Paleo/Primal way of eating = finally the truth revealed?



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.

    So, the Paleo diet is about following the diet of our hunter-gather ancestors except where it is convient not to? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.

    So, the Paleo diet is about following the diet of our hunter-gather ancestors except where it is convient not to? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.

    And thus endith the lesson.

    You have made up your mind and only have mockery and hate to offer here. Noticed you are unwilling to share your diet, to conveniently avoid any scrutiny? Which is fine.

    Speaking of straw man, isn’t the definition of straw man, setting up an untrue statement and then proving it wrong to bolster your own argument? My question to you is, who made you the arbitrator of what is and is not Paleo?

    And just so you know the definition of hypocritical is telling someone to do one thing then doing something else yourself. I don’t think you will find anywhere that I, Mark, or anyone here has ever said; to call yourself a follower of the Primal Blueprint, you must never, ever, ever, not even once allow dairy to touch your lips.

    Sounds like you have a problem with the word Paleo.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.

    So, the Paleo diet is about following the diet of our hunter-gather ancestors except where it is convient not to? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.

    And thus endith the lesson.

    You have made up your mind and only have mockery and hate to offer here. Noticed you are unwilling to share your diet, to conveniently avoid any scrutiny? Which is fine.

    Speaking of straw man, isn’t the definition of straw man, setting up an untrue statement and then proving it wrong to bolster your own argument? My question to you is, who made you the arbitrator of what is and is not Paleo?

    And just so you know the definition of hypocritical is telling someone to do one thing then doing something else yourself. I don’t think you will find anywhere that I, Mark, or anyone here has ever said; to call yourself a follower of the Primal Blueprint, you must never, ever, ever, not even once allow dairy to touch your lips.

    Sounds like you have a problem with the word Paleo.

    Again, if hunter-gathers didn't have milk, yet the creator of the diet says it's okay because he believes it's okay, isn't that hypocritical? Why aren't grains okay? Sure they weren't eaten by our ancestors but that obviously doesn't seem to the basis for the diet anyway if milk is allowed. Paleo Diet is what our ancestors did and did not eat, or so mark claims.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    YeaILift: A quick correction. There was a discovery a while back that proved that grains were farmed further back than originally thought, including the time period somehow magically deemed perfect by the Paleo crowd. The reaction was exactly what you'd expect. Nothing. It's like a cult that refuses to take in any refuting data. Cherry-picking, as you have nailed it in this thread.
  • mwhartley
    mwhartley Posts: 35
    I checked out both links. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    YeaILift: A quick correction. There was a discovery a while back that proved that grains were farmed further back than originally thought, including the time period somehow magically deemed perfect by the Paleo crowd. The reaction was exactly what you'd expect. Nothing. It's like a cult that refuses to take in any refuting data. Cherry-picking, as you have nailed it in this thread.

    I don't recall Paleo saying that they never ate grains way way back in time. They were limited and used in times of starvation.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    YeaILift: A quick correction. There was a discovery a while back that proved that grains were farmed further back than originally thought, including the time period somehow magically deemed perfect by the Paleo crowd. The reaction was exactly what you'd expect. Nothing. It's like a cult that refuses to take in any refuting data. Cherry-picking, as you have nailed it in this thread.

    Actually the “evidence” you refer to is an isolated grinding tool that “may” have been used to grind some grain, it actually had residue of tubers on it, so there was no clear evidence it was used to grind grain and no clear evidence it had any wide spread use if it was. Nice try,,,,,, I will give you credit for trying.

    Next time there is anything that might dispute something in the "paleo" lifestyle would you like the to be notified personally of the counter argument? Just because you didn't know there was refuting data does not mean it's not out there.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.

    So, the Paleo diet is about following the diet of our hunter-gather ancestors except where it is convient not to? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.

    And thus endith the lesson.

    You have made up your mind and only have mockery and hate to offer here. Noticed you are unwilling to share your diet, to conveniently avoid any scrutiny? Which is fine.

    Speaking of straw man, isn’t the definition of straw man, setting up an untrue statement and then proving it wrong to bolster your own argument? My question to you is, who made you the arbitrator of what is and is not Paleo?

