I'm going on a "Scale Diet" -- want to join me? LOL



  • silveryflutterby
    I'm a scale junkie! I can't do it!!!! LOL..

    Glad I'm not the only junkie. I weigh myself multiple times every day. I know you're not supposed to, but I'm just curious to see how it fluctuates. It kind of gives me an idea of what it will look like in the morning too. I doesn't bother me at all when it goes up a few pounds during the day. I realize that I've been eating and drinking and stuff. It's not that I'm hopping on to see if I've lost another ounce or anything...just curious and CAN'T stop! lol. I think it's a great challenge, though, cause some people are really bothered by those fluctuations. I don't think I could stick to it though! :) good luck everyone!
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member

    Not sure this is working for me. It took so much control not to jump on the scale and I think after a whole week my expectations were that I'd lose roughly a pound or two. When I got on the scale and it only showed a loss of 0.2 (huh?!), I was really disappointed.

    Oh me too, I restrained myself all week, and didnt get on the scales once..... got on this morning and have not lost :(

    so dissapointed!!! x
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Robin!

    We have the same opinion about calories and BMR, so I thought maybe I should join you on this one.
    Unfortunately I leave for Florida in 4 more days ....
    But I will weigh the morning after I return ..... and try to stick to the scale diet. You are right to some extent though...I always said that the daily fluctuations didnt bother me (and they didnt) but what I never realized is I may "let up" on myself when the scale is going in the right direction... like its ok to have that cookie because the scale says I am down...

    I need an intervention -- I weigh 3 times daily right now... and I KNOW its not healthy...

    Check back in then and let me know how it goes. You and I will really face the same challenges -- I'm heading to Phoenix for 8 days to spend with my sister. The bad thing is that I always eat more when I travel. The good news is that my sister wants me to really help her with a "biggest loser" week, so we'll be hiking, mountain climbing, and running ... and I have new workout routines to torment her with so we'll be active!

    Good luck and check back in to let me know how it went!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member

    Not sure this is working for me. It took so much control not to jump on the scale and I think after a whole week my expectations were that I'd lose roughly a pound or two. When I got on the scale and it only showed a loss of 0.2 (huh?!), I was really disappointed.

    Oh me too, I restrained myself all week, and didnt get on the scales once..... got on this morning and have not lost :(

    so dissapointed!!! x

    I was going to look at your food diary to try to help, but since you have it private, I can't do that. Not sure what went wrong, but don't despair! Give it another try and let me know how it goes. :)
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    me! me! me!.....pick me!!! haha, yeah I do the same thing and I will start on Sat too :)

    Yay! Check back in and let us know how it went!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    Hi. My name is Mary and I am a scalaholic.

    Until I started reading these posts, I never thought about how tied to that scale I am. So this week I am staying off that thing until FRIDAY. Thanks for the motivation.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Hi. My name is Mary and I am a scalaholic.

    Until I started reading these posts, I never thought about how tied to that scale I am. So this week I am staying off that thing until FRIDAY. Thanks for the motivation.

    You are FUNNY! Thanks for the morning laugh! Check back in and let me know how it went! Good luck!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok ... I am in.... of course I am not only going to have a hard time... but we all know that my weight will be up when I get back from vacation due to fluid retention, so not watching it is going to be incredibly hard!!

    But ...I am going to try it... maybe I will have better motivation!
  • helenamonks
    Already did, my day is tuesday! I do weight, fat %, water %, waist, hips, and bust!
  • ShellyBrew
    I have been bad the last several days...spending quality time with the scale...He is going to the back of the closet until Friday
  • kbairdphillips
    kbairdphillips Posts: 275 Member
    Me and my scale have been meeting pretty regular for the last several days1
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Okay! To those of you who joined in on this, how is it going? Still resisting the urge to step on the scale more than once a week?
    Let's hear those updates!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oooh Trainer Robin ... I am ready to start my scale diet after my weigh in on Monday!! :)
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Robin, as you know, I tried this diet for a couple of weeks but I dont think it works for me.... the longer I stay off the scale, the larger the number I expect and then I get disappointed. Getting on it once a day keeps me grounded to reality, I think.
  • Tina1128
    Tina1128 Posts: 37
    Hey -- I started doing this last Sunday -- planning on do it until EAster. Also giving up all sugar(in its many forms!!), and coffee. Adding daily prayer and minimum of 30 min of exercise daily.

    BUT -- I've committed to not weighing at ALL until Easter. SIgh -- already challenging! I told my husband to hide the scale -- and he so didn't get it!! Very hard but that's a good thing. Right? LOL:tongue: