P90X Group?



  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Today was supposed to be CardioX but I ended up at the gym and did zumba instead and a core conditioning class. According to my armband I burned about 700 calories so I don't feel so bad switching it up. I am up .8lbs but have lost 3 inches :) Tomorrow I do arms :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey everyone... I posted my Day 1 and Day 30 pics this evening... Feel free to take a look if you want.

    Great job! Can't wait to see what my husband looks like when he's done with this. He keeps telling me he used to have abs...I haven't ever seen em! LOL!

    We did W2D1 last night - Chest and Back, w/Ab Ripper. We both did so much better! I can feel that I have been working those muscles but I am not sore like I was last week. Plyo tonight!
  • beautifulnow
    Hey everyone... I posted my Day 1 and Day 30 pics this evening... Feel free to take a look if you want.
    Awesome!! We are on day 13 and I'm tempted to do half way measurements :) it may be more fun to wait though...Ohh and yoga was terrible the first 45 and awesome the last 45 lol..
  • drwstown76
    Haha.... The first 45 minutes of yoga is an absolute nightmare, I totally agree! I find myself getting so frustrated with Tony every time. I was complaining to my girlfriend the other night about how Tony keeps us in warrior 2 for what feels like an eternity on the right side... Then it's like he breezes through it on the left side. Now I know when that part of the workout is coming and Im DREADING it for about three minutes prior... My girlfriend's reply.... "hahahahahahahaha.... Your crazy hon"
    GREAT! Thanks for the support! hahahaha! :)
  • drwstown76
    Stefani... Im not sure if your husband had abs before or not... But I am pretty certain that he will be letting you know (often) when they show up this time around! lol.
    Kudos to everyone pushing play!!! Keep Bringin It!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Awesome!! We are on day 13 and I'm tempted to do half way measurements :) it may be more fun to wait though...Ohh and yoga was terrible the first 45 and awesome the last 45 lol..

    I only did the first 40 minutes of the yoga...will have to try to get through all of it next time!
  • Hello Ladies, I know I have not been on in like a week, but I had to stop p90x for a while.:((( I was in the hospital last week because I had some bad side effects to my immunotherapy and was extremely tired and sick due to the medicine that they gave me to help with the side effects of my immunotherapy when the immunotherapy itself already makes me very tired. Well I am better this week, but still plan to give myself a couple days to fully recover before I start it up again. I plan on starting back up on Thursday and hopefully will not have to restart again! I am so happy that this group is really "working out". Haha. With all this support I am sure we can all get through this.:)))
  • beautifulnow
    Sorry to hear about your hospital visit! Hope you get to feeling better!
    Hello Ladies, I know I have not been on in like a week, but I had to stop p90x for a while.:((( I was in the hospital last week because I had some bad side effects to my immunotherapy and was extremely tired and sick due to the medicine that they gave me to help with the side effects of my immunotherapy when the immunotherapy itself already makes me very tired. Well I am better this week, but still plan to give myself a couple days to fully recover before I start it up again. I plan on starting back up on Thursday and hopefully will not have to restart again! I am so happy that this group is really "working out". Haha. With all this support I am sure we can all get through this.:)))
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Today I did Arms and Shoulders in the morning and HiiT tonight :) I just realized I forgot Ab Killer so I will do that tomorrow. In the lean version tomorrow is yoga but I am going to save it for the weekend. I am thinking about subbing Plyometrics instead.
  • beautifulnow
    Today I did Arms and Shoulders in the morning and HiiT tonight :) I just realized I forgot Ab Killer so I will do that tomorrow. In the lean version tomorrow is yoga but I am going to save it for the weekend. I am thinking about subbing Plyometrics instead.

    LOVE HIIT!! I HATE th yoga but ifyou do it youwil love he last 45!!
  • drwstown76
    Ok... Two topics.
    Number One... I was really angry last night when I started yoga X. (Day 32 btw). The good news is this... When it was over, I realized how much progress I have made. Downward dogs... No Problem. Vinyasas (?).... No problem. Balancing manuvers... No problem. Yoga Belly 7... No problem. The only thing I struggle with at this point are the half moons at the end of the first half of yoga X. While I still don't love Yoga X, It felt fantistic to keep the pedal to the metal and push through it. I feel accomplished... Soooo, my whole point is... KEEP PUSHING PLAY. It's rewarding. I even was able to stay on my hands in "Crane" for twenty seconds or so.....

