LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st CHALLENGE!!! PART 2



  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone. Well done on the weight loss so far and especially well done to Julie for reaching 50 pounds. I'm at 47 loss since July and I can't wait to get to 50!

    Screen Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 157.8
    8th Jan 2011: 157.2
    15th Jan 2011: 153.6
    22nd Jan 2011: 151
    29th Jan 2011: 151
    5th Feb 2011: 148.2
    12th Feb 2011: 148.4
    19th Feb 2011: 146.4
    26th Feb 2011: 147.6
    5th Mar 2011: 145
    Lost in this challenge: 12.8
    Goal by Jul 1st, 2011: 119 (26 to go)

    Does anyone know if someone is doing a chart for this group?! Thought they were going to be monthly so not sure if I missed it? Would offer to do it for the group but have totally lost track of it!
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    Much better week!! Good luck everyone!

    1/1/11 200
    1/7/11 197.5
    1/15/11 195.5
    1/22/11 196
    1/29/11 197
    2/5/11 194.5
    2/12/11 194
    2/19/11 192
    2/26/11 193 :(
    3/5/11 191.5

    8.5 lbs loss so far; 41.5 left to go.
  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Still here chugging along!! It does seem like we are really mising many that started with us...
    It was nice to be able to put a "0" in for the middle number today!!! I can't remember when the last time I could do that!! :bigsmile:
    I still have 30 more to go for this challenge!!!

    1-1-11 228
    1-8-11 225
    1-15-11 222
    1-22-11 221
    1-29-11 220
    2-5-11 218
    2-12-11 214
    2-19-11 213
    2-26-11 210
    3-5-11 208 <<<TODAY :happy:

    Lost this week.....2 pounds this weekt!!!
    Lost in this challenge....20 pounds
    My goal for July 1st, 2011.......178 pounds!!!
    Pounds left to go in the challenge......30 pounds
    17 more weigh ins to go!!!!

    Thank you "2Young4This" for your congratulations! :flowerforyou: It was a great feeling to hit the big "five-oh" mark...you are sooooo close...hang in there...you too will make it!!! :flowerforyou: It isn't far now...

    I too am missing the tally chart with everyones progress...are we ever going to see it again???? I wonder..... :sad:

    Good luck this week for everyone!!! And CONGRATULATIONS for hanging in there another week!!!! Especially for those of you that really struggled to stay on track....you can do it...just keep on MOVING, watch your portions, and don't forget to drink some extra water!!!!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Hugs to everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I could not read all the post but will try to catch up later on this weekend for sure.

    I gained 2 pounds this week.

    SW 364
    CW 354

    10 pounds lost! 40 pounds to go!

    I know why I gained and I am good with it as long as I know why. It has been a roller coaster ride for me this week, but the plan is to get back on the track. I started getting back on track Thursday and today going to stock up on veggies snacks and pre bag for next week. By next Saturday I plan on being down, down, down. I am going cold turkey on FAST FOODS this month. So far that is going well. I even went to Micky D's last night and got my 2 side salads and nothing else. Came home threw some grilled chicken on it and it was a great dinner. If I can make it through the weekend with my new plan I am good M thru F.

    Congrats to losers!!:flowerforyou: Whooohoooo!!!! :bigsmile:

    Good job maintainers!! You did something right!:bigsmile:

    If you gained like me, that is OK 2. Just work harder this week and the key is not to give up! You can do it!!:drinker: Consistency not perfection!:smile: If we were perfect we would not be here. Next week I am going to be in the loser column. I am tired of gaining. I think this is week 3 for me. I have to make up for lost ground this month. It is early so I have to get with it. You can too! Let's do it. Got to run, off to gym to get a killer workout in!

    Have a good weekend everyone!:bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello everyone. Well done on the weight loss so far and especially well done to Julie for reaching 50 pounds. I'm at 47 loss since July and I can't wait to get to 50!

    Screen Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 157.8
    8th Jan 2011: 157.2
    15th Jan 2011: 153.6
    22nd Jan 2011: 151
    29th Jan 2011: 151
    5th Feb 2011: 148.2
    12th Feb 2011: 148.4
    19th Feb 2011: 146.4
    26th Feb 2011: 147.6
    5th Mar 2011: 145
    Lost in this challenge: 12.8
    Goal by Jul 1st, 2011: 119 (26 to go)

    Does anyone know if someone is doing a chart for this group?! Thought they were going to be monthly so not sure if I missed it? Would offer to do it for the group but have totally lost track of it!

    Not sure on this. We have not seen a chart in over a month. I was wondering the same thing myself. Everyone is sort of MIA. Anyhoos, I just figured I would keep checking in anyways since I committed to the challenge. It is important to me to finish what I start.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    SW: 236
    CW: 218

    18lb lost

    39lbs to go!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Everyone- Checking in with maintaining this week to last.

    I also went back through the last 5 pages or so and created a spreadsheet of who I think is still at least attempting this. If you are still logging in and checking in and I just missed you please let me know and I will add you- also I did my best to put your weekly information, but I had a hard time going back so for some of you it might just be the same weight for multiple weeks in a row. I shouldn't have a problem with keeping this updated and you can use the link I am providing below to take a look. I figured we should at least have something!

    Keep up the great work!!

