Lies I told myself



  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I love this thread! Very funny.

    I'm still doing it now! I am two weeks into MFP and have lost 5 lbs. But I haven't *really* lost 5 lbs because I didn't weight that much in the first place. LIE!!!!
  • granitegirl

    9. Food eaten at Christmas parties has 0 calories, courtesy of Santa.

    LOL!!! I love this one!!! :laugh:
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    I have been told my whole life by my family that I am tall, and as such have a large frame, so my (larger) size is normal. I did this thing online last week where you measure your wrist to give you your frame size...and I am medium!!! Not even top end of medium, just... normal!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    HHHAHAHAHAHA.... How did you all know what I was thinking and believing? You were right in my head!
    Lies I was choosing to believe:
    1. I am tall and carry my weight well! Who can carry 233 lbs gracefully? Not me it turns out. Friends saying, "What! You're not fat, you're tall"

    2. Some people are meant to be big. I have a large frame! Yes I do! But it is hiding under a layer of fat!

    3. My body can't lose weight, it seems to come back to this weight all the time; every time I lose weight, even a little my body goes running back to that magical # 233! I even went to an Obesity specialist to get him to tell me that I was meant to be fat, that it is genetics. He wouldn't say it!

    4. I don't like exercise and I can't because of the arthritis in my knee, I need knee replacement surgery! I do like to be active, I feel better. And you can adapt exercises to protect your knees.

    Thanks for the thread.
  • mcwatsonus
    Wow.....thank you so much for posting this/
    I have been lying to myself for years. I don't eat that much, I don't look like I weigh 200 pounds. Every female in my family is thick so it's ok. I am not fat just thick.
  • snowfroggy
    If no-one seen me eating it it didn't count... Ermmm it all goes in and it all counts!
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    "the calories in alcohol are different and don't count"
    "i've had one slice of pizza/chocolate/other junk so i might as well have another since it will make no difference now''
    "walking to uni is as good as the gym''
    "breakfast is a waste of time and calories''
  • mutleyreid
    I don't look that overweight. Reality: Um, yes you do. I saw a picture of me and knew it was time to start getting serious.

    Yep that was me!

    Me too! And...

    ** Not everybody can be skinny...I've been skinny and it didn't last so I need to learn to be happy with being a "big" girl
    (that thinking only works if you like being larger and it's not causing you health problems. Not exactly right for me!)

    ** I'm already fat, so what difference does it make if I gorge one more time?
    (it's never one more time and the fat just keeps on coming...)

    ** I'm so stressed I really need to deprive myself of my only comfort too?
    (ummm...yeah...that's part of why you're stressed, depressed and otherwise unhappy)

    Yep all of those! Excellent thread.
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    That having a blow out takeaway 2-3 times a month is normal and perfectly acceptable.... so why is it that after my unavoidable (It really was, honest) chinese on saturday night I gained 3 pounds??!!! NEVER AGAIN!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    When someone mistook me for another woman I work with, I was mortified! What??? I'm nowhere near as big as O!!! (Fact is, yeah, I am that big!)

    I'll just eat this final bag of chips and then start back up for real tomorrow. (Reality is, I don't need that bag of chips and that by the time tomorrow came, I'd come up with another excuse to delay starting again for a week, month...etc.,)

    Of course I have to take blood pressure medicine! It's hereditary!!! My mother and her mother before her had blood pressure issues and they're not fat!!! (Reality, my blood pressure issues probably aren't helped by this excess weight at all. And, there's a very real possibility that I take after my "blood - pressure - of - an - 18 year-old - dad!)
  • granitegirl
    "the calories in alcohol are different and don't count"

    LOL another one I still try talking myself into believing!!:sad:
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    My biggest lie and obstacle,"I've never been skinny so I must be destined to be fat forever. This is just how my body is supposed to look."

    yep me too!
  • Trafty024
    Trafty024 Posts: 57 Member
    When I've tried tracking calories/points before, I'd tell myself that if I didn't track it and no one else knew I ate it then it wouldn't matter... no wonder why I didn't lose anything. This time around, I track everything no matter what. Just because I don't track it doesn't mean it didn't happen!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    So many of these hold true for me as well! Wow! How about, I am eating healthy I don't know why I am not losing weight when I am eating 2 to 3 times what a portion really should be! Talk about a wake up there.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    "the calories in alcohol are different and don't count"

    LOL another one I still try talking myself into believing!!:sad:

    I will just count the calories, I still need some once in awhile. I even bought Bud Select 55, it is the longest a 6 pack has stayed in my fridge (lol)
  • rvrtwngrl
    rvrtwngrl Posts: 3 Member
    How about the emotional one " I deserve to eat what I want." Life has been unfair to me so I should be able to eat what I want! That's a big one for me, changing my mindset to I deserve to look and feel good!!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Lie I'm not that fat-- Truth I'm only 12lbs away from one of the contestants on the biggest loser.

    Lie It's ok to eat like this once in a while. -- Truth, once in a while turns into 3/4 days a week.

    Lie it's only one chocolate cookie. ---Truth one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one after dinner.

    Ohhh Boy!!! I could go on and on and on.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    My biggest one has always been that because all the people on my dad's side are huge, I have no choice but to be big. If I had maintained my weight for the last 10 years, I could even manage that, but since I spent those years gaining, I think I better see the light and realize that just because they don't know how to handle food (and don't exercise) doesn't mean I have to be the same way.
    Oh I spent 7 of those 10 years blaming the weight gain on birth control too... When I changed methods, I expected to stop gaining. Um, can you say, REALITY CHECK!
    I just needed to get off my lazy behind and get moving!
  • meanbmc
    meanbmc Posts: 28
    it's hereditary! my dad's family is all big, and i'm just like them. reality-i was the same size as my little mom, until i tood prednisone for 2 1/2 years, and packed pounds onto my already overweight body! now, i have to attempt to work it off. reality-it IS very hard to exercise when you have truly bad joints. but there are still some things you can do! i spent the money and bought a horse-he's great exercise, especially cleaning the corral!!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Samples don't count! Do you have any idea how many calories can be eaten in one morning at Sam's Club!? It is dangerous!