Paleo/Primal way of eating = finally the truth revealed?



  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    Does anyone here do the workouts recommended in the blueprint? I have been doing some slow cardio and lifting heavy things for a while now and recently I just added sprints to my workouts once a week

    I must admit it feels great to just push yourself as fast as you can and feel the wind rush by. It gets a much harder once you get up to about your 8th interval sprint, but you feel awesome afterwards. Gotta love those endorphins .....
  • unluckynomad
    unluckynomad Posts: 5 Member
    Caprica, if you sign up for the newsletter at (the author of the Primal Blueprint) than you can download the ebook for the primal blueprint fitness... it has a lot of really great information.

    I personally have been living in a pseudo-paleo/primal way since August 2010. I say pseudo because we kinda fell off the wagon what with Thanksgiving (STUFFING!! nomnomnom). From August to November we were basically in the transition phase of getting into the lifestyle... not totally religious about it but definitely trying. Just doing that made the chronic arthritic pain which I've been feeling in my knees and hips since I was 12 go away--and I'm a waitress... on my feet 12 hours straight for three days straight. From November until basically a week ago we were following the S.A.D. due to lack of planning, money, etc. I have been sick three times in that time period and, while I have not gained any weight back, I can feel MAJOR differences in ability to sleep soundly, physical activity, etc. I am a HUGE proponent of the Paleo Diet and Crossfit now more so than ever. For the past week we have been trying to get back to our Primal lifestyle and I already feel loads better. I have so much more energy and so much less pain, to top it off, I lost another 3 pounds and I have absolutely no trouble with hunger pangs!
    I hope that the FDA gets its head out of its butt and sees exactly how beneficial following true science can be!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Caprica, if you sign up for the newsletter at (the author of the Primal Blueprint) than you can download the ebook for the primal blueprint fitness... it has a lot of really great information.

    I personally have been living in a pseudo-paleo/primal way since August 2010. I say pseudo because we kinda fell off the wagon what with Thanksgiving (STUFFING!! nomnomnom). From August to November we were basically in the transition phase of getting into the lifestyle... not totally religious about it but definitely trying. Just doing that made the chronic arthritic pain which I've been feeling in my knees and hips since I was 12 go away--and I'm a waitress... on my feet 12 hours straight for three days straight. From November until basically a week ago we were following the S.A.D. due to lack of planning, money, etc. I have been sick three times in that time period and, while I have not gained any weight back, I can feel MAJOR differences in ability to sleep soundly, physical activity, etc. I am a HUGE proponent of the Paleo Diet and Crossfit now more so than ever. For the past week we have been trying to get back to our Primal lifestyle and I already feel loads better. I have so much more energy and so much less pain, to top it off, I lost another 3 pounds and I have absolutely no trouble with hunger pangs!
    I hope that the FDA gets its head out of its butt and sees exactly how beneficial following true science can be!

    The thing is, they will never get on board with that because the corn, soy and wheat being subsidized is major, big, big business.

    The majority of people would benefit from this way of eating, yet it keeps getting passed off as a "fad".............

    There is a major revolution out here where I am seeing vegans, vegetarians (of all kinds) and Paleo people joining together in the name of using food to heal the body without prescription meds that has detrimental side effects. It is a wonderful thing to see those that are for learning about super foods and even regular foods are healing our bodies.
  • unluckynomad
    unluckynomad Posts: 5 Member
    The thing is, they will never get on board with that because the corn, soy and wheat being subsidized is major, big, big business.

    The majority of people would benefit from this way of eating, yet it keeps getting passed off as a "fad".............

    There is a major revolution out here where I am seeing vegans, vegetarians (of all kinds) and Paleo people joining together in the name of using food to heal the body without prescription meds that has detrimental side effects. It is a wonderful thing to see those that are for learning about super foods and even regular foods are healing our bodies.

