Lies I told myself



  • tristahenry
    "I don't need to lose weight as long as I still get hit on when I go out." - Yikes! That one's embarassing.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    "I don't need to lose weight as long as I still get hit on when I go out." - Yikes! That one's embarassing.

    LOL Nice one
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    'Well I dont look my size - I mean check out them people (insert chatshow name here) who say they weigh the same but are four dress sizes bigger...' yeah they may be big..ger, but that dont mean I'm a skinny minny!

    'it runs in my family' and the classic 'i think my bones are very, very dense, and thats why I still look normal but weight so much' - yeah, erm, no! Then you see the pictures on fb (you know the ones, taken from a side angle that you didnt pose for) and BAM, reality comes crashing back... that 'oh god I feel sick' moment as I like to call it ! :D
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    "I don't need to lose weight as long as I still get hit on when I go out." - Yikes! That one's embarassing.

    YES! I still half believe this...
  • unckat09
    Please,I did not gain weight... the dryer shrunk my clothes:bigsmile:

    Hahaha yes! I told this to myself alllll summer.
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    HaHaHaHa very funny thread guys!! Thanks for posting!! :D
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    "These clothes don't fit. The dryer must have shrunk it." - I used to say this as a joke, but deep down I wanted to believe it. I may not be a perfect housekeeper, but I'm pretty sure I know how to do laundry correctly!

    "My mom is heavy, so I'm destined to be heavy too." - Not true, my mom left herself go, that doesn't mean I have to!

    "I've been good all week, so I deserve this." - You can treat yourself, just don't be a pig about it and derail everything you've worked for all week.

    "I'm too tired/stressed to workout." - That may be true, but you need to make time for yourself, for your own health... it's much more productive than lounging on the couch as "me time."

    "The weight's not coming off, so I just give up." - Don't be a quitter! Everything in life takes some effort!

    "I'll never look like those skinny models, so why bother?" - Do you have to look like a model to feel good about yourself? What about the other things your body can accomplish.

    "I'm not working out because my fiance wants to, but we just don't have the time." - Some old philosophy, if a friend jumps off a bridge, do you have to as well? Be accountable for yourself!

  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    Well this if my first time posting, I have read many post but this is the first one I really want to reply to. I have just started MFP and this is my 6th day counting calories. I am going to print this out and hang it on my fridge or cabinets as a reminder to myself! So here I go...I need to confess....that I have been lying to myself for years.

    Lie #1 - "I don't have time to exercise, I have kids!"
    Truth - I have plenty of time, in between waiting for them to get out of their sports or other extra curricular activities I could have walked on for 30-45 minutes.

    Lie #2 - "I can't afford to eat healthy or make dinners just or myself and feed my family whatever they want.
    Truth - We can all eat healthy, not just me!

    Lie #3 - "Wait till the kids go to bed and my husband is in the other room and I can sneak and eat whatever I want, no one will know!
    Truth - NOT!! Everytime I tried it my husband usually came back into the room and I felt like a little kid trying to hide something I knew I wasn't supposed to be doing. I need to count calories and make better choices.

    Lie #4 - "I have tried every diet out there and just can't stick with anything! I just can't do it!"
    Truth - I don't need to try "diets", I can do it, I just need to make a life change for myself to be healthier and eat healthier.

    Lie #5 - "I think my husband is ashamed of the way I look, I need to lose weight so he won't be" (he has never said this of course)
    Truth - I need to lose weight for ME, MYSELF, AND I!!!

    Lie # 6 - "I can't exercise at a gym, people will be staring at me, the fat girl!"
    Truth - Who cares! They don't live my life, I do!

    Lie # 7 - "I will start on Monday!"
    Truth - Monday never comes! I started counting calories on a Thursday night, 1/13/11 and have been counting everyday since!

    Thanks for letting me share! I can think of tons more but those are the main things that have really held me down in the past!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    It's such a little bite left no use saving it might as well finish it
    It's only one bite so I don't have to track it
    It's only this one time
    Thnaks everyone this is a great post and I think reading it everyday will help keep me honest with myself. :):):)
  • LauraMcGanity
    I'm tall, I can carry the extra weight. Yeah right.
    Okay so I'm not round, but I'm BIG. A
    And not big-boned either, I actually have a small frame underneath - my feet and hands are small.

    There's a tall slim girl hiding under a layer of flab, and it's time I let her out to play.:smile:
  • PuppyBandit
    Coffee with lots of powdered creamer and splenda doesn't count LOL.

    I use a lot of creamer and it counts! I still don't put it on myfitness pal, maybe I should start
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    That buying the bigger cut jeans in a smaller size means I am still that size, even though I could have plenty more choice in the next size up. DENIAL!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    "These clothes don't fit. The dryer must have shrunk it."
    That was similar to one my biggest lies that I used to tell myself (and almost everyone else).

    Number 1: "These clothes must have shrunk in the wash", and,
    Number 2: "HQ has gotten it wrong yet again. They keep sending me a uniform that's too small. Don't they know how to use a tape measure properly when they're fitting us for a new uniform?"
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    well at least my butts not that big Or is it If i need to compair guess what "my butt is too big"
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    Oh Lord, the lies Ive been telling myself....I was in SERIOUS self denial about my weight:

    Lie: Ive been obese all my life, it's meant to be.
    Truth: Ive been obese all my life because I made wrong choices all my life and that CAN change.

    Lie: God wants me to be fat since Ive tried and tried and cant lose weight.
    Truth: God has nothing to do with it, and I really havent tried 100% to lose weight. Ive made half-hearted attempts.

    Lie: Nobody can tell I weigh over 300lbs.
    Truth: EVERYONE can tell. I aint foolin' nobody!

    Lie: I used to lift weights so I'm in pretty good shape.
    Truth: Yeah, I used to lift weight and still can, but I can barely walk and move around - indications of NOT being in good shape!

    Lie: Surgery is my only option
    Truth: I CAN do this if I put all my efforts into it. But I have to make the effort, it wont come off just by wishful thinking.

    Lie: If I get a really bad illness, I'll have enough fat to survive it [yeah, I really did think that].
    Truth: The bad illness will likely be because of the fat and I would likely NEVER be able to survive it.

    Lie: I dont really eat all that much, I'm never hungry.
    Truth: Yeah, I ate A LOT - that's why I was never hungry!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    That i have to eat that last bit "there are starving children in the world" boy is that an old one that gets a lot of air time
    really me eating that is going to help anyone how about i dont buy junk food for a month and use that money to buy food for my local food bank..
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    These are all great! It takes a lot of courage to admit that change has to come from within and that it's no one else's responsibility but your own.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    how about this for a opposite. this weight should come off so much easier.. It didn't get there in a year why do we think it should leave in 6 months. We should be making life long changes not just dropping pounds. Life long change take time be kind to yourself and just like we put on weight we will lose it.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    Well, I don't LOOK like I weigh 190 pounds............

    Seriously! ^^^

    Just because people say "O you don't look like you weigh that much" means I can continue to be a sloth and eat whatever feels good at the time.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    bahahaha! Yes..oh how many times that darn dryer shrank my jeans. Instead of how many times I was packing it on to my muffin top.