P90X Group?



  • lovewillow
    Day 1 this morning!!! I am loving to hate Tony right this moment ;)

    Chest & Back was tough! Push ups kicked my butt, especially the diamond and dive bombers. I enjoyed Ab Ripper but had a really tough time with the oblique one, where you are on your side. That hurt my hip so much that I could barely stay in the position for a full rep. When I was done with both workouts I was kind of feeling like I didn't work hard enough because I wasn't feeling worn out... but then I got in the shower and was faced with the dilemma of washing my hair when I couldn't get my hands above my head!

    This is going to be a long 90 days but I fully intend to bring it! How'd everyone else do today?
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Day 1 this morning!!! I am loving to hate Tony right this moment ;)

    Chest & Back was tough! Push ups kicked my butt, especially the diamond and dive bombers. I enjoyed Ab Ripper but had a really tough time with the oblique one, where you are on your side. That hurt my hip so much that I could barely stay in the position for a full rep. When I was done with both workouts I was kind of feeling like I didn't work hard enough because I wasn't feeling worn out... but then I got in the shower and was faced with the dilemma of washing my hair when I couldn't get my hands above my head!

    This is going to be a long 90 days but I fully intend to bring it! How'd everyone else do today?

    Will let you know in the morning! Doing our first workout tonight! Great job with completing DAY 1!! :)
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Did the first Chest and Back workout. My arms feel like they may fall off, but it was great!
  • 4KidFather
    Nice commitment folks.
    I've done a few rounds of the X and can't find a more efficient, quicker, system for amateurs to get fit. I recommend it to everyone.
    If you can.. Bring it for a complete first round. Life gets in the way of a 'Perfect 90' but hey, that's life. Stay committed and a few skipped days WILL NOT MATTER.
    Be prepared to FEEL GREAT!
    Make sure you get a recovery drink/meal after your workouts - and prefuel before them for max performance.
    RIP Jack Lalanne - the Godfather of Fitness.
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Nice commitment folks.
    I've done a few rounds of the X and can't find a more efficient, quicker, system for amateurs to get fit. I recommend it to everyone.
    If you can.. Bring it for a complete first round. Life gets in the way of a 'Perfect 90' but hey, that's life. Stay committed and a few skipped days WILL NOT MATTER.
    Be prepared to FEEL GREAT!
    Make sure you get a recovery drink/meal after your workouts - and prefuel before them for max performance.
    RIP Jack Lalanne - the Godfather of Fitness.

    I can't disagree with you on how life DOES get in the way. I wanted to workout so bad tonight, but the kids where into there cartoons and didn't want to bother them until bedtime. After they crashed it was to late to workout so I'll do my plyometrics in the morning.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Well we made it through Day 1! I am feeling it this morning but ready for Day 2! Suprisingly I think hubby is in worse shape than I am!
  • lovewillow
    Awesome job everyone! It's Day 2 for me today and I almost didn't get out of bed this morning to do my workout. I stayed up way too late so when my alarm went off I convinced myself that doing Plyometrics in the room that adjoins with my neighbor's bedroom at 8am wouldn't make them very happy. I didn't stay in bed much longer though because I told myself I am NOT going to start out this way! I will have the discipline to see this through. I am COMMITTED! So I substituted Kenpo X today and I'll do Plyo on Saturday.

    Kenpo was fun. I got a little discouraged because they go so fast and it's hard to get the moves down but I am confident that I'll improve with it as I practice more. Oh, and you know how yesterday I was worried that I didn't work hard enough on Chest & Back and Ab Ripper because I wasn't feeling the burn? Well this morning my whole upper body is on FIRE - and I love it!

    I hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • beautifulnow
    Awesome job everyone! It's Day 2 for me today and I almost didn't get out of bed this morning to do my workout. I stayed up way too late so when my alarm went off I convinced myself that doing Plyometrics in the room that adjoins with my neighbor's bedroom at 8am wouldn't make them very happy. I didn't stay in bed much longer though because I told myself I am NOT going to start out this way! I will have the discipline to see this through. I am COMMITTED! So I substituted Kenpo X today and I'll do Plyo on Saturday.

    Kenpo was fun. I got a little discouraged because they go so fast and it's hard to get the moves down but I am confident that I'll improve with it as I practice more. Oh, and you know how yesterday I was worried that I didn't work hard enough on Chest & Back and Ab Ripper because I wasn't feeling the burn? Well this morning my whole upper body is on FIRE - and I love it!

    I hope everyone has an awesome day!

    Thats AWESOME!! I did Kempo today and I really liked it but man this sore has gotta go away sometime lol my BUTT hurts lol I did my before pics today and I think that will be plenty of motivation :) Keep up the good work and good for you for pusshing play!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Day 2 - Plyo last night and I loved it!! My husband not so much, he really struggled with it. But I had a great feeling of accomplishment when I was done! Body is feeling it ALL today but bring on Day 3!!
  • lovewillow
    Great job girls! I hope everyone else is still pressing play :wink:

    Today is Day 3 for me - Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper. Last night I was REALLY feeling the burn from Day 1. I could hardly sit up once I laid down and OH the dreaded sneeze! So I was very surprised this morning when, once I had stretched out and got going, the pain went away! I wondered how I was going to do another workout when I was still so sore and I was happy to find that I was able to push through with (almost) no problem!

    Keep it up guys!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Great job girls! I hope everyone else is still pressing play :wink:

    Today is Day 3 for me - Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper. Last night I was REALLY feeling the burn from Day 1. I could hardly sit up once I laid down and OH the dreaded sneeze! So I was very surprised this morning when, once I had stretched out and got going, the pain went away! I wondered how I was going to do another workout when I was still so sore and I was happy to find that I was able to push through with (almost) no problem!

