Do we all become narcissistic when we reach our goal?



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Because I like talking about myself so much I would like to share a quote (I came up with myself) and my current status here on MFP with you guys.

    "I don't like looking at the girl in the mirror; the girl in the mirror likes looking at me." are simply poetic. Plus, you made me spew my water across my laptop while laughing. So thank you. But, I looked AMAZING doing it. Had there been a mirror, I would have winked at myself while doing it...Just sayin...
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Because I like talking about myself so much I would like to share a quote (I came up with myself) and my current status here on MFP with you guys.

    "I don't like looking at the girl in the mirror; the girl in the mirror likes looking at me." are simply poetic. Plus, you made me spew my water across my laptop while laughing. So thank you. But, I looked AMAZING doing it. Had there been a mirror, I would have winked at myself while doing it...Just sayin...

    That's my girl!! I bet you looked radiant glistening in the water spray. :wink:
  • Corbinsmom
    I love the pictures of peoples progress, so if anyone wants to share them send them to me. I find it exciting and inspiring. Y'all are a bunch of amazing people!!!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    New here and thought I'd chime in. I don't think we become narcissistic but there's a little vanity involved. It's part of looking and feeling good. We want others to see it too.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    The big thing to me is that its something new. Something and someone I've never seen before. Pass the mirror, walk backwards...who in the world really is that? Before my profile picture used to be a picture of my son, my dog, my I post of me and I still do a double take. I thank God! Its the shock that it actually happened! This new person is here and I'm hanging on tight. Don't leave! Please! Ha ha! Plus I really do love seeing other people's pictures! :o) I love success stories! Who doesn't? Ha ha! :o)
  • RainyDayProphet
    I can't speak for everyone else....but YES I am narcissistic after my weightloss!! :laugh:


    PS--I look really good typing this right now. LOL

    You, my dear, crack me up!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i think it can be percieved as narcissistic but its more of feeling accomplished. i think true friends wont see it that way because they'll be happy for us, although there are some people who just get the big head and do become that way. Now me on the other hand was at my most awesome 20lbs ago and as my awesomeness decreases i'll probably be less likely to post because of all the extra sexiness i lost. . *i kid*
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I have lots of profile of my kids also
    i took out my before pics since it has been 3 yrs.... and as much as I should probably leave them as inspiration......i am embarrased....just the truth!

    I don't consider myself stuck up now..I don't post 300 pics of myself on FB...LOL
    I post pics here so u can see what I look like (body) because it is a FITNESS website...people are interested in loosing and maintaining weight.....I have seen people's pics or weight loose and have PM' questions

    Ok, i'm probably made no sense
    BUT I do have a friend who has ALWAYS been a size 6 and for 15+yrs *****es she is fat.....even when I was 20+ pounds heavier
    so I don't think people mean to offend or are saying anything about you when they are talking/venting anbout themselves

  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    The first thing my husband and I did when we reached our fitness goals was call up our favorite photographer and book a photo session... some pics with clothes (as I have posted here and on facebook) and some without (hanging in our bedroom). It was an AMAZING experience... very fun... our photographer made us feel like we were superstars.

    And we plan on doing it AGAIN (for the third time in as many years) to celebrate our next set of goals.

    I don't have a need to ask if I look fat. I'm not. However, I do consider how clothes fit my body because my shoulders and arms don't fit my waist measurements (have to constantly take in the waist on my jackets). So my question isn't whether the clothes make me look fat... but whether they don't show off my best assets.

    I work very hard for my body. I like the fact that my teenage girls have grown up hearing their mom state out loud "I LOVE my body" and mean it. I like the fact that my girls say the same thing about their bodies.

    I don't see pride in achievement as narcissistic as long as it isn't intended to point out others flaws.


    You deserve the kudos and recognition. And the world could use more people who are happy with their bodies. Trust me.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Although some people might say I dont need to lose anymore weight I think they have **** in there eyes!!! When I tell them how much more I need to lose to be in the healthy body weight , there eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. But as I move down and work out I can feel the muscles in my *kitten* and legs and everytime I get up I cant help but feel myself. The way I look at it, its mine and I do whatever the hell I want.
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I work very hard for my body. I like the fact that my teenage girls have grown up hearing their mom state out loud "I LOVE my body" and mean it. I like the fact that my girls say the same thing about their bodies.

    Too many great posts in here to quote them all. But,

    And yes, at any and every size, most of us have issues/insecurities etc. I've been known to be thought of as narcissistic when I was at my heaviest, so I may be thought to be more so when I reach goal, lol. But a lot of it, like has been said is probably just a boost in confidence. Feeling better about yourself. I'm doing this for me and my health. I will post progress pics and hope that I encourage someone along the way.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I'm thinking of starting my own website of "All Things Road Dog." Working on a theme song now. Going to be lot's of pictures. Letters.
    Six Degrees of Road Dog.
    Road Dog Trivia.
    Do You Remember Where You Were When Road Dog Reached His Goal?

