Jillian Michaels vs P90X



  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    Do you want to look like that cocky man or that sexy jillian?....Jillian gives it to you in 28 minutes in the shred with fast results, P90x is very long and for women you probably will get injured if doing to much jumping around!...jill is a great motivator, and her dvds dont cost that much $8-$11...p90x....$100+.......

    Wow...so much hate for something you have never tried. As a female myself, I can say that I got in shape BECAUSE OF P90X!!! I did not EVER get injured. What I did get was totally lean and ripped in the best shape of my life!!!!!!

    P90X costs that much because it is sooo much more than a couple of DVDs. It is 12 DVDs, a complete comprehensive nutrition guide and exercise guide, and also tools such as a measuring tape to track inches...

    I have done both and feel that both are great for weight loss. But, for overall accelerated fitness that will get you lean and ripped, P90X it is. I've been doing it since 2007 and have dropped from 191 pounds to 128 at one point...stopped doing P90X and gained to 145 which is this year's starting point. I am currently on Day 19 of P90X and am already down to 142 pounds and my jeans no longer fit my waist...they hang on the hips. Plus my muscles are so much stronger now and can do military push-ups from the toes with ease.

    While I don't think Jillian's DVDs are bad at all, cause I do like them, I just can't understand why anyone who has never even tried P90X would hate on it so much..................
    Thanks so much! My opinions exactly! :)
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I don't get it, we are all here for the same reason to be the best that we can be and improve our health and lifestyle.

    Every workout program is just as different as each and every one of us on this site.

    What works for one person will not work for the next.

    Why the need to disrespect a workout or the person that does it or teaches it?

    Life is about learning and growing and if you don't expand your horizons and keep an open mind then you will live a very sheltered and miserable life.

    We are all here to offer one another motivation, support, encouragement and advice and to share opinions. The idea is not to insult someone or the workout they chose to do.

    I applaud everyone that puts one foot in front of the other and makes changes to live a healthier life.


    Thank you for this I totally agree with you
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I don't think the P90X folks seem like a cult, but many people talk about it in a very sales-pitchy way. I've got friends on here who post about it in a very natural way, but sometimes there are other people talking about P90X in a way that makes me wonder if they're real people, or if it's a viral marketing thing. Sometimes people post about P90X (and other products, too) and it sounds like a commercial, not someone who's super excited about their workout.

    I'm a Beachbody coach and in no way, shape or form do I try to peddle product on here. This isn't the place for it, IMO. Some people don't seem to feel the same way and want to try to "rah, rah" shove the product down peoples throats. Guess this is why I also don't sell a ton of product. :laugh:

    P90X may not be for everyone but for the ones who HAVE completed it I'd bet you'd find few who were disatisfied with their results. It's a very sound & structured program. Requires a lot of discipline but it is doable for anyone who has the willpower/motivation.

    And I think the number of users and coaches who are just excited about Beach Body totally outnumber the people who are selling something - but they're not quite as loud or persistent as the "sales-pitchy" people. Which is too bad, because I have seen some amazing transformations, and heard some great stories from people who are really happy with the program. Obviously this is just my opinion, but the hard sellers are probably what the "P90X is a cult!" people are reacting to. Just my two cents.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't think the P90X folks seem like a cult, but many people talk about it in a very sales-pitchy way. I've got friends on here who post about it in a very natural way, but sometimes there are other people talking about P90X in a way that makes me wonder if they're real people, or if it's a viral marketing thing. Sometimes people post about P90X (and other products, too) and it sounds like a commercial, not someone who's super excited about their workout.

    I'm a Beachbody coach and in no way, shape or form do I try to peddle product on here. This isn't the place for it, IMO. Some people don't seem to feel the same way and want to try to "rah, rah" shove the product down peoples throats. Guess this is why I also don't sell a ton of product. :laugh:

    P90X may not be for everyone but for the ones who HAVE completed it I'd bet you'd find few who were disatisfied with their results. It's a very sound & structured program. Requires a lot of discipline but it is doable for anyone who has the willpower/motivation.

    And I think the number of users and coaches who are just excited about Beach Body totally outnumber the people who are selling something - but they're not quite as loud or persistent as the "sales-pitchy" people. Which is too bad, because I have seen some amazing transformations, and heard some great stories from people who are really happy with the program. Obviously this is just my opinion, but the hard sellers are probably what the "P90X is a cult!" people are reacting to. Just my two cents.

    Valid point. :glasses:
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Do you want to look like that cocky man or that sexy jillian?....Jillian gives it to you in 28 minutes in the shred with fast results, P90x is very long and for women you probably will get injured if doing to much jumping around!...jill is a great motivator, and her dvds dont cost that much $8-$11...p90x....$100+.......

