No-BInge Challenge



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    This is my fifth day binge free
  • spindowntime
    THAT'S AWESOME POORCOPIES...5 days is great!!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I will join! I haven't binged for the last 4 days, so my goal starting from this past Monday will be to stay binge free until February 22... and beyond! :)
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Great job everyone! Today will be day 13 no binge (when I finish the day of course, lol)
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Well, I am ashamed. I was doing so well then I just lost control :( I guess this means my new goal date is February 27. I just feel so weak at the moment. I hate how, during a binge, I know I'm doing it, and I know I should stop, but I just.... can't. I hate that food has so much power over me. Back on track tomorrow though. I'm planning to exercise and eat healthy and under NO circumstances will I end up bingeing :)
  • gavinsmama
    hello all fellow foodies..I need your support! Total binge last night, like every sunday is. Mondays truly suck. Im sick of this! I have done so well since starting this site 20 days ago. But I just cannot get a handle on my binging. Total loss of control, embarrasing, debilitating. I literally ate 3000 cals over yesterday, and yes I took the time to log it. I may have over estimated some things because obviously I didn't measure hands were too busy shoveling the **** in my face. SO nasty. However. I am doing better now. I am actually up and moving, and the pain in my stomach has stopped. I was sure my stomach would burst last night. UGH..and now my food log is private, Im just too embarrased. But. yes I have come along way, but this isnt normal. I hate it. I will go to zumba. I will get back on track. I can do this....i think..
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    There's nothing to be ashamed of, just get yourself together and get back on track! We all have days like that.

    This week for me has been so challenging! I've been so hungry everyday and am eating every possible calorie I can, I haven't gone over, but yesterday and today I was basically out of calories after lunch! But once I exercised I was able to get a few more calories so I could eat some dinner.

    I still have not had a binge, but this week has definitely been trying for me and I've wanted to binge. I'm trying to stay strong. This coming Sunday will put me at 21 days of no binges, so I really need to keep pushing myself this week and get past these cravings.

    Stay strong!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    mind if i join?

    my problem losing weight is definitley binging late at night in my dorm and at home on the weekends. up here at uni, i get a lil bored at nights, as im not the partyparty type when many are, and that makes me trek to the shop nearby for munchies :(

    at home, well, my family loves their food, no denying it. friday is traditionally takeout night, when i get home from uni and my dad and sister from work. then my dad always brings yummy sweets in for me on those days, cause god bless him, he thinks im wasting away up here at school without him and mum!

    anyways, i can eat farely well when im trying to lose weight during the day but then i get the binge itch at night, and i really want to stop that.

    so DAY 1 starts now (or rather in 14 minutes when it is midnight) :smile:
  • spindowntime
    So I feel like I'm honestly back to Day 1 although the calorie quantity and 'loss of control' feelings have significantly decreased. I still eat too much at one time, not quite making myself physically sick but still feeling disappointed that I ate way over cals. I'm going to record some reasons here (for myself and everyone else) why I don't want to binge any more. Please add to this list if you would like, it will just help to strengthen my resolve! Here goes...

    When I binge I feel:
    Mentally ashamed, angry and disappointed with myself.
    Physically I feel sick, I don't sleep well, I wake up feeling sick like my body processes were not able to give my body the rejuvenation that sleep is supposed to give you. This as I know (bc of my nutrition studies) is because my body was too busy trying to do something with my late night calorie consumption to revive all the other systems.
    Overall, I just know I am ready to be over it and I REALLY need to work on replacing the loneliness/boredom/stress that I am left with when I am alone at next post will be figuring out those replacements!