    So this is the negative topic. I need advice. My girlfriend is completing this challenge with me. She has stuck to the diet... She has done every work out. She is seeing results (12 lbs lost). The problem is that her attitude sucks. She is frequently in a bad mood and it seems like she is unwilling to be positive. I don't really understand. How can you NOT be even more motivated after losing 12 lbs? I am eager to wake up every day and tackle the next workout. She really is doing a great job, her attitude is bringing me down though. Any suggestions as to ways I can help her be a little more positive about this journey? I try to support her... I give her lots of compliments and kudos for a job well done.
    I will say that there have been 2 or 3 occassions where I have mentioned that she may not have "brought it" that day. Every time I immediately wish I didn't say it... But it is always after she exhibits the negativity... I really want her to be as happy about this as I am.... But if she can't, I would settle for a positive outlook. I know this is hard... and the diet is tough. But the rewards are EPIC!

    Keep pushing play you guys.... BRING IT!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    drwstown76 - Great job with the Yoga!! Those positions are so hard for beginners like me and my husband, but we are gonna keep doing as much as we can! It wouldn't be in the program if it wasn't something we needed right?

    12 lbs is an awesome amount of weight loss for your girlfriend. That alone would be motivation for me! The scale hasn't budged...and I am not expecting it to right away. It's frustrating but I am trying to look at the positive side of this. I can see little differences already and that's enough to keep me going. As for the negativity...I live with the MOST negative person in the world!! So I know what you are talking about. I was so afraid we would get this and he would quit on me the first week. He may not put as much into the workouts some nights as I do, but I wouldn't dare tell him he wasn't "bringin it". LOL! Just continue to be supportive and encouraging. I know it's hard to be the one that's always trying to motivate and be positive. But maybe you should try to look at it differently...no she may not be as hyped up as you to get up and do this every day, but at least she IS doing it! A lot of girls would't even attempt it! She's making the effort. Just try to keep focused on your goals and what you want out of this. Don't let her negativity bring you down. That's how I have to look at this in my situation...of all the other guys I know, none of them would have done this with me. My husband is at least attempting to get healthy and eat right and exercise. So maybe he's gonna have his bad days, I may too. But I know what I want and if he wants to join me in that journey that's great! If not I gotta stick with it and keep going! Good luck!!
  • beautifulnow
    SOO week 3 day one and I pushed HARD lol I may have had to do all my push ups on my knees but man I am happy with it! I did 18 dive bombers!! maybe not beautiful but I was very happy with my pushing...last one I actually colapsed lol....I am sore not gonna lie BUT very proud of myself today!

    As far as you and your girlfriend...my husband and I workout together and he is much stronger than I am and even though I am the workout nut ( his words cause I do p90x and 3 times a week I do turbofire) and he is usually the one kicking and screaming all the way down lol hi can do alot me than I can and sometimes it makes me feel a little discouraged...now I would never tell him cause I WANT him to do well, but sometimes I feel like he is soooo good at somethings I am not doing good enough.....SOOO long story short I guess...maybe point out a move that she does really well and you might struggle with...make her feel like she is doing something so well and you wish you could do it as good as she can...that might make her feel a little equal?? I hope thats helpful :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Does anybody use the bands for their workout's? When I ordered P90X I got a free red band. I really don't feel like I am getting a good work out with it. Just doesn't seem to be much resistance with them. So I can't decide if I should buy more bands. I know each color is a bit different. Or break down and buy a bunch of dumb bells. Which run about $25-$30 for one.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member

    Day 4 today! I did about 20 minutes of Yoga X and realized that my heart rate was going nowhere so I popped in Cardio X instead and was choking for breath at the end. Sorry Tony but when I get up at 7am I just can't do a workout that's gonna put me back to sleep! I'm feeling less sore today. I'm doing okay with the nutrition part but it sure is hard to get in all that protein. I'm usually 300-400 calories under my daily limit and last night I didn't even eat dinner. Anyone else having a hard time with it?

