Looking for other P90 Support



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    etherah, glad to hear the P90 is working out for you. Your doing great.

    As of this mornings weigh-in at work, I'm down 14.4 pounds since 1/4/11.
    I'm on day 28 of Power 90 (my off day today...yeah!).
    I may try the dvd that came along with my Power 90 tonight...but keep it low keeled.

    It was a tough weekend. I cheated a little by having Filet Mignon and Sweet Potato fries on Saturday night (but did add a nice 30 minutes of incline treadmill to my P90 workout that day). And then Sunday morning after church we went out for breakfast. We went out every weekend in the past, and it had been a month since the last time, so I caved in. I had eggs, bacon, and a pancake. Not great...but not the end of the world either. I was really tired yesterday and didn't get any energy until last night after I worked out. I guess it was those pancakes. The cravings really kicked in too, but I kept them at bay! I'm learning those empty carbs just make me feel like crap!

    How are my other P90 buddies coming along?

    Feel free to join us if you haven't already. I also welcome you to friend me.


    P.S. - Results of a weight competition we are having at work.
    There are 9 of us that started on 1/4/11.

    1/31/2011/ Loss/ Total Loss/ Total %
    218.8/ -1.4/ 6.0/ 2.7%
    216.6/ -0.2/ 11.2/ 4.9%
    207.8/ -1.0/ 4.8/ 2.3%
    232.8/ 0.8/ 10.8/ 4.4%
    185.8/ -1.2/ 4.4/ 2.3%
    229.6/ -3.6/ 4.4/ 1.9%
    168.6/ 2.2/ 5.4/ 3.1%
    193.8/ 2.2/ 3.4/ 1.7%
    229.6/ 2.4// 14.4/ 5.9% (Me...leading the pack)
    1883.4/ 0.2/ 64.8/ 3.3% (total for the group)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Great job Mike! I'm into Day 5 of my Power 90 re-start and feeling fantastic. My shoulder is responding very well to the increased exercise, hardly any soreness now. I also got my new Polar FT4 in the mail today and LOVE IT! So much better than the crappy old Sportline I was using before. Turns out I was seriously underestimating my burn in Sweat 3-4. 617 vice 350. I can eat more, yay :) I also spent 34 minutes in zone out of 49, not bad once you take out the warm up and cool down and some of the ab ripper. So I had a great Power 90 day!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Brent. I saw elsewhere you were doing Power 90 over again. Not sure I understand. I know you hurt yourself a year ago doing X? Are you doing 3-4 for 90 days?

    Glad your Polar is telling you more calories too! I know when I talked to you before I got my Polar that 300-350 was about right. But I've been doing in the 500's for 1-2. My HR is usually in the Fitness Zone (>85%) most of the time, with a little bit in Fat Burning Zone (60% to 85%). I didn't understand if that was bad or good. Someone wrote me that its considered High Impact and it burned more calories.

    So my question is: If I'm trying to lose body fat first with Power 90, should I pause more often and get my HR lower so that it's in the Fat Burning zone...or keep pushing to do the whole workout without pressing pause?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Mike,

    I started Power90 back in September and hurt my shoulders in late October using too much weight and using too high of a chair for the decline push-ups and dips. I haven't done P90X yet though my goal is to get to it later this year after finishing Power90 and the Masters Series. I had already moved on to 3-4 when I hurt myself and have lent my 1-2 disc out so I will be doing 3-4 for the whole 90 days.

    As for the calorie burn, I am a simple man and try not to complicate things. The way I see it, as long as you're above the minimum HR you'll be fine. There's also been some recent research questioning the notion of the fat burning zone. The only time I'd worry about pausing or slowing down is if you're above the upper end of the target HR. I was bumping against the upper end a little bit last night and found that slowing my pace slightly brought my HR down enough so I didn't have to pause. In any event though, be sure to press pause if you need it whether for a break or to make sure you're using proper form.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Good advice Brent.

    My HR was up I think because I've upped my weights and am doing 15 reps. To keep good form, I go slower than Tony, so sometimes I'm rushing between sets to catch up. I think I'll be switching over to 3-4 next Tuesday on Day 36.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! May I join you?

    I just started week 2 (P90 levels 1-2) today. I did one round of P90 last year, but didn't complete the full 90 days. I don't like that I left it unfinished, so I'm going for a full round this time.

    I've modified the schedule a bit -- I'm doing 5 days per week instead of 6 (3 cardio days, 2 strength) because I like doing other things on the weekend (yoga, walking outdoors). I plan to do six weeks of level 1-2, six weeks of 3-4, and then six weeks of levels 5-6 which are part of the P90 Master's Series.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome Mande!

    Absolutely...glad to have you part of the P90 family.
    It's a good group of supporters we have here and we are there for you.

    Any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

    We look forward to hearing how you do.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks Mike :)

    If you're able to max out reps with Tony and the kids with increased weights it probably is the time to move on to 3-4. You can always go back to 1-2 if it's too much. I think you'll be fine though. I quit worrying about reps and just do as many as I can during the time allotted. Most times I'm right there with them, some less and some more. It all works out in the end. I'm debating upping my weights but am still leery of the shoulder. Maybe in another week or so.


    Of course! The more the merrier. Glad to see you're getting back on the Power 90 horse :) Friend request sent!
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    I've done 4 days of P90 so far and I'm liking it. I'm a little worried I'll get bored with doing the same two videos every other day though. Do you guys find you get bored?
    And just an update...I've lot almost 6 lbs so far this month!! Wooo!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Great job on losing 6 lbs.!