    And just so you know the definition of hypocritical is telling someone to do one thing then doing something else yourself. I don’t think you will find anywhere that I, Mark, or anyone here has ever said; to call yourself a follower of the Primal Blueprint, you must never, ever, ever, not even once allow dairy to touch your lips.

    Sounds like you have a problem with the word Paleo.

    Again, if hunter-gathers didn't have milk, yet the creator of the diet says it's okay because he believes it's okay, isn't that hypocritical? Why aren't grains okay? Sure they weren't eaten by our ancestors but that obviously doesn't seem to the basis for the diet anyway if milk is allowed. Paleo Diet is what our ancestors did and did not eat, or so mark claims.

    Realy you should do some research before you come here making accusations. Hunter Gathers didn’t have gas fired stoves either, is it hypocritical if I bake my wooly mammoth in an oven?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is for YealLift;
    Funny how things work out, I just happen to be over on Marksdailyapple and noticed this thread about milk, I think this will open your eyes to relationship between dairy and Paleo.

    So, the Paleo diet is about following the diet of our hunter-gather ancestors except where it is convient not to? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.

    And thus endith the lesson.

    You have made up your mind and only have mockery and hate to offer here. Noticed you are unwilling to share your diet, to conveniently avoid any scrutiny? Which is fine.

    Speaking of straw man, isn’t the definition of straw man, setting up an untrue statement and then proving it wrong to bolster your own argument? My question to you is, who made you the arbitrator of what is and is not Paleo?

    And just so you know the definition of hypocritical is telling someone to do one thing then doing something else yourself. I don’t think you will find anywhere that I, Mark, or anyone here has ever said; to call yourself a follower of the Primal Blueprint, you must never, ever, ever, not even once allow dairy to touch your lips.

    Sounds like you have a problem with the word Paleo.

    Again, if hunter-gathers didn't have milk, yet the creator of the diet says it's okay because he believes it's okay, isn't that hypocritical? Why aren't grains okay? Sure they weren't eaten by our ancestors but that obviously doesn't seem to the basis for the diet anyway if milk is allowed. Paleo Diet is what our ancestors did and did not eat, or so mark claims.

    “Paleo Diet is what our ancestors did and did not eat, or so mark claims.”

    I don’t recall Mark saying or writing that the Paleo diet is “only” what our ancestors did and did not eat. Below is his health philosophy as stated on his website. Sounds pretty good to me, and I think if you could get over the word Paleo you would like it too.

    Really, my health philosophy is surprisingly simple. I follow a diet based on an understanding of evolutionary science. I think it’s more important to eat, move, and live according to how humans are designed and not according to society’s artificial developments of the last 100 years. Fortunately, this regimen is not only incredibly healthy, it’s quite simple.
    In a nutshell:
    - fresh, organic, unprocessed food – no junk!
    - daily activity – whether it’s the gym or a walk along the beach, it all counts
    - plenty of quality sleep
    - plenty of water, no soda or sweetened drinks
    - antioxidants galore – the key to limiting stress
    - a good fish-oil supplement
    - lots of essential fats, reckless amounts of vegetables, and clean protein
    - time for fun – don’t take anything too seriously – ethical behavior – because what goes around comes around
    - taking responsibility for yourself and your life – openness to new things and ideas
    Mark Sisson
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    The Mark Sisson health philosophy != a paleo diet.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    A bit of humor,,,,, there is hope for you.
  • cgan
    cgan Posts: 15
    What is irrelevant, your diet or the fact that CW (conventional wisdom) is always getting it wrong, and hurting a lot of people in the process? And talk about not contributing anything, how about your link that has next to nothing of substance?

    why is it necessary to eliminate dairy and grains in the diets of individuals with no allergy/intolerance or insulin resistance?

    Grains contain lectins. Lectins are specialized proteins that, even in small amounts, are harmful. They are very tough to digest (resisting stomach acid and other digestive enzymes) thus they leave the stomach nearly intact. As they pass through the system they damage the cells lining your intestines, leading to small “microperforations” or tiny holes in your intestinal lining. These holes allow any foreign substances to cross into the bloodstream... where they do not belong. your immune system will take notice and attack, which can show as any number of autoimmune disease. THIS RESPONSE HAPPEN IN EVERYONE WHO EATS GRAINS.

