugh: I'm a total bookworm character0187.gif

    Anywho.... here is the list of what I am currently reading...

    Women Who Love Too Much- Robin Norwood
    Terry Brooks- Sword of Shannara
    Stephen King- Lisey's Story

    Books that I have lined up to read after those are....

    The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
    Duma Key- Stephen King
    Richard Bachman's- Blaze
    Terry Brooks- The Heritage of Shannara
    Genesis of Shannara
    Armageddon's Children

    And there are a couple of other's that I have written down in my notebook at work that people have recommended to me but I don't recall what they are.

    I read the Shannara books years ago, but found them to be so similar to the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, I wondered if they were plagerized. I enjoyed them, but enjoyed Lord of the Rings more.

    I know what you mean about books all over, I usually read three or four at a time, but am down to reading the Secret Garden to my daughter right now.

    Did you know that Richard Bauchman is also Stephen King? They are one and the same person. He used to write under that name.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    A Friend Like Henry

    an amazing true story or a severely autistic boy who with the help of a wonderful dog comes out of his own world and progresses remarkably...so far its amazing....a wonderful emotional but uplifting read for anyone!

    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am almost finished with Dear John by Nicholas Sparks...:heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    A Friend Like Henry

    an amazing true story or a severely autistic boy who with the help of a wonderful dog comes out of his own world and progresses remarkably...so far its amazing....a wonderful emotional but uplifting read for anyone!

    Ali :flowerforyou:

    Nice try, Ali.

    Thanks for letting me borrow this. I'll have to let you know if I wanna join. :noway:

  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    After wanting to read this forever, I've finally started the 1st book in the Left Behind series. I can't seem to put it down.

    Oh good luck with that notion!!! I would read until 2 or 3 in the morning I was so hooked!! And having to wait for the next one was pure torture!!

    oh, kinda like harry potter books? LOL

    I still haven't finished reading them. I did not want to go through the torture of having to wait. Now that they are all out I can start. (no joke)

    I do wish though that I had started, I think it would have been fun to grow with the character .Now the character has to grow on me.
    I have to get use to the easy read at the beginning. Oh well. Not sure I want to , but eventually I will sit down and read them. I promise this. :tongue:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    A Friend Like Henry

    an amazing true story or a severely autistic boy who with the help of a wonderful dog comes out of his own world and progresses remarkably...so far its amazing....a wonderful emotional but uplifting read for anyone!

    Ali :flowerforyou:

    Nice try, Ali.

    Thanks for letting me borrow this. I'll have to let you know if I wanna join. :noway:


    if you don't you know where I'll be....:bigsmile: waiting....and waiting....and waiting....:bigsmile: