Do we all become narcissistic when we reach our goal?



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I am currently a size 6, 140lbs and insecure. I'm insecure due to the fact that I have cellulite and since its something that doesn't go away I will always be insecure. I don't think I would be considered self absorbed because I ask "do I look fat in this?"...because the fact is that if you have anything that can roll or pooch over jeans, etc that IS our fat and yes a size 6 can look better in different jeans or a different dress. I think there are those who KNOW with out a doubt they look good, but there are those who are like me...insecure and struggling w/ it and have been since I was in Jr. High, but I don't make ppl think I am fishing for compliments cause Im just expressing how I feel

    I'm the same way. I may be tiny and everyone always says that I'm cute and all. But you won't ever see a close up of my stomach. The mommy pooch just isn't going to go away and the stretchmarks never will as well. As much as I'd like to wear a bikini again...without some outside help, it's just not going to happen.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I am sure that for a few it is narcissistic in nature but I think that for the vast majority it is just pride. We work our *kitten* off (literally) - it isn't easy - and when we succeed we want to share our success. Unfortuntely at 183 pounds I still see a 333 pound woman in the mirror a lot of the time, some day I'll get over that.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    People who ask that are self-conscious... when you reach your goal you'll be so confident in your body and your abilities that you won't need to =)

    ^ this! I've worked hard and if people want to think narcissistic, I really don't care, lol. Life is too short to be hung up on something like that.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm thinking of starting my own website of "All Things Road Dog." Working on a theme song now. Going to be lot's of pictures. Letters.
    Six Degrees of Road Dog.
    Road Dog Trivia.
    Do You Remember Where You Were When Road Dog Reached His Goal?

    Good Stuff. Like That.

    A special VIP section.
    Twitter Page.

  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Yes they did and I think its a GREAT way to show that it can be done w/ hard work.
    Then again, some of us have worked hard to lose the weight and are still working hard to get toned the way we want and are taking progress pictures along the way.

    It seems very hard to say what would constitute Narcissism vs just posting weekly/bi-weekly/monthly update pics.

    I do post updates and I certainly hope I'm not coming across that way. I post the images to show my friends and myself that I'm still trying and that I AM making progress.

    If I offend anyone, then I'm sorry, but I'm still working hard to get where I want to be.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    YES MAM!!! I agree! I had a baby and have stretch marks (insecurity), I have cellulite (insecurity) and guess what...I'm a SIZE 6 and may look small to some and may look fat to some, but I will always have those insecurities.
    Yep - I flex like a mad woman every morning in front of the mirror while getting ready for work.
    And I love it!
    Call it narsissistic - I think of it as enjoying all of my hard work.

    Oh - and I still have body issues - even if I'm thin.
    I'm a total freak!
    Love it!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I like when people post their photos. It is inspirational! As for the "do I look fat and I am a size 6": I don't believe the majority of people are being narcissistic. I think it is very common for individuals to feel uncomfortable in their own skin after being heavy. In fact there are thin people that are uncomfortable in their skin for one reason or another. If it bothers you, don't look at the before and afters. Easy enough! :)

    listen i was just throwing it out there, no need to be nasty...i love looking at the success stories and I'm not necessarily talking about this website either...
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Then again, some of us have worked hard to lose the weight and are still working hard to get toned the way we want and are taking progress pictures along the way.

    It seems very hard to say what would constitute Narcissism vs just posting weekly/bi-weekly/monthly update pics.

    I do post updates and I certainly hope I'm not coming across that way. I post the images to show my friends and myself that I'm still trying and that I AM making progress.

    If I offend anyone, then I'm sorry, but I'm still working hard to get where I want to be.

    Meeee too! I still love looking at others success stories too even though I'm almost at my goal, it's still inspiring to see other people's success' too.... you can't help but feel excited for others after reading their success stories! Just because your a size 6 doesn't mean that you suddenly are the most confident person in the world. I know I, as have many MANY other people on MFP have worked very very hard for our accomplishments, and I'm sure anyone of us would be lieing if we said we don't like to get recognition for our achievments!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm thinking of starting my own website of "All Things Road Dog." Working on a theme song now. Going to be lot's of pictures. Letters.
    Six Degrees of Road Dog.
    Road Dog Trivia.
    Do You Remember Where You Were When Road Dog Reached His Goal?

    Good Stuff. Like That.

    A special VIP section.
    Twitter Page.


    hahah It will be EPIC! I'll be all over that...
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I do this already - so yes. :smokin:
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Who was this Q to?
    How did you lose your baby weight so fast? I have been trying like crazy for months. I do realize that I had twins and they are only 9 months old but geeze it is taking me forever.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Is there a little flexing in mirror after a work out? Did I run to the "Man Thread" and announce that I just put up 225 on the bench press? Was my status on FB about how I ran 10 miles for the first time?

    I've done all of those things. However, I don't think it makes me a narcissist....just proud. Much of that is stuff I never thought I would accomplish in my adult life. I've had the "is this over the top" debate before posting something. But what wins out is maybe I can inspire someone. I KNOW what it's like to look and fell like crap, and to feel like crap about yourself. If I can inspire and cheer other people on to their fitness goals, confidence, and self esteem, it's not narcissism....just motivation.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have found that no matter what size I am, I stare in the mirror, suck it in, figure out which way to walk to make me look better, etc. I did this when I was a size 20, I did this when I was a size 6, I do this now as a size 8/10. For me, it's not really a "wow I look good" thing, but I was fat so long and endured so much during that time (I was fat in school and all the kids made fun of me, and no, I was not paranoid cause I could hear them and sometimes they'd do it to my face!) that I want to give myself a confidence boost by looking in the mirror and saying, "hey, I am not the same person anymore, so it's time to cheer up and walk with confidence!" Because if I don't do that, I will undoubtedly feel fat again even though I am not.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I can't speak for everyone else....but YES I am narcissistic after my weightloss!! :laugh:


    PS--I look really good typing this right now. LOL
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lol YEAH laughingdani! thank-you for being honest! :bigsmile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    lol YEAH laughingdani! thank-you for being honest! :bigsmile:'s a gift!! bah ha ha!!
  • TulsaTim
    I can't speak for everyone else....but YES I am narcissistic after my weightloss!! :laugh:


    PS--I look really good typing this right now. LOL

    You ROCK!! We love you Dani!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Because I like talking about myself so much I would like to share a quote (I came up with myself) and my current status here on MFP with you guys.

    "I don't like looking at the girl in the mirror; the girl in the mirror likes looking at me."
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I do that now :)
  • TulsaTim
    Because I like talking about myself so much I would like to share a quote (I came up with myself) and my current status here on MFP with you guys.

    "I don't like looking at the girl in the mirror; the girl in the mirror likes looking at me."
