


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I would have to say Portsmouth...but they are a 'football' team and not an American football team....I don't understand American football at seems that it's a bit like rugby with weird too tight clothes, loads of pads and a helmet!! Also the players all seem to be much fatter than rugby players and there are SO many of them all standing about doing very little and so many OTHER people on the pitch too, what is that all about? They don't have that in rugby either. I know that American football started out as rugby, in the past, but I find it different enough to be confusing.

    I played American Football all through my youth, from 6 years old through 1 year of college. I also played rugby from year 2 in college till I graduated and then for 3 years after college (I was a fly half and captain of my college team). Football and rugby share a lot of elements, but they are fundamentally different aspects in that rugby is a game of field position and football is a game of posession. I.E. in rugby you'd rather give the ball to the other team on their 1 meter line than you have it on yours, where in American football you'd rather have the ball on you're own 1 yard line rather than give the other team the ball on theirs.

    Think of American football like rugby with stoppages in play. The pack is like the line, the Quarterback is like the scrum half, the fly half and centers are like running backs, the 8 man is like tight ends, and the wings are like receivers. The main difference is that rugby has no forward passes and everyone must stay behind the line of scrimmage where as football has forward passes, rugby only has lateral and backwards passes.

    There are a lot more differences than that, but fundamentally American football is a very cerebral game where as rugby is a very instantaneous game. Where in American Football you try to out think your opponent (as a whole, throughout the game) by devising plays on offense that the defensive players aren't designed to handle, in Rugby your aim is to put relatively simple plays into motion perfectly, thereby beating the other team by better reaction in the moment. It doesn't matter how well prepared a rugby team is, if your players are better, you win. Where as in football even if you have better players, sometimes having a better game plan can beat the other team. I.E. The All Blacks win because they train harder than anyone in the world, and the in game decisions they make are superb (as well as having superior athletes) where as in football having a coach that knows how to defeat a defense is of the utmost importance. consider, last week the Seattle Seahawks were clearly less talented than New Orleans, that was obvious to anyone who watches American Football, but they won anyway, because they basically took their style of play and developed a game plan that was better than the New Orleans game plan.

    Not to say that American Football doesn't rely on skill as well. When game plans are both well thought out, it comes down to player skill to win. Which is probably 50% of the game.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    glad I havent seen any Ravens or Cleveland fans!

    Purple and Black baby, the colors of the Steelers bruises this weekend after Ray gets done with them :smokin:

    Go Ravens!

    Well Ray got done, but not with the outcome he (and the rest of the Ravens) had planned for! :laugh:

    Born and raised in the 'burgh so its STEELERS ALL DAY BABY! And even if I wasn't from Pittsburgh, how can you not respect the ONLY team in the league with 6 rings ((soon to be 7))???!!!!??? :smokin:

    I think they were all sore the next day, there was some hard hittin all the way around. It was a roller coaster game, I bet I burned 1000 calories pacing the floor. Still ticked that they called holding on a defensive lineman Come On Man! What kind of call was that????? My husband is a football official for college games and he said he has never in twenty years of officiating seen such a bias call. Looks like the officials decided this game. I knew when they didn't call unsportsman like on PS when TJ got head butted that the Ravens were in trouble. Congrats on your win, still can't bring myself to root for them though even though (and don't tell my husband) I think your coach is one fly dude.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Last time I watched a professional football game, Larry Csonka was playing for Miami Dolphins.

    With all the commercials and time outs, etc., it takes too long to watch a game.

    I like real football (soccer).
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    glad I havent seen any Ravens or Cleveland fans!

    Purple and Black baby, the colors of the Steelers bruises this weekend after Ray gets done with them :smokin:

    Go Ravens!