    Keep it up guys!

    I am very sore today! Dreading tonight in the worst way. It hurts to answer the phone, it hurts to laugh...it just hurts to do anything! LOL! I did get outside and walk on my lunch break for 30 minutes. The sun was shining and it was in the upper 40's. Felt so nice to be outside! That might have worked a little soreness out of me legs, but it's my arms I will be working tonight! Wish me luck! Like you, I will just push through the best I can.
  • lovewillow
    I am very sore today! Dreading tonight in the worst way. It hurts to answer the phone, it hurts to laugh...it just hurts to do anything!

    Other normal activites that hurt: turning the steering wheel in the car, putting on my jacket, sitting up once I'm lying down. Speaking of which, last night when I was in bed reading I had already experienced the pain of trying to sit up and I knew I couldn't do it so when I needed to get up I sort of flopped onto my side and then pulled myself to the edge of the bed... pretty sad but I'm sure it was hilarious to watch!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am very sore today! Dreading tonight in the worst way. It hurts to answer the phone, it hurts to laugh...it just hurts to do anything!

    Other normal activites that hurt: turning the steering wheel in the car, putting on my jacket, sitting up once I'm lying down. Speaking of which, last night when I was in bed reading I had already experienced the pain of trying to sit up and I knew I couldn't do it so when I needed to get up I sort of flopped onto my side and then pulled myself to the edge of the bed... pretty sad but I'm sure it was hilarious to watch!

    Have you tried beach body recovery drink? I take 2 scoops about 30 mins after a workout and feel very little pain. Though I have never really got much pain after a workout to begin with. But I'm sure the drink is helping. Others claim it does just as it says
  • lovewillow
    Have you tried beach body recovery drink? I take 2 scoops about 30 mins after a workout and feel very little pain. Though I have never really got much pain after a workout to begin with. But I'm sure the drink is helping. Others claim it does just as it says

    Nah, after spending the money for P90X I didn't want to spend even more on supplements. I'll suffer awhile longer and if it doesn't get any better then I'll reconsider.

    Day 4 today! I did about 20 minutes of Yoga X and realized that my heart rate was going nowhere so I popped in Cardio X instead and was choking for breath at the end. Sorry Tony but when I get up at 7am I just can't do a workout that's gonna put me back to sleep! I'm feeling less sore today. I'm doing okay with the nutrition part but it sure is hard to get in all that protein. I'm usually 300-400 calories under my daily limit and last night I didn't even eat dinner. Anyone else having a hard time with it?
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    im on week 9 and still PUSHING PLAY each and every day , and loving it. Im looking ahead to a P90X / Insanity Hybrid as soon as im done this round. Anyone doing P90X or other BeachBody products feel free to add me, would like to work with you and get to ours goals together !!!!

    Good Luck

  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member

    Day 4 today! I did about 20 minutes of Yoga X and realized that my heart rate was going nowhere so I popped in Cardio X instead and was choking for breath at the end. Sorry Tony but when I get up at 7am I just can't do a workout that's gonna put me back to sleep! I'm feeling less sore today. I'm doing okay with the nutrition part but it sure is hard to get in all that protein. I'm usually 300-400 calories under my daily limit and last night I didn't even eat dinner. Anyone else having a hard time with it?

    Most days I have been under the calorie amount too, but I seem to be getting the foods I need. My husband is having trouble getting his protein in. He's doing level II and is not used to eating that much protein, but its making him keep his carbs down. He's a big carb eater!

    Yoga tonight for us! Been hearing all kinds of bad things about it, but will work through it I guess!
  • beautifulnow
    Man I freakin hate ab ripper x....EVERYTHING gets in the way grr its lide my boobs and belly are in a race to see who can eat my face first?!?! We are on w2d1 and the workout is my toughest one to get through...those push ups are just hard! And those dive bombers...more like crash and burners! I have also been getting so discouraged by the scale :( I seem to have gain 4 pounds since working out and they seem comfortable cause they aren't going anywhere! OK sorry for being a grump...how has everyone else been doing?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Man I freakin hate ab ripper x....EVERYTHING gets in the way grr its lide my boobs and belly are in a race to see who can eat my face first?!?! We are on w2d1 and the workout is my toughest one to get through...those push ups are just hard! And those dive bombers...more like crash and burners!

    I couldn't do more than 3 dive-bombers and now my highest is 16, so you can get better.

    If any of you need more cardio you can start doing doubles during phase 2. Keep at it!!!
  • lovewillow
    Stefani: even though I'm not getting all my protein watching my carbs is a bonus on this plan. I freaking love my carbs :wink: Let me know what you guys thought of Yoga X! I might try it again tonight.

    Beautifuldisaster: don't get discouraged - you are probably building up some muscle! Don't worry, even for a relatively thin person like me Ab Ripper X is TOUGH. I just love the way it makes my stomach feel for the rest of the day. So tight! Stick with it! Oh, and it's only been a week - do I need to come over there and take the scale away from you??? :wink:
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    After being sick for a couple of days I muscled my way through day 3 with shoulders and arms and ab ripperx. I think I better start selling tickets to the gun show because I can feel my arms all day long. My abs are feeling great also. Still room to improve in all areas but still I feel better.

    I am not a yoga fan at all and since the first half of cardiox is yoga, I'm gonna do that instead of yogax whereever its says to do yoga. I don't feel a burn from it, and I feel like a california hippie while doing it. I'm more of a meat and potato's kind of man and that is the type of workout that I like. Sorry Tony, I know you mean well but perhaps I'll try stretchx on my off day to make up for it. 90 minutes of yoga is just way to much time for me.