Paleo/Primal way of eating = finally the truth revealed?



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I wonder if any of you “experts” have even read the Primal Body, Primal Mind book? I have not YET, but on their web this is the first recipe that comes up under the recipe section.

    1/2 head of Napa Cabbage, shredded
    2 cups chopped, cooked chicken or seafood
    2 bell peppers (red, yellow, or orange) cut into matchsticks
    2 large carrots cut into matchsticks
    1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced on the diagonal
    1 cup mung bean sprouts
    enoki or other fresh sliced mushrooms (optional)
    1 cup roasted macadamia nuts, finely chopped
    1 cup chopped cilantro leaves

    Man it sure looks like a lot of vegetables there to me,,,,,,,, just saying, didn’t someone say do your own research? :wink:
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    And the reason we know what cavemen eat is simple and documented...we KNOW what foods were around in those days based on historic facts and data...we also know for a fact that grains were invented, refined and cultivated to feed people in relatively recent times. Its not to say I don't enjoy a plate of pasta, but our bodies do not NEED it for survival.
    We have a pretty decent idea of what went on but, unfortunately, no caveman had the presence of mind to compile a fully comprehensive catalogue of everything he ate and did, including refences to any influential environmental factors ;) We're still discovering and learning. Some fairly recent research suggests that even ancient man (or, likely, woman) was busy, grinding up starchy plants and turning them into something more edible:

    Besides, I can't think of many (any?) particular foods that humans NEED to survive - we're all just squabbling over what's optimal. That'll depend on loads of things, which vary from person to person - not to mention any ethical considerations and what 's actually available to you. If the palaeo thing works for you, great! To expect the same results across the board would be daft.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I wonder if any of you “experts” have even read the Primal Body, Primal Mind book? I have not YET, but on their web this is the first recipe that comes up under the recipe section.

    1/2 head of Napa Cabbage, shredded
    2 cups chopped, cooked chicken or seafood
    2 bell peppers (red, yellow, or orange) cut into matchsticks
    2 large carrots cut into matchsticks
    1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced on the diagonal
    1 cup mung bean sprouts
    enoki or other fresh sliced mushrooms (optional)
    1 cup roasted macadamia nuts, finely chopped
    1 cup chopped cilantro leaves

    Man it sure looks like a lot of vegetables there to me,,,,,,,, just saying, didn’t someone say do your own research? :wink:

    Ok, I can't help but be flippant here...

    I'm trying to figure out which primitive/paleo group's menu this recipe came from. Help? Far as I know, there isn't a single group ever on the planet who had access to these foods in the same location, in the same season - since they don't grow naturally in the same climates... So aren't we then breaking the rule of dispensing with "cultivation"?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    never have a beer?!Sorry dont think so.I like my bad food every now and then,I dont really care thats its bad for me even if its every now and then.Most everyone in my family seems to kick the bucket in thier 70s im cool with that.we all gotta go sometime and I Like haveing a beer or a drink or candy.Im glad it works for you and your happy That is great.But im pretty happy the way I am

    I really dont want to be a caveman.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member

    Ok, I can't help but be flippant here...

    I'm trying to figure out which primitive/paleo group's menu this recipe came from. Help? Far as I know, there isn't a single group ever on the planet who had access to these foods in the same location, in the same season - since they don't grow naturally in the same climates... So aren't we then breaking the rule of dispensing with "cultivation"?

    Correct, they could only consume what was available and what they could manage to store for later. In areas where the seasons cycled with snow covered periods, even the meat would run lean in fat content. Then when food became abundant again, the fat content in game would rise. The point of at least Cordain's book is that it's all there was in any sort of sustainable abundance. Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Meat/Fish. They also had opportunities to gorge on honey.

    Not addressed to you but there is nothing in Paleo that says no booze or anything else for that matter. Again, as lenient or strict as you want. Cordain actually encourages cheating.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I don't think there is a single "truth" to how people should eat. The human body is amazingly complex and adaptable, so unless you're a high performance athlete, there is a wide range of macros that work for most people (the split between fat/carbs/protein). Regardless of the specifics, if someone tries to eat a fairly well balanced diet with 15-30% protein (some people go a little higher), 20-30% fat and 45-60% carbs (some people go a little lower), and try to get most of those calories from foods that are in or very close to their original forms (minimize the processed foods you eat), then they can be healthy.

    I don't buy into any of these restrictive food plans because while I may agree with elements in each of them, I find the combination of restrictions unnecessary and overly-extreme. For example, I agree with the Paleo ideas that eating fat (even animal fat) is not bad for you, getting enough protein, eating foods in unprocessed form and that we should avoid processed sugars but I don't agree with the idea that you should have to cut out all starches and legumes. Perhaps some people's bodies are "picky" or have food allergies and need something a little different (ex - very few/no grains, no gluten, no dairy, etc.) but most people don't need to do anything extreme to be healthy and feel good.

    Yes! Exactly what he said!
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.

    Well you should be able to tell us then. Where in our genes is it "expressed" that humans should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?

    i would never argue that we "should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?" Those things are bad for you. What are you talking about?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't get what all the fuss is about?

    This is simply another way of structuring your eating. if it plays to your strengths and minmises your weaknesses then go for it. If not find something that does. Why people insist on over complicating matters beats me.

    There is only one universal truth that I have ever found when it comes to weight loss and it's this:

    A calorie deficit causes weight loss.

    If ever a diet comes along where you can have a calorie surplus and still lose weight and that can be proven under clinical conditions then you will see me fall off my chair. Until that time my behind is parked exactly where it is...
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    True, but the nutrition in those calories varies greatly depending what you eat or don't eat.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    Ok, I can't help but be flippant here...