    Well Ray got done, but not with the outcome he (and the rest of the Ravens) had planned for! :laugh:

    Born and raised in the 'burgh so its STEELERS ALL DAY BABY! And even if I wasn't from Pittsburgh, how can you not respect the ONLY team in the league with 6 rings ((soon to be 7))???!!!!??? :smokin:

    I think they were all sore the next day, there was some hard hittin all the way around. It was a roller coaster game, I bet I burned 1000 calories pacing the floor. Still ticked that they called holding on a defensive lineman Come On Man! What kind of call was that????? My husband is a football official for college games and he said he has never in twenty years of officiating seen such a bias call. Looks like the officials decided this game. I knew when they didn't call unsportsman like on PS when TJ got head butted that the Ravens were in trouble. Congrats on your win, still can't bring myself to root for them though even though (and don't tell my husband) I think your coach is one fly dude.

    Tomlin is SMOOTH! When he does the press conferences after the games and is asked a question he doesn't want to answer he's so point-blank about not answering it, I :heart: it! I've found that there are ludicrous calls by the refs in EVERY game! I think we tend to see more against the teams we cheer for :ohwell: . The Ravens dominated the 1st half, Steelers had the 2nd. It's a big rivalry so it's always fun to watch a Steelers/Ravens game!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I would have to say Portsmouth...but they are a 'football' team and not an American football team....I don't understand American football at seems that it's a bit like rugby with weird too tight clothes, loads of pads and a helmet!! Also the players all seem to be much fatter than rugby players and there are SO many of them all standing about doing very little and so many OTHER people on the pitch too, what is that all about? They don't have that in rugby either. I know that American football started out as rugby, in the past, but I find it different enough to be confusing.

    I played American Football all through my youth, from 6 years old through 1 year of college. I also played rugby from year 2 in college till I graduated and then for 3 years after college (I was a fly half and captain of my college team). Football and rugby share a lot of elements, but they are fundamentally different aspects in that rugby is a game of field position and football is a game of posession. I.E. in rugby you'd rather give the ball to the other team on their 1 meter line than you have it on yours, where in American football you'd rather have the ball on you're own 1 yard line rather than give the other team the ball on theirs.

    Think of American football like rugby with stoppages in play. The pack is like the line, the Quarterback is like the scrum half, the fly half and centers are like running backs, the 8 man is like tight ends, and the wings are like receivers. The main difference is that rugby has no forward passes and everyone must stay behind the line of scrimmage where as football has forward passes, rugby only has lateral and backwards passes.

    There are a lot more differences than that, but fundamentally American football is a very cerebral game where as rugby is a very instantaneous game. Where in American Football you try to out think your opponent (as a whole, throughout the game) by devising plays on offense that the defensive players aren't designed to handle, in Rugby your aim is to put relatively simple plays into motion perfectly, thereby beating the other team by better reaction in the moment. It doesn't matter how well prepared a rugby team is, if your players are better, you win. Where as in football even if you have better players, sometimes having a better game plan can beat the other team. I.E. The All Blacks win because they train harder than anyone in the world, and the in game decisions they make are superb (as well as having superior athletes) where as in football having a coach that knows how to defeat a defense is of the utmost importance. consider, last week the Seattle Seahawks were clearly less talented than New Orleans, that was obvious to anyone who watches American Football, but they won anyway, because they basically took their style of play and developed a game plan that was better than the New Orleans game plan.

    Not to say that American Football doesn't rely on skill as well. When game plans are both well thought out, it comes down to player skill to win. Which is probably 50% of the game.

    excellent and detailed explanation! Thank you!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Again I say....GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Auburn Tigers (War Eagle! - Have to say it - it's been a half-century, for goodness sake! :laugh: ) and the Broncos!

    SEC!! SEC!! SEC!!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm a 'boys fan and a Cleveland fan. Therefore, I DESPISE the eagles and the squeelies! I'm SOOOOOOOO glad the Pack beat the eagles and now I just want the Jets to take care of the squeelies!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm also a huge Ohio State Buckeyes fan! GO BUCKS!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm a glutton for punishment, I am a Browns Fan. But hey the bright side is....errr....ok there is no bright side. I know what cub fans feel like...wait until next year.

    I feel your pain. Born and raised in NE Ohio 10 mins from the pro fooball HOF.