LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st CHALLENGE!!! PART 2



  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    I am still here in the CHALLENGE!!!!!!

    1-1-11 228
    1-8-11 225
    1-15-11 222
    1-22-11 221
    1-29-11 220
    2-5-11 218
    2-12-11 214 <<<TODAY

    Lost this week.....4 pounds!!!!
    Lost in this challenge....14 pounds
    My goal for July 1st, 2011.......178 pounds!!!
    Pounds left to go in the challenge......36 pounds

    Good luck this week for everyone!!! And CONGRATULATIONS for hanging in there another week!!!! Especially for those of you that really struggled to stay on track....you can do it...just keep on MOVING!!!!!!!

    Hugs to everyone!!!!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    2 lbs down this week.

    SW: 226
    CW: 216
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    No weight loss this week

    SW: 189.8
    CW: 184.0
    GW: 140
  • 1st Jan: 208lbs
    8th Jan: 204lbs
    15th Jan: 204lbs
    22nd Jan: 202.5lbs
    29th Jan: 204lbs
    5th Feb: 200lbs!!!
    12th Feb: Still 200lbs - come on let me see the 100s!!!!

    Boy th 200's just don't want to let go - been here for 3 years now. Need to get back to the Overweight and normal BMI rather than stuck on Obese :s
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats everyone on shedding those pounds this week! I will not be able to weigh in until tomorrow morning since I was out of town last night and came straight to work from there. I will check back in tomorrow and post my weight. Happy 'early' Valentine's Day everyone!!!!
  • Hey everyone! My weight is still the same, not up not down. 338.8

    Weight at start of challenge-1/1/11 - 344.8
    Weight last week- 2/6/11 - 338.8
    Weight today- 2/12/11 - 338.8
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    well abit dissapointed weigh in 201lbs i have put on a lb :(
  • cvg1973
    cvg1973 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in with this challenge..... Loosing #s very slowly, but at least I am not gaining.....

    Goal----170lbs by June 2011
  • weigh in 213
  • carlamorris
    carlamorris Posts: 29 Member
    212 ! hit my first 10lbs. 40 more to go :happy:

    The last 2 weeks have been hard for me due to having going away dinners almost every other day. i know i have not been doing the best i can:angry: tomorrow brings a new week and i am going to try my best to get this right .
  • Rosebud62
    Rosebud62 Posts: 18 Member
    Hopefully, next week I will reach the 150s.
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    Still at 225... But had been housebound for most of thelast week. Weird going from -15 degrees to 56 degrees in less than a week!!! Getting there...slowly but surely!

    Have a blessed week!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Just popping to say hello! Hope all is well.

    Have a good week and remember below this week!:flowerforyou:

    Daily Inspiration for February 13, 2011

    Appreciate imperfection.

    Some of the most precious gems in the world have flaws that do not diminish their worth. When a diamond is a deep yellow or brown, it is considered more valuable. So, what you might assume is a serious flaw is really a great strength.

    Do you judge yourself by impossible standards? Do you berate yourself for lack of perfection? Your flaws make you unique and precious. Your sensitivity means you are compassionate. Not looking perfect makes you approachable. Surviving pain brings others hope. You are not a worthless rock; you are a precious gem.

    Action for the day: Think of three people you admire. How do their flaws make them unique and precious? What flaws might people appreciate in you?

    © 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    SW - 257
    1/8 - 255.25
    1/15 - 252.5
    1/22 - 252
    1/29 - 250
    2/5 - 249
    2/12 - 244.5

    12.5 lbs lost / 37.5 lbs to go

    BTW, I am having technical issues regarding uploading the new chart. I should have them resolved by the middle of the week.
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 17 Member
    01/01/2011 SW: 236.0
    01/08/2011 CW: 231.2
    01/15/2011 CW: 226.6
    01/22/2011 CW: 222.2
    01/29/2011 CW: 221.6
    02/05/2011 CW: 221.4
    02/12/2011 CW: 217.0 (Down 4.4)

    What a great Valentine's Day surprise! I think I am over this plateau :-)
    Down 19 lbs for this challenge yippie!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    sw: 231.0
    2nd wk: 228.6 -2.4lbs
    3rd wk: 228.8 +0.2lbs
    4th wk: 224.4 -4.4lbs
    5th wk: 222lbs -2.4lbs
    6th wk: 218.8lbs -3.2lbs
    currently: 220.6lbs + 1.8lbs :cry:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    wow, a whole 24hrs since some1 has replied on this topic. :noway: where'd ever1 go? :frown:
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    thanks for making the chart knapowell! :)
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    :sad: well since no1 has posted in a few days i will lol.

    i've been a bit depressed 4 the past few wks. so my weight loss is yo-yoing again :frown: the last few days have been tuff b/c i had a fight with the b/f. i admitted i was wrong but it was an honest mistake. he hasn't spoken 2 me in a few days (plus he's outta town) & so i don't really feel like eatin. :sad:

    plus i hurt my ankle last wk runnin/joggin/walkin 5miles. so i haven't exercised since then :cry:

    so hopefully 2day while i'm on the cycle at the gym my ankle will b a-ok. but that's the only thing that will b 4 now... :frown:

    so at this point i know i won't make my ultimate goal of 160 by july 1st. but hopefully i can lose 40-50lbs by then
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :sad: well since no1 has posted in a few days i will lol.

    i've been a bit depressed 4 the past few wks. so my weight loss is yo-yoing again :frown: the last few days have been tuff b/c i had a fight with the b/f. i admitted i was wrong but it was an honest mistake. he hasn't spoken 2 me in a few days (plus he's outta town) & so i don't really feel like eatin. :sad:

    plus i hurt my ankle last wk runnin/joggin/walkin 5miles. so i haven't exercised since then :cry:

    so hopefully 2day while i'm on the cycle at the gym my ankle will b a-ok. but that's the only thing that will b 4 now... :frown:

    so at this point i know i won't make my ultimate goal of 160 by july 1st. but hopefully i can lose 40-50lbs by then

    Hi Sian,

    Sorry to hear you have been having a bad time. This too shall pass. Please be careful with the jogging.

    Success is never giving up! The important thing is that you lose something. There will probably be many who will not make the 50...so don't feel bad. I know if I don't get 50 and get 30 or 40 I will be very happy. I will be very happy with whatever I lose to be honest with you. It has taken almost a year to loss 40. As long as we are losing overall-- that is the important thing. Slow and steady wins the race. Just do you best and try to lose what you can.

    As I am sure you can see many have dropped off the wagon. That may be for many reasons but I am glad you are still here and active. I hope your ankle gets better. Keep up the good work!
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