    Good Stuff. Like That.

    A special VIP section.
    Twitter Page.


    Ooohh....where do I order the official "Road Dog" T-shirt???? :love:

    I'll look sooooo good in it!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I am an unapologetic photo *kitten*. I enjoy it, it's fun... I can keep those pics on my harddrive till the 12th of never and look back to see where I've come. I take pics with friends, my family, by myself... I don't really care. It's not narcassistic, or me trumpeting on about how great I am... It's just a photo. I spent years being a recluse and not wanting any lasting memories of myself and now I regret it.

    If taking pics is what you do, then heck... Do it. I know my MFP friends love a good updated photo every once in awhile. It's inspirational to see how far people are coming.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I think we should all post photos, all the time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with showing your progress. Flex your muscles if you want, have someone take a picture of you every time you go out in a new clothing size or every time a new muscle appears. I haven't reached my goal yet and there are already plenty of pictures on my profile. I've got some I'm not so proud of (me at my heaviest) and some where I am obviously very happy with the way things are going. This is a site for support, Gillian, not a place to judge people. I think you confuse pride with narcissism, as others have stated.

    That being said, heck yeah I'm vain. Some days I still hate the way I look, but I want to eventually love myself, and after all this hard work, nobody is going to make me feel ashamed for feeling completely and utterly hot. You'll have to excuse me while I go and make a collage of pictures of me to put up in the living room. :wink:
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    On the topic... this is me at the gym yesterday. Photo snapped by my hubby.


    Not bad for a 40-something year old.

    Yes, I am pleased with my hard work and I have no issue with posting it. :smile:
  • sdtul
    sdtul Posts: 24
    Yep - I flex like a mad woman every morning in front of the mirror while getting ready for work.
    And I love it!
    Call it narsissistic - I think of it as enjoying all of my hard work.

    Oh - and I still have body issues - even if I'm thin.
    I'm a total freak!
    Love it!
    Ha ha ha ha, I TOTALLY check myself out in the mirror when getting ready in the morning ..... And when I put away laundry ...... or basically anytime I'm in front of my bedroom mirror ;)

    I don't flex in front of shop windows or anything, so maybe I'm only half narsissistic :D
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm thinking of starting my own website of "All Things Road Dog." Working on a theme song now. Going to be lot's of pictures. Letters.
    Six Degrees of Road Dog.
    Road Dog Trivia.
    Do You Remember Where You Were When Road Dog Reached His Goal?

    Good Stuff. Like That.

    A special VIP section.
    Twitter Page.


    Ooohh....where do I order the official "Road Dog" T-shirt???? :love:

    I'll look sooooo good in it!

    You should probably rock those guns in the Official Road Dog Tank Top. Available soon at no cost when you sign up for the official Road Dog Web Cam site.

    But wait, if you order in the next 24 hours, we'll throw in a second set free. (You just pay separate S & H)
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Progress pics don't make you narcissistic and taking more pictures than you might have before, probably not...

    Taking 100 pics a day and saying 'look at me, look at me' ...yea, maybe.


    When I originally lost weight...I was more eager to jump into group photos, didn't mind getting my picture taken and yes took those self photos. :laugh:

    Now that I have had a baby and packed on (too much) baby weight, I am back to square one...but I am really glad I took those pics when I was thinner and healthy, they are serving as inspiration now.

    Just don't get annoying and too self involved and you'll be fine!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I'm thinking of starting my own website of "All Things Road Dog." Working on a theme song now. Going to be lot's of pictures. Letters.
    Six Degrees of Road Dog.
    Road Dog Trivia.
    Do You Remember Where You Were When Road Dog Reached His Goal?

    Good Stuff. Like That.

    A special VIP section.
    Twitter Page.


    Ooohh....where do I order the official "Road Dog" T-shirt???? :love:

    I'll look sooooo good in it!

    You should probably rock those guns in the Official Road Dog Tank Top. Available soon at no cost when you sign up for the official Road Dog Web Cam site.

    But wait, if you order in the next 24 hours, we'll throw in a second set free. (You just pay separate S & H)

    His name is Roaddog
    He rides a hog
    He'll squeeze your throat
    and you'll sound like a frog

    He wears black leather
    because he can
    He post on MFP
    He's a weight losing mother of a man.

  • fitmom125
    Personally I love seeing those photos and hearing the stories. I find it inspiring and motivating.

    Also, I don't think its narcissistic to be proud of your accomplishments.

    I agree. AND I will be flaunting every chance I get.