
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I ended up having to work 2 hours longer than I planned. Good thing today is a rest day. I probably would have screwed up my schedule if it wasn't because I am beat.:yawn:
  • Did spin this morning and have P90X yoga tonight...I hope that 1.5 hours fly's by!!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Wow!!! Everyone is doing soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well! I have avoided coffee creamer and coffee today and got my water in. Not asure if I am gonna run tonight or not. Love you all!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Ed! YOU avoided coffee and creamer?!?!?!?!?!

    That's an accomplishment right there! :laugh:
  • I am sooooo proud of all the Team Ed Teamsters!! Kudos for stickin' to kickin' 2011's *kitten* and making our body's and mind's healthier!!! I did not post yesterday (may have been scolded for that:embarassed:), but I am here bright and early this morning!

    Day before yesterday, went out with a gf from HS and went WAY OVERBOARD!! Yesterday, tried to keep it under as much as possible and I did (may have got scolded for that, also:embarassed:). a new day! I have already had one glass of water, and it is 6 a.m. In about 30 minutes I will have my coffee, and thru some wonder of science, try to send some to my Babe, also, who BTW is reigning in his coffee creamer love by just not having coffee at all. Proof positive that he is a SOLDIER, because if I couldn't have coffee, I would go on a killing spree, just sayin'...:laugh:

    I will run right when I get home, 40-45 minutes, then again later on because I am slacking and need to get 5 runs in this week, but with training again this weekend, will not be able to do it this weekend.

    I am going to make sure to get my eating back on track, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! I love all sorts of good-for-me food, just need to prepare a little better for the upcoming day. Bit of a procrastinator...:ohwell:

    Anyways, I am in dire need of coffee and a hot shower before work, so, you kiddos have a great day... Oh, yeah, and GO TEAM ED!!!

  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hi, my name is Dan, and I am a slacker...

    I have not worked out this week yet, unless you count washing the ice off of two cars yesterday morning and night (about 45 minutes total) so they would be drivable). I got 4 glasses of water in on Monday (snow day) and 12 on Tuesday (regular work day).

    Planning on going to the gym tomorrow night for my bike/track workout after work.
  • Hey, I want to try & get 30 min of dog walking today, and then 8 glasses of water, having a rough week so,... :/
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    Good Morning all. Another snow day here in TN. I've named it Snowapolous 2011. I've lived here 3 years and I've been told this is a lot for the area.

    Anyway, since I work in a high school I've been stuck at home all week and I'm getting a little cabin fever and it is feeding my depression. I've been bad about eating and I've been spending my days in bed with Oprah and her new network channel.

    Yesterday I went 1060 calories over thanks to dinner from Ocharleys. I'm hoping to get back on track today but I tend to get the munchies when I stay at home. I'm halfway through my 30 day challenge with ea sports active but bored with it and didn't exercise yesterday either. I'm trying to decide if I should finish it or can it and move onto something I know I like sorta like, as much as I sorta like exercising (turbojam). Cheers to 49 of the 50 states having snow.

    Go team ed.
  • Hi, my name is Dan, and I am a slacker...

    I have not worked out this week yet, unless you count washing the ice off of two cars yesterday morning and night (about 45 minutes total) so they would be drivable). I got 4 glasses of water in on Monday (snow day) and 12 on Tuesday (regular work day).

    Planning on going to the gym tomorrow night for my bike/track workout after work.

    Not a slacker, just busy! Just do what you can, and remember there is always tomorrow!
  • Hey, I want to try & get 30 min of dog walking today, and then 8 glasses of water, having a rough week so,... :/

    Nothing beats a failure but a try, Mike!!! Sending prayers your week gets better, Hun!
  • Good Morning all. Another snow day here in TN. I've named it Snowapolous 2011. I've lived here 3 years and I've been told this is a lot for the area.

    Anyway, since I work in a high school I've been stuck at home all week and I'm getting a little cabin fever and it is feeding my depression. I've been bad about eating and I've been spending my days in bed with Oprah and her new network channel.

    Yesterday I went 1060 calories over thanks to dinner from Ocharleys. I'm hoping to get back on track today but I tend to get the munchies when I stay at home. I'm halfway through my 30 day challenge with ea sports active but bored with it and didn't exercise yesterday either. I'm trying to decide if I should finish it or can it and move onto something I know I like sorta like, as much as I sorta like exercising (turbojam). Cheers to 49 of the 50 states having snow.

    Go team ed.

    Sorry the days are not being diet friendly... Hoping it gets better! And, if you are bored and know you won't do it, I say switch to something you know you enjoy doing, you'll be more likely to stay commited.
  • Wow - I guess this is what I get for having a sick kiddo on Monday - took me until today to find this!

    The last 2 days most of my exercise has come from shovelling snow, and I also did about 20 minutes on my elliptical last night. As today is Wednesday, I work at my part time job - so about 3 & 1/2 hours on my feet moving, twisting, lifting, etc...

    Glad to have found y'all again!!! Don't hide from me again.... EVER! :angry: :laugh:

    *peeks around corner* Is it safe to come out??? :laugh: Great job on the exercise, every little burn adds up!! *muah*
  • Checking in...water is the hardest part for me! I usually only get 5 or 6 glasses in and it's never regular water, it's always Propel Zero!! The 30 minutes cardio is easy. Just getting ready to do some Wii Fit! Thanks for the words of encouragement too. It's a big help!!
    Everyone, keep up the good work, and if it's cold where you are like it is in Pittsburgh, stay warm!!!

  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    Good Morning :-)

    I've been slacking with the water...going to get 9 glasses today!

    Been good on the workout front...

    My biggest challenge today comes at dinner..we're going on a double date and I'm budgeting my cals so I can have a few glasses of wine and something relatively tasty...going to do my best to stay under.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Man I burned some calories today...shivering my butt off. I guess there are some downsides to working in the construction industry...:P Other than that it's a rest day, so it'll be nice to take it easy and not have to worry about squeezing in a workout. "Back to work! Back to work! Work, work, work, work! Work, work!"
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Ed, great job on the coffee. I'm sure at some point I will have to give up mine as well, but I'm just not ready yet.
    Lou, you are so motivational :):heart:
    I drank all my water yesterday, but it was date night, so I went over on my calories and didn't go to the gym.
    Today will make up for it though, SCUBA at work, elipitcal after work, then belly dancing. Today I will be far under my calories :)
    woo hoo!
    Great job everybody.. this group is awesome :)
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Killed myself working out so that's down. Goals is to drink a boatload of water to flush and stick to the plan on my diary!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    8 glasses of water today (and will hopefully get 2 more in today), stayed far under my cals, so it was a good day.
    Hope everybody is doing good. =^_^=
    And thumbs up for Ed and him fighting his coffee creamer addiction. You know you can resist, sweetie! *smooches*
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    well, I have 7 waters under the belt so far. And I did my run as scheduled.

    However....I binged again....:cry:

    About 2000 calories between 11:30 and 1:30.
    Way over on everything.
    :grumble: :frown: :sad: :blushing:
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    Great workout last night with another one planned tonight. Water is going great.
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