    Yeah you're sadly right about that... All we can do is attempt to make sure our own families learn to look at all things before just jumping on a bandwagon. When I first started learning about Paleo/Primal eating I thought it was just a fad... then I started reading and understanding what people like Mark Sisson and Rob Wolfe were writing. My mother is a chemist so I grew up with a lot of her explaining chemical reactions and doubting the FDA due to the approval of Aspartame. It really made me analytical in regards to what I choose to ingest.
    I'm not saying that I'm 100% perfect when it comes to following the Primal lifestyle, but I definitely am trying, and just trying gives me amazing health benefits already (Yay for non achey joints)!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The thing is, they will never get on board with that because the corn, soy and wheat being subsidized is major, big, big business.

    The majority of people would benefit from this way of eating, yet it keeps getting passed off as a "fad".............

    There is a major revolution out here where I am seeing vegans, vegetarians (of all kinds) and Paleo people joining together in the name of using food to heal the body without prescription meds that has detrimental side effects. It is a wonderful thing to see those that are for learning about super foods and even regular foods are healing our bodies.

    Yeah you're sadly right about that... All we can do is attempt to make sure our own families learn to look at all things before just jumping on a bandwagon. When I first started learning about Paleo/Primal eating I thought it was just a fad... then I started reading and understanding what people like Mark Sisson and Rob Wolfe were writing. My mother is a chemist so I grew up with a lot of her explaining chemical reactions and doubting the FDA due to the approval of Aspartame. It really made me analytical in regards to what I choose to ingest.
    I'm not saying that I'm 100% perfect when it comes to following the Primal lifestyle, but I definitely am trying, and just trying gives me amazing health benefits already (Yay for non achey joints)!

    Yes, a huge YAY, for no achey joints, better sleep and requiring less sleep, no gas or other digestive issues. No more dry skin or blemishes either!!!

    Also, I am really glad to see someone else that doubts the "all knowing" FDA and USDA.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    As someone who was vegan for a few years, then vegetarian for 12 years, watching people passionately arguing for an all-meat diet is baffling. I'm not saying anyone's wrong or right, but it's kind of funny to see the opposite side argued just as hardcore as the vegans I knew!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    As someone who was vegan for a few years, then vegetarian for 12 years, watching people passionately arguing for an all-meat diet is baffling. I'm not saying anyone's wrong or right, but it's kind of funny to see the opposite side argued just as hardcore as the vegans I knew!

    I am all for supporting vegetarians, vegans or meat eating human beings as long as they are getting their food sources from whole foods nourishment from local and sustainable sources.

    I am a huge advocate of eating local and sustainable foods (meat, dairy, fruits and veggies) as much as possible. It is challenging to adjust to eating what is available in the local area in the winter time. Things are so plentiful in the summer, but not the winter.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    As someone who was vegan for a few years, then vegetarian for 12 years, watching people passionately arguing for an all-meat diet is baffling. I'm not saying anyone's wrong or right, but it's kind of funny to see the opposite side argued just as hardcore as the vegans I knew!

    umm, but paleo is not an all meat life style. A large portion of it is about eating copious amounts of fresh veg and fruit.

    Paleo followers act more like a low carb zealots who eat fruit but shun starch and gluten.

    It is kind of like a vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy products, or that even funnier type of self proclaimed vegetarian that eats fish and chicken ....
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    All meat diet????? EDUCATE YOURSELF before making statements like that, gee, some peoples kids.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    All meat diet????? EDUCATE YOURSELF before making statements like that, gee, some peoples kids.

    Ha ha, get used to educating people. Since I had started Atkins in 2003 and then transitioned over to a more Paleo lifestyle I have had to educate many, many people on their statements.

    Too many people just go with what the media says as Gold.
  • Hi, hope you don't mind if I join in! We have been eating Primal for over a year but I have a tendency to "cheat" sometimes. I always pay for it though. I signed up for this site to track my carbs and sugar. I also get a good chuckle at the weight predictions.
  • I have tried Primal eating but it proved to be pretty impossible for me to eat that way as I couldn't change the way my kids and husband ate.
  • Well, my husband is the one who researched for us and got us started on it. Our daughter is only 14 months old so she doesn't have a whole lot of say in what she eats lol...she doesn't know any different! I could provide links for your husband if you PM me.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I have tried Primal eating but it proved to be pretty impossible for me to eat that way as I couldn't change the way my kids and husband ate.

