Why I dislike Gyms



  • TaneeisFitforLife
    He sounds like a sales man & not a PT :P
  • luv2dance81
    luv2dance81 Posts: 3 Member
    Trainers are supposed to support you in your weight loss goals and keep you motivated. Whether you can afford this guy or not, he made you feel bad about yourself and uninterested in keeping your fitness goals. Shame on him!

    Classes do work. I have only been to a gym once in my life. I'm a dancer, so dance classes and pilates are how I stay in shape. I had an injury last year, so I gained some weight while out with an injury and eating when I felt depressed. Now I'm back on track and my classes are working out just fine. Cardio is cardio whether you're doing it with a group instructor or a personal trainer. Don't let this jerk deter you! You'll show him.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I'm sorry to hear your experience was so bad, and that the trainer was rude and unprofessional. I'd let the manager or corporate office know.

    I encourage you to keeep on doing what works for you! I belong to the YMCA and I love it so I would recommend them or the YWCA if/when you'd have an interest in trying out a gym again in the future.

    Good Luck and keep on doing what you're doing :flowerforyou:
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I love the gym but won't use a trainer ever again. I had a similar experience well sort of, she had me doing lunges and squats across the gym like you I am shy mostly. She pushed me way to hard that day I literally could barely move the next day. I ever since then have not used a trainer plus unless they pursue more than the simple certification I WILL NEVER use one.
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    The whole reason they give you that "free" training session is to give you a fit test. That way they can show you how "unfit" you are and use it as a tool against you. I have been to a million different gyms, and I've had really good trainers and really sh*tty ones. But I just recently learned this little tactic. In fact, I was on the elliptical not even a week ago, in my zone, headphones on, and one of the trainers walks up to me and stares at me until I am forced to take my headphones off. He asks me if I want a "training session". I'm like get the hell outta here with that nonsense! But I said, "No thanks, I'm good" and off he went.

    I don't know why no one else said for you to contact the manager of the gym, but I would. You can do it anonymously if you wish, but the fact that he worked so hard to make you feel like that is BS. If he's doing that to you, he's definitely doing it to other people, whether they are 500 or 150 lbs, bet. You have to make the gym work for YOU, not the other way around.

    Don't give up girl! The gym can make you feel like superwoman. Try to remember that everyone there is there to better themselves, not to assess others' progress. Once you really believe that, you can Own It! Good luck :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    yeah, that guy is a douche, sorry about the bad experience!

    And please, don't worry about what other people at the gym are thinking about you. They are not thinking, why the hell is she here, they are thinking, good for her for deciding to make a positive change in her life! Keep going, and show that a*hole that it can be done going to classes and working the treadmill! I've never had a trainer, have done nothing but DVDs and classes and eating right and have lost a total of 70lbs over the past 4 years (also had 2 kids in that timeframe). It can be done!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Don't quit. Don't let one guy ruin your progress or get in your way. It was kind if a douche move to pressure you but turn it around use it to motivate you. Prove him wrong. There are more of us at the gym that support you than you know. If you have questions about an exercise or machine, just ask.
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    You know what?? You have to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. That is the only way that this change is going to last for you. That guy was a moron and that can be so upsetting and such a set back....I know!! I don't go to the gym anymore. I find that I hold back a bit while I am at the gym. I don't want everyone to see me pouring with sweat, or grunting in pain, or GASP, fail at something. I don't want peoples unsolicited advice, or to have to wait my turn. I want to work out when I want to, and I want it to hurt and feel great! I do this all at home, and with a much smaller investment then a gym membership. This is where I am comfortable and I get my best workouts!! Stick with it and find out what is best suited for you!! Good luck on your journey and don't let one *kitten* keep you from your goals.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How do they say, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. GO TO THE GYM.
  • lhollad
    I know exactly how you feel when you say you feel like everyone else is watching you. I'm pretty self-conscious, and I don't go to the gym. Sure, they have fancy machines, but I feel like walking outdoors is a lot more refreshing for me, and walking is great exercise. I have 2 dogs, so I've started walking them about 3 miles a day. I just got a bike for Christmas, and once it gets here, I'll be using that a lot as well. I have my 5 pound hand weights too, and I do simple, at-home exercises on my own. I don't like to feel like everyone is watching me, and I know that what I'm doing at home is just as good as at the gym.

    As for saying those classes won't help you, I think that trainer was full of it. They wouldn't offer the classes if they didn't think they'd be productive. The trainer was probably just trying to make it seem like his service was the only thing that would work for you. But you have to do what feels right for you, and not what anyone else says. Baby steps is my motto. I want to lose weight like crazy, but I know it's not just going to fall off right away. I just have to do a little at a time, set small goals for myself, and achieve them. I commend you for even going to see a personal trainer - I've never had the guts to do it! Keep up your own routine, and I know you'll see results.

    Good luck in your weight loss journey!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Don't let silly PTs discourage you. I have a PT and while he's good, once our 10 sessions are over, I'll go on my own. You can do plenty at the gym and trust me, I'd rather see a fellow big girl in the gym trying to lose weight and get into shape rather than a juice head pumping weights :)
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    PLEASE don't let it stop you! The same thing happened to me last week. I joined a gym close to my house and had been going only a few days before I got my "free" personal training session. It started off really well, and went downhill after we did a few exercises. I was not at all impressed with the sample workout and they were extrememly pushy for an answer. I told them I needed to speak with my husband as well and the lady started telling me about other clients of hers that say to hell with it and spend the money for the sessions behind their spouses backs. I was VERY turned off and didn't want to be pestered or have an awkward encounter with them the next time I went to the gym, but I went back anyways and am very content doing my own thing until I get more comfortable!