    I'm trying to figure out which primitive/paleo group's menu this recipe came from. Help? Far as I know, there isn't a single group ever on the planet who had access to these foods in the same location, in the same season - since they don't grow naturally in the same climates... So aren't we then breaking the rule of dispensing with "cultivation"?

    Correct, they could only consume what was available and what they could manage to store for later. In areas where the seasons cycled with snow covered periods, even the meat would run lean in fat content. Then when food became abundant again, the fat content in game would rise. The point of at least Cordain's book is that it's all there was in any sort of sustainable abundance. Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Meat/Fish. They also had opportunities to gorge on honey.

    Not addressed to you but there is nothing in Paleo that says no booze or anything else for that matter. Again, as lenient or strict as you want. Cordain actually encourages cheating.

    it was in one of the links from the op,and if you cant put anything in your body that wasnt around for the cave man isnt that the same thing.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    True, but the nutrition in those calories varies greatly depending what you eat or don't eat.

    You are of course correct.

    However, if I over eat ANY nutrient then it will cause weight gain be that protein, carbs or fat. There's simply no getting round that. Now, if my diet consited solely of celery for example I may have severe difficulty (and probably severe flatulence as well...) in eating more calories than my body need to maintain itself. However, if I did hello Mr Michelin Man....
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.

    Well you should be able to tell us then. Where in our genes is it "expressed" that humans should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?

    Also FYI things aren't "expressed in our genes", GENES THEMSELVES are expressed. There's a big fundamental difference there. Don't attempt to comment on things you don't have even a basic understanding of.

    Eat healthy- I'm done participating commenting on this topic.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    The final truth obviously creates controversy ;)
    Overly restrictive diets? No thanks, I will just keep it simple eat a balanced diet with natural foods , stay away from junk and oh yeah exercise umm that seems to help :)

    Is this too simplistic --does this make me sound like a caveman? Ha!
    Perhaps I should write my own book a Medevial Diet -- suggest chicken, lean protein, nuts, grass fed cows, etc
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I don't get what all the fuss is about?

    some proponent of this idea proclaim (loudly) that humans should not eat grain products. (No bread, no wheat, no oats, barley, rice...etc) IMHO, This is unbalanced and is the basis of the reason I dispute the validity of this plan.

    Some proponents explain their ideas, some are stifling in their own self-satisfaction.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.

    Well you should be able to tell us then. Where in our genes is it "expressed" that humans should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?

    Also FYI things aren't "expressed in our genes", GENES THEMSELVES are expressed. There's a big fundamental difference there. Don't attempt to comment on things you don't have even a basic understanding of.

    Eat healthy- I'm done participating commenting on this topic.

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.

    Well you should be able to tell us then. Where in our genes is it "expressed" that humans should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?

    Also FYI things aren't "expressed in our genes", GENES THEMSELVES are expressed. There's a big fundamental difference there. Don't attempt to comment on things you don't have even a basic understanding of.

    Eat healthy- I'm done participating commenting on this topic.

    I want to personally thank you for adding to the conversation. That was an excellent point you made.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.

    Well you should be able to tell us then. Where in our genes is it "expressed" that humans should be eating big macs, mac and cheese, refined sugar, hormone injected milk, and the list is very, very, very long?

    Also FYI things aren't "expressed in our genes", GENES THEMSELVES are expressed. There's a big fundamental difference there. Don't attempt to comment on things you don't have even a basic understanding of.

    Eat healthy- I'm done participating commenting on this topic.

    I want to personally thank you for adding to the conversation. That was an excellent point you made.

    You're welcome, when people attack the person and do not answer the question, it shows their lack of either information or intelligence, I will let you decide which works for you.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    The final truth obviously creates controversy ;)
    Overly restrictive diets? No thanks, I will just keep it simple eat a balanced diet with natural foods , stay away from junk and oh yeah exercise umm that seems to help :)

    Is this too simplistic --does this make me sound like a caveman? Ha!
    Perhaps I should write my own book a Medevial Diet -- suggest chicken, lean protein, nuts, grass fed cows, etc

    To add a bit of controversy I will also suggest in the Medevial diet that homemade Mead should be consumed in small qty. Of course to further help out I will recommend grunts mead website where you can order organic mead or buy the necessary items to make at own. The mead that burns fat will be my second book :)
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    The final truth obviously creates controversy ;)
    Overly restrictive diets? No thanks, I will just keep it simple eat a balanced diet with natural foods , stay away from junk and oh yeah exercise umm that seems to help :)

    Is this too simplistic --does this make me sound like a caveman? Ha!
    Perhaps I should write my own book a Medevial Diet -- suggest chicken, lean protein, nuts, grass fed cows, etc

    To add a bit of controversy I will also suggest in the Medevial diet that homemade Mead should be consumed in small qty. Of course to further help out I will recommend grunts mead website where you can order organic mead or buy the necessary items to make at own. The mead that burns fat will be my second book :)

    then again, in early medieval times, mead was never consumed in moderate quantities
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't get what all the fuss is about?

    some proponent of this idea proclaim (loudly) that humans should not eat grain products. (No bread, no wheat, no oats, barley, rice...etc) IMHO, This is unbalanced and is the basis of the reason I dispute the validity of this plan.

    Some proponents explain their ideas, some are stifling in their own self-satisfaction.

    It does strike me as unbalanced for most people. For some though it will work just fine as it plays to their strengths (or should that be beliefs?)

    Let's cut all the bs here. All diets, EVERY single one of them is a way to make you eat at a calorie deficit if weight loss if the goal. The one that works for you is the one that you feel comfortable doing and can stick to. There's nothing more to it than that.

    At this point I am kinda feeling "The Medieval Diet" As long as I don't have to munch on any random serf that wanders across my path then I will be happy...

    Anyway it is weights time for me. Woo hoo!
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