    It can be hard when your spouse doesn't jon in, mine will not either, so I just make sure I fix, or she fixes something we can both have. Like last night I grilled hamburgers, I ate mine without a bun, and the other night I grilled ribs, I had spinach as a side and she had cheesey potatoes.

    As long as the main dish is something you can both eat, you can mix and match the sides to fit your diet and his.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I have tried Primal eating but it proved to be pretty impossible for me to eat that way as I couldn't change the way my kids and husband ate.

    It can be hard when your spouse doesn't jon in, mine will not either, so I just make sure I fix, or she fixes something we can both have. Like last night I grilled hamburgers, I ate mine without a bun, and the other night I grilled ribs, I had spinach as a side and she had cheesey potatoes.

    As long as the main dish is something you can both eat, you can mix and match the sides to fit your diet and his.

    This is what I do with my kids (my husband and I eat Paleo too). I add brown rice or potatoes or whole wheat pasta with their chicken, fish, steak, whatever we're having and then everyone eats veggies as well. I don't see what is so difficult about that.

    It drives me crazy when people think this is anything like Atkins LOL. It pains me to see people argue against it. How can you argue eating all natural and unprocessed crap (and yes, wheat products are ALL processed) - I'm not saying its gonna kill you, but it isn't helping! And I never feel lathargic, tired, etc.. you should see the crazy intense workouts I do every day in Crossfit! I'll tell you what, on those Sundays when I do go off Paleo eating (like, my pizza days) I am a piece of CRAP in the gym the next that is a complete farce. When people ask me why I do it (the usual "you don't have to lose weight thing) I tell them to try it for 30 days and get back to me, I'll bet they feel better! Don't knock it until you try it. :wink:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    This is what I do with my kids (my husband and I eat Paleo too). I add brown rice or potatoes or whole wheat pasta with their chicken, fish, steak, whatever we're having and then everyone eats veggies as well.

    if you are convinced these things should not be eaten, why do you give them to your kids?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Supper tonight, a salad, with mixed lettuce, baby spinach, celery, hard boiled egg, sunflower seeds, black olives, dill pickle, onion, blue cheese crumbles, and rotisserie chicken shredded. Mixed some all natural un-pasteurized apple cider vinegar, EVOO, and italian spices for a dressing. Oh and for desert a half of a grapefruit.

    Man this all meat diet is killing me.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Your supper sounds Great!!

    I am having sirloin steak, sauteed spinach with bacon, garlic and balsamic vinegar. Salad field greens with balsamic vinegar and strawberries for dessert.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have tried Primal eating but it proved to be pretty impossible for me to eat that way as I couldn't change the way my kids and husband ate.

    It can be hard when your spouse doesn't jon in, mine will not either, so I just make sure I fix, or she fixes something we can both have. Like last night I grilled hamburgers, I ate mine without a bun, and the other night I grilled ribs, I had spinach as a side and she had cheesey potatoes.

    As long as the main dish is something you can both eat, you can mix and match the sides to fit your diet and his.

    This is what I do with my kids (my husband and I eat Paleo too). I add brown rice or potatoes or whole wheat pasta with their chicken, fish, steak, whatever we're having and then everyone eats veggies as well. I don't see what is so difficult about that.

    It drives me crazy when people think this is anything like Atkins LOL. It pains me to see people argue against it. How can you argue eating all natural and unprocessed crap (and yes, wheat products are ALL processed) - I'm not saying its gonna kill you, but it isn't helping! And I never feel lathargic, tired, etc.. you should see the crazy intense workouts I do every day in Crossfit! I'll tell you what, on those Sundays when I do go off Paleo eating (like, my pizza days) I am a piece of CRAP in the gym the next that is a complete farce. When people ask me why I do it (the usual "you don't have to lose weight thing) I tell them to try it for 30 days and get back to me, I'll bet they feel better! Don't knock it until you try it. :wink:

    As someone that transitioned from Atkins to Primal Blue Print - there is not much difference.

    The major differences are Atkins allows grains, dairy, beans and legumes, Primal blue print does not. ATkins is also a bit more structured so that you can see if you have an food intolerances.

    Other than that, they are the same plan.................
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    And, there is no Ketosis with Primal/Paleo. Maybe in vague sense, but not where Atkins puts you.
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