    I'm on day 30 today. It does get somewhat boring and I'm anxious to move to 3-4 (as is my son).
    But I figured I'll get bored with 3-4 too, especially since it would be for 60 days.
    So, honestly I try not to think about it. It isn't totally boring because I know I'm not doing everything in 1-2 100% perfect.
    I know I can increase reps or weights, or press pause less often.
    An the push-ups......heck, I only got on my toes for the first time last night.

    So my best advice is to look less at the video, and more at yourself as your doing the exercises, to check your own form and ability to give it your best. As long as you are able to keep improving, then put the challenge in your own head. That's what motivates me. If it's truely too easy to get through everything, and you know you gave it your best, then the boredom may be coming from the fact that your in better shape and should be doing something more intense.

    Just my thoughts. Anyone else? I know boredom is a common issue with the P90.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I just started P90 on 1/31. Tonight I will do my third workout. I did not like the yoga part of the Sweat DVD. I did about 2 minutes then fast forwarded...I get discouraged because I can not do yoga. Once we got to the legs, I was quite surprised that working out slowly made my muscles scream while doing all of those lifts. haha. You can feel the burn, that's for sure. I had previewed it the evening before (I hate surprises) and thought it was going to be too easy. I actually mentioned to hubby that perhaps I should just skip to P90X. He told me to give it a week or two. Glad I did because that workout was not the easy, peasy I thought it was going to be.

    Like Ethera, I am concerned I will get bored with the same two DVD's, but for now, WOW! I have also jogged/walked each morning before my P90 evening. I have gotten into the habit of that walk/jog on my way to work in the morning and truly enjoy that workout. I do not want to give it up and replace it with P90 indoors since this is a beautiful time of year to workout in Florida.

    Looking forward to the changes in my body others have had as a result of P90! Can't wait for the end result!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome mommaski4. Most people I talk to hate yoga.
    I also do...but the more I stuck with it, the better I got.
    It's the hard stuff we need to focus on......I know, easier said then done!

    The best advice I can give is to just keep pressing play, as Tony says.
    Get into a set routine and don't think about it.

    I know I still have a long way to go, but I look back to 4 weeks ago when I started
    and see how much easier (not easy) it's become. You will too!

    Stay excited about it and don't worry about getting bored.
    It's exercise and its doing great things for your body.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I couldn't agree more Mike, focus on your form and intensity and don't worry so much about the repetition. I like to watch the success story videos on the DVD. They help keep me motivated. Also, Tony's got a video clip on Team Beachbody where he goes on a small rant against the yoga haters. He says that if he had to choose only one type of exercise for the rest of his life, he'd choose yoga. The reason no one likes it is because it's hard. The reason it's hard is because WE NEED IT. Those muscles haven't gotten used like they should so it's tough but it DOES get easier. I've also found it makes work much easier for me. I'm a ship inspector in the Coast Guard and spend most days climbing, crawling, bending and wiggling into all sorts of weird spaces and since I began Power 90 and its yoga component it has gotten SO much easier to maneuver.
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    When I first did the sculpt video I thought, this is really easy. I'm not great at push-ups but I thought everything else was pretty good. Mind you, I only used 3-5lb weights so there's definitely room to grow there. The sweat video looks like it would be easy, but I actually found it a bit hard. I had to stop a few times and do the modified moves in a few spots. And I was quite sore the next day.

    I used to be in good shape before my surgery and in my mind, I still should be able to do the stuff I used to do. But in reality, I'm quite far off and in pretty bad shape!! I'm not bored with the videos yet at all and I know that there's a lot of room to improve. If down the road I start finding it too easy, then I have 3-4's to do and I've also got the master's series. But I'm getting ahead of myself now and I'll have to master 1-2 first before I go anywhere!!

    As for yoga, I understand where you're coming from. P90X's yoga was brutal! The hardest yoga I've ever done and it was 1 1/2 hr long! I have done a fair bit of yoga and pilates in the past, and I'm more of a pilates fan. I do enjoy yoga though and as hard as it can be while you're doing it, I always feel fantastic once I've done it.
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    I'm brushing off the dust of my P90 dvds that I've had for the last 3 yrs. I did it a few weeks in 2008, got bored, and quit. Today, I am starting P90 again with a new mind set and a bigger goal in mind. My son is turning 13 in June, so we are planning a trip to Florida to celebrate. I want the, "Is that your mom?" look when I go to the pool. :)

  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Some great feedback guys!

    Sharon, I'm so glad you decided to give it another try!
    Keep in mind what others posted here have been saying about getting bored.
    Just remember its not suppose to be entertaining us, it is up to US to keep it exciting by challenging ourselves to continually improve on the workouts we are doing and seeing the results that will come.

    Let us know if you need anything to keep you motivated. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Okay, okay... I will not fast forward the yoga part tonight. I promise! X my heart I will push through it. I am looking forward to getting in front of the video tonight. I have been aching gently all week so I know muscles are working hard.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Just remember its not suppose to be entertaining us, it is up to US to keep it exciting by challenging ourselves to continually improve on the workouts we are doing and seeing the results that will come.

    That's the best way I've ever heard it described Mike, mind if I steal it?
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Just remember its not suppose to be entertaining us, it is up to US to keep it exciting by challenging ourselves to continually improve on the workouts we are doing and seeing the results that will come.

    That's the best way I've ever heard it described Mike, mind if I steal it?

  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    My body is actually sore today. Wow! That's a good thing. Today I will do the Sweat 1-2 dvd. I think on the days that I have the sculpt, I will add at least 30 min. of cardio. Even though the dvd is 28 min. I felt like I needed to do something extra yesterday. Has anyone else felt that way, and are you seeing the results you want with only 3 days cardio?