    Most days I have been under the calorie amount too, but I seem to be getting the foods I need. My husband is having trouble getting his protein in. He's doing level II and is not used to eating that much protein, but its making him keep his carbs down. He's a big carb eater!

    Yoga tonight for us! Been hearing all kinds of bad things about it, but will work through it I guess!

    Are people having trouble getting their calories in because you are burning so much doing the program? Just curious. I was thinking of staring this after I'm done with Jillian Michaels videos.
  • beautifulnow
    Does anybody use the bands for their workout's? When I ordered P90X I got a free red band. I really don't feel like I am getting a good work out with it. Just doesn't seem to be much resistance with them. So I can't decide if I should buy more bands. I know each color is a bit different. Or break down and buy a bunch of dumb bells. Which run about $25-$30 for one.

    I use the green band which is equivalant to 30 pounds and if you use them right they work lol I am sore everytime I use em but I cant do a pull up so this is my other option :)
  • beautifulnow

    Day 4 today! I did about 20 minutes of Yoga X and realized that my heart rate was going nowhere so I popped in Cardio X instead and was choking for breath at the end. Sorry Tony but when I get up at 7am I just can't do a workout that's gonna put me back to sleep! I'm feeling less sore today. I'm doing okay with the nutrition part but it sure is hard to get in all that protein. I'm usually 300-400 calories under my daily limit and last night I didn't even eat dinner. Anyone else having a hard time with it?

    Most days I have been under the calorie amount too, but I seem to be getting the foods I need. My husband is having trouble getting his protein in. He's doing level II and is not used to eating that much protein, but its making him keep his carbs down. He's a big carb eater!

    Yoga tonight for us! Been hearing all kinds of bad things about it, but will work through it I guess!

    Are people having trouble getting their calories in because you are burning so much doing the program? Just curious. I was thinking of staring this after I'm done with Jillian Michaels videos.

    Thats my problem...I eat three times a day and try to get two snacks in but I usually burn bt 700-800 calories a day with p90x and then if I do a second workout its another 600-700 calories and I just cant keep up! lol so I make sure to eat untill I am full and when I am hungry but I just can't eat that many calories WHILE staying under in the other places I need to :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Hello Ladies, I know I have not been on in like a week, but I had to stop p90x for a while.:((( I was in the hospital last week because I had some bad side effects to my immunotherapy and was extremely tired and sick due to the medicine that they gave me to help with the side effects of my immunotherapy when the immunotherapy itself already makes me very tired. Well I am better this week, but still plan to give myself a couple days to fully recover before I start it up again. I plan on starting back up on Thursday and hopefully will not have to restart again! I am so happy that this group is really "working out". Haha. With all this support I am sure we can all get through this.:)))

    I bet you'll recover quicker because of all that excersize you've been doing! Feel better soon!!
  • drwstown76
    Stefani and Beautiful Disaster...

    Thank you VERY much for the advice, You both make complete sense. I see things much more clearly now! She will continue to get my full support and she IS doing a fantastic job... I can't wait til she comes home! haha

    Today is Day 33. Legs, Back, and Ab Ripper. I really had to fight through it today... Im glad it;s over. Tomorrow is Kenpo and that is really fun! I will say that eventhough I struggled today, Ab Ripper always gets me going... This will be the first 6 pack I will ever have. Cant wait!

    Keep Pushing Play you guys... I believe...

    BTW,,, I don't use bands for any of the workouts. I have 20 lb dumbells and enough free weights to give me 40 lbs for each dumbell. I wish I had a little bit more for some of the rows, but 40 lbs is too much for the rest of the exercises. I was cracking up at myself on Tuesday at the end of the back and bi workout. I couldn't ever curl 15's when it was over... My roommate called me a sissy! haha! :)
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Just checking in :) Today I did Legs, back and ab killer. I am getting better at ab killer and did at least 20 reps for each move :) Yay!