    I'll be back later! :)
    (please add to this post :)
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    count me in. binging has made me gain so much weight. i don't want to binge today and i don't want to go over my calorie limit either. declaring this a binge-free weekend for all of us!
  • CountryGrrrrl
    I am joining this challenge! I can do just fine all day while I am at work (except on those days when teacher co-workers bring goodies and leave them in the teacher's lounge).... but about 6pm I binge and eat almost my entire days calories over again. I have been using MFP for 3 days on my iphone, and it is certainly helping. Maybe this will be the extra push I need. :D
  • skinnyforspring
    I'm joining this challenge too! Starting more binges for me! Yay!
  • fh_sacs
    Glad to have found this challenge, something extra to keep me on track!
    Yesterday was about the 10th day I've been using MFP, happily logging my food intake, keeping to myself mostly on the site. Often times with my exercise included I'm below my calorie intake so I've been happy with my progress thus far. Yesterday however, I was reminded as to how I ended up in this mess of weight gain again. Binge eating.
    Yesterday at 1pm I started eating and didn't finish till about 1am. One high anxiety event in the afternoon lead me to feel like a bottomless pit that could not be filled, and trust me, I tried!
    Today I have a bit of a food hangover but I am getting past it. I am sharing this with others for the first time, because I don't want the guilt of binging to hold me down for another day.
    I am starting a blog, for self expression mostly but am opening it up to people who are also struggling with OVER eating their feelings.
    I am independent and I am strong and
    I need some support. I hope by sharing and not hiding, the thrill of sneaking and binging will subside.
    Basically, this is me, reaching out.

    I've title my blog "Binging on Acceptance, Purging Guilt"

    This is day 1 of my no-binge LIFE.
    Best wishes for everyone.
  • spindowntime
    I am back to reporting and I am back to day 1. On thursday I was 5 days binge free and I felt invincible which is definitely a trend for me. I get to 4 or 5 days and I think nothing will throw me off. Then Friday night comes along and I think I deserve to indulge since I'm not going out drinking or having a decadent dinner out. In reality I am lonely and sad that my social life is so lacking so I am eating my loneliness. It starts out quite innocently with something chocolaty but low cal and quickly it escalates to be somewhere around 1000-2000 cals. Generally, I stop counting and try not to think about how many calories it actually is. In the past month I have started to record my binges on MFP. This is a new step for me and I think it's a positive one because I am admitting it to all of you and not trying to pretend it never happened. In my food diaries, a binge happened on any day when recording was normal all day long then at the bottom I do a quick add calories for 1000-2000 calories. I don't want to do this anymore so why do I??? I know it's a problem, I've admitted it and I know it's hindering my weight loss. I don't restrict foods which was previously a source of binging. I don't have days when I only eat 800 cals which was how I stayed thin before. Those very low cal days off set the binge days. In an effort to stop binging I have started eating normal amounts of calories most days.


    That was a bit of a rant, very disorganized...I am not offended if you couldn't read the whole thing.

    Thank you all for your support and I AM READY, LETS DO THIS, I AM GOING TO GO 21 DAYS WITHOUT BINGING AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also might stop weighing myself because I can't be effected by the number any more. As long as I am staying within calories and not binging, I am considering my days successes!!! JOIN ME :)
  • michelca
    This is such a great idea! I've started doing this, too. I'll be updating daily on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • jamima88
    jamima88 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm really suprised how many people actually do binge! I'm going to start this challenge too and see if it helps me. Today is day 1 of no binging. I'm going to aim for 7 days to begin with as I can't remember the last time I went a whole week with out stuffing my face!
  • SparksFly460
    I'd love to join....I'm 1 week binge free!

    My binges don't consist of just one huge meal...more like full blown full day pig outs. My last binge was Monday Feb. 28....I logged every calorie I ate....grand total was 7,023 calories through out the day. Which is high even for me...usually it's a "mere" 3,500 - 5,500 calories. Sometimes I binge for 2-3 days at a time. My recent worst was a 5 day insanity towards the end of Jan.

    One week.
    I'm happy.
    Haven't gone that long in ages.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I was away for a week it due to the lack of a blackberry app (GRRR!) I didn't track. Whilst I didn't binge, I didn't make the best choices but then I returned and because I had lost that control I went a bit mental and have binged a fair bit over the last week.

    Trying to get back on track now!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I did really well in February...until I hit my first 20lb loss goal. Since then i have been binging like i have never binged before. All day, every day. Chocolate, candy, popsicles, bread, pasta. You name it, I'll eat it. I need to get back on track. I feel sick just thinking about how good I was doing and then just throwing it all away.
  • SparksFly460
    Monday March 7th WOULD have been 2 weeks, but I had a terrible day today. But tomorrow will be day 1. Tomorrow WILL be day 1. NOT another day of binging.