    So are you saying that women are weak and can't handle jumping around? Maybe we shouldn't workout at all. The only thing we need to lift are our kids. Hey, let's not do that either. There isn't an obesity epidemic. We should just sit around watching Dr. Phil and eat Bon Bon's all day.

    Jillian Banish fat boost metabolism will have you jumping the whole dvd. I think your more likely to get an injury from that dvd alone
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I vote neither - Bob Harper's series is butt-kicking and amazing!!!

    Jillian's dvds are ok..but the time is often off, so it's hard to budget before you're familiar with them.

    The whole BeachBody cult-like thing (it certainly feels that way to me) just scares me. LOL.

    The bob harper Inside out method was really amazing in my opinion as well. But my favorite would have to be P90X. I like jillians too and its great for starters. I loved it in the beginning. But i did get bored fast. I'm doing P90x now but i am really excited about starting insanity as well.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Do you want to look like that cocky man or that sexy jillian?....Jillian gives it to you in 28 minutes in the shred with fast results, P90x is very long and for women you probably will get injured if doing to much jumping around!...jill is a great motivator, and her dvds dont cost that much $8-$11...p90x....$100+.......

    So are you saying that women are weak and can't handle jumping around? Maybe we shouldn't workout at all. The only thing we need to lift are our kids. Hey, let's not do that either. There isn't an obesity epidemic. We should just sit around watching Dr. Phil and eat Bon Bon's all day.

    by the way, hilarious.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    LOL at the thread. I just want to jump in and say that I started P90X with my husband with bad creaking knees an I hadn't been exercising at all. It is doable. Hard? Yes. But you can modify it. Like someone else posted, the 30DS is the same workout. I can't even do 90 days of Power 90 because it cycles between Sculpt and Sweat DVDs only and I need the difference that P90X provides. I can finish one DVD for the week and know that I don't have to do it again for another week. Thank God! :D
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I know plenty of women who kick butt doing P90X! Right Ladies!

    I kick P90X's butt all the time..... or does it kick mine?!?!?! ;-D
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Do you want to look like that cocky man or that sexy jillian?....Jillian gives it to you in 28 minutes in the shred with fast results, P90x is very long and for women you probably will get injured if doing to much jumping around!...jill is a great motivator, and her dvds dont cost that much $8-$11...p90x....$100+.......

    Are you serious?!?!?! P90X Rocks!!!!
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    I've never done Jillian Michael's program. I'm currently doing P90X. I think the key to both of them is JUST DO SOMETHING! If you feel P90X is too much of a challenge, you should consider it a goal to complete 90 days and SEE if you look like a cocky man!
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 346. I used a HRM to determine that.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Do you want to look like that cocky man or that sexy jillian?....Jillian gives it to you in 28 minutes in the shred with fast results, P90x is very long and for women you probably will get injured if doing to much jumping around!...jill is a great motivator, and her dvds dont cost that much $8-$11...p90x....$100+.......

    People will never get it will they. Women cannot bulk up, because they don't produce enough testosterone. Jillian happens to be very muscular and I think she is very sexy. Nothing sexier then a woman who takes care of herself.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I know plenty of women who kick butt doing P90X! Right Ladies!

  • I don't have much time, but I do Jillian 30 Day Shred, on level 2 now. I would like to try P90X, but I work 12 hour days 4 weeks at a time and don't have time to do an hour workout after work! Jillian is nice because her workouts are shorter. Although, when I'm done with my current job, I would love to try P90X!
  • I don't have much time, but I do Jillian 30 Day Shred, on level 2 now. I would like to try P90X, but I work 12 hour days 4 weeks at a time and don't have time to do an hour workout after work! Jillian is nice because her workouts are shorter. Although, when I'm done with my current job, I would love to try P90X!
  • The shred honestly kicked my booty but at some point i would love to try p90x or chelane extreme ...
    no matter who produces these programs just KEEP PRESSING PLAY
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    I would say it depends on your fitness level. I started with Jillian Michaels dvds before moving on to Insanity. After this, I'm hoping to start P90X.
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I tried 30DS and could barely do the jumping jacks, pushups and jump rope moves and I used to be able to do over 150 pushups and 100s of situps in 3minutes when I was in ROTC.

    My SO has lots of people at work who have done P90x and have talked about the workouts and how hard some of them are and he doesn't think I would be able to do it.

    Just like Jillian though isn't doing something modified and as many as you can even if you can't do all of them better then not doing anything?
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