    Anyone who has only known a grain based diet may not even notice the effects, (but as I said in an earlier post) try it for two weeks and see how you feel, you'll probably feel better in more ways than you thought.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    There was a tornado going through my area so I didn't feel like typing out my diet philosophy on my phone.
    Again I will ask you,,,,,, and of course this is just a forum there is no rule saying you have to answer questions, but what diet plan do you follow?

    -Calories In vs. Calories Out determine weight fluctuation.
    -Macronutrition & Muscle Stimulation determines what type of weight is gained or burned.
    -Micronutrition determines one's overall health concerning body functions.

    -Ideally, eat all whole, unprocessed foods.
    -Processed foods are allowed if they fit into your calories, macro and micronutrition.
    -Don't eat food that have adverse affects on your body due to insulin resistance, allergies or intolerance.
    -The timing and frequency of meals is personal preference.

    -Calories, Macronutrition, and Muscle Stimulation are the most important factor for body composition by a large margin.

    Cutting out any food that one enjoys from a diet gives power over that food. It is far better to practice portion controlling from a mental standpoint or binging may occur.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    I remember reading your post about how you went from skinny fat to the lean dude you are today. I have to say very well done. Oh and you do know that intermittent fasting and lean gains is recommended all the time on kind or ironic if you think about it.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    What is irrelevant, your diet or the fact that CW (conventional wisdom) is always getting it wrong, and hurting a lot of people in the process? And talk about not contributing anything, how about your link that has next to nothing of substance?

    why is it necessary to eliminate dairy and grains in the diets of individuals with no allergy/intolerance or insulin resistance?

    Grains contain lectins. Lectins are specialized proteins that, even in small amounts, are harmful. They are very tough to digest (resisting stomach acid and other digestive enzymes) thus they leave the stomach nearly intact. As they pass through the system they damage the cells lining your intestines, leading to small “microperforations” or tiny holes in your intestinal lining. These holes allow any foreign substances to cross into the bloodstream... where they do not belong. your immune system will take notice and attack, which can show as any number of autoimmune disease. THIS RESPONSE HAPPEN IN EVERYONE WHO EATS GRAINS.

    Anyone who has only known a grain based diet may not even notice the effects, (but as I said in an earlier post) try it for two weeks and see how you feel, you'll probably feel better in more ways than you thought.

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    There was a tornado going through my area so I didn't feel like typing out my diet philosophy on my phone.
    Again I will ask you,,,,,, and of course this is just a forum there is no rule saying you have to answer questions, but what diet plan do you follow?

    -Calories In vs. Calories Out determine weight fluctuation.
    -Macronutrition & Muscle Stimulation determines what type of weight is gained or burned.
    -Micronutrition determines one's overall health concerning body functions.

    -Ideally, eat all whole, unprocessed foods.
    -Processed foods are allowed if they fit into your calories, macro and micronutrition.
    -Don't eat food that have adverse affects on your body due to insulin resistance, allergies or intolerance.
    -The timing and frequency of meals is personal preference.

    -Calories, Macronutrition, and Muscle Stimulation are the most important factor for body composition by a large margin.

    Cutting out any food that one enjoys from a diet gives power over that food. It is far better to practice portion controlling from a mental standpoint or binging may occur.

    -Ideally, eat all whole, unprocessed foods.
    -Processed foods are allowed if they fit into your calories, macro and micronutrition.

    Oh the hypocrisy, how dare you, are you the inventor of this hypocritical diet, you should be stoned for such a thing. LOL thanks for the laugh, no really ,what diet do you follow?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hope the twister didn't cause you any harm, got to go for now, will pick this up again tomorrow, big fun.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member

    I remember reading your post about how you went from skinny fat to the lean dude you are today. I have to say very well done. Oh and you do know that intermittent fasting and lean gains is recommended all the time on kind or ironic if you think about it.

    Thank you.

    I don't find that ironic at all. Martin Berkhan provides a lot of scientifically backed evidence on his site for lean gains. More importantly, it is an amazing way to control appetite even if it is unnecessary.