  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    mkingraham you ROCK!!!!! The spread sheet is AMAZING!!!!! Thank you for all your hard work! I didn't know you could actually do a spread sheet on Google and allow others access to it!!!!!
    THANK YOU!!!!
  • jkc2222
    jkc2222 Posts: 18 Member
    1/1/11 197
    1/8/11 194
    1/15/11 191
    1/22/11 188
    1/29/11 187
    2/5/11 185
    2/12/11 184
    2/19/11 183
    2/26/11 182
    3/5/11 181

    34 to go!

    The weight is coming off really slow but at least I am still going in the right direction. :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 5, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Identify and avoid your trigger foods.

    Do you tell yourself one bite won't hurt? Sometimes one bite is just fine, but sometimes it isn't. You are the only person who can make that determination. The key is to find the balance between deprivation and indulgence. If you take a bite or two, walk away, and don't think about the food again for days, you're probably okay.

    If, however, you have a bite and spend all of your free time thinking about the next bite, it's probably a trigger food that you should consider avoiding. If you don't avoid the trigger foods, one bite leads to another and another. Is it worth it? The new you says, "No, I want to live a full, healthy life. I will not go back to the old pain and suffering. I have a choice today."

    Action for the day: List your trigger foods in your journal. Be brutally honest. Try to avoid your trigger foods just for today.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 6, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Feel your fear and do it anyway.

    Sometimes your perception of how a situation will unfold keeps you from attempting the activity. You imagine how uncomfortable it's going to be and you don't want to take the risk. Yet, sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and accept the invitation to try. Most of the time it's not as bad as you think. You may find you actually have a good time, make a few new friends, and learn some new things. Accepting the challenge enables you to rise to the occasion and profit from the experience.

    Even when the situation does not work out, you have learned something, and you have established a new pattern of risk taking. The new you will not let fear be the only reason for not taking a risk. You are becoming more capable every day, and you are living your life accordingly.

    Action for the day: Think about what holds you back from fully participating in life. Give yourself permission to take the risk to be a part of something exciting today.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hey Everyone- Checking in with maintaining this week to last.

    I also went back through the last 5 pages or so and created a spreadsheet of who I think is still at least attempting this. If you are still logging in and checking in and I just missed you please let me know and I will add you- also I did my best to put your weekly information, but I had a hard time going back so for some of you it might just be the same weight for multiple weeks in a row. I shouldn't have a problem with keeping this updated and you can use the link I am providing below to take a look. I figured we should at least have something!

    Keep up the great work!!


    THANKS mkingraham!!!!:flowerforyou: So nice of you to pick up the torch! Hopefully this will inspire those who have given up or fell off for whatever reasons to keep up the fight!
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Mkingraham! I will try to find my missing weights for you...or just go forward from here. I really appreciate it. Thanks!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i'm checkin in this morn. didn't check in saturday or sunday b/c i did a half marathon (13.1miles) this saturday. i did it in 3hr 34min 17sec.

    check in time!!

    sw: 231.0
    2nd wk: 228.6 -2.4lbs
    3rd wk: 228.8 +0.2lbs
    4th wk: 224.4 -4.4lbs
    5th wk: 222lbs -2.4lbs
    6th wk: 218.8lbs -3.2lbs
    7th wk: 220.6lbs + 1.8lbs
    8th wk: 222.0 +1.4lbs
    9th wk: 218.2 -3.8lbs
    current: 217.6 -0.6lbs :smile:

    36.6lbs to go to reach the 50lbs goal mark of 181. :tongue:
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hey Everyone- Checking in with maintaining this week to last.

    I also went back through the last 5 pages or so and created a spreadsheet of who I think is still at least attempting this. If you are still logging in and checking in and I just missed you please let me know and I will add you- also I did my best to put your weekly information, but I had a hard time going back so for some of you it might just be the same weight for multiple weeks in a row. I shouldn't have a problem with keeping this updated and you can use the link I am providing below to take a look. I figured we should at least have something!

    Keep up the great work!!


    Thank you so much! The table is brilliant! This is great to keep us motivated!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    mkingraham thanks for doing the chart, this is great and helps us to keep motivated and see what we have done. I dont know if maybe I didnt check in the last week or so or what but my current weight should be 197.8.........again thanks for doing this
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    mkingraham I went back through and gathered my weigh ins for you so here they are
    1/8 208
    1/15 207
    1/21 206.5
    1/28 202.5
    2/04 201.1
    2/11 200.2
    2/18 200.6
    2/25 197.8
    3/04 197.8
    thank again for doing this it is a great motivator


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    today I played wii sports with my daughter for 45 mins and then went for a 25 min walk. It was a warm sunny day out, such a beautiful enjoyable day.Hope everyone had a great day today and got their exercise in.......
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    today I played wii sports with my daughter for 45 mins and then went for a 25 min walk. It was a warm sunny day out, such a beautiful enjoyable day.Hope everyone had a great day today and got their exercise in.......

    Good job! I had a wonderful workout also this morning!!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Today Mar 5th I am - - - 238.2
    On Feb 26th, 2011 - - - 241.4
    On Feb 19th, 2011- - - 238.4
    On Feb 12th, 2011 - - -238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 - - - 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 - - - 245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 - - - 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 - - - 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 - - - 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 - - - 253.4

    1st Goal weight 190 lbs

    Looks like the change in my diet worked out well and I was able to come back down. I will have some good eating today and continue the new eating habits Sunday and beyond. Hope all you guys did well this week. Keep up the good work!